Prides Submission Book 3

Chapter 7: Chapter 4: Family

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      “I didn’t know you were coming in today,” Tinti scoffed upon seeing Sophia approaching the door. Her accent was always of the Shade district, making her sound unrefined in comparison to the city commoners. That tended to happen when one spent too much time just outside the wall. Even Sophia struggled with maintaining her city accent after spending long weeks on the farm.

      The Shade district was one of the few communities just outside the walls of Nova Nash. It was one of the very first attempts to branch out and expand the city parameter. A new section of wall was currently under construction, in the meantime the district was protected by an increased security detail, along with several lines of trench-works. Interestingly enough, Skitter attacks were rare and far between in the Shade district. Sophia liked to think it was due to the larger military presence.

      It was a dreary district, one who’s roads were yet fully paved and full of mud. If one thought there would be less pollution outside the wall, they would be mistaken. The constant construction created a layer of smog overhead, and with it came a rather noxious odor.

      The Pryde Dairy was built here, the lands purchased by her mothers at a healthy discount. However Keri and Sena managed to acquire the rights to the land, Sophia didn’t want to know. 

      The parcel of land was situation on a hill, flanked by streams and ridges. The family home was the size of a small manor, complete with naked statues arranged on either side of the cobblestone pathway. Sophia didn’t want to know how they got the funds to build any of that as well. The building was a two story brickwork construction with a large garden featured in a center courtyard. Her mother had acquired the services of several strapping guards to patrol the vicinity, all of which knew Sophia by name. One of them recognized her immediately and offered her a wave, to which she returned one in kind. 

      It was a rather extravagant home, more than able to house a dozen comfortably. Sophia’s mothers wanted a big family, and were eager to populate their country side dwelling. Their determination made is so that even with the many bedrooms to choose from, Sophia still had to share one for most of her childhood. She moved as soon as she could, and only returned for work. 

      Tinti, her barely older sister, stood at the gap of the entryway with her arms crossed under her plump breasts. She was tall and voluptuous, with long dark brown hair that she liked to keep in a ponytail down to the side. Her dark eyes were mysterious, her pale skin a milky white. She had lean features, and a narrow face with sharp cheek bones. She looked almost nothing like her mother, except for her endowed physique and child bearing waist. She wore a rather fine looking tank top that was bound in a knot at the stomach, and a pair of shorts with knee high boots. The belt buckle for her shorts had the milk drop emblem proudly displayed. Evidently she had been working all afternoon, milk stains were seeping through the cloth fabric.

      “Tinti, its good to see you.” Sophia’s words didn’t match her tone. In truth she wanted to slap that ugly smug from her sisters face. 

      Sophia Pryde wasn’t wearing her uniform, she hadn’t come here for that. Instead she had on a designer made low cut top with a padded brazier underneath. Her skirt went down to her knees, and her low heeled boots worked well for the unpaved streets and sidewalks. A chocker necklace wrapped around her throat, a small way to help divert the eyes away from her ample chest. She also had on a bracelet that dangled from her wrists. The bracelet included a charm for each of her family members.

      Chloe followed her from close behind. Her red corset was obviously designed to draw the eye. The satin coat covered her shoulders, and a crimson pair of leggings extended to her ankles. She had shamelessly tried to wear a pair of high heels on the basis that she hoped to meet up with her boyfriend afterward. Sophia warned her, multiple times, not to wear them outside. She ignored her warnings, and desperately tried to keep to the cobblestones and avoid the dirt. 

     “Tinti, looking good girl!” Chloe skipped ahead of Sophia so that she could rush to the door. “Did you do something with your hair? And your nails! Gorgeous!” 

      Sophia barely looked her sister up and down, not caring about her manicured nails or adorable boots. Ok, she cared a little about the boots. Tinti had decorated them with pink laces and cute ribbons. Her sister always had a gift for transforming practical clothing into something spectacular. 

      “Chloe, pleasure as always. What brings you back to the farm? I don’t remember you being scheduled to help out today?” Tinti relaxed in the presence of Chloe. She planted a hand on her hip, and slouched to the side. Her lack of a bra was clearly evident. 

