Pokemon: The master of Aura

Chapter 6: Torchic

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It was a lovely afternoon in Pallet Town. People were busy with their work and everything was peaceful and quiet. In a lab somewhere two figures were doing a study one was an old man while the other was a small boy who looked around he was 8 but was 5. 

Autumn: "Gramps I think it might need a bit  more of Pecha Berry to balance the flavour." 

Oak: "Hmm I think it needs more oran Berry." 

They both were debating on which Berry to use in pokemon food for a better diet for pokemons at the lab. 

Autumn: "We won't get anywhere with this how about we let the pokemon decide." 

Oak: "Took the words right out of my mouth Autumn." 

It was the time of summer vacation and Autumn for most of the time worked in the lab alongside his Grandpa and they often had debates on what is good and bad for pokemon. Oak also got to know how creative and innovative Autumn was and even praised him. Autumn was also quite good and meticulous with his works he always finished them on time and even cleaned up afterwards. 

Autumn: "I guess this much is enough for today's data and these files belong here and these over there. Well, it seems like the research was quite a success." 

Currently, Autumn alongside Oak was doing research on pokemon diets and was quite successful in their first joint project. Although it was quite small it still was a good experience for both of them. 

Oak: "Oh yeah Autumn you brought the egg in the incubator why is that? I thought that you would let it stay at home and hatch naturally." 

Autumn: "I can feel that it's about to hatch any day now and since it's currently holidays and I spend most of my time here in the lab I was hoping that it will hatch while I am staying at the lab." 

Oak: "Oh I see. Well, I can't wait to see what your partner is like." 

Autumn: "I am pretty sure he/she will be strong. and healthy" 

Oak: "Of course by the size of that egg I can say that it is a healthy pokemon." 

Autumn was doing his work and arranging the files until he stumbled upon a poster. 

"Youth talent competition", was a grand competition held every once often for young intellectual individuals who are still not trainers yet. If they get the first price then they can apply even for getting the license for becoming a rookie professor once. 

Autumn was interested in this. Although the rookie professor title doesn't hold that much power and authority in the pokemon world. He wanted to follow the path of an excellent pokemon professor in this life. Oak noticing what Autumn was looking at smiled before asking. 

Oak: "Are you interested in that Little Autumn." 

Autumn: "Yes, I had some thoughts about it." 

Oak: "But are you sure I mean I would be happy if you take part in it but what I am asking is are you sure about following the path of a pokemon professor rather than a pokemon trainer? I am sure you would be a strong trainer and might even reach champion level." 

Autumn: "Hmm although all of that sounds good. I feel like the path of a pokemon professor is quite suitable for me." 

Oak: " Don't lie Little one I can say that you are trying to become a pokemon professor because of me aren't you." 

Autumn: "Seems like the cat's out of the bag. To be frank yes Gramps to me you are like a role model. So I am hoping to also become a professor rather than the champion." 

Oak had become a role model for Autumn in this life and he wanted to become an excellent Pokemon Professor.

Oak: "Hmm you speak like becoming a champion is a piece of cake for you." 

Autumn: "Of course not, I know very well how hard it is for a trainer and their pokemon to be at champion level. I wouldn't dare underestimate the challenges one needs to tackle before they can become champions after watching so many league battles." 

Oak: "Hmm it is good that you are not arrogant and cocky like Gary I just hope that Gary will improve in the future." 

Autumn: "Don't worry I believe he will." 

Oak just nods and returns to his work. 

Autumn: 'That was close I almost got caught. I have indeed stood at the position of the champion at a point in my previous life but I didn't like it.' 

Flashback to previous life... 

Announcer: "And the winner is Autumn and thus he is now the new regional champion." 

Autumn: "Yes, we did it guys great job." 

A teenage version of Autumn was with his pokemons at the grand stadium and had just defeated the previous champion. 

X: "It was a great battle Autumn. Congratulations." 

Autumn: "Uhh.. no no you don't need to be so humble Mr X, It's all due to these guys here doing their best." 

Autumn said as he pointed towards his pokemon. 

X: "You know you can also brag sometimes, It's not a bad thing to have Arrogance and pride." 

Autumn: "What do you mean?" 

X: *Sigh "You will understand it in the future. Although I want to tell you about it right now if you experience it you will understand it much better. Also I will say in advance that I am sorry". 

