Pokemon: Alyssa’s adventure

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Vermilion City

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It was time to say goodbye to Professor Oak and Daisy and depart for their next location: Vermilion City.

On the way to Vermilion City, Ash, and Alyssa decide to ride on the train.

After they are onboarded on the train, Alyssa reads at her Pokemirror Dex to search for some information about Vermilion City.

"Vermilion City is a city in the southeastern part of Kanto, Which is near a sea inlet. Vermilion harbor is a homeport for many ships." Alyssa read out to the others.

Ash glanced over Alyssa's shoulder at the Pokemirror Dex, "Shouldn't you have known about this city long ago?" He asked curiously.

After all, Vermilion City is the city where mom goes pick Alyssa up one year ago. So her first stop in Kanto should be Vermilion city too.

Alyssa sticks her tongue out, a slight blush on her cheeks, "Actually..." she said, "I was too nervous by coming out off the East Pole boundary, so I didn't sight viewing much about this city."

Alyssa put her hair back off her ear, and explained," Before Mr.Mao assign me to be the first one to come out of the boundary, I never thought I will be the chosen one out of the boundary to research Pokemon." She giggles, "I was completely dumbfounded at that time..."

Even though her voice was full of interest, Ash still remembers the first day when he see Alyssa in his house.

At that time, Alyssa seemed calm, but she was actually a little scared. After all, how can a girl not be afraid when she comes to an unknown place?

'Like a frightened Eevee, ' This is his first thought when he saw Alyssa. So Ash decided to stay in his hometown, for a while not traveling, making friends with Alyssa. Of course, it's also because he hasn't been home for a long time, and he also misses his family.

This rest had been a year, so when Alyssa went back home and invite him, he choose without hesitation to agree, it is also his time to go on his next journey.

Looking at the girl with brightened a smile, Ash really thinks that was a good idea about making friends with her, at least she is more relaxed than before.

Ash change the topic, "Do you know there is a gym at Vermillion City? I had challenges there at the beginning of my journey..." He tells the story enthusiastically, Alyssa and Squirtle open their ear to listen, and Pikachu is responsible for supplementing the missing part of Ash's story.
The view out of the train passes quickly when the train was running.


After a few hours, Ash and Alyssa arrived in the southeastern part of Kanto: Vermilion City.
Alyssa take out a light yellow sunhat to cover herself from the sun, listening to the sound of seagulls, and looking at the bright blue clear sky, Alyssa feel warm and happy," What nice weather!" she said.

She also took out two smaller hats for Pikachu and Squirtle," Here you go!" said Alyssa, "You two look so cute!!"She gives a similar red hat to Ash's hat for Pikachu and gives a white sunhat for Squirtle.

"Pika-chu!" "Squirtle!" both of the pokemon thanked for the hat with joy and smiled.
There are people mobbing on the street, and the sun was bright and big, Alyssa booked the ticket for the ship before they arrived in the city, which one can bring to their location: Guerra Island.

She looks at the ticket time and tells the others, ''Our ship is at 1 p.m. which means we have 4 hours' time to spare, " she asked, "Is there any interesting place we can sight viewing to kill the time?"

Before Ash replied, Alyssa, tilted her head and said, "But before we do anything, I think we might meet the others first." Then Alyssa thought, 'Especially Mr. Wallace.'

While they are talking, they went to a nearby teashop to take a rest from the big hot sun.
That jog Ash’s memory, "Oh, yeah! I almost forgot you can invite six people to be Transfer Trainers going to the East Pole boundary," He paused, and asked, "Who are you going to invite?" Ash asks curiously.

"Ummm..." Alyssa takes out a note to look, then she read out, "Gladon, Alain, Rento, May, and Virgil." She turns to Ash, "According to your Mom, Mrs. Ketchum told me these people I pick is the rival in your last few journeys, isn't that right?"

