Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 84: 82

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Chapter 82: Sister Tea relies on herself to kill the whole alliance (11)

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Late at night, the coaches and analysts began reviewing sessions in the small office next door.


The play style of the second game made the coaching staff find that the team has a special temperament.


It's like a long knife being sharpened by the sharp edge, and the cold light sputters, which is terrifying.


In fact, the operation of the players has not changed much, they just showed the most "team" side from last season to now.


"The trust between the players is more complete." Coach Pyo understands the source of this change. "Lin Nan helped them relieve a part of the pressure, which made them willing to trust their teammates even in adversity."

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The analyst next to him nodded: "The top lane has changed from being conservative to being daring, and the middle lane has changed from hasty to calm, all because of the chain reaction brought about by the advantage of the jungle."


Pyo smiled: "Yeah, it's like with the catalyst, there's more chemistry between the team."


"And have you noticed that Dongliu's thinking is much clearer than before?" The analyst looked at the video playback on the computer.


The assistant coach couldn't help but say: "That's because the command was transferred from the jungler. That kid just needs to follow Lin Nan's instructions to do things, and can be clear."


At the end of the discussion, the coaching staff reached a consensus:


The arrival of Bi Ming has indeed changed the style of PG.


For any team, the jungler who can play so many roles is the absolute core.


She has almost all the advantages of jungler, situation control, vision layout, timing of dragon fight, support gank... If these can be quantified, then she is like a perfect pentagon warrior.


"Tell the youth training camp to pay attention to girls in the future..." Pyo whispered, "A big baby like Lin Nan might be hidden inside by us. Look at how many clubs in the LPL are jealous of us now."


"No, the big bear recently returned to the headquarters, and his face was red. It should be the big boss who praised him again." The analyst whispered, "I heard that he also received a lot of sponsorship."


"That's because he is so good, and his ability is against everyone's opinions and let Lin Nan come to try out." The assistant coach sighed, "At the time, we all thought it was unreliable, but Da Xiong is right when he sees people. So what about girls? They can also take the MVP!"


Bi Ming, who has been highly appreciated by the coaching staff, has been the topic of TOP1 in major forums recently. When changing masks of different colors, some people have dedicated posts to discuss them.


The most intuitive data is Weibo's e-sports player voting list. Bi Ming stands at the top of the jungler list with twice the number of votes, surpassing the well-known junglers of many powerful teams.


Moreover, her ticket warehouse is different from that of ordinary players. There are many "Wall-climbing fans" from other teams and "Passer-by fans" who don't pay much attention to e-sports.


Such a huge amount of traffic has also led to many business invitations.


In the office of manager Guo Xiong, he was discussing the new sponsorship this season with the players.


"Luxury endorsement?" Shi Zhong took the document in his hand and flipped through two pages, "You should find a celebrity for this kind of thing."

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The group of them play e-sports, and they endorse a lot of shoes, fashion clothes, and various sporting goods. They have also shot similar advertisements before, but they don’t sound like luxury goods at all.


"T's jewelry and ready-to-wear product lines are pretty good," Meng Dongliu lay on the table and clicked on the brochure, "But how could it be endorsed by us? It should be looking for those first-line stars, right?"


Guo Xiong sighed: "People didn't come to you."


The boys were a little confused. What do you mean?


"This is the endorsement of women's watches, the theme of 'female power'," Guo Xiong shrugged, "It's for Lin Nan."


"Female power", that is, the power of women.


Bi Ming, who was named by the manager, leaned against the long table and raised an eyebrow.


"They're not afraid of losing money." After only playing two regular season games, the business couldn't help betting?


"Lin Nan this is not so fast, you look at the back," Guo Xiong motioned them to turn the page, "We recently signed two new endorsements, one for potato chips and one for cars."


Bi Ming glanced at them, they were all familiar brands, and they should have given a lot of sponsorship fees.


"What's the sponsor's request?" Shi Zhong calmly put down the folder, "If it takes up too much of our training time, I'm afraid it will outweigh the gains."


"I also think," Meng Xishang held his cheeks, and his fingers crossed the page of the potato chip brand, "If you win the championship, you will have all the endorsements you want. Don't put the cart before the horse, Big Bear."


The manager smiled slightly: "Don't worry, the promotional video will be shot for a maximum of two days, and it is still the regular season, so it won't affect too much."


Li Dingbei frowned subconsciously: "Two days is still too long."


The LPL's schedule is tight, and the interval between each regular season is about two to four days.


