Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 81: 79

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Chapter 79: Sister Tea relies on herself to kill the whole alliance (8)


On a rest day, in a hotel in Shanghai Stock Exchange.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Under the bright yellow light, the boy lying on the soft pillow frowned, as if he was full of worries.


"Zeyang...don't do this." Mu Yu walked to the bedside, sat down, and touched his forehead, "I'll be worried if you don't speak for a while."


Chen Zeyang waved her hand away in dismay: "Let me be quiet."


Mu Yu's face turned pale, and she bit her lip.


With the continuous digging of netizens, all the double-row records of Mu Yu and Chen Zeyang have been made into a detailed timetable, and the time of Chen Zeyang's derailment was analyzed little by little.


They even turned over the live video recordings of Mu Yu a few months ago.


Mu Yu immediately asked the team to delete all of her previous recordings.


After all, when she crashed Chen Zeyang, she still made a bet with the water friends in the live broadcast room that she would definitely be added to his friend list.


"Zeyang, are you blaming me..." She pushed his shoulder, "I shouldn't have asked you to take me in the double row, sorry."


"It's none of your business." Chen Zeyang rolled over, and a hint of anger flashed in his eyebrows, "A bunch of **** on the Internet are talking nonsense, I guess it's not pleasing to me for a long time."

#Original translations on —do not steal.

He admits that he has a clear conscience, and he was determined to be with Mu Yu after the breakup. Why is the Internet now scolding him as a "Derailed scumbag"?


Of course, he admitted that part of the reason for breaking up with Lin Nan was because Mu Yu was more attractive to him, but it couldn't be counted as cheating.


Isn't it just to playing two games with My Yu, why are they calling him so heinous?


Mu Yu was extremely aggrieved at this time.


She didn't understand why a relationship that had been blessed not long ago suddenly became an original sin.


She doesn't know whether Lin Nan is flirtatious or not. Now netizens turn their guns and ask her to explain why Lin Nan had a problem with "connotation" in the live broadcast room before.


Mu Yu didn't feel that it was wrong, she naturally stood by Chen Zeyang's side.


"Zeyang, it can't go on like this. They are speaking completely from Lin Nan's point of view and listening to her words."


Chen Zeyang propped up his body and looked at her with a frown: "Little Yu, what do you want to do?"


Mu Yu glanced at him, with a firm tone: "Of course, I'm telling the truth."


"The truth…"


She clenched her fists: "Zeyang, you and Lin Nan broke up normally, why should you be pointed at the nose and scolded as the scumbag now?"


If he is a scumbag, what is she? The mistress who hooked up with someone else's boyfriend?


Mu Yu couldn't accept that her relationship with Chen Zeyang would be "Insulted" by others.


So, on this night, she posted a long Weibo, telling the whole process of her and Chen Zeyang from the crash in the qualifying to the connection due to the game, and said:


[Before Zeyang officially broke up, we were just friends. At that time, he was very uncomfortable because of the rumors of Sister Lin Nan, and many people came to the live broadcast room to ask me again, I was on the side of my friend, and it would be the same for you.]


[Everyone is the victim of Internet gossip. The truth about Sister Lin Nan's story is revealed, and I am sincerely happy for her. But my relationship with Zeyang has never hurt anyone.]


The people who wanted to eat gossip were all stupified after reading it.


"In March, you were pestering your boyfriend in the canyon double row, and it was too fake to say that you never hurt anyone else?"


Mu Yu quickly replied: "I didn't know Zeyang's true identity at the time. Everyone is a netizen. Isn't it normal to want to double-row when encountering a powerful jungler?"


"That's Chen Zeyang's problem alone. He has a girlfriend and was still talking to girls in the canyon. The scumbag is really hammered, right?"


However, this comment was also refuted by Mu Yu: "Zeyang didn't know I was a woman at first. Is double row flirting?"


"Laughing to death, who are you lying to? Chen Zeyang's trumpet only changed his name to 'Rainlove' in March. It's no wonder he doesn't know you."


After Mu Yu was questioned, she was suddenly at a loss for words.


"Zeyang, when did you know that I was Mu Yu?" she suddenly asked the man beside her.


"The day after you took the initiative to add me." Chen Zeyang glanced at her, "I was the one who brushed ninety-nine planes for you in the live broadcast room."


"You..." Mu Yu opened her mouth, "Why are you..."


At that time, he didn't break up with Lin Nan, right?


"There's no reason." Of course, Chen Zeyang would not admit that during that time, he was inflated by the rumors of Lin Nan's promiscuity, and he often went to watch videos of various female anchors dancing and singing, interacting and rewarding them. Rain's live broadcast, and found that her game ID is the same as the one in her friend application.