With saying that The previous champion X hands down the mantle to Autumn. 

The next week... 

Autumn: "You are saying that this area is in danger and might need up to ₱ 10,000,000 to fix up." 

Agent 1: "Yes sir, It must be fixed immediately otherwise the situation may turn bad." 

Autumn: "But does it requires that much money." 

Agent 1: "It's for the greater good sir." 

Autumn: "Okay" 

Autumn sign the blank note and gave it to the Agent who happily took it again after 5 months the same kind of request come to Autumn and slowly it became more frequent as time passed. 

2 years later... 

Autumn: "What is the deal why are there so many disasters happening in my region and every time it occurs why does it cause a huge destruction that I have to pay a lot of money if this keeps going on then..." 


Autumn: "Wait isn't that voice?" 

Agent 1: " That kid Autumn is an idiot. I can't believe he just gives away money like how you give candies on Halloween." 

Agent 2: "I agree can't believe it was so easy to deceive that fool." 

Autumn: 'What???' 

Autumn's mind suddenly became blank, the money that he gave to his Agents so that it could help the people in need was filling the pockets of those same Agents. Autumn clutched his chest groaning a bit in an inaudible tone. When he had become the champion he had a lot of paper works to do and he couldn't go outside because it kept on piling on every day. So, he didn't have any free time except for lunch and restroom breaks. 

Agent 3: "But wouldn't it be a problem if he finds out, I mean he is an Aura user after all." 

Agent 1: "Don't worry I had to make sure that, he would get any chance to go outside." 

Agent 2: "Wouldn't he notice something strange if he was just being held in the regional headquarters while doing paperwork every day." 

Agent 1: "I told you didn't he wouldn't be able to hahaha." 

Autumn released his grip on his chest and his eyes slowly became cold and hollow. 

Agent 2: "Oh I see then I guess I don't need to fear him. Maybe I will ask him again for a check who knows since he is just a child he is ignorant and naive. Heck, he wouldn't even lay a finger on us because he is just another kind-hearted idiot." 

By saying that the three Agents kept on throwing insults at Autumn while Autumn Aura was getting colder and more fierce by the second. After a while, those Agents left while laughing and Autumn just stood there unmoving but as of now, his presence resembled that of a volcano it looked like it was about to erupt but was being held back. Autumn's eyes were colder than ever and his young and naive heart also slowly started to close itself from the outside world. 

Autumn: 'What these idiots just said now it's true. I am indeed ignorant and naive because I am still in my youth. So, since I'm still in my youth I guess it would be alright for me to be hot-headed as well wouldn't it.' 

Autumn thought to himself... 

The next day... 

Agent 2: "Here is another request Autumn." 

These Agents had long before stopped addressing Autumn as sir but Autumn was fine with it because he preferred people to call him that way rather than sir. 

You are reading story Pokemon: The master of Aura at novel35.com

Autumn: "If you want money then I am sorry we don't have any budget anymore." 

Agent 2: "Oh c'mon I am sure that we can work it out if you take some out from your savings and this is for the greater good Autumn." 

Autumn: "What is this greater good you speak of?" 

Agent 2: 'Did this guy hit his head or something that he is asking what is the meaning of the greater good?' 

Agent 2: "Of course it-" 

Autumn: "Filling the pockets of Agents who are liars, isn't that the greater good you speak about." 

Agent 2 eyes widened in horror and he collapsed to his knees. He was questioning himself 'How?' 

Autumn: "If you are wondering then yes. I indeed heard you guys yesterday but don't worry I won't deal with only just you wait for others to arrive." 

Agent 2: 'Others? Does he mean?' 

Before Agent 2 could recollect himself the door opened and two figures walked in. 

Agent 1: "Hey Agent 2 why are you on the ground kneeling? Did Autumn perhaps ask you to kneel and then only you will get lonely? Now, c'mon Autumn, you do know that's not the way to treat your subordinates. You should know that the reason we are asking is for the greater good." 

Agent 3: "Yeah the greater good no need to be so stingy about it." 

Agent 2: 'Stop, you two Stop. H-He knows the truth' 

Autumn: "Well you are indeed right I shouldn't treat my subordinates like this. I know how about this I will give you guys a three-month vacation on a private island with all 5-star services." 

Agent 1: "Now that's more like it." 

Autumn: "But there is a small condition." 

