Possessive Love Song

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Fire Alight

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A few days after, in the other world called Earth, everyday lives flowing as a streamless river. However, today was a little unusual for a university that is located deep inside a mountain of forests.

“Did you see those guys?”

“They just transferred here today.”

“I heard they are from..”

Aiden was walking patiently behind a chatty group of students, waiting for the time to pass them in the narrow corridor. What the latest gossip was about, is beyond the care of one exhausted ravenette.

He passed right through as they entered a wider area. The group of students are still chattering and bustling.

‘Must be nice to have that many friends..’ Aiden could only glance with minor envy. He might act indifferent sometimes to the word ‘friendship’, but honestly his loner ass does wish to belong in a circle of group sometimes. A circle of friendship. Or a square. He doesn’t discriminate.

Nevertheless, he’s fine as it is. He doesn’t need companionship to breeze through life. Really.. He’s fine. He’s fine.. He has Articus.. At least until this year.

Aiden cleared his thoughts on that last one.




In the administration office, four lads are sitting together in a lobby room. One is sitting at a single sofa looking at a magazine, one is splaying about on a two seater sofa without a care, one is brooding while standing with his back on the wall, and one is leaning at the reception table reading pamphlets. Each of them carried the same look; dread.

They are ‘dreaded’ to be here.

‘This world is.. ‘fascinating’.’ Decimus has his back against the wall, deep in thought about this new world he never knew existed until now.

Dark armor and the like gone; replaced by clothes deem normal in this world.

His lilac frizzy hair had turned platinum blonde, and much shorter than before, stopping below his neck. His curtains matched the window, eyes had turned clear gray. Only his skin stays dark brown, as well as his other human features.

Yes, everyone here is a human just like him.

‘Why?’ was the one thought Gelaro had as they went through the process to get in this world.

He, too, was looking normal. No fur clothing, though he was wearing his jacket the same as he usually does, exposing his shoulder, with a singlet underneath.

His skin was brown, rather than ashen gray. The blue-ish undertone of his platinum hair is gone, and his hair has become a darkish brown. Like Decimus, it was much shorter now. Infact, it was much much much shorter. While his dark scleras with red slit had transformed into a pair of normal human’s eyes, with dark brown ones irises, almost like a fiery auburn.

The demon beast’s unique antler horns were also missing, making him look just like a normal human being.

‘I can never fathom that Aradia was here all this time..’ Lelang has a mix of amazement and puzzlement about his new surroundings. It was the first time they went to another world after all. Looking at the magazine display, he can deduce a little similarity between their worlds. Just a tiny bit. Everything else is still bizarre to him.

Like his peers, Lelang also undergoes some major changes in his appearances. Though, his are not too drastic as his midnight indigo hair just turned black, and his black eyes retained the same dark colour. Although, his hair now stops a mere below the neck. He still kept the braid though.

Perhaps the biggest change was the absence of his feline ears, which instead he had the common human’s ears.

It still baffled him that there are no beings like him exist in this world. Instead all of them look like Decimus, who is already a human being in their own world.

Helios also did not have any drastic transformation from his original appearance. His golden blonde hair just turned normal blonde instead, and his orange coloured eyes became light amber.

The only major change was the absence of his wing. Though, he still bore the same large scar on the back. As like his other scars.

Also, this is the first time he wore human’s clothes without the hassle of minimizing or strangling his wings in the process. It still felt weird, and just like his other peers, he still felt strange that the world they were in had no being or creature akin to them. Except for Decimus that is.

‘This academic institution and ours are vastly different,’ he thought, scanning through the pamphlets. ‘The similarities are there, but the differences are widely major.’

When they first arrived with the power of The Witch of Dimension, Sol, to this new world, their first thought was to draw their weapons and challenge the people around to show who’s the boss.

They thought.

Turns out this world was very different. Very very very different. Never mind the cultures and clothes, the people here don't seem to want to fight them. At least not at the place they are currently situated in.