They spend two days shooting commercials, which means two days less preparation than their opponents.


"If the filming is done separately, it will affect the two games." The manager pondered for a while, "And the publicity materials must be prepared as soon as possible because the official announcement will be soon."


Shi Zhong lowered his eyes, a little unswerving.


The commercialization of the league is destined to not be as pure as before, and the same is true for their players.


Behind every club is the capital eager to make money.


Endorsement advertisements, live broadcasts, offline promotions... These activities cannot be excused.


"The next game is exactly four days away." The manager calculated the schedule and thought of a compromise. "We can schedule a later training game and shoot advertising materials during the day, okay?"


He couldn't do anything about it. Originally, these things should have been done before the start of the summer split, but before Bi Ming played, many sponsors were watching, and they didn't swarm until she played perfectly in both games and got a firm start.


After all, sponsors always want to maximize profits.


PG everyone finally chose a compromise plan together—


Advertisements can be shot, but scrims cannot be stopped.




Two days later.


"I'm so tired," the tired-looking teenager unbuttoned his shirt and collapsed on the sofa in the lounge, "Why isn't it over yet?"


The boy next to him with a face similar to his turned his neck, obviously not enough.


"As Hotz has said before, ad shoots are a real waste of time."


Hotz is a well-known player in the North American Division. He has won the Intercontinental Championship and the League Championship in the LCS Division. He can be regarded as a guide for the twins to enter the professional circle.


Li Dingbei, who was drinking water, glanced at the pair of brothers and sighed: "Be patient, it's almost over."

#Original translations on —do not steal.

"There is a training game at night, and I can't even sleep in." Meng Dongliu picked up the small pillow on the sofa and put it on his face, and said sullenly, "It's really annoying."


Shi Zhong, who pushed in the door, looked inside and looked around: "Did you see Lin Nan?"


Meng Dongliu was a little more refreshed, and put his eyes out from under the pillow: "It seems that she was called away by the stylist and said she wanted to change her clothes."


Meng Xishang looked up and down at his brother: "How can you be so clear?"


"She was next to me just now." Meng Dongliu said proudly, "Just pay attention and you'll know."


Shi Zhong nodded, closed the door, and left.


"What is he going there for?" Meng Xishang tilted his head in confusion.


"There should be other scenes to be filmed." Li Dingbei rubbed his temples to relieve his tired nerves, "If you are curious, you can follow him."


On the other side, Shi Zhong returned to the studio and finally saw Bi Ming who had just changed clothes.


Wearing a black motorcycle-inspired leather jacket, jeans, and high-top Martin boots, she reclines casually on the new car they endorse, surrounded by a group of people, with the photographer adjusting the camera angle in the middle.


This outfit intensified her cold and dangerous sense of aggression. When she looked up at him lazily, Shi Zhong seemed to have been stabbed by something briefly, and his back climbed up with a numb shiver.


"Shi Zhong," The camera assistant beside him reminded from behind, "We are going to shoot a double shot with you now, hurry up and go."


Shi Zhong responded lightly, and finally raised his legs and walked towards her.


One step after another, it was like walking towards an inevitable destiny.


"Shi Zhong, you're walking so slowly." She was still smiling at him, her eyelashes fluttering, and her eyes seemed to contain falling stars.


No one can feel nothing in such a sight.


"Sorry, I thought you went to the lounge just now." He approached her, and the cool and familiar scent of mint penetrated into his nostrils, which was refreshing.


"Are the others over there?" Bi Ming asked casually.


"Yes, they were very tired." Shi Zhong staggered in his gaze and controlled his expression well, "Are you okay?"


"That's it," Bi Ming was already familiar with this kind of thing, "You guys have to relax a little bit, it doesn't look good if you keep it tight all the time, and you're too tired."


She was always so unhurried as if nothing in this world was difficult.


The thought flashed through Shi Zhong's mind, and the corners of his lips also rose.


"Okay, then I'll try... But, how to relax?"


"Just look at me."


During the official shooting, the twins also dragged Li Dingbei out to watch.


"I really don't understand why I have to pose like that with my brother," Meng Dongliu was still thinking, "Squat down together, put a toy car, and then look at each other and smile... It's embarrassing, you know?"


There is no double shot. Lonely top laner Li Dingbei glanced at him, and then looked at Bi Ming not far away: "They won't have to shoot like this."


"I don't know, it's probably about the same." Meng Xi Shang snorted.


