Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 80: 78

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Chapter 78: Sister Tea relies on herself to kill the whole alliance (7)

#Original translations on —do not steal.

In BU's base, Chen Zeyang sat on the sofa and swiped his phone.


A certain forum posted a post-match hot post:


"PG2-0WOW, the aggression is unpredictable, the suppression of the wild area drives the audience"


The voices of the teammates were also heard in my ears:


"Fuck, PG really won tonight!"


"The operation of this prince's EQ flying is so smooth, if it weren't for the live broadcast of the game, I wouldn't believe it was a woman who could play it!"


"Shh, keep your voice down, don't mention her... Zeyang is still there..."


"OK, OK."


The teammates looked at each other tacitly, looked at Chen Zeyang who was silent on the other side and lowered their voices.


"Is he alright? He didn't speak this afternoon."


The big brother in the team was Shi Zhong's former teammate, world champion AD Woody, sneered:


"It's normal, we're going to play against PG next week, and that kid is suffocating."


"I understand," the assistant sighed, "Just like when we played with Shi Zhong, after all, we were acquaintances, and we became opponents in an instant."


Woody shook his head: "Not only that, his relationship with Lin Nan... is more troublesome."


If it is said that before the mid-season game, public opinion was one-sided in favor of Chen Zeyang, then the trend has begun to change recently.


The PG team and LPL officials attach great importance to Bi Ming. The first female player with the strength to play professional games represents huge market interests. They will not allow negative news on Bi Ming.


Therefore, the so-called "Foot on N boats" rumors of promiscuity was soon officially clarified.


"Opening a room with multiple boys at the same time during college? Fake, this photo is a group photo of a club party, there are other girls in the room, and some alumni provide other photos at that time to testify."


"The chat records flirting with different men? Fake, those WeChat chat screenshots are the pictures of Tieba netizens, spreading rumors with rumors."


This clarification was different from the previous live broadcast explanation of Lin Nan's solo fight. There is an official endorsement, and the public's attention and goodwill towards Bi Ming are very high, so it was quickly accepted.


And many people also complained for Bi Ming: "Sister is too miserable. She was slandered so much that she had to resign. Don't let those rumormongers get into the game. Okay?"


Fans of the BU team who had scolded Bi Ming before pretended to be dead, and some even went to Bi Ming's Weibo to apologize.


Chen Zeyang's Weifan scolded the most fiercely, and now they don't dare to say a word.


But things are not over yet. In the e-sports team of the Green Forum, a new fan of Bi Ming began to pick up Chen Zeyang's old bottom:


"Is there anyone like me who went back and checked the timeline of Yang and Mu Yu's acquaintance? It's really subtle—"


The comment area was quickly occupied:


"Is there a gossip?"


"Sit and wait."


"This is the owner. Because I really liked Goddess Lin Nan after watching the game today, I went to the archaeology of Weibo during the time of the hostess of the goddess, and found some very interesting things-"


"Last year, Yang won the best rookie jungler in LDL and was dug into the first team by BU. At that time, he and the goddess did not break up, because the goddess specially posted a photo to celebrate him on Weibo at that time [with photos] "


"The time to break up should be during the spring game this year. The goddess was rumored in March, and the forum was full of scolding, so she quickly broke up with Yang."


"Pay attention, what was Yang doing at this time? You might think he was preparing for the game seriously. No, he was leading his sister Mu."


Friends of the e-sports team: "Are you kidding?"


"Impossible, there were so many training matches in BU at that time, how could Chen Zeyang have time to flirt with girls?"

#Original translations on —do not steal.

The landlord's hand was very fast, and he typed a series of words:


"During the period from March to April, Mu Yu often played double-row high-end matches with an unknown national service trumpet. Guess what this trumpet is called? I went to Zhangmeng to check and found a surprise [with photos]"


In the picture, the account ranked with the Muyu ID is called "Listening to the Rain's Voice".


Some people who wanted gossip reacted instantly: "Ri, isn't the ID of this double-row object the lyrics of "Rain Love"?"


The landlord continued to type: "Yes, it is known that Yang's Korean server name is Rainlove, and the trumpet name of the national server is Tingyu's voice, and the double-row time is concentrated in the middle of the night. During that time, the players were just doing scrims, so it's obvious, right?"


"Haha, that is to say, when his ex-girlfriend was attacked by the Internet, Yang was swimming in the canyon with his current girlfriend every night?"


"I go…"


"I remember that Chen Zeyang and Lin Nan broke up after winning the Spring Split. Everyone was still distressed that he was greened, dare he green others?"


"This shit**** should have been hanging out with the female anchor long ago. Seeing that Sister Nan was scolded for breaking up with the situation, he also gained sympathy from the entire network, right?"


There are many female fans in the e-sports group, and they are very delicate, and they quickly found the key point.


"To sum up, Chen Zeyang cheated first, then dumped the blame, and seamlessly connected with his new love after breaking up. There is no doubt that the scumbag is a scumbag."