      “I need to talk to mom,” Sophia interrupted. She always referred to her birth mother as mom, and her mothers wife as mommy. Most of the Pryde sons and daughters did the same, including Sena’s children, Sophia’s half siblings.

      “No,” Tinti looked her squarely in the eye while waving her hand, as if to shoo her away. 

      Sophia wanted to smack her even more. “What?” She asked with venomous spite in her voice.

      “Mom’s…preoccupied.” Tinti hogged the entryway to the manor, not letting them inside. 

      Over the nineteen years of her life, Sophia had learned exactly what that meant. She remembered the first time stumbling upon the meaning of that word. Sophia was fourteen at the time, her body still wracked with the traumas of puberty. She had just started lactating for the first time, along with everything else associated with becoming a woman. A noise had woken her up in the dead of the night, and she snuck into her moms room to find them sharing their bed with a man. The trauma still haunted her.

      “I’m coming in,” Sophia’s height gave her an advantage, enough to push her sister aside. 

      “No wait!” Sophia ignored her sisters protests. She stormed down the hall in a run, past the family pictures, and nearly stumbled into her youngest sister who looked as if she were half asleep. 

      Standing barely five feet tall, with auburn skin and wide brown eyes, Nadalah beamed upon seeing Sophia. She was still wearing her school uniform, and had on her own bracelet on her left wrist.

      “Sis!” Nadalah rushed up to embrace her without a seconds hesitation. “I’m so glad you’re hear! I really REALLY need your help.”

      Sophia caught her breath. Nadalah was only fifteen years old, and she was still growing, but her body was already well developed. She would certainly be a sight to behold upon reaching maturity. Her short brown hair, and adorable smile, was the spitting image of her mother. Even her sense of humor and mannerisms were clear examples that the old saying ‘like mother like daughter’ was accurate. The only thing she had inherited from her nameless father was her warm sand colored skin, and thick thighs. Sophia cringed with jealousy upon seeing how meaty Nadalah’s thighs were in her school uniform.

      “Nadi, why so gloomy?” Sophia noticed that Tinti was quickly trying to catch up with her. She wanted to rush ahead, but felt a knot of guilt with the thought of simply ignoring Nadalah. 

      Nadalah looked up to her with clear concern in her sparkling almond eyes. “There’s this guy I like…”

      “Nope, not right now Nadi.” Sophia gulped, instantly forgetting her previous guilt. She immediately cut her sister off, and continued down the hall. Tinti and Chloe weren’t too far behind.

      “But sis! Why won’t anyone let me finish!” Nadalah’s pleas echoed down the hall, and she was quick to try and follow.

      Sophia had no interest in conversing about boy troubles with her youngest sister, someone who was far too young to entangle herself with a boyfriend to begin with. “I don’t have time for this right now.”

      “But Sophie!” Nadalah’s sharp voice followed her.

      The halls were richly decorated, and several small cleaning bots were busy with vacuuming the floors. A rich smell of eucalyptus filled the air, a subtle reminder of home and her childhood. The windows let in a brilliant amount of sunlight, making the manor feel more open and relaxed. Sophia knew she was getting close to her mothers room when she turned the corner.

      Sophia took a quick glance over her shoulder, Nadalah was within arms reach with Tinti just behind. “What the hell are you doing with some guy anyway? Seriously you’re not old enough to have a boyfriend.” Sophia heightened her pace, strutting down the corridor just out of reach. She knew that Nadalah, Tinti, and Chloe were riding her coat trails.

      Chloe tried her best to distract Tinti, yet she failed miserably after running into another of Sophia’s siblings who had stormed out of his room to see what was going on. 

      The sound of the impact was loud enough to give Sophia pause. She turned around to see Chloe on the floor, the man she clumsily ran into was trying to help her up. Even Tinti had frozen in place after hearing the noise of the collision. 

