Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 77: 75

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Chapter 75: Sister Tea relies on herself to kill the whole alliance (4)

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Late at night, the club's official blog posted a hand-drawn clock-shaped picture.


"East, West, North, and South" are marked on the clock, and the hour hand in the middle points due south.


It was followed by a text: [In the new season, let's set sail together.]


This Weibo was quickly moved to the forum, and the analysis of netizens was very accurate:


"It's a pocket watch-shaped compass, implying that the new jungler on the team has 'Nan' in the name."


"Damn it, so everyone guessed it right? It's Lin Nan, the green tea girl?"


Combining the speculations of the past few days, PG fans finally broke the defense in the middle of the night.


"Hahaha, how much do you want traffic by letting this type of woman get along with so many players? It's not cheap @PG E-sports club"


"My love of time, my twin star, my north brother woo woo... I can't accept a girl as their teammate, who can even eat and live together..."


"The most important thing is that Lin Nan is teasing and promiscuous. I'm afraid she will affect the state of everyone in the team-"


"Go to **** with PG! We reward you with so much money every time, we didn't ask you to find women for them!"


Before the mid-season game, Lin Nan had already been exposed to negative public opinion, saying that the rumors that she had been in close contact with many boys during college were rampant, and they have not been cleaned up so far.


Because fans have double standards, it is easier for men to believe that a female host is arrogant than to let them accept the MVP jungler and shirk their responsibilities. For women, the person they support is the best, and he has complaints about his ex-girlfriend, that must be the pot of the ex-girlfriend.


Before Bi Ming came to this body, Lin Nan also explained on the live broadcast that he and the boys from the university just met by chance, and they only got together because of club activities or hosting needs.


It's a pity that the words she said without fans were too weak, and Chen Zeyang's fans even slapped her, feeling that her feigning grievances confirmed her green tea essence.


"Don't talk about it. I know why Brother Yang broke up with you."


"Lin Nan is a girl who dislikes the poor and loves the rich. She is so unwilling that she keeps rubbing it all the time. I guess she must have seen that Yang is popular, so she trapped him."


In the original work, the lies are noisy, the truth is buried, and the original owner's voice is too weak. Under the impact of the huge multi-party fans, she can only retreat in the end, return to the old line of simultaneous interpretation, and bid farewell to the stage completely.


The reason why Bi Ming chooses to embark on a new career path now is not a spur of the moment, but a choice after careful consideration.


In this circle, when the grades are good, people would be praised to the sky, and when the grades are bad, the ashes of the players will be scolded.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

As long as there is a champion, then money, popularity, and traffic will continue to flow.


If she really wants to clean up the ex-boyfriend matter, she has to break the fate of his life and the championship.


As for choosing a jungler position, it was also out of Bi Ming's bad taste.


The jungler is a vital rhythm generator for any team and can control the heart of the situation.


The most important thing is to be able to PK with your ex-boyfriend, how interesting.


But in the eyes of PG fans at present, this news makes them worry about the explosion.


In the super talk, they can still hold back from making too violent words, but in the PG special post of the green forum, the fans really can't help but want to breathe out the fragrance.


"PG wants to go to heaven?"


"Is this 'male model team' not sure about its position? Can't you take into account the mood of so many female fans?"


"Hehe, they are going to lose many fans after the official announcement of Lin Nan. I'm really disgusted by this broken marketing team."


But there are also some rational ones: "If it's Lin Nan, I'm actually looking forward to it. She at least proves that female players can also stand in the highest arena. I don't think you need to worry too much. They killed MLG in training games. The level, PG dares to sign must have been evaluated."


"Upstairs, regardless of Lin Nan's black history, she is 21 years old, and the other teams are all 17- and 18-year-old newcomers..."


"I started to play at the age of seventeen, so I can only stay in the second team. Lin Nan wants to play in the LPL. I think twenty-one is just right."


"Fan calm down, she has already been signed. Maybe she is having dinner with your brothers. If you want me to scold you, wait until the summer game."


"Yeah, this is the first female player that the LPL has been waiting for for so many years. As long as she doesn't cheat, I may become a fan."


"Although I'm not happy, I have to say that Lin Nan's skills are already very strong, right? If you are like her, you might have the opportunity to join the professional team and play with your favorite players."


The wind direction of public opinion in the competition circle is like the grass on the wall, and it will fall wherever the wind blows.