As a handsome rookie who is in the LPL giants team, and won the spring championship and MSI championship in his debut, Chen Zeyang is the most promising talent rookie to take over the domestic jungle flag.


The BU team itself was also marketing in this area. After all, they had lost Shi Zhong, a big traffic player, and naturally, they wanted to create a new god.


Therefore, the public opinion that Lin Nan bears turned so ugly, and the capital behind the Chen Zeyang team was indispensable.


After all, in their eyes, e-sports players are much more valuable commodities than e-sports hosts.


But the arrival of Bi Ming has subverted the balance of public opinion.


She added a weight called "E-sports player" to "Lin Nan".


Thus, the truth was no longer buried, and justice finally arrived.


As the posts on the green forum gradually fermented, the "love fairy tale" of Chen Zeyang and Mu Yu was like rotten flesh that had its skin peeled off, and the rotten side was finally exposed, triggering a new earthquake in the competition circle.

The night after the game was very lively, and no one was idle.


The competition circle was busy gossiping and the players gathered around to eat—


After all, this is the first win of the season, and the manager is also willing to give the players a small reward and have a big meal outside.


On the long square table, the hot pot was steaming "gudonggudong", and all kinds of meat and seafood were piled on the table.


Due to a large number of people, when everyone sits around, there is a mandarin duck pot for four people, which basically takes care of everyone's taste.


The manager and the team leader and two small substitutes had a lively chat.


The three coaching staff plus Li Dingbei ate meat.


Bi Ming, who was beside Li Dingbei, was fighting with Shi Zhong and the twins.


She seems to have a special preference for red pot, and she threw it to the side of the mandarin duck pot when she was picking dishes.


Li Dingbei, who was looking at his nose and heart and determined not to look aside, was silently cooking.


As a straight man of steel, he couldn't understand why in a place with such a strong aroma of food, the tip of his nose could still smell the mint aroma wafting from his side.


Fresh and cold, it silently drilled into his nose, just like herself, always showing a strong sense of existence.


He began to think wildly, and inexplicably returned to the second state of the game in his mind.


His Ornn struggled in the top lane, and her Spider Queen came over for the second-level catch.


At that time, she whispered to him in the team voice: "Dingbei, keep it for me."


He didn't have any extra thought and did what she ordered naturally, even though he had already been drained of half of his blood.


Afterwards, the spider with its teeth and claws descended from the sky from the darkness and neatly cooperated with his skills to kill the opponent's top order within three seconds.


He breathed a sigh of relief, feeling extremely relieved.


"Okay, will it be more comfortable to laning next?" In the team's voice, her voice also had a slight smile.


At this moment, it was difficult for Li Dingbei to describe his feelings—


In fact, in the team, he played the role of a loner most of the time, and people could only watch him silently bear the pressure.


They all say "On the Orphan Road", compared to the midfielder who can be linked at any time, the top laner often has to fight alone.


Last season, the rookie jungler was immature, and he repeatedly gave opportunities to the opponent in the jungle area. Li Dingbei was facing the situation of two-on-one and three-pack-one in almost every game and struggled to support.


Today, he clearly felt the feedback from the jungler on the field:


[I will help you, don't worry.]


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It feels better than ever.


The more he thought about it, the softer his expression became, and he even began to reflect on whether his attitude towards Bi Ming was too raw.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Even if she looks dangerous and charming, but... as long as he stabilizes his mind, they can still get along as friends, right?


So he finally turned his eyes and glanced at Bi Ming.


The woman was eating the slippery shrimp that had just been fished out of the hot pot, her eyes were gleaming, and her red lips were three-pointer than usual.


The soft white dumplings, the red lips, the sag when biting down... The lively and fragrant scenery makes people unable to take their eyes off of any food.


Li Dingbei didn't know how long he watched.


When he came back to his senses, he heard Meng Dongliu on the opposite side fanning the wind with his hands, while turning his head and shouting:


"The waiter, come here, it's too hot here, can you lower the temperature for us?"


Only then did the man feel that his back seemed to have been soaked in sweat and was too stiff.


"It's quite hot..." Li Dingbei subconsciously agreed, as if explaining his abnormality.


Bi Ming smoothed out the shrimp, and finally raised her eyes in doubt: "Is it possible? I think it's alright."


"Don't pay attention to them." Shi Zhong also sweated on his forehead, and his black eyes were as deep as mist.


They are all men, and they know each other's status very well.


But there are some things that absolutely cannot be said.


Soon, the waiter entered the box and said embarrassingly: "Sir, I'm sorry, the air conditioner in the room is already at the lowest temperature."


Meng Dongliu pursed his lips and forced a smile towards the waiter: "Okay, thank you."


The waiter is a young lady, and her attitude towards the polite and handsome guy is still very gentle: "It's okay, is there anything else I can help you with?"