      “What the hell is going on here?” Bryce Pryde, Sophia’s older brother by two years, gently tried to help Chloe from the floor. His blonde hair was short and combed back, his blue eyes startlingly attractive. He also had just the right amount of gruff on his chin and cheeks, the blonde turning to a subtle brown where it grew thicker. Sophia was always jealous of him, and his gifted genes. Whoever his father was, he must’ve been a real looker. 

      Bryce was a gentle soul, even though he had the body of a boxer. His shoulders were thick, his chest broad, and his torso was built like a brick. He was short for a guy, something he was self-conscious about, and fair skinned. The moment he caught sight of Sophia, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes. He knew some new drama was unfolding.

      “Sorry for bumping into you Bryce.” Chloe struggled to put any weight on her right ankle. Noticing her discomfort, Bryce was willing to help steady her, and then figured it would be easier to simply carry her.

      “You wouldn’t be the first, but at least we’re not related. I take it your trying to cover for my troubled sister?” For a short guy, he managed to pick up Chloe with ease. His manly bulk filled out his shoulders, making it easy for him to lift her weight.

      I though I was your favorite sister, Sophia ground her teeth. 

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      “My hero, but seriously don’t drop me.” Chloe wrapped her arms around his neck playfully. She wasn’t above teasing with other guys, especially Sophia’s brothers, just as long as no line was crossed.

      “Keep it in your pants,” Tinti stammered. She was panting, which Sophia found curious. Perhaps spending so much time seated in the milking chairs had made her soft?

      “That’s just rude sis,” Nadalah rushed past Tinti to Sophia’s side. She remained desperate to talk, and clung to Sophia’s arm. “Bryce didn’t do anything wrong, he’s only trying to help.”

      “Yeah I’m helping her, and you just assume I can’t keep it in my pants?” Bryce shot Tinti a ‘are you kidding’ look. Wearing only his sweatpants and a simple shirt, he clearly wasn’t expecting any company. He wasn’t even wearing any socks.

      In truth, Sophia had it on good authority that all her brothers were well hung. Apparently being a Pryde had its benefits for the guys as well. She could only imagine what Chloe would do if she found that out, her loyalty to Jack could be tested. Perish the though, she brushed the thought aside.

      “Just be thankful I’m wearing sweat pants.” He seemed confused as to where to take Chloe. He wasn’t about to bring her to his room, but there were no stools or places to sit in the hallway.

      “To think that sweat pants and a pair of boxers are the only things keeping your python from touching my bff.” Sophia meant it as a jibe, the two of them were known for trading insults back and forth and she was happy to continue the tradition. She was still a little sore from him referring to her as his troubled sister.

      “I’m actually not wearing any boxers.” At first Sophia thought it was joke, but the look of fear on his face was very real.

      “Why are you commando!” Chloe gasped.

      “Why are you even here?”

      “Enough!” Tinti stomped her foot and pointed at her older brother. “You, take her to the living room, and for the love of god get her some ice for that ankle.” She then looked at Sophia. “And you, don’t you dare bother mother.”

      “Bother me with what?” Keri Pryde, Sophia’s mom, appeared from the adjacent hallway. She was wearing a silk robe, with the sash just barely holding it closed, and her hair was wrapped in a towel. 

      Sophia looked at her mother, and gawked as a rather tall and viciously handsome soldier in full uniform strolled into view. It looked like he just got out of a shower, his short hair still wet. Approaching from behind Keri, he handed her what looked to be an ornate package. Keri offered him a wink, and then let him peck her on the cheek. Their transaction complete, the young soldier tipped his hat to everyone in the hall, and marched away. Sophia was stunned, and found her feet frozen in place until the suitor had passed them by, and left the vicinity.

      “I think I’m going to be sick,” Sophia murmured. Deep down she wasn’t sure why she continued to feel so apprehensive about this. Her mothers had been doing this kind of thing for years. When they weren’t coupling to expand their own family, they were selling their wombs out to the highest bidder. Often it was soldiers who desired healthy children. The small decorative package was clearly a payment to sleep with her, with the hope she would conceive. 