PG is guided by a professional team in terms of public opinion and public relations. After discovering that the fans were very emotional, they specially asked the e-sports official account they have cooperated with to release a few pictures of the record of the training game.


In the data in the picture, you can clearly see the terrifying record of the jungler, as well as the bonus effect on the team.


[According to the editor's understanding, this unknown jungler is the one with the most perfect data and performance among all the players in PG's trial training during this transfer period. It is whether PG will let her start... Let's wait and see.]


The official account does not dare to directly say that this is Lin Nan. After all, the transfer period has not ended, and the team cannot officially announce the player.


But the implication is obvious, and fans are relieved a lot after seeing the record chart.


After all, a vase female player bought for internet traffic is different from a female player who has real strength and can play games.


Male players on the game forum once discussed, what would happen if LPL had female players.


A popular comment at the time:


"If it weren't for the fact that female players were not up to the LPL level, who would want to watch a group of men play?"


They were even jealous that there are female players in the leagues in remote areas, calling the rare foreign female players "wife". But in the two most powerful regions - LPL (China) and LCK (Korea) there has never been a woman who can actually play in the game with extraordinary strength.


Therefore, Lin Nan may become the news of PG's jungler in the new season, and even if it has not been confirmed, it has already shown a trend of dominating the screen.


Regardless of her impression, in the forum poll of "Do you accept Lin Nan's participation in the LPL game", 99% of the people chose "yes".


Even the most scolding PG female fans couldn't help but calm down when they saw the record.


What if Lin Nan can really change the team's weak jungler situation?


And all the clubs are watching the magic operation of PG, and even many players can't help but reveal a little expectation when they broadcast live.


"The team you want to meet the most in the summer split? Why do you ask, of course, it's PG."


Manager Guo Xiong also discussed the future training plan with the coach. There is no doubt that Bi Ming must adapt to the rhythm of the game as quickly as possible.


Because the current PG has been firmly stared at by countless pairs of eyes, no matter winning or losing, it will usher in the biggest internet traffic impact.




The next day, the PG team played four more training games in the afternoon, killing every game.


In the forum, rumors began to spread about the invincibility of the PG scrims.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

On the PG base side, the coaching staff found a small problem when reviewing the game.


"Lin Nan, you are not playing a passerby game now. Please cooperate with your teammates."


As a jungler with a more "independent" style, Bi Ming often encountered pit teammates when she scores, so she is too used to the operation of a solo show, but the professional arena is different, and the team is very closely connected.


Shi Zhong can also feel that it is significantly different from last season. The jungler has strengthened his support a lot, and the jungle area is no longer allowed to be ravaged by the opponent. However, when Bi Ming invaded the opponent, she rarely sent a signal to them to help.


So at night, sitting in the gaming chair, he said:


"Lin Nan, wait a minute."


"Huh?" The woman was beside him, wearing a loose black coat, leaning lazily on the back of the chair, and glanced at him, "What's the matter, captain?"


When Shi Zhong heard her long-tail voice, it was slightly hoarse, which made the listener easily feel the itch of being bitten by insects and ants.

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"Just call me by my name." He tapped the mouse, staring intently at the computer screen that was just turned on, "Do you want to rank together?"


Ranking, commonly known as rank, is like a student who has to do homework after class. For a professional player, the number of rank rankings every night can show his professional attitude.


"Okay." Bi Ming did not refuse but smiled and admired the graceful profile of the man beside her, his elegant and calm style like an ink painting, with black hair falling around his neck, like white jade dipped in ink.


After Shi Zhong felt something, he finally turned his head to meet her bright eyes.


Like a butterfly, it suddenly fell into the light and lost its direction.


At this moment, he was a little hypoxic, and his brain went blank.


Until a moment later, she lightly blinked her eyelids and woke him up:


"You know what? The day I came, I wanted to rank with the champion mid-laner."


"Hmm..." Shi Zhong calmed down and avoided her smiling eyes a little hastily.


However, the previous picture echoed repeatedly in his head—


The woman's eyelashes fluttered up and down, and the curled ends looked like tiny hooks as if pulling people into her world little by little.


Does she usually look like this... looking at other people?


It has been more than five years since Shi Zhong started playing e-sports, and he has never focused on anything other than League of Legends and has never had a girlfriend, so it was difficult for him to deal with his delicate state at this time.


He was interviewed by Lin Nan before, but at that time, he was sure that he didn't feel it at all.


What exactly changed the atmosphere between him and her?