Ash's eyes lit up while he took a sip of lemon tea, "Virgil!? Really?" he said happily, "It's been such a long time didn't see him, I remember the last time I see him is in the Unova Region!!" He said excitedly.

Alyssa sees something behind the utility pole, so she tries to cut in, "Ummm...Ash..."
But Ash was too excited to hear what Alyssa said, "And Gladon, Alain! I can't wait to have a battle with them!!"

"Squirtle!!"Squirtle also sees the thing that Alyssa saw, and he tries to get Ash's attention.
But it was no use, Ash was to focus on his Battle dreaming, and Pikachu was thinking about whether to give his trainer a Thunder Shock to wake him up.

"Oh, after we get into the East Pole boundary...Uh!?"Two Vine Whips reach out from the back of Ash and move the teacup away from Ash.

A light footstep comes from Ash's back, he turns to see. His eyes wide as he sees the Pokemon: "Snivy?" He exclaimed in surprise, and then a bewildered look appear on his face, "How did you get here!?"He asked.

The grass pokemon steps next to her trainer and put the teacup in a safer place on the table, in case her thrilled, careless trainer knocks over the tasty tea.

Snivy blinked, and look at Alyssa for a moment then turn back to her trainer.

The short action makes Ash and Alyssa have a light-bulb moment, "You mean..." Ash said tentatively, "You want to come with us on our next journey?"

Snivy rolled her eyes and nodded. Just like she is saying to them: Of course, I'm going with you, why not?

A welcoming smile appears on Ash's face, "Welcome aboard, Snivy." He reaches out his fist, and Snivy reaches out her's fist to meet.

Alyssa takes out her camera to take this moment, smiling. In the corner of her eye peer, she found out that her partner Squirtle was looking at something, she follow his sight and see he was looking at the big screen on the top of the building on the other side of the street.

It was showing a battle between two Pokemon Feraligatr and Noctowl the moment of the battle make Squirtle's face lit up, especially his eye glittering, just like he will jump into any kind of battle any moment, and at any time.

Alyssa stared at her pokemon, she can feel the excitement of Squirtle, she know her pokemon was only three months old, and she want her pokemon to have a happy childhood life before he was six months, but now... perhaps the training schedule was advanced.

Alyssa turn to Ash, "Ash, I want to take back my words about going sightseeing. " she said, Ash turned to her with a puzzled look appeared on his face.

She looks back to the Pokemon, and both of the pokemon look at her curiously, "I want to start training Squirtle, I want to know more about him!"She solemnly declared.

Squirtle paused a moment, then a big bright smile appear on his face, "Squirtle Squirtle!!" he shout in agreement.

Seeing his smiling face, Alyssa know that she got the right idea. Although she was still not sure if she want to be a trainer or what, for now, she just enjoy the moment with her friend and pokemon.

After the last bite of her cake, Alyssa and Ash went to the nearest battlefield they can find, which is the park.

In the city, trainers only can battle at the official public battlefield, which you can find at the school, the Pokemon Center, the park, etc. otherwise, the police may arrest you for vandalism. Of course, if you help catch it, the kind that defeats the bad guys doesn't count.

They didn't plan to battle today, just because they only have 4 hours, Alyssa decided to test what Squirtle can do, so they went to a clearing that is nearby the battlefield.

"Okey, Squirtle, let's test what moves you can do!" said Alyssa, pointing at the log target, "Attack that target!!"

Squirtle nodded, open its mouth, and a gun of water shot at the target. "Water gun..." Alyssa whispered, and see her pokemon mouth open big, she know which part she can train him.
And the next move made her more sure of her thoughts, seeing that Squirtle spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the target.

He stop the bubble beam and swung his tail as if it were a vicious wave in a raging storm. tail as if it were a vicious wave in a raging storm. swinging its tail as if it were a vicious wave in a raging storm.

'OK...' Alyssa think, 'now we have the melee and far combat attacks, this is more batter than I thought.'

