Chapter 12: CHAPTER 11: “A Shipper’s rom-com experience”

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   I couldn’t contain my excitement when I found out. I had decided to call John, to ask if we were still going fishing, the surprise I got when he said he had invited Gita to come with was revealed in my glass-piercing screech throughout the phone. Did this mean what I thought it meant? Had my top-tier ship succeeded? Had springtime come for my best friend? Clearly, I had hoped too much…

   As he told me on the phone that this was his way of paying her back for the movie invite from a couple of weeks back, I couldn’t help but sigh, as the tone in his voice revealed this truly was all the invitation meant to him. But I couldn’t be too sad though, this still gave Gita a chance.

   I decided to call her as soon as I finished talking with John on the phone. I asked her if she needed my ‘professional pairing skills’, I don’t think I broke rule 6 by asking this, as I think this opportunity fell under rule 7’s standards. Gita had accepted my offer. My smile got wider, I had tried to keep it out of my mind, but the fact that none of the girls had asked for my help since the argument had miffed me down. But now I was pumped up.

   Gita and I practiced some confidence-boosting exercises at her house before I left early to turn in for the night. Tomorrow we’re going to the mall to find some fishing supplies as John only had one pair, Gita had never fished in her life, so she didn’t have anything, and I had left all that stuff back with my parents.

   This was a jackpot, not only would I create scenarios when we went fishing, I could do the same while shopping. I needed to organize my ideas fast.

   The day was here, and we were already near the fishing racks. During our mall walk before getting here I had set my plans in motion on multiple occasions, I kept in touch with Gita via com-links trying to help her in conversations, but I have to admit I didn’t tell Gita of all my plans. For example, I suggested we got some ice cream before going to look for fishing gear. Gita knew this part of the plan, but what she didn’t know is how after they both ordered I conveniently whispered that I had changed my mind and was going to look for a milkshake elsewhere. John took it in stride smiling, while Gita was a nervous wreck. I assured her via com-link while she struck a conversation with John, talking about their favorite ice creams, the place’s mood, and background music. They also further discussed the plans for our fishing encounter, while I listened in via com-link from the milkshake place next to the ice cream store. (That milkshake was good though).

   Later I made it, so we all took the long way toward the store. John was none the wiser, and Gita trying to keep her blush under control, while I conveniently said I had to go to the bathroom and for them to meet me at the store. My plan was working perfectly. I thought I would be rusty because of my impromptu withdrawal from ship planning, but I was wrong. This was working out great…

Perhaps too great…

   When I made my way to the store, I turned off the com-link as I found them near the fishing section, I didn’t need it since I heard their conversation from where I was. Gita had asked John how fishing worked since she had never done it before, and John was earnestly explaining it to her.

- “So, what kind… What kind of bait do you use John?”

- “I try not to use live bait, I’m more of those guys that use plastic fish baits… Ha-ha… I think they’re cute.”

- “Yeah Gita, you should have seen the first time we went fishing. When he saw those plastic things, he almost felt bad that they were going to be used to lure the real thing into a trap.”

   I had decided to speak to let them know I was back from my bathroom break, I didn’t mean to meddle, but they didn’t notice. I only smiled wider. John tends to forget the world around him when he talks about something he likes, and fishing is one of those things (something to do with his dad). And Gita, well she was so focused, a mixture of genuine curiosity, and trance due to John’s knowledgeable gaze. Neither noticed I was back. I sighed, shook my head, and decided to look at the fishing hooks.

   The fact that I was being ignored made this outing a perfect success, one of my biggest worries was that it would be the opposite, that either John would unintentionally ignore Gita, or Gita would nervously avoid John. But they were solely focused on their conversation. My happiness levels were off the charts, my ship was sailing, even if it wasn’t romantically yet.

   I decided to focus on the gear I would need for our fishing outing. I found a cool fisher hat, and one of those vests. I know those were not requirements for fishing, but I enjoyed the traditional look. I picked a set of flashy plastic baits when I saw it on one of the top shelves. A blue fishing rod with neon green stripes. It was super awesome, it kind of reminded me of my old one. I wanted to get that one, but there was one problem. Contrary to my two best friends who were idly talking, I wasn’t very tall. I was fairly small compared to many, it wasn’t a physical condition, it was that I simply wasn’t tall. This meant that me reaching that rod was impossible unless I decided to climb the shelves risking injury or getting kicked out.

   But either of my friends could reach it, they might need to tiptoe a bit, but they certainly could. I didn’t want to interrupt them, but asking for a favor wouldn’t ruin my plan… Would it?

- “Hey John. Could you get me that rod over there? I can’t quite reach it.”

