Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 83: 81

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Chapter 81: Sister Tea relies on herself to kill the whole alliance (10)

#Original translations on —do not steal.

The moment BU's base crystal broke, thunderous cheers and applause erupted from the venue, and PG fans couldn't help screaming.


Crazy fighting games and hearty victories are a visual feast for the audience.


"Let's congratulate PG for winning today's game!"


With the host's voice and victory music, the contestants rose from their seats.


"Go, shake hands!" Meng Dongliu took his brother's shoulders, "I ask you, was it fun to kill Woody just now?"


Meng Xishang thought about his Jhin three shots in front of Dalong and killed the opposing AD, and almost didn't hold back his smile: "Oh, that's it."


Shi Zhong shook his head helplessly: "Be careful, don't laugh too loudly."


"What are you afraid of?" Meng Dongliu's expression was very bashful, "Anyway, the hatred on the BU side is all on you, Brother Zhong."


Meng Xishang rolled his eyes at his brother: "Don't speak out."


But they were right, Shi Zhong was definitely the first in terms of getting their hatred.


Like today, the male frequency's cool story with a new teammate beating the old club directly makes the sunspots who usually dance happily as quiet as chickens.


Especially in the second game, Shi Zhong didn't hold back his sharp edge, he directly penetrated the middle lane, and once again showed the LPL audience the powerful and terrifying operation level of the domestic No. 1 mid-laner.


When shaking hands, BU's bot duo saw old teammate Shi Zhong, and they all showed familiar but bitter smiles.


"Congratulations, you played really well today." The assistant said seriously.


Woody next to him still looked very free and easy, and even in the process of shaking hands, he even whispered in Shi Zhong's ear: "It's amazing, the new jungler is very suitable for you."


Shi Zhong looked at the two teammates who had accompanied him to the top of the world and couldn't help but smile:


"Thank you, and you all do your best."


Unlike the rumors of old age and death, Shi Zhong and BU's teammates still maintain a good relationship.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Even when he lost to BU last season, netizens madly stepped on him as "The first mid-laner blew out" and "Nothing without BU", Shi Zhong never said a word about the former team's bad, or so alienated former friends.


It's just that the old teammates here are happy to meet each other, and the "Old lovers" were not very pleased to meet.


Chen Zeyang stared at the woman in front of him as if to stare her out of a hole.


"Lin Nan..."


He wanted to ask her why there was such a big change.


Is it because of him?


When men are frustrated in the arena, they often want to use the love arena to make up for it.


For Chen Zeyang, the only possible consolation now is that Bi Ming may still care about him.


After all, this woman has changed so much for herself.


Thinking of this, the way he looked at her became even more complicated.


Bi Ming twitched her lips and stretched out his plain white hand towards him.


He took a deep breath and was about to hold the beauty's catkin—


The opponent's hand was like a gust of wind, passing over his hand without any touch.


To put it mildly, it's incredibly natural.


It seems that in her eyes, the person in front of her is a speck of dust, and even touching it is disgusting.


Chen Zeyang was stunned.


Not only did she not give him a look, but she passed him by, politely held the hand of the Korean top laner, and nodded in greeting.


There is a stark contrast between the before and after treatment.


Chen Zeyang, who felt that he was being ignored, his expression suddenly became extremely ugly—




When he was holding his breath, he was about to turn back and call her when he was suddenly separated from his sight by a slender figure.


"Hello, Yang." Shi Zhong looked down at him.


At 1.8 meters, Chen Zeyang is considered tall among his peers, but he is more than half a head shorter than Shi Zhong.


"You... hello." Chen Zeyang hated the feeling of looking up at others, but he could only respond reluctantly at this time, after all, Shi Zhong's position was not something he could challenge now.


"I'll give you a piece of advice," Shi Zhong said in a cold voice, "Those with a bad mind can easily misplace their skills."


Chen Zeyang was stunned at first, then slowly clenched his fists.