When he opened the game login terminal, Shi Zhong was still a little absent-minded. At this time, the induction door of the training room opened, and the strong aroma of fried food wafted out.


"Little Zhong, come to eat!" It was Meng Dongliu's cheerful voice.


Accompanied by Bi Ming's short chuckle, Shi Zhong's face was a little unnatural, and he turned back and gave the angel's face and devil's heart-hearted assistant an eye knife:


"What's your name eunuch?"


"Hey, this is what you said-" Meng Dongliu raised the corner of his lips, throwing a box of beef burgers in Zhong's arms, and then his eyes couldn't help falling on Bi Ming who was playing the game, "Miss Diligent, why did you start ranking so early?"


Bi Ming's finger tapped on the mouse, confirming the invitation from Shi Zhong.


"I heard from the manager that everyone is allocated to do this." She didn't look back.


The teenager squinted, leaned slightly, put his arms on the back of the woman's chair, and seemed to be looking at her:


"Are you lining up with Brother Zhong?"




"Kick Brother Zhong, how about changing it to me, Ye Fu's linkage also needs to be practiced..." His voice rose quietly, with a bit of naughty taste, "And I'm super easy to play with."


Bi Ming was almost amused by him, this kid is really good at acting.


Shi Zhong looked at Meng Dongliu's coquettish posture behind Bi Ming, and shook his head: "Meng Dongliu, let's get your rank score first."


The teenager whose score was only over 200 points and was often lazy was suddenly choked.


Indeed, it seems that he can't rank with Bi Ming at all now.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Meng Xishang, who had already returned to his seat by himself, sneered: "Idiot."


Bi Ming turned her head, and the young man who happened to be holding a bucket of family portrait chicken wings blushed, and seemed to emphasize awkwardly:


"I will be a master soon, and in two days, I will be able to rank."


"Then you… come that time." Bi Ming shrugged at him to express regret, and it happened that the neckline also opened with her movements, revealing a black lace tube top.


The young man's eyes accidentally hit the hook flower lace, his blood rushed to his brain, he took a deep breath subconsciously and looked away.


"I, I... I'm going to play qualifying, Meng Xishang, come and help your father!"


"Huh?" Really ADC Meng Xishang handed his brother a contemptuous look, "I am your AD, who will help whom?"


Meng Dongliu ignored him, staring at the computer screen that had not been turned on, his throat moved slightly, and his fingers holding the carton of the family bucket became even harder.


No, he's not an innocent guy.


Obviously, I have seen countless girls in more revealing clothes in the United States, but...


A thin layer of lace on the snow-colored bulge seems to cover but not cover—


Isn't this too foul?


Can't think about it anymore, ahem, go to the rankings.


Not knowing that she poked someone's G-spot, Bi Ming was unknowingly slumped on the chair, her long legs crossed, and she entered the game wearing cat earphones.


In the next second, there was a sudden "hiss".


Shi Zhong's slender fingers on the keyboard paused slightly, then turned to look at her:


"What's wrong?"


The woman sat up slightly, her jaw pursed in a sharp arc.


"I met an acquaintance, the kind I hate."


Shi Zhong didn't speak, just glanced at the ID of the jungler opposite.


"Rainlove" (rain love).


This ID is not unfamiliar. This ID was mentioned when he heard Meng Dongliu and the others jokingly say before: "Chen Zeyang, the jungler in BU, really knows how to play. You know his Hanbok ID is used to show affection."


If he remembers correctly, Chen Zeyang... is her ex?


"Lin Nan," Shi Zhong suddenly called out her name when picking a hero, turned his head, and looked at her again, "Do you want to play more comfortably?"




Shi Zhong has a pair of very beautiful eyes. When he is not smiling, he is like a deep pool covered with thin ice. Once he smiles slightly, it is like a cracked lake, with layers of light water shadows spreading across his eyes.


"Choose your favorite jungler." His voice was calm as if he was just mentioning it casually, "I will support you."


Bi Ming was stunned for a moment, then laughed:


"No, just play normally."


She doesn't want to let the mid-laner be her dog in this version.


not to mention-


"I will abuse him, and I don't need anyone else to do it."


The silver metal and incandescent lamps illuminated the entire training room.


The understated pride in her brows and eyes, like the frosted red plum, silently bloomed.


After a long time, when Shi Zhong regained his senses, he moved his fingers slightly, only to realize that he almost pressed the wrong summoner skill.



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