Pokemon: Alyssa’s adventure

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Today is the day

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In a dark room, you will see the messy table, the posters of the Pokémon champions on the wall, the huge TV, and all kinds of Pokémon dolls placed in the corners.

These lively arrangements told us that this was a teenager's room. A teen who loves Pokémon.
So, where is our trainer? Oh! I see a Pikachu who is sleeping on the bed next to a blanket hill, twitching his nose, and opening his eyes while we are talking. He turns to us with a sleepy face, as our eyes and eyes meet, his eyes light up, and jump into my arms, "Pikapi!" He called happily.
I curved my eyebrows, and put away my camera, "Good morning Pikachu!" I said softly and walk to the other side of the window to open the curtains harshly from the middle to both sides. When the sunlight brush into the room to light up the whole area, I was not surprised to hear someone howling.
I turn to face the blanket hill and lean over, while I made my hands into a circle in front of my mouth and called, " Ash, Ash Ketchum, wake up! Is morning!"

"Five...utes..." a voice came from the blanket hill and said so, I didn't hear what he said I lean over closer and asked, "What?" This time I clearly hear it. "Gave me five more minutes..." A black hair pops out from the white blanket, the boy frown while he feels the sunlight, then he moves the pillow from the back to his face.

I put my hands on my waist, " Silly Ashes, do you even remember what day is today?" I asked, the boy turns his body to the side of the shadow and reply subconsciously questioning, "What day?"
Looking at his sleeping face, I want to tease him, but before I do it, someone who calls it first, "Pika!Pi!" Pikachu cheered with both of his hands in the air.

The boy immediately opened his eyes and jump out, and shout, "Today is the day to Dongyao Region!!" He jumps up from his bed and pushes me out of his room, "I'm going to change, wait for me for a few minutes!"
The door close at the back of us, I stare helplessly at the cute Pokemon, "Hey, no fair!!" Pikachu is sitting on my shoulder and tilting his head to look at me innocently, "Pika?" He said.

I pouted and looked at Pikachu, we looked at each other for a while, and finally, I give up first and couldn't help but chuckle, "You're such a little smart cookie." As I said this, happy to see him sneeze after I tap his nose.

As soon as we were playing, the door opened, and a person walk out of the room and give us a brilliant smile, "Good morning, Alyssa and Pikachu!" he said.
"Good morning," I said to him.

Before we talk more, Ash's mom Ms. Ketchum calls down from the Kitchen," Ash, Alyssa, is breakfast time!"

Both of the children look at each other and give big smiles, "Coming!!'' they said in unison and run downstairs.

"Watch your steps! The breakfast won't run."Ms. Ketchum said, smiling. Taking the plate with some delicious muffins to the table.

"Woo! These smell so good!" Ash's eyes lit up, staring at the plate with liquid shedding down from the corner of his mouth.

I go to the fridge and take out some juice, Pikachu brings his bowl next to me. When I saw him, I turn back to the fridge and look for Electric's Pokemon food for him.

"Ah ha! " said I, taking the can out, " There you go! " opened the can and pour into his bowl, and see Pikachu's eyes have the same light as Ash's for food, I giggled.

While we start eating, Ms. Ketchum ask me, "Do you prepare the stuff you need to go home?" I nodded," Yes, Ms. Ketchum, all I need last is to say goodbye to Professor Oak, and take my first Pokemon!"

Ash and Ms. Ketchum see the spark in Alyssa's eye, and they both smile, " Which Pokemon do you expect? Bulbasaur? Charmander? Squirtle?" Ash asked, an excited look on his face.

"I don't know," I give a shy smile, "All of them are so great, I like to spend time with those little cuties." Then I remember something, "I kinda wondering how are Squirtle and Cattil doing? They always fighting..." A worried look appears on Alyssa's face.

