Please leave the group.

Chapter 6: Chap 6 – Everything went wrong

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In a matter of seconds, Yumina's plan fell apart.

"What is your backup plan?" Nathan asked Yumina.

"I haven't got..."

Yumina was sure she could break the monster's connection to nature, so she didn't bother to think of any countermeasures.

When faced with the enemy's attack, however, everything changed.

"Oh, my God! It's coming right at me!"

When the monster tried to attack Merentiel with its roots, Nathan intervened and cut them off. As the creature reeled back in pain, Yuuki threw his spear and it pierced through the monster's head.

Nathan stepped back into his role as leader without delay, restoring order to the party.

Nathan yelled, "Assume formation!" and everyone did as they were told.

Everyone quickly caught on to the plan.

Yuuki returned to his role as an assassin, while Yumina, still feeling ashamed, went back to shooting arrows. Meanwhile, Merentiel stayed close to the middle of the formation and protected the rest of the group using his sword skills.

Shizuku stayed with Nathan, who helped her control her magic.

As soon as the battle began, Shizuku's spell activated immediately, and the earth beneath the monster rose up. The creature screamed in agony as it took damage, but that didn't stop it from launching itself forward again.


Shizuku fired a massive fireball, which struck the monster squarely in the face.

"Light Arrow!"

Yumina, Shizuku, and Meren each fired a different type of attack at the monster.

The monster was completely covered in arrows and magic.

Shizuku unleashed a powerful wave of fire at the beast. Its skin melted instantly, causing the flames to spread across its body.

But none of that mattered because the monster quickly regenerated after being hit.

"What do we do now, Yumina?" asked Meren. "Since you've studied it, you must know another way to stop it’s regenerative ability."

"There isn't anything else," answered Yumina.

Meren sighed loudly. 

"If only we had something to weaken it... If only we knew how to get rid of those roots.”

Suddenly, Nathan's eyes opened wide. "I have a spell that might work; just keep him busy for a while."


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The moment Shizuku casted her next spell, Nathan chanted the words for a spell. A blue light enveloped his entire body and shot toward the monster.

The monster's roots turned black and shriveled away as if they were burned to ashes by the spell.

"Don't let your guard down!" Nathan warned the others.

The monster then began attacking Nathan, and the rest of the party rushed to his side.

"Stay back!"

"I'll be fine!" Nathan said as he dodged the roots.

The party's efforts to keep the monster at bay paid off, and the monster soon lost interest in Nathan.

Nathan again started to chant his spell while the rest of his group tried to distract the monster.

But all of a sudden, the monster stopped, as if it could sense the danger. Instead of attacking Nathan, it started to grow its roots toward Nathan's friends.

That monster monster did that to stop my spell, what a nasty thing to do, Nathan cursed inwardly.

Nathan stopped reciting the spell quickly and rushed to protect his friends from the monster's attacks.

He jumped straight at the monster and swung his sword, cutting off its legs. But instead of falling to the floor, they kept moving until they reached Nathan. It wrapped its roots around his arms and torso and then lifted him off the ground.

As Nathan watched the roots expand, he concluded that the monster was doing more than just healing itself; it was also absorbing the energy of its natural surroundings. That meant that if it continued fighting, the monster would eventually gain enough power to make it difficult for him to defend his friends.

That was the moment Nathan did not care about the quest at all.

He took the sword that Merentiel had been using and started channeling his mana through it.

The sword began to glow with an intense light as Nathan focused his mana on the blade.

As soon as Shizuku realized what Nathan was planning, she started casting a spell to protect the group from the upcoming wave.

A massive explosion rocked the area, causing everything nearby to explode. The roots of the tree grew shorter and smaller as the attack caused a shockwave that knocked down trees and shattered rocks.

The monster fell to the ground, unable to withstand such powerful magic.

The monster's body was all hurt, and so were its surroundings.

The materials could still be sold, but not at full price like everyone had planned.



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