Possessive Love Song

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Journey Anew

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Back to the present. But reel back to the time at their final take off. Only Weiss and Sol were presented with the Overlord.

The Witch of Dimension, Sol, had used up all her power just to open the dimension portal, then created a bridge to connect their world to another world where the Witch’s life sign is located. It really took a huge amount of her energy to transport all four Overlords to that world.

Because of that, they will be cut off from communication with their own world, for as long as they are there. Sol will be checking on them from time to time. Because of some different riff of time between their world and in this alternate world, she had set a checking schedule using her own hourglass.

The teleportation-like travel took a few disoriented minutes, but they arrived safely to the world called, Earth. And found that everything had been set up by the Witch Council during their one week preparation.

It was through the knowledge bestowed by the Witch of Wisdom, Weiss, that they have some street smarts and general knowledges of this new world. Otherwise, they will make a fool of themselves without knowing at least the basic norm practiced in this world.

Then, with the guidance of the Witch of Charm, Eiz, they managed to sneak into this place called university, University of Sparrowking to be exact, which is sort of like a high academic institution in their world. 

Eiz had also charmed the director, and the higher ups, or anyone that matters, of this institution, to believe the Overlord to be some transfer students from an academic institution that never existed that had to move there promptly.

The green eyes teen had come earlier with Sol prior to this, and had setup everything for them; from forged documents and funds, to clothes and everyday needs, as well as other stuff that they will deem useful later.

After that, Weiss relayed some items bestowed by Noir upon them; a piece of jewel each, to use as an assist device in detecting the life sign of the Witch. It will basically trigger its user when it picks up the aura or anything regarding the soul.

Eventhough all of the Overlords argued that they could easily sense the Witch’s life sign, they still took the jewels without shame. The jewels are then converted into accessories deem appropriate to be carry everyday to their new ‘school’.

However in exchange, half of their power had been sealed in order to prevent any mishap use of said power in this new world.  Weiss already determined the appropriate power level for them to use based on the power level he appraised in this world dimension.

Apart from that, the jewels which had become jewelleries or accessories, also act as a communication device between themselves and the Witch Council. It is the main link that connects them to their own world, wherein they can send a ping signal to alert the Witch Council if something happens.

They are also able to send a ping signal to each other if something happens to any of them. Not that they will use it anyway, as they hated each other enough to just die if something were to happen to them.

So all in all, the jewelleries acted as an assister and limiter. Their weapon however, was not confiscated as it was actually carried using their own mobility inventory magic.

Besides that, Eiz had also set them up with mobile phones each. This world’s communication devices were almost similar to their own world, so it took a no-brainer to get used to it. Although, all the Overlords were still old fashioned even in their own world, and most definitely struggled in trying to operate it.

Before sending them off, Weiss had reaffirmed the objective of their mission. It was still uncertain whether her memories will also come back along with her person, but regardless then, they still have to find her.

“The life sign of the Witch was last detected in this world at this exact location, in this academic institution. However, we are unable to pinpoint which beings there carry her soul.. So, your job is to go undercover into this new place, and try to discreetly search for the carrier of the soul, without raising any suspicion,” Weiss had said as a final briefing. “Then hope that your past bonds with her, will lead the fate in connecting you all again.”

And with a last salute, bid them, “Until we meet again, Our Highrule Overlords– No, Our Minder of Hope. Best of luck.”

Minder of Hope.

It was such a long long long time since they heard that epithet. Back then, their group was the symbol of hope– But no use reminiscence about that long forgotten past. The Wizard is dead. The Witch is reincarnated. That’s all that matters now.

They will do anything to see her again. To see The Witch, Aradia, again. No matter how long it takes.




This has now brought us to the current situation in the administration office. The undercover Overlords are still waiting for their timetables issued by their faculty’s administration.

Eventhough they have been warned by the Witch Council to stay away from the Witch’s reincarnated if they found her.. none of them took the warning seriously.

‘If I find her, I will take her away.’

Is what they will do.

And they also knew that each of them have the same intention.




An interlude to accompany The Minder of Hope’s new beginning:

Long ago, in another world called Tierra, before this world was unified as it is, there was a huge calamity befell its inhabitant, causing terror and destruction to everywhere it touched.

It was led by a Wizard with a hunger for powers, with his army of undead and vile beasts. Harnessing a great energy stored in gems of life, as he scattered his carnage throughout the world. Dividing the beings and segregating them further from freedom.