Cattil, Skiink, and Charfoal, are the starter Pokemon of the Dongyao Region, Professor Ork wants to observe them, and they are also the reason why I'm here in the Kento Region for a year.
A loud ring sound shocked four of us, I hurriedly took out my PokeMirrordex from my pocket and turn on, "Hello?" I said.

"Good morning, Alyssa and Pikachu...and of course Ash." The paused part is because Ash comes of a sudden, and Alyssa shares the screen with him. "Good morning, Mr. Wallace, what bring you into this morning's call?" I asked surprised.

A young man with light blue eyes and teal blue hair that curls around his head under his white beret, he wears a long teal and white dress shirt with a pointed collar, which is telling us this man is the champion of the Hoenn Region.

Ash and Pikachu glance at each other with confused looks, they both know that Alyssa only meets with Mr.Wallace once, what brings Mr. Wallace to call her?

"Sorry to call you both in this early morning," Wallace said apologetically, "But I want to ask a favor..." A nervous look appears on his face and is quickly gone.

The three of them look at each other, then Ash makes a fist and knocks on the chest, "Don't worry, Mr. Wallace, whatever it is, just count on us! " Pikachu and I nodded echo.

Wallace was relieved and nodded, "Thanks, but I want to ask, can Alyssa choose the quota of people to go to Dongyao Region? Mind if I go with you? "he asked.

Both of the children are very curious, so I asked, "Yes, and may I ask why, although Dongyao District allowed me to be the first to study in other Regions, and allowed me to bring a few people back as exchange students." Said I and give him a difficult look, " But, the age for going to the inside East Pole boundary needs to be young..."

"Puff..." someone laughs on Wallace's side, Wallace glared at someone who walked into the living room without permission.

Ash and I exclaimed in unison with a happy sound," Mr. Steven." the ex-champion of the Hoenn Region, in the list of Alyssa's worship, Steven Stone can be around No.3.
Steven looked to the screen and wave to them, "Good morning, Ash, Alyssa, and Pikachu, how are you doing?' he asked, smiling.

Wallace knows the reason why is Steven there, but before Steven said more, Wallace stops him, "Let's talk about that later, I have more important things that need to do it first!" said Wallace.

Looking at his best friend's serious face, Steven paused a moment and shrugged. Tilt his hand to the side, "Sure, go on." said Steven and setting on the near couch to look at Wallace.

Wallace nodded, and looking back to the screen, " Alyssa, I'm only 20 years and 2 rounds old." He said with a wry smile, and joking "Did I look above 30?"

The children shake their heads, and they said at the same time. " Nope! Not at all!" I added, "You look young, but the rule of going into the East Pole boundary is under 18." I feel awkward, I really want to help Mr. Wallace, but the rule is a rule, the rule can't brock.

Seeing her troubled look, Wallace sighed, "I'll take my words back," before he said it more, Alyssa cut out, "Umm? Mr. Wallace, give me a minute"

A message popped out right above the screen, I tapped on it, and read the text, her face looking surprised. "Mr. Wallace, you can come with us!" Ash exclaimed while he cast a glance at Alyssa's message.

Ash eye's lit up, "Which means we can challenge you when we are at Dongyao Region!" "PikaPika!"Pikachu cheers with his small fist pointing to the sky.

"Really?" Wallace was also surprised, " Why?" he asked.

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Wallace didn't see his face light up when he asked, Steven saw it, arms crossed over his chest, and raise his eyebrows. He feels something interesting going to happen; something that Wallace never told him before.

Dongyao Region...Steven thinks he might go too... Steven looks back to Wallace. At least not this time.

"Mr. Mao said he want to give his best friend, which is our Dongyao's champion a surprising battle and asked me if I know any of the Trainer who has a champion level here, he will make an exception to invite people if the above 18, "I said happy, but I felt a bit not right, why is the number 18 bolded? I thought confusedly as if to emphasize the same.

Wallace smiled, asking "May I apply?"

I nodded and said, "Of course!" texting the message to Mr. Mao, Mr. Mao quickly replies back; before I read the text, Ash ask curiously, "Who is the Dongyao Region's champion?"

