Prides Submission Book 3

Chapter 8: Chapter 5: Buried Desires

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      Apparently Tinti was aiming to get pregnant for some time, desperate for it in fact. She had come to the belief that with a little bun in her oven, her breast milk would not only increase in quality but quantity as well. That had helped both her mothers in the past, but Sophia felt like it was going a bit overboard. Tinti worked often at the dairy, possibly harder than any of her other sisters, and her milk was labelled as Special Batch 138. It was fairly high in demand, and frequently in supply.

      To fill her womb, Tinti had been going out every weekend to seduce young men. She had given up taking contraceptives weeks ago, and was often accompanied by one of their elder siblings Nillah who knew all the hot spots in the Shade district.

      “A Rachelle Institute Logo?” Sophia’s mom looked at the laminated card. “Interesting, It looks like a bidding card. Have you applied to the Grand University?”

      The practice of handing out bidding cards only began recently, but Sophia had heard of the new tradition. Whenever sororities or fraternities saw potential recruits in public they would offer them a laminated card. This was a way to invite them to university grounds for a one-on-one interview. 

      In truth, Sophia had little interest in applying. It was true that it was virtually impossible to get a real job without a degree from the intellectual class. However, she made enough money at the Dairy to make herself comfortable. She was lucky for her mothers genes, for without them she would probably have been forced to either join the military or seek membership at the university. Other than joining the military there were few ways to truly succeed without that damn degree. Even shop owners, and low end clerks, had to graduate from the Grand University of Nova Nash. 

      There was no entrance exams for applying. All one had to do was get recruited by one of the fraternity, or sorority, institutions on campus. Both Sophia’s mothers were once members of the Rachelle Institute, and they were known for extreme hazing practices. Seeing the flashy RI logo on the card, Sophia knew what it meant. 

      “I’ve never set foot on campus,” Sophia was more worried about Tinti at the moment than discussing the card, but she did come all this way to speak about it. 

      They had taken Tinti to the infirmary, which was the size of a small bedroom and furnished to treat minor injuries. Sophia’s mothers used it frequently to monitor their own pregnancies, and prep for fetus transfer. Now it was used to help treat Tinti’s sudden bout of morning sickness. 

      Tinti laid on a small bed in the side of the room. Sena Pryde, Sophia’s other mother, sat nearby brushing her hair and trying to help her re-hydrate. Sena’s enormous breasts were fully exposed. Suction cups were suckling her glorious nipples, collecting her milk in a large cup with a straw that Tinti was happily drinking form.

      Sena had adopted a new hair dye, making it so her long locks were now a stark blue. Sophia wasn’t sure, but it looked like Sena was starting to show a baby bump as well. That meant both her mothers had been occupied recently. 

      “You should, it would make us both proud.” Keri rubbed the business card with her thumb.

      Sophia had never liked the idea of shaming herself for some Sorority, just to attend college. The idea of weekly exams also stressed her out. “I’m doing fine!”

      “You’re living in a tiny apartment all by yourself. I understand you wanting to branch out on your own, but I hate seeing you alone and lonely.” Keri gently placed her hand on Sophia’s shoulder.

      “You might even meet someone,” Sena chimed in happily. 

      Meet someone…I’ve met enough ‘someones’, but it’s just never enough.

      Deep down, Sophia would love nothing more than to meet someone worth sharing her life with. The world was full of disappointment, however, and Sophia had learned how to harden herself from its cold savagery. It didn’t help that her tastes were so…divergent.

      She felt a need to be desired, but had never felt desire for any one person in particular. Groups of people though…something deep in her soul was drawn to them. Sophia’s darkest fantasies involved her being surrounded by strong, muscle throbbing, men. She kept such lusts buried, unless getting involved with couples. Some called her a unicorn for such behavior, but Sophia simply thought it as fun. Chloe and her boyfriend included her in their bed frequently, and every once in a while Sophia would seek out other couples for some late night delight. 

      Despite her unconventional sex life, Sophia never met a single person who captured her undivided affection. She hoped that one day she would. 

      “I’m fine,” her declaration didn’t sound convincing. 

      “Everyone needs someone. But it’s your choice.” Her mother leaned in close, and wrapped an arm around her. Sophia couldn’t help but find her mothers perfume extraordinarily relaxing. 