Surprisingly, this world’s inhabitants relied more on technology than magic. Their technology however, was much more modern than their own. 

As for the monsters here, though there were some similarities, are all small and looked quite cuter than their own. And they were referred to in general as ‘animals’.

But enough ruminate on that issue, as there is another big issue in play.

They were sent to this strangely chill world.. to this institution situated in a rural area.. to their seemingly unknown fate.. as a student. They, a hundred centuries old overpowered Overlords that could crush the sky, ravage the land and overturned the sea are sent here.. as a student.




But The Witch Council’s orders were clear.




Flashback to the day of the meeting in the Great White Void, but after the big drop.

“We want you all to go to another dimension, and find the reincarnated self of The Witch, our beloved Aradia.”

After Weiss had said that, the Overlords nearly jumped on the table. They did however stood up from their seats and ‘inquiring’ at the same time.

It’s all just became a shouting gibberish match, and nothing was said or answered. It took some moments of mind clearing, and a threat of kicking out from Sol, for them to calm the fuck down. By which not too long as they started to ‘inquire’ again.

“Where?! Where?! WHERE?!!!” Gelaro growled, demanded impatiently, different from his forlorn state earlier. Red eyes turned bloody red, sharpened fangs bared, charcoal antlers grew longer; it’s like he is about to transform to his true demonic ice beast form right here and there.




Sol was ready to boot him out if he did. She and Eiz already prepared themselves, as the council already anticipated this type of reaction.

“Is this a cruel joke?! Please say it’s not! I-!” Helios almost beamed in happiness, before reality grounded him.

Then, he left as a blubbering mess, clutching his head, as tears started to form at the corner of his eyes. If it turned out to be a bluff, he might have just lost himself there. And brought everyone to hell with him.

Lelang on the other hand was neither smiling nor asking questions, but his eyes were wide open that his slit irises could be distinguished inside those black pupils. His feline ears also stood erect, as thought his whole body was in extreme alert. The thought of seeing the love of his life again bursting through his being that Lelang was stunned in mind and soul.

However, one of them had a different reaction.

Decimus had already drawn his fighting stance, dark smokes started surrounding him. “What is this?! You told me-!”

“-It was a recent event,” Weiss calmly interjected, his clear blue eyes trained at the Overlord of the West who already held out a palm to summon his dark inferno flame.

“Recent event you said..?” Decimus sneered, though it can’t be seen from his helm. Then, he turned to shout in deranged fashion, “You lied to my face that day! How many years have you been keeping this supposed event?! What other ‘events’ do you hide?! Spit it out right now, before I force it out from you!”

The other Overlords got affected by what the Overlord of the West had spouted, and turned to look scandalized at the Witch’s Council members.

Because it was not only Decimus who had constantly pestered the Witch’s Council about the matter, the other Overlords had also gone to them since the past centuries. They were just.. never vocal about it with each other.

And to think that the shadow council of their world had been keeping something important like this to them. Their expression immediately morphed to disbelief and anger, demanding the council members’ immediate response.

Instead the council members just calmly glanced at each other, like they were telepathically communicating the next course of action. Which is true, but before they could proceed, a pair of hands hammered down over the wooden table.

Everyone looked over The Overlord of the South,  who had his palms laid bare on the table, with his head hung low. Some of his golden front hair, and the strands below the hair clip shadowed over his eyes.

“It might be a lie,” Helios had said through the heavily tense atmosphere. He pulled his head back, showing them all a pair of dimly sunset eyes, having calmed down all little from his breakdown. Though his wing already bolted upright, along with a bright orange fire imitating a second wing from where the scar on his back was.

He continued coldly, “This could be a lie to get us to do what you want.” His statement was so scandalous that all his peers immediately fell into despair again.

In the first place, there is no way the Witch Council would ever want to associate them all with the Witch again after that ‘incident’. The ‘incident’ that took her life, soul and everything away. The ‘incident’ that the witches blamed them for. Which is justify so–

“I had to actually concur,” Lelang breathed out with a smile, though there was no ounce of meaning to it. His eyes had turned to slit amidst his abyss pearls. “If it’s true.. then why tell us now?”