"I don't know..." I tilt my head and think, but they're no idea pop into my mind, "Mr. Mao only told me that the new champion is the person I know, he didn't tell me who is it actually."I add, " Oh, yeah, I forgot to say, our Dongyao's champion had changed while I am coming here, by the time I came, they are still holding the Pokemon League Conference, I don't know who is the one to challenge the Elite Four to become the Champion."

Steven heard and feel something was not right, so he ask," Challenge the Elite Four?"

Alyssa turns to him, "To become the champion in the East Pole boundary need to be strong and responsible, so the champion of the Pokemon League Conference has not counted as a region champion yet, she/he needs to challenge and win the Elite Four Four and the old Champion to become the new Dongyao Region's champion." I explain to them.

Ash and Pikachu's eyes glow, "That sound so cool! I want to challenge the Elite Four too!!" "PikaPika!!" they exclaimed letting me giggle.

"Ok, back to the topic," I quickly turn back to look at the message, "Mr.Mao said he is welcoming Mr.Wallace and told me that I need to print down the invitation card from the document." As I say, I look to Mrs. Ketchum for asking where the printer is.

"Shall we meet at Vermilion City?" I asked Mr. Wallace, and he nodded, "By all means, see you then."After that Wallace shut down the screen.

I put PM Dex back in the bag and turn, "Are you already?"I asked Ash, who is helping me take out the Invitation from the printer.

"Already!!"Said Ash.

"Pika pika!" Said Pikachu.

"Don't forget your bags!" Mrs. Ketchum holding a green backpack and a yellow and light blue duffel bag in both of her hands, reach them to the children.

"I had packed up all the things you need for your journey, don't forget to call me every time when you at to a city ok?" Mrs. Ketchum enjoins her son, Ash nodded earnestly, "Thanks, Mom, I will!"

Mrs.Ketchum turns to Pikachu and rubbed his red cheek, "Help me look over Ash ok?"Pikachu nodded and answered earnestly, "Pika, Chu!"

I take over the bag and hear Mrs.Ketchum also tells Ash needs to look watch over me. not knowing whether to laugh or cry, but I also feel warm deep in my heart, thinking about the past year and how Mrs.Ketchum and Ash treat me like their daughter and sister, I am reluctant to leave.

I give Mr.Ketchum a big hug, she was surprised at first and reached her arms around me, "Take care of yourself and watch Ash for me ok?" she said, smiling.

I let go and walk back a step, said to her, "I will!"

The broad smile on Ash's face when he was waiting, when they stop talking, and Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder, he shout, " Off we go! bye mom!!" He turn and went straight to the front door and open it.

"Wait for me!" I called, running behind him, I glanced over my shoulder at Mrs. Ketchum and said, "Bye Mrs. Ketchum!"

Mrs. Ketchum follow us to the porch, and looked at the back of us, she called, "Have fun on your journey!!"

Our back facing her while we run, and Mrs. Ketchum hears, "We will!!" we shout unanimously.
Mrs. Ketchum smiled, "Mimy!" said someone who comes from the corner of the house, wearing a sunhat and holding a water pipe, it was Mr.Mimey, Mrs. Ketchum's Pokemon.

Mr. Mimey's expression of puzzled approached her, "Ash and Alyssa just have left," seeing Mr. Mimey change to shock, Mrs. Ketchum can't help but chuckle, "You still have chanced to overtake them."

Mr.Mimey thinks a moment, and shakes his head, he knows the children will call them, they just need to wait for it.

Both of them look back to the front horizontally, which is far away, from the back view of the children.

They know Ash, Pikachu, and Alyssa will have a lovely journey.

to be continued...



  1. In the Pokemon world: Three years is one year old, which means if you are born today, after three years then you are one year old.

2. The period of a three-year call round, and after three is the year, so Wallace is 20 years and 2 rounds old or can say 20.2 years old

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