PotC: Curse of the Black Pearl

Chapter 3: The Drowning Girl

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Jack is telling Mullroy and Murtogg a story

Jack is telling Mullroy and Murtogg a story.

"Then they made me their chief." Jake says.

Someone falls into the water a little ways from the boat. The four run over to the edge of the boat.

"Will you be saving her?" Jill asks Mullroy.

"I can't swim!" Mullroy states.

Jack looks at Murtogg. The soldier shakers his head.

Jake and Jill take their hats off and hand them to Mullroy. 

"Pride of the king's navy you are!" Jack says.

The Sparrows take their weapons off and hand them to the soldiers. Jill also gives Mullroy her flask.

"Do not lose these." The Sparrows say, as they also hand them their jackets. 

The Sparrows jump into the water and begin to swim towards Elizabeth. 

A pulse moves through the water and Jill stops and looks around. She just ignores it and follows her brother.

A chill runs down Jill's spine as she and Jack reach Elizabeth and they both grab her and swim towards the surface. The breach the surface and takes a few deep breaths and swim towards the docks, but the dress is starting to weigh them down.

They start to sink back down and Jill begins to rip the dress off Elizabeth with Jack's help.

Once they get the dress off they swim towards the docks and they get her up and lay her on her back.

"She's not breathing!" Mullroy yells.

Jill pushes Mullroy away. "I've got it!"

Jill pulls a knife out  from her boot and cuts the straps of Elizabeth's girdle and rips it off. Elizabeth starts to cough as Jill moves her onto her side.

Jill pushes the girdle into Murtogg's hands. 

"I never would've thought of that." Mullroy says.

"Clearly you've never been to Singapore." Jack says as he kneels down next to Jill.

Jill puts her knife back in her boot.

Jack notices the medallion around Elizabeth's neck and he grabs it.


Both Jack and Jill look slightly concerned as they look at the medallion. 

"Where did you get that?" Jack asks Elizabeth.

Suddenly a sword is pointed at Jack's neck. A bayonet is in front of Jill's face. 

"On your feet." Norrington orders the two.

Jack and Jill stand up. Jill pokes the tip of the bayonet.

"Sharp." Jill says.

Governor Swann runs over to his daughter and picks her up. "Elizabeth! Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine." Elizabeth says as she hides the medallion. 

Swann covers her daughter in his coat and he notices Murtogg holding his daughter's girdle. 

Murtogg drops the girdle and points to the Sparrow twins.

"Shoot them!" Swann orders.

"Father!" Elizabeth yells and she looks at Norrington. "Commodore, do you really intend to kill my rescuers?"

Norrington looks at the Sparrows then to Swann. He puts his sword away and the soldiers behind him stop aiming their guns at the pirates.

"I believe thanks are in order." Norrington says as he holds his hand out.

The Sparrows look to each other and Jill uses her head to motion to Norrington.

Jack takes Norrington's hand gingerly. They shake and Norrington tightens his grip, yanks Jack's arm toward him, then tears back the sleeve of Jack's shirt - exposing a BRAND on Jack's inner wrist: a large 'P.'

"Had a brush with the East India Trading Company, did we, Pirate?" Norrington asks and he looks at Jill. "And I take it that she's your sister and also a pirate."

Jill nervously smiles, showing off her teeth, a couple are gold and one is silver.

"Hang them!" Swann orders.

Jill gives Swann a 'Really' look.

"Keep your guns on them." Norrington orders and the soldiers aim their guns at the two pirates. "Gillette, fetch me irons."

Norrington moves Jack's sleeve up more and spots a tattoo. 

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 "Well, well." Norrington starts. "Jack Sparrow, isn't it?" Norrington lets go off Jack's hand and he looks at Jill. "And you must be Jill Sparrow."

"Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please, sir." Jack says.

"And It's Captain Jillana Sparrow, or Captain Jill; if that's your fancy."

"I don't see you ship, 'Captains.'" Norrington says.

"We're in the market, as it were." Jack says.

Murtogg points to Jill. "She said they'd come to commandeer one."

"Told you he was telling the truth." Mullroy says and he hands Norrington The Sparrow's things. "These are their's, sir."

Norrington grabs the Sparrow's pistols. Jill wants to reach out for it. 

"No additional shots nor powder." Norrington says as he puts the pistols back. He grabs Jack's compass and opens it. "A compass that doesn't point north." He puts the compass down and grabs Jill's flask and looks at the engraved Sparrow. "A metal drinking pouch." He sets the flask down and he grabs the swords and pulls them slightly out of the scabbard. "And I half expected them to be made out of wood." He puts the swords away. "You two are without a doubt the worst pirates I've ever heard of!"

Jack smiles. "But you have heard of us."

Norrington frowns and grabs the two Sparrows and drags them away.

Elizabeth follows them. "Commodore, I really must protest!"

Norrington lieutenant puts Jill in chains and he grabs another pair and starts to put them on Jack. Jill stands behind Jack.

"Carefully, Lieutenant." Norrington says.


"Pirates or not, these two saved my life." Elizabeth says to Norrington.

"One good deed does not redeem a man of wickedness." Norrington states.

"It's enough to condemn him." Jack says.


Jack is now in chains. "Finally." Lightning-quick, he snaps the corset around the hand and wrist of the man holding the pistol and yanks. The pistol sails into the water. Before anyone can react to that, Jack has the manacle chain wrapped around Elizabeth's throat. 

Pistols are drawn again, but now Elizabeth serves as a shield. Norrington raises a cautioning hand to his men. Jill stands behind Jack, using him as a shield.

"No! No!" Swann yells. "Don't shoot!"

"I knew you'd warm up to me." Jack says to Elizabeth.

"Never trust a pirate, you've just met." Jill says.

"Commodore Norrington, our effects, please. And our hats." Jack demands.

Norrington hesitates.

"Commodore!" Jack yells.

Mullroy hands Norrington the Sparrows stuff.

"Elizabeth... It is Elizabeth?" Jack questions Elizabeth.

"It's Miss Swann." Elizabeth states.

"Well, you didn't swim like one." Jill says.

"Miss Swann, if you'd be so kind." Jack says.

Norrington hands Elizabeth the Sparrows stuff. Jill reaches around Jack and grabs her pistol. Jack grabs his pistol and he jerks Elizabeth around so she's facing him, belly to belly.

"If you'll be very kind." Jack says as he aims his pistol at her head.

Elizabeth puts Jack's belt on him. Jill just takes her's from Elizabeth's and does her best to put it on. Elizabeth puts Jack's hat on for him.

"Easy on the good's darling." Jack says.

"You're despicable." Elizabeth says to Jack.

"Not the worst we've been called." Jill says.

"We saved your life, you saved ours. We're square." Jack says to Elizabeth and he turns her around.

The Sparrows begin to back up.

"Gentlemen, my lady, you will always remember this as the day you almost caught Captain Jack and Jill Sparrow!"

Jack shoves Elizabeth away, and Jill grabs a rope, while also grabing Jack's hand, and pulls free a belaying pin a counterweight drops and Jack and Jill are lifted up to the middle of the gantry, where he grabs a second rope - Pistols fire -- and miss. 

Jack and Jill swing out, out, out, away and around from the gantry. Norrington has held his shot. With careful aim, he tracks Jack and Jill's trajectory - Jack and Jill drops from the rope even as Norrington FIRES. His shot tears the rope - -- as the Sparrows plummet past one of the gantry's guy lines, they snaps the length of manacle chain over the line and grabs hold of the far loop -- slides down the line and drops to the deck of a ship. The Sparrows run, leaping to another ship, then out of sight.



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