      On the bed, Tinti seemed well enough to stand. Sena helped her to her feet, and then covered herself up.

      “It wouldn’t hurt to just visit the university, and see what the sorority wants. Maybe you’ll even like it?” Sena spoke while offering a curt smile. She then brushed her blue hair back, and buttoned up her shirt so that her cleavage was fully concealed. Sena had been wearing casual sweat pants and a simple buttoned up t-shirt when Tinti was brought to their infirmary, and Sophia doubted that she would change. 

      “I don’t know.” Sophia noticed that Tinti was still feeling woozy. Her sister shot her an annoying glare before letting their second mother escort her to the door.

      “Whats the worst that can happen?” Sena asked as she was about to leave with Tinti. “Your mother and I met as Rachelle’s, and completely fell in love.” The gushy confession was cringe inducing, and it made Sophia feel nauseous.  

      Sena continued. “Even the worst of times helped us become who we are today. Just go, and if it’s not for you then its no big deal.”

      Sophia looked over to Tinti who was still not feeling well. “Don’t look at me,” Tinti scoffed. “You’re the one with the invitation, i guess it’s up to you.” The look of pure jealously and spite on Tinti’s face shook Sophia to the core.

      Once free, Sophia debated on going to the manors living room to check on Chloe, but was distracted as she strolled down the halls. The sound of clanging weights, and one of her sisters voices, stirred her curiosity. The sounds were coming from the gymnasium, which was on the way to the living room anyway. As she followed the sounds, Sophia found herself deep in thought.

      Despite Keri’s multiple pregnancies, she only carried three of her children to term, without the substitution of a synthetic womb. Sophia was the second, Alessandra the first, and Hoha the final. The three of them shared a kinship in a weird way, one that separated them from the rest of their siblings. Sophia wasn’t surprised to find Hoha in the manors gymnasium, but she was frankly surprised to find Alessandra there as well. 

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      The gymnasium was the size of a basketball court. Half of the space was dedicated to barbell stations, pull up bars, and a collection of workout machines. A small area was quartered off for a boxing ring, and gloves littered the platform. The other side of the gymnasium was sparse of any machinery in favor for dumbbell stations, and the forward wall featured a massive theater screen. There were three treadmills, and two free-standing treadmills, that were stationed just in front of the wall so that runners could watch movies as they jogged. 

      Most of the equipment wasn’t new, in fact the piles of weights had their fare share of dents and scratches. One of the treadmills was currently offline, the running belt damaged. Rust decorated the pull up bars, thick wads of tape wrapped around certain sections to make it usable. 

      Just outside, visible through the massive glass windows, was a large swimming pool flanked by a series of smaller hot tub jacuzzis.  A fire pit for cookouts was also there, with adjoining chairs and cushioned couches surrounding it. Sophia remembered spending many an evening with her family late at night around the fire pit, overlooking the stars above. 

      Hoha was one of Sophia’s younger siblings. She was wearing a workout bra and shorts. A thick puddle of sweat collected at the base of her large breasts, which were clearly visible. The fabric of her pink bra was barely able to contain her girth. Stark nipple’s pressed against the fabric, and dark splotches of milk slowly seeped through.

      Hoha was a workout fanatic; she spent most her free time in the gymnasium pumping iron, or duking it out with her brothers on the sparring floor. Her dyed red hair was matted with sweat from long hours of toil, and her dark brown eyes instantly glommed onto Sophia. Years of training had helped her build a wonderful physique, with thick arms, bold shoulders, and a refined six pack. Her back muscles bulged as she flexed, making her look freakishly boyish despite her hourglass frame. 

      Hoha enjoyed showing off her stomach in public, often wearing tube-tops so that her core muscles were proudly on display. Sophia had seen a picture of her mother from her earlier years, when Keri strived to get into women’s boxing, and Hoha looked remarkably similar. 

      Laying on a benching chair, Alessandra was lifting a large barbell in the air with Hoha spotting her. Alessandra was Sophia’s eldest known sister. She was short, lean, and not suited for such workouts. Despite her lighter frame, she seemed ferocious while trying to press the weight in the air. Her wavy blonde hair, and sparkling blue eyes, separated her from most of the Pryde daughters. Unlike Hoha, who was happy to show off her bare muscles during her workouts, Alessandra wore a large t-shirt, and yoga pants. 