So Chen Zeyang passed her friend request application.


At that time, he really wasn't that busy.


"Then," Mu Yu swallowed hard, "Then what was your relationship with Sister Lin Nan at that time?"


"It doesn't matter." Chen Zeyang grabbed her waist and said impatiently, "Why did you mention her, you're jealous?"


Mu Yu looked at his approaching handsome face, and her face couldn't help but heat up: "Why am I jealous, I'm afraid you will be talked of nonsense by them..."

#Original translations on —do not steal.

"Don't think about it too much, I've long since lost feelings for Lin Nan." Chen Zeyang kissed the corner of her lips and moved his fingers downward, "Whatever they say, what you should do now is to comfort me. Let me-"


"But... well... I believe you."


After all, she was still in love, and although a slight unease flashed in Mu Yu's heart, she still tried her best to ignore the past.


She thought love is such a thing... Only those who are not loved are called third parties.


Therefore, as long as Zeyang's love for herself remains unchanged, what people outside say has nothing to do with her.




"We're going to play BU again tomorrow." In the training room of the base, Meng Dongliu sat on the gaming chair and yawned, "Brother Zhong, how are you feeling now?"


Shi Zhong had just finished a qualifying match, and his expression was calm: "I'm not in the mood."


"After all, it's a battle of revenge, can't you be emotional?" Meng Dongliu shrugged.


Shi Zhong turned his head to look at Meng Dongliu, and sighed: "Can you stop talking nonsense on the Internet, stop making fun of yourself."


Due to various reasons, PG and BU can be said to be the same as the old and the new.


The former is an emerging giant, and the latter is a veteran championship team, with frequent fan conflicts.


Fans on the BU side look down on PG, the "upstart", and think that it doesn't have a single champion. Why do they touch the porcelain BU players all day long?


And the team fans on the PG side are also disgusted by the face of the BU champion fans, thinking that they are nothing more than a few more years of qualifications, and they are overbearing.


But the most important thing is naturally because of the "traitor" Shi Zhong.


How much BU fans loved Shi Zhong back then, and how much they hate him now.


"I don't understand why such a bad character Shi Zhong still has fans?"


"Without a former mid-laner, we're still champions. So it's only when the tide goes out that we can see who's swimming naked."


BU's team's extraordinary activities are probably: Praise the players, look forward to the game, and ridicule Shi Zhong.


In this regard, Shi Zhong's fans are also disgusting: "What a ghost to drive up his worth, the contract as a freelancer expired, and he is not allowed to choose a team with a higher salary, so he has to stay in your poor management that only gives him half of his salary. Are you a team of idiots?"


"If you have the ability, switch junglers and see who will receive the award on the championship stage?"


The swap jungler here, of course, refers to the PG's trashy junior jungler last season, which has nothing to do with Bi Ming.


After the first game with WOW, Bi Ming has become a favorite of PG fans.


She has good operation techniques and looks, and she can help the team win the game. Who doesn't love it?


Most of the fans who avenge Bi Ming now are these fans. After all, the fans of the team are very protective of their baby calves.


Even the only fans of other team members have changed from "Don't want girls" to "Let's take a look".


"If she can win against BU in the second game, I will completely accept her."


As a BU team with an S+ rating in the league, its strongest point lies in the suppressing power of the bot lane.


Champion ADC Woody, who is also Shi Zhong's former teammate, has the title of "The World's No.1 Order".


He is far inferior to Shi Zhong, but he is the only ruthless character in the league with the same number of fans as Shi Zhong.


If Shi Zhong dominates the mid-lane, Woody is the king of the bottom lane.


The strong dialogue, coupled with the recent grievances between Chen Zeyang and Lin Nan, BU and PG are like water and fire, and they will explode at one point.


The people who like to eat gossip are now gearing up, no matter who loses the game tomorrow, the forum will be very lively.


Shi Zhong glanced at the empty seat beside him, remembering that she never seemed to come back after the training match, and couldn't help asking Li Dingbei:


"Have you seen her?"


The top orderer who was practicing hero glanced at the small door of the training room: "She seems to have gone to the balcony."


The small door of the base is connected to an open-air balcony, which is a place for the players to relax, and people occasionally eat takeaway there.


Shi Zhong pushed open the balcony door, and there was a starless night outside, and the bright lights of the city's tall buildings.


The woman leaned against the railing, biting a long white cigarette-like bar in her mouth, and lowered her head to brush her phone.


She picked up her short hair and revealed indifferent eyebrows, which made her look like a vague and distant indifferent mortal.