      Sophia had numerous siblings that were not officially part of the family, she had no idea just how extensive her family tree had grown. Once the conception was confirmed, Keri would likely have the fetus transferred to a synthetic womb, and once born they would be raised by the father and his family. 

      The practice made Sophia feel sick, but it was entirely legal and a boon to their families coffers. Both her mothers, Keri and Sena, had been doing this kind of thing for years.

      Sophia’s mother smiled, her beauty highlighted by the glowing sunlight. Her almond hair peeked through her expensive towel, and her warm face was free of any judgement. “Oh darling, you’re being ridiculous.”

      Keri put the small package away, sitting it on a small table to the side, and approached to embrace Sophia. “I’m so happy to see you! My darling child, what brings you home? Do you need anything? Have you eaten today? By god your thin as a rail.”

      Sophia felt her mothers warm body pressing up against her, and could smell her shampoo. “No mom, I need to ask you about what happened last night.”

      “Oh last night was so much fun! Did you have a good time?” Keri eagerly accepted Nadalah into her hug alongside Sophia. 

      “I think someone drugged me.” Sophia groaned, keeping her anger in control.

      “What? Don’t be silly, I know the proprietor and there’s no way he would let something like that happen. He was extra protective knowing one of my daughters was there. Besides, don’t you see what happened?”

      She knows the proprietor, Sophia wondered if he was one of their nameless fathers. “I don’t remember anything.”

      “That’s just because you haven’t come to terms with your other side. I saw the true Sophia last night, my little girl became the beautiful and adventurous woman I always knew her to be. You just needed to loosen up and have a bit of fun.” There was true pride in Keri’s voice, as if her own daughter’s sex life was something to talk about in the open.

      “What part of I don’t remember anything don’t you understand.”

      “Look honey, it can be frightening at first, embracing your carnal desires, but you’re a Pryde and once you’ve accepted that everything will become clear for you.” She let Sophia leave her embrace, and looked her up and down. “You look good by the way, I love that top. It accentuates all your tender qualities. Who knew my flesh and blood would turn out so damn fine?”

      Nadalah kept close to Keri’s bossum. “What about me mother? Will I look as beautiful as Sophie?”

      Keri chuckled with delight, “You’re already gorgeous, my precious Nadi. Just be patient before you let another guy touch you. Boys at your age are far to young to handle themselves. Try not to let him get too close, not for at least another three years ok?”

      “Yes mother, I’ll try,” Nadalah sighed with disappointment.

      “Good, now go and find Alessandra, I think she’s in the weight room.” Keri was referring to another of Sophia’s elder sisters. Alessandra still lived here, although Sophia hadn’t spoken to her in a while.

      Nadalah looked over to Sophia and Tinti, and then skipped down the halls while humming a cheerful tune. Her joy of life was a welcome reminder to Sophia that returning home every once in a while wasn’t a bad thing.

      Once alone Sophia continued, “I still think I was drugged last night. Did you…actually see the video?” She feared her mothers answer. 

      To her credit, Sophia’s mother didn’t respond. Instead she merely planted a hand on her shoulder and kissed her on the forehead. “I’m sure you had fun, you and Chloe both.”

      “She’s right of course,” Tinti entered the conversation. “A similar thing happened to me last year, I thought I was drugged too. But then I realized I was the one who suppressed the memories, I was too ashamed to admit that I kinda liked being a horny slut.”

      “You realize what you saying right? That I liked degrading myself on video, and then simply buried the memory?” Sophia looked over to Tinti in disbelief. A latent memory flashed before her eyes, one hinting that Tinti might be telling the truth.

      Before her sister could respond, Tinti clutched her stomach and threw up on the floor. The sudden burst of vomit startled both Sophia and their mother, who quickly rushed to her side. Keri helped keep Tinti steady while massaging her back, while Sophia searched for anything to clean the floor. Seeing her sister falling ill without explanation, Sophia quickly forgot whatever drama had grown between them. 

      Once she coughed up the last of her spittle, Tinti let Sophia wipe away the left over from her lips. She then looked over to Keri with tearful eyes. “Mom, I think I’m pregnant.”

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