Is this... making fun of him?


Shi Zhong glanced at the other party's stiff expression and walked over, obviously not intending to shake his hand.


Chen Zeyang has strong self-esteem and has always aimed at Shi Zhong's fame.


But at this moment, the other party's aloof ignorance was like a slap in the face.


He didn't even have a way to fight back, because Shi Zhong was not on the same level as him in terms of game performance or fan popularity.


This scene was also forwarded to the forum, and netizens commented on it in the same way:


"This is the first time Shi Zhong didn't shake hands with the other side. Yang must have pissed him off."


Although shaking hands is an inherent etiquette after the game, everyone can understand the special situation like Chen Zeyang and Bi Ming's.


What they didn't expect was that Shi Zhong, who has the best reputation in the circle, would also have such obvious emotions.


The twins who followed closely behaved more simply and rudely.


One tilted his head towards Chen Zeyang and let out a sneer.


The other eyebrows are curved, and the angelic face has dimples:


"Thanks to you today, thank you!"


Chen Zeyang didn't realize what he was thanking him for at first.


When PG and the others all left, he was startled—


Damn, those dogs are humiliating him!


Looking at Chen Zeyang, whose face was as red as a pig's liver, the Korean top laner, who was treated normally and shook hands politely, lowered his eyes silently:


Poor yang, who made you really act like this today?




There is also a fan interaction session after the game, which is a benefit specially provided by LPL to the audience watching the game.


The host Xinyue's voice was sweet: "Now let's welcome the five players of PG to return to the stage with small gifts. The lucky audience drawn, please come to the stage, say a few words to the players you like, and lead the way. Take the gift bag of one of the players."


There were several excited screams.


The PG fans who remained at the scene enjoyed the victory to the fullest.


The first person to come to the stage was a girl with red hair and a mask, dressed in fashion and beauty, with fair and clean skin.


"Miss, is there anything you want to say?" Xinyue held the microphone in front of her.


"I'm a fan of Clock." The red-haired girl stared in Shi Zhong's direction without blinking, "Congratulations to PG for winning the game today, and Clock's second game Syndra is so beautiful, the MVP is a real return."


Many male fans on the scene were "wow", because the female fan on the stage looked quite good-looking, at least to the extent that they would be envied by other teams in the circle.


"Shi Zhong deserves to be a female fan harvester, the quality is nothing to say."


It's just that some people in the arena reacted immediately and bumped into the little friends next to them: "Isn't this the girlfriend fan of Shi Zhong we met before entering the arena?"

#Original translations on —do not steal.

"Yes, yes, it's her, why is she so lucky, I also want to go on stage to talk to Goddess Lin Nan..." The little fan cried and looked at the stage, "God is so unfair."


Xinyue looked at the red-haired girl with a smile and said, "Okay, then Miss Sister can come and take a photo with Clock."


Toki Naka, who was in business, looked very calm, without any extraneous expressions.


Fans like this kind of calm host.


However, the red-haired girl suddenly said: "I haven't finished speaking yet, can I have a few more words with Clock?"


Xinyue always feels a little strange, but it is not easy to refuse: "Okay, please say."


"Clock, I hope you can concentrate on the game this year and win the second S championship. Don't be distracted by off-field factors, okay?" She moved closer to Shi Zhong, but her footsteps stopped in front of Bi Ming, "Alright. I hope Lin…”


[You can also keep a distance from him outside the arena, and be not so close to him.]


However, before this sentence was finished, it was accidentally interrupted—


"Shi Zhong, you are a traitor!"


With a roar, a figure rushed towards the stage and threw something on the stage.


An unknown white object was rushing towards the stage.


The red-haired girl stood on the spot, not reacting to the situation, and could only see the flying object getting closer and closer to her.


She couldn't move instinctively.


The next second, she felt herself being pulled away by the person behind her.