He was silent for a moment and approached her.


The woman raised her eyes lazily and looked at this uninvited guest, with a bit of displeasure at being disturbed.


Shi Zhong only felt that his throat was a little itchy, and all kinds of thoughts fell on his mouth, which evolved into a sentence:


"If you're in a bad mood, don't smoke, it's not good for your health."


He told himself that, as the captain, it was his duty to remind her to stay healthy.


Bi Ming looked at him and seemed to sigh indistinctly.


The "cigarette" held by her red lips was pulled out by her and displayed in front of his eyes—


The bright orange candy on her lips was like candy advertisements on posters, bright and impactful.


"It's just a lollipop..." She pursed her red lips, "You haven't eaten it, have you?"


This is embarrassing.


Shi Zhong seemed to smell the slightly sweet scent of candy in the air, which made his body slowly stiffen.


After a short while, the woman took a step back, leaned comfortably against the railing of the balcony, and looked at him in a relaxed manner:

#Original translations on —do not steal.

"What's up?"


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Shi Zhong wanted to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he realized that his voice was a little hoarse:


"Well... Actually, it's nothing, I just want to tell you, don't have any pressure in tomorrow's game. Even if you lose, the person they will scold is me, you just let go and fight."


"Why are you so unconfident?" Bi Ming bit the sugar ball off the stick and pressed the tip of her tongue to her right cheek, her voice a little vague, "I think I can win."


Shi Zhong was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "I'm just taking a precaution."


"Make a bet?" Bi Ming threw the candy cane into the trash can next to her and hooked her lips at him, "I have a hunch that I can win 2-0 tomorrow."


"No," Shi Zhong looked at her, "I think the same as you."


They found similarities in each other's eyes.


The desire to win, and the... absolute confidence in themselves.


"So, Shi Zhong, you came to me for psychological counseling?" The woman let out a chuckle.


"Sorry, not next time."


The corners of Shi Zhong's mouth twitched unknowingly.



Back in the training room, Shi Zhong returned to his seat and picked up his phone.


Li Dingbei glanced at him: "How is it, is she all right?"


"She is very good." Shi Zhong got on the shopping app and replied without looking up.


Meng Dongliu leaned beside him and took a closer look:


"No way, Brother Zhong, aren't you ashamed to eat lollipops when you are so big?"


Shi Zhong pushed his head away and opened his thin lips lightly: "Have you practiced Lux's Q well? Don't be taught by Woody and the others tomorrow."


Meng Dongliu choked.


Meow meow meow?


He was a rookie last season, and he was the champion support, so it would be nice not to be overwhelmed.


"Is it okay for me to control one of Lux? Last time, I blamed Meng Xishang for this recklessness. He gave away several heads. No matter how strong the support was, he couldn't keep this product."


Meng Xishang, who was innocently cued, raised his head and gave his brother a cold look.


"With your level, are you still trying to protect me?"


Why did the quarrel start? The manager at the back shook his head helplessly.


Coincidentally, Bi Ming also walked back to the training room after reading some of the jungle tactics that the coach sent her.


The manager saw her, went up to meet her, and whispered two words in her ear:


"Little Nan, have you added all the five official fan groups?"


"I did, but haven't spoken yet." Bi Ming nodded.


"It's okay, you can just stay in the group. Recently, fans made some support items for you and sent them to the base. I'll show them to you."


"It is good."


Popular players generally have their own super words and support clubs. Fans will also make various support items such as banners, fans, badges, etc, and sometimes even buy big-name clothes and shoes, and bags to send to the base for players to use.


Just like this time.


"Wow, did the fans send it?" Meng Dongliu approached Bi Ming's side and looked at the fans, headbands, and standing cards on her table, like a curious baby.


"Yeah," Bi Ming was holding a purple-pink scarf, looking at the pattern embroidered on it, "It's quite attentive."


"Gussi's new scarf," Meng Dongliu glanced at it and quickly recognized the brand. "The quality is average, and the price/performance ratio is not high, so it's just a matter of heart."


He came from a wealthy background, and his mother opened a luxury jewelry company. He was not very interested in these "gifts", but preferred the non-physical "gifts" from fans.


"My favorite is the painting they gave me," Meng Dongliu showed her his phone's lock screen, "Look, it's this one... I won the first MVP with Thresh last season. This one it's a commemorative picture drawn by fans, hehe, look how handsome I look when I use the hook skill!"


The impasto technique used in the painting, the sophisticated style of painting, the cool colors, the exquisite facial features of the young man who raised his hand and looked forward in the painting, and his calm and indifferent demeanor was accurately captured.