Then with the flick of hand, his fingernails grew sharp like a claw. It seems he will fall into a feral state.

And if Gelaro were to transform now it would definitely be a mess.

So Weiss quickly took control of the situation before it escalated, “Yo, calm down, everyone! Calm down! Listen first!”

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Before someone could interpose, the blue eyes teen held both the palms of his hands up. The other council members mimicked his action. Their eyes glowed simultaneously together.

The action alleviated a little of the burning rage within the Overlords, as they became confused instead. What is happening right now?

At the center of the wide table, came forth an indigo flame.

It burst from the wooden surface through the sky, before gradually decreasing into a sizable flame. Dancing and flickering as everyone gazes at it.

Like a child to a present, the Overlords immediately swarmed over the table, staring wide at the indigo fire. Their hyperaware sense ability flares up, recognizing the familiar aura of a certain someone.

It’s weak and almost faint, but it was definitely ‘her’.

“This was Aradia’s life sign,” Weiss exclaimed, gently, “You guys can feel it too, right?”

All the Overlords look at Weiss for a moment, then focusing on the flame again.

When The Witch of Hope, Aradia, left the living world, she had also decided to leave their world, and went into, before now, a void of nowhere. No one knows what prompted her decision, except those who present during her last breath.

Even then, those who present during that dastardly day were still unclear on the Witch’s true intention. But to the Overlords.. is more as in denial of what had happened that day.

Which is why they couldn’t let the poor woman rest in free. They were left to search for her soul even after she was long moving into the light, not knowing when she would reincarnate again, or where she would be living her next life.

It was so long, very long, unbearable long since they could feel her ‘presence’ again. Even though it was only for a short moment of time, the fleeting scent of her life energy still left an impression on them.

“It’s indistinct, but this is because her life sign was emanating from the outside.. from out of this world. She was in another world dimension.”

“All this time?” Gelaro exclaimed in pure shock, “In another world dimension, you said?!”

The other Overlords mirrored his reaction in their own way.

“Yes, her life sign was detected to be from another world apart from us. Crazy, I know.”

This information was too much for the Overlords as they have too many questions to ask, but nowhere to begin. Instead they opted to do what they should have done in the first place, which is to listen first.

“The reason for not telling you guys before this.. because..” Weiss sucked in breath. “.. we had just recently located her life soul. We will discuss more on that later-“

“-This could be a lie! This..!” Helios suddenly burst, catching everyone off guard. The Overlord of the Southdom expression was heavy with grim. “Her life sign.. This could be an illusion! I-!”

“-Gelaro, look into my eyes, and confirm it,” Weiss cut in.

The being who was referred to, gaze at the blue eyes teen for some time. Bloody red eyes trained over clear blue ones.




During that time, everything was in a trance.




Then, Gelaro turned back toward the flame.

It really was her.

His action was enough to send the wave of relief and joy over Helios. He dropped to his knees and wailed in tears. The light of his orange wings dimming as both of his flight appendages wrapped around his body.

They let him cry for some time before continuing the meeting.

After all, the other Overlords also wanted to take a moment for themselves to gaze at the flame, the life sign, the soul of someone not yet forgotten.




After that, they resume their meeting again. This time the Overlords look alive and beating.

It’s almost like they regained a bit of their heart after living for so long like an abandoned hollow statue. Their demeanour had really flipped a degree from where before they were ‘enlightened’. It almost felt like they were back in their prime days.


“Let us start this meeting again. This time I hope for everyone full attention. If you are to have any inquiries, please do so now, as we need to proceed with the mission after this,” Weiss had started out, before explaining the plan to locate the reincarnated self of the Witch, Aradia. Eventhough the scent of her life sign had been fleeting, but they could find her location by sensing the last trail of her sign.

