Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 78: 76

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Chapter 76: Sister Tea relies on herself to kill the whole alliance (5)

#Original translations on —do not steal.

In the BU team base, the main players are all broadcasting live.


As a former world champion, this year's Spring and Mid-Season (MSI) champion team, it ranks first in the league in commercial value, and every player and even a substitute has a large number of fans concerned, so the income brought by live broadcast every night is also extremely high considerably.


Chen Zeyang is a rookie on the team. He looks quite handsome among LPL players. He has short flaxen hair and a pair of flying peach blossom eyes. He looks romantic and affectionate and has attracted many girls.


As the mid-season MVP, his Weibo followers also broke millions of followers.


Perhaps it was because he was very proud of his love in the game recently. He interacted with fans very frequently on live broadcasts, and occasionally sprinkled a handful of dog food.


"Thank you for the gift from 'God Yang is the most handsome'. Today, I will give you a set of Leopard Girl's Teaching guides. By the way, I will talk about how this version of the jungler will drive the situation..." He glanced at the jungler on the opposite side and looked at the camera. He said with a smile, "It just happened that the other party also grabbed the Leopard Girl. You can watch the 'peak duel' between our two Leopard Girls."


The barrage was looking forward to the beginning:


"Haha, who gave the opponent the courage to take the Leopard Girl in front of the MSI champion jungler?"


"My brother Yang is the real education bureau now - the other side is probably panicking now!"


But after a few seconds, someone finally found out that something was wrong:


"Looks like you bumped into Shi Zhong?"


"You didn't realize that the jungler ID looks familiar?"




"jugkinglin...Isn't this Lin Nan the green tea bitch?"


Chen Zeyang's face also changed. Although it was only for a moment, the extremely complicated expression was immediately captured by netizens.


Real-time post on the forum: [What should I do when I meet my ex-girlfriend in the ranking?]


At first, everyone thought it was a player's life complaint post, but they clicked in and saw, oh good guy, it turned out that Chen Zeyang and Lin Nan collided in the Hanbok ranking, which is very interesting.


The popularity of Chen Zeyang's live broadcast room suddenly soared, and there were many onlookers waiting to see the effect of the show.


Soon, Chen Zeyang stabilized his emotions, quickly locked the jungler Leopard Girl, and pretended to smile casually:


"It's quite a coincidence, don't swipe the screen."


Seeing his words, the house manager quickly blocked a wave of netizens who were madly calling Lin Nan's name.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Fans also defended: "Don't mention that woman in this live broadcast room, go go!"


"Zeyang's expression just now is so distressing, it feels like he has suffered a deep injury to be like this..."


"God Yang, if you are a man, come to the Counterpoint Education Bureau to take revenge!"


Chen Zeyang held down his heart and clicked the mouse a little irritably. He really didn't understand why the woman Lin Nan suddenly resigned and came here to play in the professional circle of men.


When they were together before, they played games together, and he also joked with her: "My wife is so good, just go play gaming with me."


At that time, Lin Nan covered his mouth and smiled: "How about you coax me?"


"No, I am..." Chen Zeyang wanted to refute it, but after thinking about it, he shook his head again.


Also, how could LPL have teams that let women play?


Until recently, everything changed.


In his wild thoughts, the game soon began.


The much-anticipated "Jungle Teaching Bureau" was finally online.


"Pay attention to the vision at the start, don't be reckless." After Chen Zeyang calmed down, he explained some common jungle skills to the audience in the live broadcast room, "Fast third-rate, let's open blue here, and go to Toad and Three Wolf after brushing..."


For a moment, Chen Zeyang, who had never caught the movements of the leopard girl on the opposite side, frowned.


"At this speed, the jungler on the opposite side should not develop as fast as me now."


The voice just fell, and on the screen in front of him, a javelin suddenly flew in the dark field of vision, and it was caught off guard on his hero—


It was the javelin thrown by the opposite Leopard Girl, and the magic damage exploded quickly.


Chen Zeyang quickly operated his fingers on the keyboard, trying to hide with the blood bar that had dropped a bit, but his position was predicted.


The opposite seems to be just right, and at the moment when his punishment runs out, like the king of hunting, he rushes towards him...


The most terrifying thing is that, as Chen Zeyang predicted, the development of the leopard girl from the opposite side is indeed one level behind him.


So, how dare she come up?



"Fuck!" Seeing that the game screen turned black and white for a moment, Chen Zeyang typed on the keyboard irritably, as if he couldn't believe the scene of being single-killed just now. Just playing with hair, this team can't keep people..."


The barrage was silent for a moment.


Then it exploded:


[The second-level leopard female single kills you the third-level, isn't it too embarrassing for my brother? ]

#Original translations on —do not steal.

[Lin Nan is really a thief, she started working while she calculated Yang's skill time, and she is not afraid of death, haha... Bull criticism!]


[Waste, blame the mid-laner, who knew that you, a professional player, would be solo-killed by leapfrog?]


[I heard that the MSI champion jungler is teaching Leopard Girls online. When I saw it, it turned out to be taught by someone. I understand it.]