Agent 1: "C'mon you said that it is a vacation for us. Why give us a task." 

Agent 3: "Yeah" 

Autumn: "Oh don't worry the condition is the transport. Don't worry though you guys can still reach the island." 

Agent 1: "Oh is that all" 

Autumn: "Yes" 

Agent 1: "Alright then when we will be going." 

Autumn: "Now" 

Agent 3: "C'mon now get up Agent 2." 

Agent 2: "Y-You fools he knows." 

Agent 3: "Huh what are you talking about?" 

Agent 1: "What about our means of transport then, how we'll be going there?" 

Autumn: "Easy, (Serious face) BY CRAWLING." 

Agent 1: "Wha-"

Before anyone can process what happened Autumn cleanly cut all of their legs and they suddenly collapsed on the ground screaming in agony. 


Autumn: " You guys still have your hands so if you guys crawl you guys can still reach there." 

Tap Tap Tap Tap..... 

Guard: "Sir is everything alright? What the-?" 

The guard quickly made his way through the halls when he heard the noise but when he entered the room he was shocked to see the sight in front of him. 

Autumn: "Oh you arrived at the perfect time. You see I have just excited these three for three months and given them a vacation on a private island but you see they are not in the condition to go outside the headquarters. Can guide them until the gates so that they could go on their vacation." 

Guard: "W-What?" 

The guard couldn't keep up with what Autumn was saying. 

Autumn: "I said guide these three towards the gate entrance." 

Autumn said with an eerie smile, this caused the guard to have all his hair stand on end he didn't say anything picked up the three lying on the ground still in pain and exited the room quickly. He didn't want to stay in that room even for 1 second.

"If you try to be too humble you will soon or later be taken advantage of by others. so, it's important to show those people their place."  That was the lesson Autumn learned that day and became more Aloof and bored as he got stronger.

Flashback ends... 

Unbeknownst to Autumn himself, he was grabbing the poster in his hand a bit too tightly. Oak noticed this strange behaviour and called out to Autumn. 

Oak: "Autumn are you okay?" 

Autumn snapped out of his thoughts and paused momentarily before saying. 

Autumn: " Uhh yes got a little excited after thinking about the competition." 

Oak: "Well it's good to be excited over new things but don't get too excited." 

Autumn: "Yes  I will keep that in mind." 

Autumn: 'Bad Autumn you mustn't think of these past bad memories. You are living a new life and must forget those old bad memories and try to make good memories now that you have gotten another chance.' 

Autumn retorted to himself. True he eventually became cold-hearted after he became the champion but deep inside he was still who he was before. He was Autumn. 

Autumn then think of his new life so far and couldn't help but smile. 

Autumn: 'I who have been given another chance am still stuck in the past. But even if I was cold-hearted towards others I did care about those who were important to me.' 

He looked at his Grandpa and slowly his eyes landed on the egg. He made his way toward the egg before touching it. 

Autumn: 'I vow that I will do anything to protect the smiles of those who I love and care for even in this life and to do that I am even willing to do my best until I collapse.' 

Autumn solemnly vowed to himself at the same time the egg started to glow. Autumn noticed this and then the blue light also attracted Oak. Oak quickly made his way towards where Autumn was and couldn't help but marvel at the sight. 

The glow suddenly changed its could and became white causing both Autumn and Oak to squint their eyes. After the glow was gone what stood there was a little chick. 


It was a Torchic. It stood there with its eyes closed. 

Autumn: "Amazing so it's a Torchic." 

Oak: "Yeah but its colour is a lot different from its original and shiny variant." 

Autumn: "Indeed" 

The Torchic which had before them was way different than the Torchic recorded in the data books. Instead of its orange body and tiny yellow developing wings and three yellow plumes of feathers on top of its head. Or the exact opposite which is its shiny variant. This torchic had a white body with tiny red coloured developing wings and also three red plumes of feathers atop its head and also there was a hint of visible golden colour on the tip. 

Oak was amazed by the sight of this new coloured variant while Autumn just observed the little guy. The Torchic slowly opened its eyes and it also looked different instead of black eyes it had a light red coloured eye that matched his colour. 


The Torchic cried out and looked at Autumn and for some unknown reason, it felt a connection to him. 

Autumn: "Hello there little fella. My name is Autumn Oak. Nice to meet you little one." 


Chapter End

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