When all hope was lost, a Witch suddenly appeared, bearing a prophecy about the coming of four beings who are gifted with the power to fight back the evil forces.

No one knew where she came from, nor why did she help them. But the hope she brought over the globe had earned her the titled of, Witch of Hope.

At the time where beings are discriminate against those that are different, and possessive of their own, uniting a group of diverse beings like a shot, are thought to be ridiculous.

But the Witch was able to unite the four individuals as one, and together they went on a journey to defeat the Wizard, and eradicate all his evilness from their world.

Burning houses.

Love ones dying.

Fallen comrades.

Loss of home.

Campfire stories.

Meeting new beings.

You are reading story Possessive Love Song at novel35.com

Understanding the woes of others.

Sharing pain and happiness.

Surviving and thriving.

Together in arms.

Cheers of everyone as they continue winning the war.

Their journey was pathed with sharp jutted cobble, flaming seas and broken sky, but it’s all worth it in the end.

The world was saved, the Wizard had gone, and the four beings were appointed as the high rulers of the world, known as the Overlords. They divided the continents, and governed it together. Breaking the barrier that separates the world from being able to live together in harmony.

It was the time of peace and glory. Everyone was living in a sense of unity and peacefulness. For the very first time, their world was able to move forward with time.

However, no one knew where the Witch went. She just vanished suddenly, leaving a council to take over her duty.

The Witch’s disappearance was written in their history book, as a divine person who finally moved over to the light. However, was that the truth? Only the creatures who lived during that time of burning ‘incident’, and the four Overlords, knew what really happened to her.

Centuries later, a new premonition emerges, forcing the world’s former heroes to act once again.

This story is about a university student who kept dreaming about something out of his senses. Unknown to him, those dreams mean more than he could ever imagine.

Four beings descended into his world, searching for the soul of someone not yet forgotten. Each with their own intentions.

But one thing is similar.. they won’t let go of their beloved this time.




It was by chance that Aiden decided to peer out of the rail corridor of his faculty’s second floor building. It was not actually. He just thought the fuss about the transfer students was a bit.. nonsensical.

Yes, he already knew. Everyone kept talking about it in all of his classes. The new students transferred to his faculty, by the way.

No, he’s not jealous with the attention they receive. Remember, he’s a loner by choice. He didn’t need no people.

‘Though, it must be nice to be making friends on the first day of class.’ Aiden thought bitterly. He never really has ‘friend’. Most people come and go in different stages of his lives.

Articus, as well, are going to graduate soon. And then he too, will become a dust of the past.

Thinking about it made him depressed. Truthfully, he didn’t want to be alone. But finding someone is hard. Keeping them forever is harder.

Plus, those dreams..

His thought broke when he caught sight of a man near the trees below. He seems to be searching his surroundings.

He must have been one of the new students because Aiden never saw him before. That man is a really good looker, so surely he would be popular enough in no time.

At first, Aiden was just lazily gazing at him. But then his heart pounds.

One beat, his head started throbbing. But Aiden always had a sudden headache so he ignored it.

The man by the trees below, turned around.

Two beats, something pounding in his head.

Aiden held his forehead with one hand at first. But then the pounding became prominent. Something hitting his head, like a hammer on a wooden board.

Two hands now pressed against the sides of his head. The pain becomes more and more unbearable.

Between the poundings, there was an image shown. But he couldn’t make sense of it.

Each pound carried the same image. One pound, black, one pound, the image, and it repeated like a broken record.

The image was blurry. He didn’t know what it is. He couldn’t see, he couldn’t focus. His mind was hazy with the dry bleeding pain in his head.

With shaky steps, Aiden carried himself to go to other places, other places with people. He needs help. He couldn’t take the pain. It hurts so much. Why did he suddenly have a violent headache like this?

And- and the image.. it keeps replaying!


His body tumbling from side to side but he forces himself to move forward. In the process, the ravenette bumped his head into something hard. The impact causes him to fall back to the floor.

The sting on his back shot straight up. But strangely enough, the pounding pain on his head has gradually stopped. There is still a lingering pain, but the pounding and the force recording of the images had completely stopped.

Aiden tried to get up on his feet, immediately his eyes locked with a fiery auburn pair of brown eyes.

Gelaro frowned at the person who bumped into him. However, he just laid a cold stare at the ravenette, then without a word, turned and left.

Aiden could only stare at the hard back of the man. But at least the pounding had stopped.

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