Alyssa was shocked when she see the last move, surrounding Squirtle itself with a veil of water, "Aqua Ring!!" Aqua Ring is an Egg move, and egg move is the move that came from their family.

Alyssa's eyes lit up, and see Squirtle stop and look at her, "Umm?" At first, she didn't understand, then she react, "Oh! You finished?" She asked.

Squirtle nodded, walking toward her.

Ash sees they finish, and he and Pikachu also walk closer to Alyssa, before they talk, Alyssa sits down right away where she is and takes out a notebook to write instead.

Ash and Pikachu glace at each other, and bent or sit when they got closer to Alyssa, they see she is writing about the changing of the attack's move for Squirtle and what they can train in the future.

You are reading story Pokemon: Alyssa’s adventure at novel35.com

Alyssa suddenly stop, her face is tangled, and she feel like she have missed something, "Melee, far combat attack, and healing moves are all there, and the next step is to improve and practice, Umm... need to learn some moves to attract the enemy: Yawn, Attract, etc... What else are we missing!?" Alyssa tilt her head and muttered to herself.

"You need to learn some protect yourself moves." a voice pointed out from behind Alyssa, Alyssa jumped, and spun.

Ash looks at her with hands on hips and smiling, Pikachu and Squirtle also looking at her curious.

Alyssa clap her hand, "Ah-ha! You're right! Thanks, Ash!' said Alyssa and writing down quickly.
"Can you battle with me for practice?" Alyssa looks up again and puts her hands together in front of her chest to ask, "Please! We need more and more experience!!"

Squirtle looks at his trainer and does the same thing at Pikachu, "Squirtle!!"He said.
"Pi...Pika..." Pikachu reply with a dry smile and nodded.

Ash leans back when Alyssa gets closer suddenly, "Of course! As a change, can you tell me more about the East side?" He asks.

Alyssa went back and giggled, "Of course!"

And that was that both the young children have a wonderful time of chatting, playing, and having a pokemon battle!
At the time 12:45 two young handsome men walking toward the harbor, as they get closer, the group of young trainers saw them, and one of them waved his hand to call, "Mr.Steven, Mr.Wallace!"

This trainer's name is Alain, he looks a bit younger than Steven and Wallace, he is a tall, slim teenager with messy black hair and blue eyes.

May was happier than the others because Wallace is the champion of the Hoenn Region, and Steven is the ex-champion, it feels like hometown people bid farewell to themselves.
"Are you both coming with us to the Eastside?" He asks, curiously.

Steven shakes his head and points at Wallace, "Wallace will be going with you, I'm here because I'm free and can say goodbye to him." he explained.

When Steven and Alain were talking, a young lad with blonde hair and brown eyes, his name is Virgil. His head turn right and left to look around them, and asked Wallace, "Where are Ash and Alyssa?"

His partner, who is standing on Virgil's shoulder also wondered, "Eevee?" she asked.

Rinto has green spiky hair and red eyes his age is closer to Steven and Wallace. He and Gladion the young boy who has light blonde hair and green eyes also want to know the answer too.

But unfortunately, they both shake their head in reply, Alain start to worry, "Where could they be?"He muttered.

Gladion turns to look at the bustling harbor with people coming and going, frowning. Come on, Ash, where are you? Gladion thought to himself, worrying. He didn't want his rival to miss this important day.

The time went fast, It was 12:58, and the group was on board the ship, but there was still no sign of Ash and Alyssa.

Rinto couldn't help but walk toward the ship captain's office, he want to ask them if it could be delayed a little longer to wait for the children.

But before he nodded at the door, he hear, "Wait for us!!" The familiar voice made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, and everyone who was about to set off hurried to the deck of the ship.
They all see two young trainers running toward them.

Virgil put her hands slightly around her mouth and called into the microphone, "Ash, hurry up!!" His partner Eevee stood on the rail and yell, "Eeveeeeevee!!"