Then there was a "bang", and the figure standing in front of her had raised her arm and decisively knocked off the smashed object.


The white mineral water bottle was thrown to the ground in an arc, and it rolled far away.


The girl who escaped the catastrophe was so nervous that her heart was beating wildly, clutching her chest and panting lightly.


"Be careful." Bi Ming let go of her arm and her voice was deep.


The red-haired girl looked up, only to see the woman's long and curled eyelashes, as well as the pair of slender black eyes, looking at the audience with sharp eyes like ice blades.


She couldn't help swallowing her saliva, feeling that the arm she touched suddenly became hot, and her whole body was hot and panicked.


It turns out... this is Lin Nan.


It was completely different from what she had imagined.


Soon, the fan who threw the mineral water bottle off the field was restrained by the security personnel who came and was sent out of the stadium amid the angry shouts of PG fans in the audience.


"Are you okay?" Shi Zhong frowned and stepped forward.


Bi Ming shook her head, how could she be so fragile, just a plastic water bottle?


Li Dingbei and the twins also gathered around, and their expressions were not very good-looking.


Bi Ming moved her palm and smiled lightly: "Okay, don't make it seem like it's serious, that thing didn't touch my fingers."


The twins are still relatively big-hearted. Seeing her normal movements, they murmured:


"Next time you can kick with your legs, or knock your shoulders apart, it's too risky to block with your hands."


"There won't be another time." Shi Zhong's face was sinking like water, and the good mood of winning the game today had disappeared. "Wait, let the big bear communicate with the person in charge, this will not end like this."


He doesn't care if he is mocked, abused, or even attacked by sunspots, but hurting the people around him has already violated his bottom line.


Li Dingbei also nodded: "This kind of thing must be reported to the authorities."



A few minutes later, the fan interaction continued.


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The director specifically asked Bi Ming and determined that there was no problem, so he signaled Xinyue to speed up the post-match process.


Xinyue is also very worried about her friends, and her tone has become a lot more urgent: "Okay, Miss, come to Clock and pick up your little gift."


The red-haired girl stood on the stage, and her thoughts at this time were completely different from the beginning.


She could no longer focus on Shi Zhong but turned to Bi Ming.


"Well, can I take a photo with Lin?"


"Ah, this..." Xinyue opened her mouth, a little surprised, didn't this girl come to Shi Zhong at first?


"Brother Zhong, your fans seem to be empathetic." Meng Dongliu, who was beside Shi Zhong, pursed his lips, restrained his schadenfreude, and whispered.


Shi Zhong rarely gave Meng Dongliu a warning look: "Shut up."


The red-haired girl looked at the host nervously: "Is it okay?"


Xinyue looked at Bi Ming in embarrassment: "Lin, what do you think?"


Bi Ming raised her eyebrows and glanced sideways in Shi Zhong's direction: "If someone doesn't mind."


Shi Zhong: …Do you want me to say it?


In the end, the female fan got her wish and got the gift bag in Bi Ming's hand and a group photo.


She wasn't even satisfied, and cautiously added: "Can Lin hug me?"


As a green tea well-versed in people's hearts, Bi Ming felt the taste of fall from the girl's eyes.


She sighed inwardly.


It can only be said that Lin Nan's shell is a bit of a disaster, and she can attract peach blossoms just by blocking a bottle.


"Just a hug, okay?" Because of the height difference, the shorter girl could only see Bi Ming's neck and collarbone when looking at her. The snow was dazzling, and her face was flushed.


"Well." After asking for this, Bi Ming could only open her arms and hug her lightly.


The white team uniform, the soft breasts, and when the female fan felt close to her, the nose was filled with the fresh and good smell of mint.


When she raised her head, she just met Bi Ming's naturally smiling eyes.


One look at her face is red and red, and her two eyes are like drowning people.


No, as expected of the legendary straight-girl bending machine...