"Yes, get me a few bottles of ice Coke," Meng Xishang, who looked indifferent, also turned around and said, "If you don't have it, cold beer will do."


The young lady frowned: "How many bottles do you need?"


"Big Bear, do you want Coke?" Meng Dongliu shouted in the direction of the manager.


Manager Guo Xiong nodded frantically, eating hot pot without drinks was unbearable.


"Then everyone will take it."


"Okay, there are 12 bottles in total, right?" The waiter began to count the number of people in the box, his eyes skipped the crowd, and she thought to himself: There are so many handsome guys here.


"Wait a minute, replace my Coke with coconut water," Bi Ming looked in the direction of the waiter and smiled at her, "I'm sorry."


The waitress turned her gaze and suddenly seemed to fall into stillness.




"?" Bi Ming looked at the other party's increasingly hot eyes and tilted her head helplessly.


"Ah, huh, sorry!" The waitress took a deep breath, and finally came back to her senses, "I'm going to get it now, right?"


Bi Ming nodded lightly, then looked at the waiter who had a dreamy expression and turned away with vain steps.


The men who witnessed the whole process of the waiter's fall looked back at her with some complexity.


Under the light, the woman's face was jade-like, her eyebrows were picturesque, and a few strands of black hair stuck to her slightly wet cheeks, which she casually pushed behind her ears.


"Hurry up, the meat is cooked."


Innocent gesture, and the hormones she naturally emitted, the combination was simply a murder weapon.


"Yes, yes, why are you in a daze." Meng Dongliu showed his cute little tiger teeth and spoke first, "Hey, brother, I'll clip it for you."


With that said, "calmly", he fished out a handful of tender beef and gave it to Meng Xishang.


When Shi Zhong watched their actions, he always felt that he had forgotten something.


But at this time, Bi Ming just picked up a plate of duck intestines and handed it to him: "You are near the bottom of the clear soup pot, help me burn this, thank you."


"It is good."


"Can you scald duck intestines?" Bi Ming was a little worried.


"One minute or two minutes?" Shi Zhong really didn't know.


Bi Ming laughed dumbly: "No, it doesn't take that long to get it done."


The next second, she stood up, picked up the spoon, and raised her eyebrows at him: "Sit over, I'll show you a demonstration."


Shi Zhong "cleverly" stepped aside.


She put two pieces of duck intestines into a spoon and immersed it in the hot pot with clear soup. She shook her wrists up and down, and her voice was as soft as if she was stroking her lover:


"Hold the handle of the spoon and let it fully soak in the boiling soup. Have you heard of 'seven up and eight down'? Just move like this, don't move too much, and count fifteen seconds in your heart..."


She stared intently at the soup pot, her upper body bent down slightly, and the neckline of her loose coat hung down, revealing the snow-white collarbone and silver necklace inside.


The fine blue diamonds under the chain swayed gently with her movements as if to dazzle people's eyes.


Shi Zhong's fingers moved and slowly curled into fists.


"Do you understand?" She was still teaching him.


"Yeah." He replied solemnly.


Ups and downs—is it the ups and downs that even the heart goes up and down like this?


The twins directly opposite were also watching Bi Ming quietly holding their breath.


Meng Xishang unconsciously took the beef from the bowl and put it in his mouth, but the next second he let out a muffled groan:




It's actually spicy!

#Original translations on —do not steal.

The usually stern boy covered his mouth, his face flushed, and he wanted to slaughter his younger brother who gave him meat: "Meng Dongliu—"


Meng Dongliu looked back at his brother's embarrassed stare and shrugged a little embarrassedly.


"Ah, sorry."


He was absent-minded just now, completely forgetting that Mengxi couldn't eat spicy food yet.


But his brother is also an idiot, right?


Can he not see such a spicy red oil?


At this time, Bi Ming picked up the duck intestines and glanced at them.


What's up with these two guys?


One dares to clip, the other dares to eat, are they not afraid of accidents?


On the other side, Shi Zhong, who took the plate and began to cook the duck intestines seriously: I always felt like I forgot to order something.


As if to remind someone...


Forget it, it doesn't matter anyway.


All he had left in his mind was the swaying fine diamonds, blue like a deep sea, rippling in the most beautiful arcs.


For a moment, Bi Ming held her cheeks and put the hot and tender duck intestines into her mouth, squinting her eyes comfortably.


There was a little dark sweet sauce on the corners of her lips.


Li Dingbei watched her open her mouth, stretched out the tip of her rosy tongue, and licked the bit of sauce away.


The posture of flowing clouds and flowing water is lazy and natural, and there is no sense of shyness, but it is more tempting than deliberate.


His Adam's apple moved slightly, and his body had subconsciously put the tissue box towards her hand.


"Thank you." She glanced at him lightly.


"It's okay." Li Dingbei shook his head.


Nothing to think about, she's a great teammate.


Their team cooperation was very pleasant, and their cooperation was also very tacit.


So he takes care of her with two more points... isn't it normal?

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