As they said, because the theme of the car advertisement is "Cooperation and win-win", Bi Ming and Shi Zhong were asked to shoot two scenes, first sitting in the car together, smiling at each other, and then using the same expression, and doing it again with headphones on the gaming chair.


"Transition from the car to the arena, there is no script, I want you to interact naturally, do you understand that feeling?" The photographer gestured.


"OK." Bi Ming sat in the driver's seat, took control of the steering wheel, and raised her chin towards the man, "Get in the car quickly, this sister will take you to fly."


Shi Zhong: ...This woman seems to be the same age as me.


"We're about the same age," He emphasized and sat in her co-pilot anyway.


"Don't pay too much attention to the name." Bi Ming held the steering wheel, her red lips parted slightly, "This will make you seem stingy."




After a short silence, Bi Ming spoke again:


"Sit still? We're leaving."

#Original translations on —do not steal.

"How do I sit in the studio?" Shi Zhong came back to his senses and looked around at the green screen, "It isn't a live shoot."


"Pretend it is." Bi Ming shrugged, "That's what commercials are like. You have to believe it to be true before you can shoot it with a sense of reality."


"Actually, there is no need to pretend." Shi Zhong suddenly said.




"The photographer wants us to show a sense of trust, this kind of thing..." Shi Zhong looked at her sideways, and it happened that she also looked at him, looking at each other tacitly.


This time they looked at each other, there was nothing but sincerity.


That is a unique trust that can only be cultivated on the field.

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"We already have this kind of thing."


In the camera, the two people whose eyes overlapped naturally smiled—


Like a cold flower blooming quietly, the frozen snow melts silently, and spring comes suddenly.



This round of double shooting did not grind repeatedly, and it was over once.


"It feels like something that can't be found," The photographer fondly touched the camera and stared at the picture inside. "It won't look like this again, so one shot is enough."


"Hurry up and shoot the team." The twins reminded gloomily behind him, "Brother, it's almost time for dinner."


"For the team, you can just surround the station." The photographer waved, "Soon."


"Isn't there any interaction?" Meng Dong looked at Nakano who was still talking side by side, "Like lining up in a line and hugging each other's shoulders and shouting slogans?"


"Too vulgar." The photographer gave the young and handsome big boy a contemptuous look, "This kind of layman's action design can't reflect the real sense of teamwork."


Meng Dongliu was choked, he remembered that their PG promotional video was shot like this.


"Okay, since you've been urging, let's start." The photographer glanced at the time.


After repeated ordeals, PG finally ended filming for the car commercial at 6 pm.


"I'll make an appointment with the Q4 team for a training match from 8:00 to 11:00." Back at the base, the manager told the players carefully, "You still have two hours to eat and wash, so don't be late."


"It seems that I don't have time to exercise." Bi Ming took a sip of the instant coffee in the thermos cup. She usually goes to the base gym during this time.


Li Dingbei glanced at Bi Ming with a soft expression.


As a fitness freak, he appreciates all people who are self-disciplined and insist on exercising, and Bi Ming is the only ruthless person who can exercise every morning and night like him.


"No way, we have to match the time of the training game." The manager sighed, "You should go to the cafeteria now, don't go hungry."


"Okay." Everyone looked tired.




In the middle of the hot summer night, the keyboard and mouse clicks came from the training room, and the team members repeated the computer-style communication:


"Look at AD, look at AD, look at AD!"


"You can fight, you can fight!"


"Mercury still has five seconds, wait for a second!"


In the fierce battle, their foreheads were already sweating, and their breathing was extremely rapid.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Until the victory icon was displayed on the screen, a sigh of relief finally came from the whole room.


"Actually won, the damage of Aphelios on the opposite side is outrageous." Meng Xishang sighed.


"I told you not to let him develop." Shi Zhong leaned on the gaming chair and closed his eyes.


Li Dingbei moved his stiff neck and arms: "I'm sorry, I gave Aphelios head."


He played badly with the new hero in this game, and almost slapped his teammates.


"I'm going to fetch water." Bi Ming took off her headphones, stood up from her seat, and walked out of the training room.


She has to say that shooting during the day really affects their state.


Meng Dongliu was lying on the table, against the cold tabletop, sweat slipped into his clothes from his neck: "Oh, are they going to kill people... Is the air conditioner turned on?"


"It's already the lowest temperature." Meng Xishang shook his head, "The air conditioner won't cool without the refrigerant, and the Big Bear says the staff will come to fix it tomorrow."


"Then I have to go back to my room."