"Lin, when will your live broadcast room open?" Before leaving the stage, the female fan asked reluctantly, "I'll show you the treasure map."


The treasure map is the most expensive gift for a fish live broadcast platform.


But for the young lady, she can spend this money without blinking an eye.


After all, as soon as she was moved, she couldn't help but want to give people crazy money.


Bi Ming shook his head: "Sorry, this depends on the manager's arrangement."


The red-haired girl who is a rich women fan seems to be very sorry: "Then, then I will wait for the day you start broadcasting—"

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Bi Ming smiled and said nothing.


"Okay, it's time," Xinyue hinted frantically on the side, "Miss, remember to take your gifts. Now let's invite the second lucky audience..."


The interaction after the game finally ended stumblingly.


But the major e-sports media was not idle, and the posts had already been arranged:


"After many years, the atrocities of smashing people with mineral water bottles in the e-sports circle reappeared!" 》


"The quality of the fans of the BU team is worrying because they attacked the players with water bottles at the scene after losing the game"


After all, things have already started, and several forums were discussing in real-time.


The official suspended the live broadcast in the middle, but some fans still took pictures with their mobile phones.


Although it was only between lightning and flint, Bi Ming's extremely terrifying reaction speed and resolutely pushing away the fans still slammed a wave of goodwill.


"Finally I know why Sister Nan has never failed to grab the dragon. This instant reaction ability is not something ordinary people can do."


"This woman is too strong, I am convinced."


"But BU's fans are really cheap. Why are players offline? They can't afford to lose so much?"


"Who doesn't know that this group of champion fans are as disgusting as locusts? It's been a year and they still can't forget the former mid-laner?"


"@League of Legends event, the official trouble to deal with tonight's affairs. @BU E-sports club, look at your domestic dogs coming out to bite people, hurry up and apologize!"


...This post-match episode has completely surpassed the popularity of the game itself and even made it to the hot search.


In the hot search topic #BUxPG#, many competitive fans were enthusiastically opening mics. Even fans of other teams who have no competition, can't help but step on this extreme behavior, indicating that BU fans are too unqualified today.


Due to the hot search, many passers-by came in unintentionally and happened to see the most popular video, which is the scene of Bi Ming lifting her hand to protect fans that was secretly filmed by fans.


"Who is Miss? So handsome!"


"What kind of immortal face is that tall girl and her temperament is a blast?"


"Let's talk about popular science. The short-haired lady on the stage is the jungler Lin Nan of the PG team and the first female player of our LPL. This video is a fan interaction after today's game. Someone went crazy and threw mineral water bottles at the players because they lost the game. Fortunately, Lin Sister Nan responded in a timely manner, otherwise, it would be troublesome if it hit someone else's head."


"There are so many handsome guys on stage... much better than those show people. Is this the average appearance in your circle?"


"Where did the focus go upstairs [wiping sweat] But PG is a 'male team' in the competition circle, and about their face, I really have nothing to say."


"No, I was picked on by this young lady and wanted to compete..."


"+1 upstairs, the female contestant stabs me madly, looks like my husband [Blush]"


And the red-haired female fan has also become the most enviable object tonight.


"Wuwuwu why didn't I go to the scene? If I did, maybe it would be me who was hugged by the goddess."


"I envy that red-haired sister. Sister Nan only shakes hands and nods to male fans [Wry smile]"


"It's not bad to be shaken by Lin, I must go to the scene next time, f**k it."


After the media group visit was over, the team members finally packed up and boarded the bus.


"Eat more lobsters later to suppress the shock," The team leader reassured them in the car, "The club will handle this matter today, you don't have to think about anything."


The manager sat at the front of the bus and kept communicating with the person in charge of the race team.


The nature of this incident was bad, and it may even make news. The official team must speak out in response to public opinion.


For e-sports to become formalized, the management and guidance of fans is extremely important.