- “I remember this one time, I thought I was reeling in this super huge fish. I pulled and pulled, and it wouldn’t budge. The rod even snaped. I went to the water to see what was happening only to realize the hook had gotten stuck on a rock. HaHaHaHa… So, make sure not to be on areas that are too shallow when you throw your line Chowa.”

- “Ok… Hey Gita, can you make me a favor? Umm… Gita?”

- “Hihihi… That was funny. I’ll keep it in mind.”

   Wasn’t this getting a little out of hand? Don’t get me wrong, I am happy with this conversational development, this was what I had been working for. John idly chatting with Gita, and Gita not being super shy. This was development, but I was only asking for a favor. Couldn’t they just help me for a sec, they didn’t even have to stop talking…

That was when I felt it… I was the third wheel at this moment…

   I don’t get it. I have been the third wheel many times, if I planned to succeed, I had to be present during their hangouts with John, but not be actively interacting with either the girl or John, I helped from the background. But never had I felt like the third wheel, even if I constantly was.

Why was this happening?

   If there is one thing, I pride myself in, is my ability to not be dense. I decided to do a little introspection on why I was feeling like this, and why it was bothering me. One, I needed their assistance, but they were so focused they hadn’t noticed. Two, the original plan was for me and John to go fishing, Gita was invited later. Something I did not mind as it gave her chances with John, but I still expected not to be ignored when actual fishing-related stuff was taking place. And three, I wasn’t listening in via com-link, which meant this moment wasn’t something I orchestrated for this specific development.

   In conclusion, I amount this feeling to my desire to control the situation and alienation from something that should involve me as well… And frustration with my height and inability to help myself.

   These were negative feelings, they were natural feelings, but I didn’t want to let them explode, not when everything was going so great.

   Don’t get me wrong, if someone read my thoughts, they could either think I was being whiny, or that my friends were being terrible friends. No, they weren’t being terrible friends, and perhaps I was being a bit whiny. I needed to take a breather before my frustration escalated. I felt like using my com-link to interrupt Gita at this moment, but that would be petty, and counterproductive with how much progress she was making on her own. And after she helped me and cheered me up the last time we met. I couldn’t do that to her.

   As subtly as I had come, I left the fishing area, hoping to both take a breather and perhaps find a store clerk that could help me get the fishing rod I wanted. I made my way to the cashier areas to ask for help.

- “Excuse me, sir… Would you mind helping me? I can’t reach a fishing rod.”

- “Of course, young man. I’ll send someone over there. Please wait by the fishing area.”

- “Thank you, sir.”

   Well, I calmed down fairly fast. Talking to the cashier was the best call, my feelings both evened out, and I would get the help I needed. I went back to the fishing area of the store, but, today wasn’t my day…

- “John… Gita?”

   They had moved out of the area. I looked to my right and my left, and I couldn’t find out where they were. I thought they would have stayed here; with how much they were talking about fishing.

They should be fine, they only moved somewhere else. They are probably still chatting…

But what if Gita needs my shipping help right now?

Wait, what if they still have no idea I’m gone and leave the store?

I have no other plans for today, neither in shipping, nor with John, nor with Gita, I don’t know where they would go.

And John… He is the one that drove us here… If I can’t find him…

   I was stressing a bit. This was stupid. I know this mall is far from home, but I’ve come here a couple of times with John and Ao-sen since I got to Okinawa. I should be able to find them, right?

   Fair to say, I forgot about the rod and fishing gear I wanted, leaving the fishing area and looking for my friends. I hope that any store clerk that came to help me wouldn’t hold it against me.

   I started to look through every hall of the store, but I didn’t find them. I was beginning to stress out again because as if by plot armor, the store was beginning to get very crowded. That’s when I remembered, and suddenly felt very stupid. I had a com-link. How stupid could I be I just had to turn it on again and contact Gita.

   As I prepared to turn it on, I accidentally bumped into someone. (I must say, for some reason, most of my encounters with people that later become important, begin with me bumping into them). The bump made me fall, but that wasn’t the worst part, as if by plot armor again, the com-link fell from my ear and into the floor, only for a random customer to step on it by mistake and not even notice.

- “I’m sorry are you ok little guy?”

   Something about that phrasing really bothered me. I really have short guy insecurity, huh. She sounded sincere, whoever she was. I decided to look up only to find a cute blonde girl, with her hair down and a flower shirt, with short jeans. She extended a hand to help me up, and of course, she was taller than me… Sigh.

- “Sorry I didn’t notice you there,”

- “It’s ok, I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings at the moment.”

- “Yeah, like, look around dude, you ran straight into my friend and that is so lame.”