"Dongliu, you still have two hours to qualify." Shi Zhong looked at him sideways, "This is the minimum amount of tasks."


"Fuck—" Meng Dongliu wailed, and then maintained his sleeping position and didn't want to move. "When will the LPL be the same as the North American division, and it will end after the training game?"


"That's why the LCS hasn't touched a champion in the past few years." Shi Zhong reminded him, "The Korean side often stays overnight, so we're pretty good."


"...This is bad." Meng Dongliu groaned.


Meng Xishang looked at his brother's sullen appearance and sneered: "You just want to be lazy, get up quickly."


"Do not."


"Think about your **** Bud, you can't control your ultimate move, why don't you practice more?"


"Go away, you were single-killed by Aphelios in your ice lane, and I didn't say anything about you!"


The two brothers were once again unhappy.


Just like this scorching hot summer, Mars exploded with a single touch.


Irritability, depression, tiredness...


These emotions spread silently throughout the room, and everyone finally closed their mouths, tired of communicating.


After a long time, Meng Dongliu, who was a little confused, heard the sound of the keyboard beside him.


They're... ranking again.


He knew he shouldn't be so willful, but...


It's too hot, this kind of ghost weather is really tough.


Suddenly, he felt that the back of his ear was stuck by a cold object.


Hiss - so cold, but so refreshing.


He subconsciously grasped the object with his backhand, but his hand touched a very soft object, but it was quickly pulled away.


There seemed to be a slight laugh beside the ear.


"Are you asleep?"


The next second, the boy suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked back—

#Original translations on —do not steal.

The woman was putting Coke behind his ear and looking at him with a smile.


Drink cans fresh out of the fridge are very irritating on the skin, but extra refreshing on this hot summer day.


"Drink something cold to refresh your mind." She didn't ask him why he stayed on the table and didn't train or urge him.


"Thank you..." He took the Coke and felt his brain's consciousness gradually recover.


Just now, what he was holding seemed to be her hand.


"Come on." She lowered her eyes and said casually, "Today's Bud is very good, able to control and resist."


Meng Dongliu: "…"


If he hadn't just been scolded by his brother, he would have really believed it.


But even so, he opened the pull ring of Coke and poured a few sips of drink down his throat.


The bubbles of carbon dioxide bubbled upwards, just like his slowly floating mood, which lightened up unconsciously.


Coke is delicious.


It feels like the whole person is alive.


He looked at Bi Ming who was giving drinks to others and thought a little greedily:


If only this kind of tenderness could belong to him.


This thought was like a tiny seed, with a slight itch, taking root in the young man's heart.


Meng Xishang next to him frowned, looking at the same Coke in his hand as his brother.


Why did he feel that he was being coaxed as a child?


In fact, it's pretty much the same.


Bi Ming just went out to fetch water and ran into a staff lady.


"Sister Nan, these are all for you. Seeing that your training is very hard, you have to do your best." The young lady blushed, grabbed Bi Ming's hand, and quickly stuffed the bag containing a bunch of carbonated drinks into her hand.


Before Bi Ming could refuse, the other party had already run away without a trace.


So when she came back, she had to distribute these drinks to the coaching staff and other players.


In Bi Ming's eyes, teammates = tools for handling carbonated drinks.


But the effect was not bad, the tool people liked it.


Meng Dongliu regained his vitality and was gearing up to compete in the rankings.


And there is still—


"Are there any other flavors?" He put the drink back on Bi Ming's table.

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"No," Bi Ming glanced at him, "If you don't want to drink, give it to Dongliu."


The boy's eyebrows and eyes were delicate, and his pupils are like a piece of cool jade, looking at her lightly:


"What about me?"


"What?" Bi Ming looked back at him.


"I can give it to him. As compensation, you have to pair with me." Meng Xishang's pale face showed a very light crimson color, and his voice was a little nervous, "Is this fair?"


Bi Ming finally understood the purpose of this kid going around and talking in a big circle.


"Xishang, if you want to ask me if I can double row, just say it." She pulled her lips and was almost amused.


However, Shi Zhong who was beside him suddenly reacted, frowning and said:


"Lin Nan, let's make an appointment first."


Meng Xishang glanced at Shi Zhong and said slowly:


"But Brother Zhong has been queuing for so many days, it's my turn."


Before Bi Ming could speak, the two men who were rushing to the jungle had already met eyes.


An invisible smell of gunpowder began to permeate.


Li Dingbei moved his fingers slightly, and he actually wanted to find a jungler duo.


But... the competition seems to be a little stiff.

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