      Another thing that separated these two from most of the Pryde siblings, even including Sophia, was that they actually knew who their fathers were. Alessandra’s father was some noble diplomat, and she spent much of her time with him. Hoha’s dad was a soldier on the wall, and while she rarely spent time with him she worked hard for his affection.

      Privately Sophia felt a spot of jealousy for their fatherly connections. She wished to know who her own father was. Was he just some sperm donor, a one night stand, or a client that didn’t want to meet his offspring? Being that their mother only carried three of them to term, herself included, also brought questions. Had her father been someone special? Or were there just no synthetic wombs available? Sophia never openly questioned her mother about it, she had been too afraid to ask.

      “Hey Sophia! Come to work up a sweat?” Hoha’s voice caught her off guard. The country accent was surprisingly strong.

      Sophia shook her head, she kept in shape and worked out frequently, but hadn’t inherited the fanatic gene that had so evidently possessed Hoha. She approached, and waited for Alessandra to finish her final reps. Alessandras arms fell like wet noodles off to the side the moment she let go of the weighted barbell. 

      “That’s your third set of ten, one more to go Sandra,” Hoha spoke with encouragement. 

      “No more, can’t…move…arms!” Alessandra gasped in between her words. 

      Hoha noticed Sophia’s apprehension, “Hey is something wrong?”

      Sophia took in a deep breath, and then told them about Tinti’s condition. The two of them listened intently, digesting the news with a mixture of surprise and alarm. By the time Sophia was finished, Alessandra was sitting upright and Hoha was leaning against the barbell with a smirk on her face. 

      “So Tinti’s pregnant, good for her. I guess that means we’ll all be aunts soon.” Alessandra cleared her throat before finally offering her response. She seemed nonchalant about the revelation.

      “How did mom take it?” Asked Hoha while still leaning on the barbell. 

      Sophia sighed, “She’s delighted.”

      “So the first grandchild,” Alessandra remarked. She was already laying down to go for another set.

      “Actually Bryce and Darrel have had a LOT of action, so its possible it isn’t is the first.” However Hoha knew that, Sophia didn’t want to know. 

      “Funny,” Alessandra gripped the steel bar. “I always thought it would be Nillah that would get knocked up first.”

      Mentioning Nillah brought up some rather…disturbing memories. Nillah was Sena’s eldest daughter, Sophia’s half sister, and an absolute whore. There was rarely a guy she wouldn’t say no too, and Sophia was at liberty of knowing that Nillah had slept with half the guards on Dairy grounds. She couldn’t help but wonder where Nillah was now? Possibly with another guard already.

      “Good point,” Hoha shrugged her bulky shoulders. “I caught her in her room the other day with her face smothered in jizz. I thought it was a face mask at first, but then she looked right at me and licked some of it off her lips. It was so gross, and somehow hot at the same time.”

      “Where the hell did it come from?” Sophia felt a pit in her stomach. 

      Hoha just rolled her eyes. “From the guard she’s been sleeping with.”

      Sophia felt dumb for asking the obvious question. “But which one?” 

      Hoha thought about it a moment. “I think his name is Kyle…something something. Not really sure. He’s the tall guy with the scar on his chin, the one that makes it hard to grow a decent beard. Rumor has it he’s a sweetheart, I even saw him stand up for Nillah at the bar a few weeks back. I think she might even like him.”

      Nillah liking anyone seriously sounded like a stretch, but Sophia supposed anything was possible. “Does mother know?” Sophia asked just before Alessandra began her next set. 

      “I imagine they both do.” Hoha helped Alessandra lift the bar, but only with the smallest amount of tension. “If they don’t, they’ll certainly find out soon enough.”

      Sophia said her goodbyes, and then proceeded to the living room in good order. She grabbed hold of Chloe before her shameful flirtations had Bryce’s pants falling to the floor, and dragged her away. Whether or not she was actually going to consider her mothers advice, and entertain a one-on-one interview with the Rachelle Sorority, she had yet to decide. First she needed to get drunk, and enjoy what was left of her weekend. 

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