The Thresh behind him was also very restored, making the whole painting look like the original CG.


"It looks like a big touch of painting." Bi Ming affirmed, "Your fans are very powerful."


"This is not my fan. He is a fan of the team. He has painted other people. I will show you." Meng Dongliu shook his head, opened Weibo and searched, and finally found the artist's account.


The other party's latest news is a short comic with a very cute style. Meng Dongliu subconsciously went in to read it.


The first frame of the comic is two Q-version children squatting in the wild area.


One was wearing the clothes of the Spider Queen, the other was holding a lantern with Thresh, and Lin Nan and his name were marked next to it.


Meng Dongliu remembered it as if it was when he and Bi Ming were crouching on the opposite side in the last game.


The next scene was really the same as the game.


Thresh suddenly hooked and hooked the unsuspecting enemy jungler in front of him, and then the Spider Queen followed suit and took the head.


So far, Meng Dongliu can still smile knowingly.


However, in the next comic, the style of painting changed from the Q version to the color style in one second.


"Okay, get rid of it, it's time to give you some rewards."


The Spider Queen's close-fitting leather jacket and the short hair of the girl in the comics look very hot.


Meng Dongliu swears that this face is definitely drawn according to Bi Ming's face, and even the look of smiling with squinted eyes was so similar.


The boy with a lantern and a Thresh helmet next to him also looked very familiar, with a youthful and shy expression.


"Um...why are you so nervous? Relax..." The lines here are based on the voice of the Spider Queen.


In the last frame, the beautiful and charming spider elder sister lifted the chin of the boy who was sweating all over and gave a lingering kiss.


The comic ends here.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Meng Dongliu's pupils were shocked, and he froze in place, unable to move.


Lean on—this can also be painted?


"Have you found it?" Bi Ming looked at the red-faced teenager and narrowed her eyes.


Meng Dongliu looked at her, who had the same demeanor as in the comics, as well as those bright red lips, couldn't help taking a deep breath and shook his head quickly.


"Why are you so red?" Bi Ming was a little confused.


Meng Dongliu pressed the phone firmly to keep his mind from thinking, and tried to keep his tone calm:


"Well, I... didn't find that account, maybe it's been too long."


Seeing the child's embarrassment, Bi Ming raised her eyebrows, too lazy to pierce the other's guilty conscience.


"It's okay, it's fine if you can't find it."


"Uh um... I still have something to do, so I'll go first." He stood up abruptly.


"Bye." Bi Ming waved his hand indifferently and focused on her aid again.


Fortunately, it was free time, so Meng Dongliu ran away and went back to his room.


After throwing himself on the bed, with a strange state of mind, he began to look at the works of this big-touch fan.


"Come on, can you still do this?"


"Why is there me and my brother together...F..."


Meng Xishang had to go upstairs to wash up at this time and asked his brother to borrow a new charging cable on the way.


"What are you looking at?" He pushed open his brother's door, patted him on the shoulder, and took a look.




Two teenagers kissing a woman one after the other?


"What do you think of this kind of pornographic cartoon?" Meng Xishang still didn't recognize that the person above was himself.


Meng Dongliu quickly turned off the screen and stuffed the phone back into his jacket pocket.


"It popped out accidentally, and I don't know what it was." 


Meng Xishang felt a little bit funny because of his desire to hide it.


"Okay." He looked at his brother's awkward expression and shrugged, "Go and get the spare charging cable, mine is broken."


"Oh." When Meng Dongliu turned around to rummage, Meng Xishang quietly put his hand into his pocket and took the phone away while his brother was not paying attention.


At this time, Meng Dongliu, who was in a hurry to find something, hadn't noticed it yet.


Immediately afterwards, Meng Xishang opened the lock screen with face unlock and finally saw the above picture.


Immediately, his face slowly solidified.




"Meng Dongliu, what are you looking at?" Blue veins burst out on his forehead.


"Hey, who let you peek at it?!" Meng Dongliu turned his head back, and suddenly got angry.



The chickens and dogs danced for a while, and the brothers finally calmed down.


"Forget it, I don't care about you."


"Brother, you can't blame me, it's this painter who cares about obscenity."


"He's really sick."


"So do you think I should close his account?"


"You decide…"


"Uh... But his paintings are very popular. The Thresh he drew for me, and the Vayne he drew for you got over 10,000 likes... And today's fan art has thousands of likes."


The two 18-year-old boys who were restless with blood and blood looked at each other, and there was a deep meaning in their eyes that only each other could understand.


The likes for this creation are so high-


It's too crazy.

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