Pokemon: The master of Aura

Chapter 19: The Test

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Everyone: "HUH" 

What Autumn just said caused everyone to be shocked and that was also the case for the whole world. There were people from different regions watching this and they were also shocked by what Autumn had just said. 

"Is this child serious?" 

"This must be a joke right?" 

"What is he thinking?" 

These kinds of comments were posted online during the live broadcast. What Autumn had just said made everyone either dumbstruck or made them frown in displeasure. He was a bright child but after what he just said some people's opinions changed from what they thought of him initially. They thought that Autumn was a humble child but now it felt like he was arrogant and ignorant for thinking that he could just pass the test to become a professor after winning a competition and being the brightest among his generation. 

[Pallet Town] 

Oak: 'Autumn my boy this isn't like you what are you thinking?' 

Gary: 'Aniki' 

[Back to Autumn] 

Luc: "What did you just say, Child?" 

Autumn: "The test I will take it right now.* 

Autumn replied in a calm tone and didn't mind any of the gazes he was receiving from others. Autumn genuinely wanted to cause a commotion today, he wasn't going to wait until he finishes college and also he wasn't planning on going to college. He thought that it would just be a waste of time because he already has enough knowledge to be qualified as a Professor but the condition of being one was a tough one. You first have to finish college then after getting selected for the test you can attempt to become a professor. Autumn wasn't going to do something that troublesome that was the reason for getting this pass ticket. 

Luc: " A-Are you sure?" 

Autumn: "Of course After all there are many Examiners here and I am sure that I can give the test right now." 

Luc: "But are you going to take this test? You will lose the pass once you use it." 

Autumn looked at Luc with a side glance which unknowingly caused the person to shudder. Chairman Rose beside him also was getting an uncomfortable feeling from this but he couldn't understand where this feeling was coming from because it was not directed at him. 

Autumn: "Did I stutter, I said I wish to take the test right here right now so please begin." 

Luc was a little not sure how to handle this when a voice called out. 

Leon: "Why not let him have a go on it? If he can pass it then he would set a record and even if he fails he would just learn from this." 

Everyone turned their head toward where the voice was coming from and lo and behold it was the champion of the Region, Leon. He was standing there with a smile and eyes full of interest. 

"It's the champion." 

"What is he doing here?" 

"I didn't expect him to be here." 

People started to whisper among themselves because it was not every day you get to see the champion. It was really rare for them to appear in public most of the time. Leon on the other hand took huge strides and made his way toward where Luc, Autumn and Chairman Rose were.  

Leon: "It's been a while Chairman Rose." 

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Rose: "It indeed has been a long time Leon I thought that you had some unfinished business you had to attend to." 

Leon: "Well I managed to finish it early somehow and just arrived." 

Leon then looks at Autumn and grins. 

Leon: "Well, I was expecting you to be such a straightforward person Autumn, to be honest, my first impression of you was that you were a humble kid." 

Autumn: "Well, sometimes reality is often way different from what you imagine." 

Leon: "Hahaha, I guess you are right but still are you sure about taking on this test right now. If by any chance you fail then you might have to wait for a long time." 

Autumn: "Well all I am going to say is you are in for a surprise sir Leon." 

Leon nods and gestures to the staff to proceed with the test. The staff knew what Leon meant and hearing the serious determination in Autumn's voice thought that they also proceed with the preparation now the crowd was getting rowdy. They were going to see a person giving a test this up close. Although they all knew how difficult the test was they didn't know how it is carried out. Though it's not a secret thing how the test is done nobody knows it well enough because they never had gone inside the building where the test is held. Now, there were also some people among the crowd who had become fans of Autumn after watching him dominate the competition but they were also worried about whether he can take the test this early. 

Staff member: "Everything is now ready we are good to hold the test anytime." 

Leon nods and then looks at Luc. Luc noticing Leon's gaze clears his throat before speaking. 

Luc: "Ladies and gentlemen, it seems we have an unexpected show today. The winner of the competition will attempt to do the test right in front of us. Let's see whether he can set a new record or will it be a failed attempt but let's give our all to cheer him on." 

[The crowd cheer] 

Luc: "Alright the test will be held in three main sequences. Let us begin the first sequence written test. You have 2 hrs and 30 minutes for this and if you finish early you can submit it." 

The crowd which was noisy up until now became quiet because it was rude and not good to make noises when someone is taking a test so they became quiet and observed for the time being how the test will be done. Autumn also readied himself before when was about to go to the desk where he will give the written exam before feeling someone tugging his shoulder. He look behind and saw Cynthia looking at him with a slightly worried face. 

Cynthia: " Will you be okay. I know that you are a genius but I am a little concerned this is not a normal test, I am sure that this can be considered the hardest test in the world." 

Autumn just smiles and replies in a calm tone to Cynthia not to worry. 

Autumn: "I know don't worry I am sure about this and I am confident I can take on the test without any problem." 

Cynthia: *nods a little hesitatingly "Then good luck I will be cheering for you." 

Autumn: *nods "Thank you that means a lot, I will do my best." 

After saying that Autumn goes and sits own on the chair and he was handed a question paper and an answer sheet to write the answers on. He was just there to get his license so he could finally start doing some research. 

Luc: "Are you ready?"

Autumn: "Yes, when will we start?"

Luc: "Now is a good time as any so let's start."


Chapter Ends

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