The housekeeper in the live broadcast room couldn't contain this ridicule. Chen Zeyang gritted his teeth, clenched the mouse fiercely, and threw it fiercely.


At this time, he also felt that he was too lighthearted, that he would be caught by the other party to calculate.


Twenty minutes later.


"You have been slain! [You have been killed]"


"An ally has been slain! [Teammate has been killed]"


"Aced! [group destroy]"


Once again, Chen Zeyang, who had a black-and-white screen, looked at the leopard girl who dominated the arena on the screen. He couldn't help but slam the table hard, and his blue veins burst into the air and he almost couldn't help turning on the scolding mode in the live broadcast room.


He felt like he was being toyed with the opposing jungler's palms the whole game, and that fu*king mid-laner.


Playing a card to support the Leopard Girl? Why is there him everywhere, what about the Nakano conjoined twins?


In the live broadcast room, the onlookers who watched with relish were not only gloating but also gloating.


After all, the e-sports circle only follows one principle: whoever is stronger is justified.


Although it is only a qualifying round, Chen Zeyang can also pass the buck to passers-by teammates for the subsequent defeat, but it is difficult to wash away the single kill in the wild.


This second-level leopard-girl single against the third-level was also made into a highlight video, which quickly spread on forums, post bars, and even Weibo.


"Single Kill in the Wild Area: Beaten by an Ex-Girlfriend!" 》


Bi Ming, who won the MVP with a high score of 14.6 and a record of 16 kills and 0 deaths, also saw Chen Zeyang's request to re-add friends on WeChat.


She snorted softly.


Dogman, I don't know what the f**k is going on in his heart.


On the other side, the irritable Chen Zeyang looked at the messy barrage, obviously knowing that his game tonight was destined to be a joke.


In the next few rounds, he played absent-mindedly, lost several rounds in a row, and dropped 100 percent in one night.


Before the broadcast, he couldn't help but feel angry when he watched the "Disturbed" screen full of sarcasm:


"Yes, yes, are you upset? Who can be comfortable with an ex?"


Barrage:[? ? ? ]


"I mean...she played very well," Chen Zeyang changed his words as if realizing that he had made a mistake, "But because of some things in the past, I can't play calmly tonight."


[Brother, if you can't speak, you don't need to say [smile]]


[What's the meaning? Is it explaining why Lin Nan was a single-killer tonight?]


[If you lose, you lose, so don’t make up for it, okay?]


This stubborn remark was edited into a paragraph again and sent to the alphabet station, and the daily jokes in the competition circle were added one by one.


At the same time, most of the people who scolded Bi Ming by asking him to beat her before also secretly deleted their previous comments. No one wants to be slapped in the face, especially Chen Zeyang's fans, who are angry that the person they like is not living up to their expectations. Instead was hanged and beaten, and that he is stubborn in the live broadcast, and some even step back:


"A trash that can't even beat a woman!"


"My mother is upset, there are 6 heads of you in the 16 kills, your wild area has been rotten by others, and you are stubborn? I really misread you!"

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Chen Zeyang's current girlfriend, Mu Yu, saw that the Internet began to ridicule her boyfriend because of a qualifying match, and couldn't help but post on Weibo:


"There will always be times when the state is good or bad in qualifying, so why bother? What's more, isn't it a champion to measure the level of a player? When did it become a ranking? In this way, the Korean server is now, who is the world's number one mid-laner, right?"


This sentence also gave a lot of deflated fans suddenly emboldened.


Yes, this is not an official competition. Lin Nan, can she also win a championship if she has the ability?


And it has to be a champion with a higher gold content than MSI - then there is only the World Championship.


Everyone couldn't continue to ridicule, because as soon as they said it, Chen Zeyang's fans emphasized:

#Original translations on —do not steal.

"Can the qualifying be the same as the official competition? Let's take a look at the summer split. I don't believe that the PG team can beat our BU with one more Lin Nan."


It can only be said that fans follow the master, and their mouths are very hard.




The dust settled during the transfer period, and each major team began to take uniform photos.


This is the norm every season.


The color of PG's team uniform is white, which is refreshing and concise and can bring out the appearance of the players to the greatest extent.


In the studio, two or three teams were all arranged to shoot at the same time period.


And PG has undoubtedly become the focus of discussion among other teams.


"Hey, is this really Lin Nan who interviewed us last season?" The little assistant of the MLG team next door bumped the AD beside him, "She's too—too handsome!"


"Oh, no," AD next to him sighed, "I didn't even dare to look at her just now, I felt like I couldn't hold my breath!"


They are all young and restless big boys. They are surrounded by big men on weekdays. This is the first time they have encountered a female player wearing a competition uniform.


In front of the camera, she was wearing a white spacious coat, her fingers were against her chin, and she looked at the camera arrogantly and indifferently, as if she had an eye-catching magic.


The photographer seems to particularly prefer the androgynous style in front of her. When people see her at first glance, they seem to feel the natural sexual attraction. Both men and women, they will be fascinated by the elegant, long and graceful body arc.


On the shooting day of the LPL official blog, a set of makeup tidbits were released.


Among them, the forwarding volume of the PG team was almost the same.