   The one who spoke right now was not the cute blonde, I turn to the side and find a green-haired girl that had tied her hair in a ponytail. She had lipstick, and make-up, contrary to her blonde friend who didn’t wear any. The word lame didn’t go unnoticed.

- “My bad, I’m sorry.”

- “It’s ok, what’s your name, little guy?”

   It clicked with me. The green-haired one: trendy clothes (somewhat revealing but not inappropriate), lots of make-up (although not excessive), and a trendy manner of speech. She was a gal or ‘gyaru’ a term I know from anime and rom-com stories. Girls that tend to be trendy, like to hang out with friends a lot, love malls, and most likely like to karaoke, if we take the cliches by the letter. The use of the word lame confirmed it.

   And her friend smiles a lot, has a friendly manner of speech, is helpful, understanding, not shy, and not condescending. Simple fashion, and not prone to make-up, she is most likely a ‘social butterfly’. The fact she asked for the name, of a random guy that bumped into her by accident confirms this… Oh yeah… I almost forgot.

- “Toyohama, Niokurinin. You can call me Nio.”

- “Ok, Nio. I’m Sanagi, Cho. You can call me Cho. And my green-haired friend is Fasshon, Keiko.”

- “I go by Kei, or Fass, if you want or whatever.”

- “Nice to meet you, Miss Sanagi, Miss Fasshon.”

- “Hihihi… So formal. Sorry if my question is rude, but you seemed to be a little anxious, is something wrong.”

- “Oh, sorry about that. I’m just looking for my friends, I lost sight of them. We were together, but I went away to ask for some help with something I couldn’t reach, and when I came back, they weren’t there. But don’t worry about it, I’m sure they’re around here somewhere.”

- “Oh, that’s awful. Don’t worry little one, we’ll help you find your friends.”

- “U-umm… That won’t be-”

- “Like, totally… We can’t leave a little kid on his own.”

- “Little kid? Wait, I think you’re missing something here.”

- “Don’t worry, little guy. First, let’s find your parents.”

- “Parents?! No, I came here with my friends in a group.”

- “Ah… Then like, let’s find your guardian.”

- “I don’t think you get it-”

- “We can go to the mall police and tell them we found a lost middle schooler.”

- “MIDDLE SCHOOLER?! No, I’m a first-year high school student. I’m just small for my age.”

- “Don’t worry Nio-chan, I know that when people are scared, they tend to act tougher, but you don’t have to act older or believe you have to do things alone. We’ll help you.”


- “But I really am a High School student. I go to Eagle High!”

- “He’s like... Real rowdy.”

- “He must be really scared. I know let’s get some ice cream to calm down.”

- “W-whah… Wait, you’re not listening…”

   And they didn’t listen. And they grabbed my hands and pulled me with them. This day has been awful. I hate being small. They saw my size and immediately thought I was a middle schooler?! This feels like racism, but for size. It didn’t help that I was pouting instead of exploding in fury. Somehow, I couldn’t be mad at these girls since they were showing real concern and niceness. I just couldn’t get them to understand that I was a high school student.

   We found ourselves at the canteen, Miss Fasshon kept looking at her phone and keeping an eye on me, while Miss Sanagi, was coming back with four ice cream cups in a tray. I kept trying and failing to explain myself.

- “Kei-chan, Nio-chan. I’m back. I didn’t know what ice cream you liked Nio-chan, so I got you a normal Sunday. Tell me if you like it.”

I take a bite reluctantly because I didn’t want to be rude to Miss Sanagi.

- “It’s nice, I guess… But you didn’t have to do this. As I said, I just want to find my friends. And I don’t need to be watched. I’m in high school, I’m not a kid.”

- “AWW so cute…”

   What the heck is this? She started rubbing my hair. I felt a mixture of annoyance and some other weird feeling. Is this how rom-com anime protagonists feel? Having the attention of quirky girls on you, and facing contrived scenarios that seem to be dictated by plot armor? Is this how John feels because of having his pentagon? But then again, he isn’t aware. I didn’t know how to react anymore.

- “Sorry I’m late girls. Once you are in college your responsibilities tend to chan- … NIO?!”

At the mention of my name, and the voice that said it, my neck spun so fast I thought it would snap.

- "JINNA?!”