That night, the LPL official issued an emergency handling announcement, indicating that it will seriously investigate and deal with the behavior of the fan. The police station had carried out civil detention, criticism, and education, and imposed a certain fine. The official will also permanently ban the sale of any event tickets to that person. At the same time, the alliance said that the next step will be to strengthen security inspections, improve regulations, and create a good and civilized viewing environment.


In fact, normally, e-sports venues will not allow spectators to bring drinks and snacks in.


But there are always times when security guards are negligent.


Today, such a small probability event can be said to make the whole circle look dull.


The most tormented ones are the fans of the BU team. They were beaten 2-0 by Shi Zhong, a "traitor". Now, because of the incident of an extreme fan, they have also been shamed in the hot search.


They didn't dare to complain about other people in the air, so they could only use Chen Zeyang, who played the worst tonight—


"If it wasn't for the jungler's softness, how could we lose?"


"Look at the interview after the game. People are clearly laughing at our team's internal ghosts. Can the coach put this cub on the bench to calm down?"


"@BU Team_Yang kneel down for your teammates, 99% of the losses tonight are your fault."


In anger, the vicious words of fans sometimes hurt more than any sharp blade.


Chen Zeyang turned off the phone, and Bi Ming's indifferent expression tonight echoed in his mind, so irritable that he couldn't hear anything.


"How do we play with four packs in two matches? Yang, tell me what's going on with you today?" The coach pointed to the tactical board, "The vision is all exposed, understand?"


Chen Zeyang nestled in the chair and said nothing.


The surrounding teammates looked at each other and frowned.


"Yang, talk?"


"Fuck," Chen Zeyang finally broke out, "Yes, I was beaten badly today, okay?"


The training room went silent.


The coach was stunned, and the other teammates were not far behind.


The big brother of the team, Woody, was really angry:


"Chen Zeyang, what's with your attitude!"


Tonight, BU's base was doomed to be restless.


On the other hand, the PG was eating happily.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

The manager kept his promise and took them to a lobster feast.


On the big round table, the red and white lobster meat is tender and juicy, exuding attractive colors under the light.


Bi Ming took a piece of it and tasted it in her mouth. The salty, sweet, and refreshing taste of seafood bloomed between her lips and tongue.


She squinted her eyes in enjoyment, but out of the corner of her eye caught sight of Shi Zhong peeling the shrimp shell with a sullen face.


"Captain," Bi Ming raised the corners of her lips, a little curious, "You don't look very happy, do you still mind the fans being robbed?"


Shi Zhong paused the action of peeling the shrimp shell.


He knew that every time she made fun of him, she would deliberately use this title.


But this time, he didn't bother about her name, instead, he closed his eyes and responded:




"?" This answer was a bit beyond Bi Ming's expectations.


Shi Zhong raised his head, met the woman's eyes, and said slowly, "I do mind, can't I?"


"Ah?" Bi Ming tilted her head, thinking he was joking, "It's so stingy... not so much."


Shi Zhong stared at her, replaying in his mind the situation of the female fan buried in her arms, his heart seemed to be entangled with spider silk, entangled in thousands of turns and chaos.


He didn't understand why she agreed to hug that fan.


What if all the fans asked to hug her in the future?


The most important is…


What an eyesore.


It was the first time Shi Zhong had such a strange idea, and he couldn't even find a position to explain his emotions.


In the silence, ambiguity haunts each other like misty smoke.


He is like a lost traveler, in the fog, knowing that the road ahead is extremely dangerous—


But still can't escape.


And in front of her, is it darkness or bright light?


The author has something to say:


There have been incidents of water bottles being thrown in LPL. Some were thrown at the players, and some were thrown at the fans of the enemy team in a frenzy of losing a game. Basically, you can't bring water bottles in now, but some people watching the game have said that mineral water will be sold in the stadium.


To explain, the show people are referring to is those idols in the talent show. To compete is to play in the e-sports circle. XP is fetish.

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