The Overlord had become more attentive and conscientious; willing to listen and follow instructions. Despite his irate before, Decimus had calmed down, and seems to be at peace with the Witch’s Council for now. He even had inactivated his helm when they started the second meeting.

‘The reason for choosing you all to go on this mission because, despite being an Overlord, the high ruler of this world, you guys don’t really done anything in the past centuries,” The blue eyes teen had put it rather bluntly, but the renewed Overlords didn’t seems to mind, “At this point, you guys were just global treasures.”

Even Gelaro nodded at that.

Eiz had to side eyed Weiss to stop his jeers. He may have been angry at the Overlords earlier, but those guys were once and still are the protectors of their world. They may have turned assholes, but their contributions and sacrifices in the past should be the one thing everyone honour them for.

“It was a lie,” Eiz had said. Ignoring Weiss’s whine, and Sol’s disapproving look, the green eyes boy continued, “You guys are chosen because of.. your bonds with her.”

The bonds that tie them together. Far longer and deeper than the one the Witch Council members had with the Witch.

Weiss took the thunder and proceeded with it, “You all are the only one with the higher chance to detect the Witch’s soul. We may have been able to locate the sign, but that was because we were made from a piece of her. But to search for her.. we will have to rely on the fate that once binds you all together. The bonds that tie you all as a unit, despite what happened in the past was-“

“-unbreakable,” Noir was the one who finished it. She kicked her feet and stood up on the chair; taking everyone’s attention.

It was a bit unnerving seeing the heavy frown on the young looking girl.

“Listen here, all of you bastards, except Sol,” announced Noir rather harshly.

—“Wait, it included Eiz and me?”—

“If you are able to find the Witch.. do not in any circumstances, and I mean it, do not ever DARE try to do anything funny, stupid, daring, or even try to get closer to her reincarnated self. Your mission was to simply detect the Witch’s life sign or her soul’s carrier, and report back the finding.”

Decimus raised his hand.

“No. We can’t take her back here. We haven’t discussed further on that matter,” Noir had answered even before the Overlord of the Westdom could ask.

“Wait! Then, why the fuck did we have to search for her if we cannot take her back here?!” Gelaro gratingly inquired.

“Because I say so! Problem?” Noir added an ugly scorn to that answer.

“You..” Gelaro cursed under his breath, his lifted mood from earlier had been dragged down.

“You had stated earlier that her reincarnation might be in line with the premonition you had just received. Then, why not bring her soul’s carrier here, and protect it from our close grasp. It was safer, and we don’t have to risk exposing ourselves,” Lelang proposed.

“I agree with the proposition. It is the only logical way.” Helios concurred with the statement, and then added, “We don’t know what danger could be in that world. It’s better to protect her on our own ground.”

“Ah, protecting her. Rich coming from you guys.”

The Overlords’ feelings are hurt yet again, but none could retaliate. Helios is looking to break down again. Decimus had known that they wouldn’t get their way, so he just stayed silent and nodded.

Noir almost smirks at their display of sorrow.

Eiz ready himself with his calming power, incase the girl with pink eyes were to act up again.

It was excruciatingly hard trying to convince the pink eyes girl after she lashed out before, but Weiss had somehow managed to put a reasonable thought in her mind. He had been meeting her individually after the previous meeting, having a heart to heart, which successfully won her over with this plan.

“Then.. where do we proceed after we find her? After we.. report back?” asked, Lelang, having composed himself first than his peers.

Weiss took over again, “That will be discuss.. after we found Aradia’s reincarnated self. For now, just focus on searching for her, and if anything happens, just try to protect her from a distance. However, if your cover is blown, then all of you need to pull back immediately. In any circumstances, you are not allow to be close to her reincarnated self.”

“But-“ Gelaro about to yield.

“-Or else, it will only be a repeat of that past ‘incident’.”

By this, all of the Overlord’s eyes harden. Then, they collectively agree to obey it.

It was what sealed the deal with Noir.

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