Needless to say, the female fans who originally came to see the handsome guy, the craziest ones were the huge crowd of passers-by who came to watch the female player.


The official staff was very scheming to hide the behind-the-scenes photos of Bi Ming at the back of other teammates.


It was a very atmospheric photo.


In the dressing room, "she" in a white team uniform rested her hands lazily on the edge of the table, loosened her shoulders, and glanced at the camera casually.


Black fluffy short hair, deep eyebrows, and attractive red lips, as if the night demon was silently seducing.


The wide uniform can't cover the ups and downs of her curves, with a narrow waist and long legs, and a golden ratio, which turns an originally serious posture into a blush and a surge of adrenalin.


But there is a sharp sense of aggression between the eyebrows and eyes, which makes people dare not make mistakes.


The beauty of the contradiction between charming and indifference makes people who see this photo can't help but subconsciously click the save button.


At least under this tidbit on Weibo, the chicken coop can no longer hold a group of screaming girls.


[I announce that the last one is my husband! !]


[I can, I really can, is it Sister Lin Nan? After she has cut her hair, my legs have turned soft!]


[I swear I came to see the twins, but I was teased to death by the 10th pic, can I have more [hands folded]]


[I want to **** her...or be **** by her...]


And soon after, as the photo spread, the players on the forum also acted:


[A group of Lin Nan fans, go ahead [link]]


[When will the live broadcast start, don't talk nonsense with PG, I have all the money, just waiting for the fan card]


[Weibo e-sports popularity vote has been added with Sister Nan's name in advance, brothers and sisters!]


[A group of beasts, moving so fast, can't you wait for the official group to open?]


[Woc, this group is full. As for licking like her, aren't you here for the men?]


[↑How do you know the group is full?]


The crowd was enthusiastic, and PG no longer held back, and finally officially announced at night:


"We are pleased to announce that the former League of Legends e-sports host Lin Nan (ID: Lin) has reached an agreement with the PG club to officially join the PG family League of Legends branch as a jungler."


The comments below were screaming for the official link to the fan group and more photos.


PG very implicitly put a photo of Bi Ming's white T-jeans on the day she came to the club, standing in front of the club's capsule door smiling, and said:

#Original translations on —do not steal.

"If you forward this Weibo and call Miss Lin Nan, you will have a chance to get more autographed photos."


And the attention of the masses was focused on the thin waist of the woman in the photo, as well as the long legs wrapped in jeans.


[I can't stand it anymore, help... ]


[I'm so angry, can the players really concentrate on the game like this? [cries] Anyway, I can't do it. I don't want to play games for a second when I'm with my sister!]


[Shi Zhong, the heterosexual insulator should be fine, and Brother Bei is naive and a straight man should be more mature, but I'm really worried about the two little ones... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...]


Some fans were still very possessive, and it was normal to have such vague concerns.


There is no good way for the club to stop them from thinking about it because human emotions are the most difficult to control.


For example, at this time, the training game was won again with a good wind, and the twins with five kills were also harvested in the bottom road, and they tweeted:


PG, Michael: [Sunshine]" This is Meng Dongliu, who is very happy with the new collaboration."


PG, Lucifer: [Cool]" This is Meng Xishang, who is very cool with five kills in the next field with a two-five-five score"


Coinciding with the club's official announcement of the new jungler, fans almost broke their hearts:


"Cub, don't fall in love before you don't have a champion."


"Baby, grades are the most important, you and your brother must be careful!"


But the twins grew up in another cultural environment, and they couldn't understand what love had to do with playing games.


After all, in the North American division, most professional players have girlfriends.


"Little Beizi, show me, why did they suddenly persuade me and my brother not to fall in love?" Meng Dongliu's bright eyes revealed great confusion as he looked at Li Dingbei, the most honest man on the team.


The tall man who had just finished exercising and had taken a bath was stunned for a moment: "It's alright, just ignore it. This is not a tight circle, they can talk about it if they want."


Meng Dongliu shook his head: "I'm not asking this, I'm just curious what they are thinking?"


Li Dingbei considered how to express it: "It should be because the new jungler in our team is too..."


"What?" A voice came from behind him.


"It's too dangerous." Li Dingbei said subconsciously, and then his back suddenly stiffened.


It looks like - her?


Bi Ming looked at the man standing in front of her, his broad and powerful back and wet head were full of the power of male hormones.


She raised her hand and poked his arm lightly, motioning him to make way: "Dangerous? What kind of dangerous?"


Li Dingbei took a deep breath, gave half of his body to let her pass, and said nothing the whole time.


When Bi Ming walked over, he glanced at him with a smile: "It turns out that our top orders like to judge others behind their backs."


Li Dingbei looked at the sky and the earth, but he didn't dare to meet her eyes, as if he was avoiding some beast.


This is similar to his performance in scrims, where Ueno's interactions are very stiff.


After the people walked over, the tall man who had been silent for a long time in the aisle finally spoke up:


"Dongliu, do you feel it?"


Meng Dongliu's eyes were glued to the woman's back, and her smile just now echoed in his mind.




She is synonymous with bad, dangerous, and untamed.


But for men, the more dangerous the thing is, the more attractive it is.

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