May also yell at them, "Come quickly, the ship was going to leave in two minutes!!"

"HI! Virgil!" Ash put out one of his hands to wave, and the other was holding the back of his hat, in case the wind blows away.

"Pika pi!!" Pikachu was running alongside him.

Alyssa was holding Squirtle and running behind the two, trying her best to keep up with the two best runners. She was running so hard that she didn't know her hat flew away when they pass Steven.

Steven reaches out his hand to catch it and quickly approaches the girl to put the hat back on her head.

Alyssa turned her head back nodded to Steven to thank him, and quickly jump up, holding Ash's hand and he and the others pull her up into the ship.

Ash and Alyssa made it, they are standing on the deck panting and gasping for breath.

"Are you both alright?" Rinto asks, holding two water bottles to them, the children take over and thank them.

Ash gulp down the water, and wiping his mouth with his arm, he responded bluntly, "Totally, fine!"

Alyssa stood down where she is, drink a few sips, and nodded, she was too tired to reply in words, and she share some water with the pokemon.

"What takes you so long?" Gladion ask, his face was calm as usual, but Ash can hear the worry ness in his voice.

Ash scratch the back of his head, simpering. That makes everyone who knows about him, understand quickly that once again he was battling before the time out.

Alyssa stick out her tongue she raise her hand to admit, " Sorry, this time is my fault," She explained to the others," I am training with Squirtle, and Ash was helping me."

"Squirtle..."A voice protects Alyssa, "Ah...I do remember the first day when I got my Feebas," A man walks near the girl and her pokemon, reaching out his hand to rub Squirtle's head, "Is hard to calm down when you finally have one, isn't it?" He winked playfully.

The children nodded, "yep!" they said in unison.

The smooth wave pool tide follows the boat as it leaves port and enters the ocean. The ships sailed the choppy sea.

Making sure they are all right, the young boys gathered together for a long time no see' chatting time, the men were walking into the ship to rest, and the girls stood next to each other and chat.
"Hi, I'm May, thank you to invite me to the East Region, "May said with a small smile, reaching out her hand to Alyssa.

Alyssa shyly shook her hand back, "I'm Alyssa, I'm glad there is a girl who will travel with me back town, you know, they are nice, but..."She point at the boys and shrugged.
May chuckled, "yeah, yeah, I do understand, boys..." She shake her head, then she saw something pops out from behind Alyssa's legs, "Oh! A Squirtle!"

May smile turned even more softly, "I have a Squirtle too!" she said. Alyssa's eyes lit up, "Really?" she said with surprise.

May tilted her head a little, " Well, actually he is a Wartortle now, he evolves last round." said may and take a red and white toss out into the air, with the white light flashing, a Pokémon twice the size of Squirtle appeared in front of them. Squirtle's eyes lit up, and Tail Kiln happily ran over.

Alyssa curiously took out her Pokemirror Dex to aim, "Wartortle, a turtle Pokémon. The evolved form of the Squirtle. The long, fluffy tail is said to bring good luck, so it is a highly sought-after Pokémon." the Mirror Dex explain.

"Good luck..." Alyssa whispered, another Pokemon who have the meaning of good luck appeared in her head, she look at Wartortle's tail, and she feel a bit of an itch in her hand, Alyssa know that mean she really wants to touch the tail.

Before she could do it, May diverted her attention, "Look!!" the girl yelled, and Alyssa walked beside her, holding onto the railing and looking out.

From the middle of the horizontal to cut in half, the blue sky and white clouds above, and from below is the deep blue sea and the parade of various Pokémon.

The group of Wailmer and Wailord were alongside us, just like they are saying goodbye and having a good trip to us, but that is not the main point, from the place Alyssa could see, she see a dark dot getting bigger and bigger.

A few hours later, a big island appears in their sight, and Alyssa knows she is almost home.

to be continued.


*Three rounds are one year, so when May said "last round" it mean -0.1 years ago.

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