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   She runs so fast I thought she was going to bump the table. She picks me up from the chair and squeezes the soul out of me. Jinna is John’s older sister. Yes, he has an older sister. No, she doesn’t have a brother complex. She is one year older than him and in her first year of college (I assume), which makes her, three school years older than me. She is black, like John, but contrary to him, she has long silky hair. She has a lot of body strength but is still feminine. Blue shirt and long jeans. I haven’t seen her since John left. We got along fine, we rarely saw each other since she did a lot of extracurricular activities, but when I visited John, if she was present, she always welcomed me with this type of hug for some reason. She treated me better than John, I attribute that to siblings being siblings. To any stranger, it would seem I was her younger brother and not John. Fair to say, she is the ‘older sister type’, to everyone except John.

- “I didn’t know you moved to Okinawa; it’s been so many years Nio.”

- “Yes, they have been.”

- “Jinna-chan, do you know Nio-chan?”

- “Yes, Cho, I do know Nio, she’s my annoying brother’s best friend.”


- “…”




- “Sorry Nio… Hehe… Yeah. Nio is supposed to be in his first year of high school.”

- “So, like… He was telling the truth?”

- “YES.”

- (Tears in her eyes). “I’m… (sniff)… Sorry, Nio-chan!”

- “Hey Nio… Don’t you have a student ID or something?”

   Never, have I felt so stupid in my entire life. I slowly opened the backpack I was carrying and took out my student ID.

- “HAHAHAHAHA… You could have saved yourself so much trouble. You haven’t changed much, you still overanalyze things, think of complex solutions, and ignore the obvious… HAHAHAHA.”

- “I’m sorry everyone. If I had thought about that you wouldn’t have needed to go through all that trouble.”

- “It’s like, no problem, dude. You said you went to Eagle High, right. I used to go there before my mom switched me to ‘Wave All Girls High School’ I’m a third-year student. Cho also studies there as a second year. We’re like, inseparable.”

- “Yeah, Jinna-can also studied there, before she graduated.”

- “That’s cool.”

- “So, Nio, how did you meet my friends?’

- “I bumped into Miss Sanagi, while I was looking for my friends.’

- “Nio-chan got separated from his friends, and we are going to help him.”

   It seems she still wants to help, even after finding out I’m in high school. She is a genuinely nice girl, maybe she should meet John.

- “Hey, Jinna, have you seen John around here?”


Oh boy, she’s pissed, lets's defuse this.

- “No Jinna, it was my fault. I wanted to ask a store clerk to help me reach something from the top shelf when I lost sight of him and Gita.”

- “And my brother couldn’t have helped you with that?”

She is still angry at John, I better leave it at that before she decides to kill him.

- (Sigh). “Did you forget your phone at home Nio?”

- “…”

- “…”

- “…”

- “…”

   Never in the 15 years of my life, have I been so thoroughly humiliated by common sense. Slowly, I reached for my pocket and pulled out my phone, pressing my eyes shut and biting my lip in embarrassment. I left my brain in the gutter, in favor of my shipping skills. I thought they’d laugh at me to make fun of me, but they genuinely just laughed, as friends do. Like I do when John makes something stupid, or how he does when I fall on my face.

- “I don’t know what to say. I have thoroughly wasted your time.”

- “Don’t worry Nio-chan. I once told Kei-chan on the phone, that I couldn’t find my phone. Everyone makes mistakes. And if you hadn’t made it, you wouldn’t have met us, or had a wonderful reunion with Jinna-chan.”

   I thought about how to repay them. And then I realized the perfect idea. I kneeled and began to look into my backpack until I found them.

- “Thank you for your help and the ice cream. These are free passes for 50 games at this mall’s arcade, redeemable any day. I was the 50th customer at the milkshake stand today, so I won these. Talk about plot armor. I want you all to have them, please accept.”

- “Like, thanks, dude. But like, we are three and these are four passes.”

- “Well Jinna could always call John the day you want to co-”


- “Ha-ha… Well, you can invite another friend or something. Thank you for everything. It was good to see you, Jinna.”

   The girls decided to huddle in a group. I was confused, so I decided to take my leave and prepare myself to call John when suddenly a hand grabs my phone before I press the call button. I turn around and find Jinna is holding the phone just out of my reach.

- “Hey Jinna, what gives. You were the one who asked about my phone, so I could call John.”

- “Call him later. Me and the girls decided that we want to hang out in the arcade with you.”

- “Wh-Why? I’m not sure, I’m the best company for this. Isn’t there anyone-”

- “No, like, you are super funny dude. We, like totally enjoy your company, even if you are stupid and your fashion sense is kind of terrible.”

- “Please Nio-chan. It’ll be fun!”

   Miss Sanagi said that with such enthusiasm that all I could do was sigh and smile. And so, just like before, Miss Sanagi and Miss Fasshon, grabbed my hands, and this time they literally ran towards the arcade, with Jinna following behind us.

   The arcade was fun. I played racing games with Sanagi, and crane games with Fasshon. I also played air hockey against Jinna (I lost every time). We played a 4-player virtual reality game, only to die in level one. We played a bunch of different games. It felt weird, if I had been in kindergarten or something, I would have been ecstatic, the me who was a flirt would have been in paradise in this situation, hanging out with three beautiful girls (note that he would have only flirted with one of them), but the me of now knows this isn’t his life. This is a one-time thing, but I can’t say I don’t enjoy it, even if it’s not for the same reasons. From the third wheel to rom-com protagonist… Today has been a wild day.

   When all of us were on our 49th game, we decided to use the 50th on a photo booth to commemorate the occasion. This will definitely be on a picture book of some sort. After that, we were leaving, and I asked Jinna to return my phone so I could call John.

- “NIO!!!!”

In the distance, I saw both John and Gita running towards us. I waved my hand frantically.

   After three minutes of Jinna almost killing John, before calming down and hugging him (they are still family after all, even if they don’t stand each other). We explained everything. Turns out that when I left to find the clerk of the store, Gita realized I had been taking too much time in the bathroom, and John worried that I was lost, so they left the store to go find me. They spent all the time I was with the girls looking for me. I apologized and explained what happened (except for the part where I called their names multiple times, and they didn’t hear me).

   We all went back to the store, the girls as well, and John helped me pick my fishing gear and the fishing rod that I wanted. While Jinna talked with John about something, and Sanagi looked at the fishing gear with Fasshon, I decided to ask Gita how her progress was with John. She said that once they realized I wasn’t there, all she could focus on was finding me. Again, there is a reason why ‘John x Gita’ is top-tier ship, she is so nice. But what would happen if Sanagi or Fasshon decide to crush on John as well? I can only smirk at the possibility.

   After Jinna argued with John for a while, for some reason Jinna decided to take me home herself since she hadn’t seen me in years, which I couldn’t argue. John relented, after stating profusely that he was my best friend, with me confirming it afterward, only for John to get whacked, and me to get snatched. And since her friends had come on a bus, she decided to have them come as well.

- “Nio-chan, give me your phone number.”

- “What for?”

- “Because we are friends now, aren’t we?”

   I can’t help but smile at how social Sanagi could be. In less than a day she befriended a stranger and was already asking for his phone.

- “Sure thing, Sanagi.”

- “Hihihi… You still don’t call me Cho.”

I proceeded to give her my number.

- “Dude, like, give me your number as well. That way I can help you with your fashion sense. And if you ever want to throw a party, or go to karaoke, just give me a call, and I’ll call my friends.”


Anyways, I gave her my phone as well, Jinna already had it since John gave it to her.

- “Nio-chan, what is this notebook?”

- “I see you have found my notebook of ships. You may not know, but despite what your sister claims, John is super popular with girls. I can’t show you which girls have a crush on him due to privacy, but five different girls from his grade have crushes on him.”


- “Ignore Jinna… So, I decided to voluntarily give them chances to hang out with John in attempts to get close to him. John doesn’t know they like him, he’s kindda dense, but he agreed to let me attempt to bring them closer, even if he doesn’t know it’s romantic, as in the end, the outcome depends on him and them, not on my plans.”

- “So, in the notebook, you write plans Nio-chan?”

- “Yes, but I also write information on the girl’s personalities, how I can help them improve, and how are their chances of success, along with who I wish to end with John”.

Silence filled the car for some seconds as Jinna drove us.

- “That’s like... Very creepy dude.”

- “I know how it must seem like that, but I’m not doing it with bad intentions, I just want what’s best for John, and to help the girls.”

- “John doesn’t deserve you.”


   As the ride continued, I asked the Sanagi and Fasshon if they wanted to be added to the list, they passed, and Jinna berated me for trying to ship them with her ‘idiot brother’. Eventually, we reached my apartment, and I said goodbye. Jinna told me she’d keep in touch, and so did the others.

   Today I had my own rom-com experience, it was educational. I learned up-close and personal how it feels, even if mine was due to friendship. I knew it was a one-time thing, but it felt nice. Now back to work.

{The cute second-year blonde found herself in the back seat of Jinna’s car. She was in comfortable silence, as the green-haired gal chated on her phone, and the silky hair college student drove. She was in deep thought, a serious expression on her face as she looked out the window at the star-filled sky. Her thoughts converging on a peculiar notebook, and what it meant to her new friend}.

Well, this was different.

Next time, a fishing outing, will there be any ship development, or more of the same? And once back, will there be a reconciliation between the shipper and the pentagon of girls? Find out on the epic conclusion of Part 1 of “Protagonist is a Shipper”.

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