Chapter 13: CHAPTER 12: “A Best Friend’s perspective”

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   Nio is my best friend. He has been almost since the moment Miko introduced him to me. He was short and seemed very energetic. We didn’t have much in common so we didn’t talk much at first, I had no idea how to approach him, I thought we wouldn’t be able to be friends, but then I got a call, and he heard my ring tone. I’ve always been a fan of ‘shonen’ anime, heroes, battle tournaments, you name it; there was this awesome series that I loved so I placed the intro as my ring tone. Suddenly, we had a topic of conversation. It turns out, he watched that show as well, although for different reasons, while I watched it for the action that made up most of the show, he watched it for a subtle romance that was occurring in the background, one I didn’t even notice was there. After that, we became friends over anime. We talked for hours on end about our favorite series, he recommended rom-com animes with action in them, and I recommended ‘shonen’ titles with romance in them. We were inseparable, even if Miko got a little jiffy about it, but it was just Nio, Miko, and me against the world, even if I had other friends.

   But that was until my, and Miko’s parents decided to move to Okinawa, leaving Nio behind in our hometown. I made sure we could stay in contact, and we did, but it was never the same. I couldn’t help but worry about him, I have always been called dense for some reason, but even I could tell that Miko and I were the only friends Nio had at that time. But there was nothing I could do except remaining in contact. You wouldn’t believe the excitement I had, many years later, when I found out he would attempt to go to my high school; and the day I saw him while Chowa gave him the tour, I couldn’t help but hug him like no tomorrow.

   Once he was accepted, the following two months of his first year of high school (my third year), he used a lot of his free time and spent it in my classroom. It seemed he hadn’t been able to make friends in his grade. Believe it or not, Eagle High, sadly, is very judgmental. Rumors spread like wildfire, from small things like theories that the school cafeteria doesn’t serve actual food to hot dogs not having actual pork; or things that are totally 'coo-koo' and untrue, like Utsukushi making people disappear. The fact that Nio didn’t hide his love for anime rom-coms, rom-com web stories, and visual novels, made people clear away from him (I wish I could punch them, but that wouldn’t be nice).

   Nio either talked to me or stayed quiet observing my interactions with my other friends, and taking notes in some notebook. Something which purpose I learned after those two months. Nio doesn’t know I know, but I know what he has been doing. One day, Chiru, Panchiky, Utsukushi, Chowa, and Miko all went to meet with him, and after that, he has been popping up with them, one at a time, and with me to hang out one way or another. It doesn’t take a genius to know what’s been going on. Obviously, Nio was trying to befriend my friend group, suggesting hangout ideas with me in them for emotional support, so things wouldn’t get awkward. Naturally, Nio would feel more comfortable trying to befriend my friend group rather than strangers.

{John is an idiot}.

   But something happened recently, something changed. One day my friends meet up with my bestie on another of their secret meetings, and the next time I see him, Nio’s smile is a bit lesser, and three of my friends seem deep in thought whenever he is around. Chowa and Miko, treat him like always, but every time he goes into my classroom, there is this wave of tension that settles.

   I decided to invite Nio fishing, to hang out with him, and perhaps cheer him up a bit. I decided to invite Chowa as well as a thank you for when she invited me and Nio to the movies. But I messed up at the mall.

   We went to buy fishing gear, and I was so focused on explaining every detail to Chowa, that we had lost track of Nio. We assumed that he was still in the bathroom, but once we found him with my sister and her friends, I knew I had really messed up. Even if he didn’t say it, I know he had tried to get my attention before going to the store clerk and getting lost (based on what my sister yelled in my face). I had been so focused on my fishing passion I didn’t notice my best friend was calling for me. Thankfully, after apologies, he didn’t hold it against me or Chowa, but what surprised me more was his smile. His smile was once again like before whatever incident he had with my friends.

   While Nio was being taken home by my sister and her friends, while I drove Chowa and myself home, I couldn’t help but focus on one thought. “I want him to smile like that along with me and my friends again.” But for that, I had to find out what had occurred, I hope that our fishing outing could shine a light on the subject.

- “Hey John?”

- “Yes, Nio?”

- “I know I should have asked before I boarded the car and all… But why are you bringing a tent, sleeping bags, chairs, etc.? I thought we were going fishing and then heading home.”

- “Well… I talked about it with Chowa, and her parents agreed to let her camp with us for a day, my parents did as well, and since you live on your own I thought it wouldn’t be a problem. (Conflicted). Did I make a bad call?”

- “Well, you should have asked me sooner, as I didn’t come prepared for that at all, but I guess it’s ok. You’ll have to share your clothes and tent though.”

- “No need my dear Nio. (Whispers in his ears so only he can hear). I raided your closet before we left, by going inside your apartment via the secret entrance you thought me.”

- “Ah ok, that makes sense.”

   Things now make more sense. John decided to go all out. I wondered how he planned to achieve all the stuff he planned in one day anyways. He told us we were going to take a boat to Irimote Island for fishing, and after that, we would head towards Todoraki Waterfalls, where I assume we’ll set camp. John even showed me a special permit and everything. (Note to self, investigate what types of connections John’s family has).

   As we finally reached our destination, we parked the car and made our way to the boat we were going to take. I have never gone to Irimote Island, so I decided to do a quick online search for spots that Gita and John could go to to get closer during this outing-turned-camping trip. Once we got to Irimote Island, we started to prepare everything for our fishing. In the corner of my eye, I saw John preparing the fishing rods, so I took this as my chance to set the plan in motion with Gita. Since this area was watery, we couldn’t have com-links, just in case an accident occurred, so I called Gita with the secret whistle only she and I knew. (Yes we share a secret whistle, what about it?!).

- “Gita are you ready to set the plan in motion?”

- “I- I don’t know Nio. I mean we came here to have fun the three of us, shouldn’t we leave this for another time and enjoy this day the three of us?”

- “But Gita, this is a great chance for you to get closer to the love of your life. An outing and a camping trip, what better bonding moment?!”

- “Don’t say that so loud. He’ll hear you!”

{John had accidentally gotten tangled with the line of the rod and paid no mind to what was happening close by}.

- “And he isn’t the love of my life… He’s just a guy… Whom I want to be more than friends with.”

- “So, go for it, you can have lots of fun today, which will lead to bonding between you two.”

- “But what about your fun?”

- “This is fun! I’m having the time of my life already.”

{There is no reasoning with Nio when he is like this}.

- “Ok… If you say so. Then what is the plan?”

- “It all depends on… (Smirk grows). Do you want to get a hug?”

- “E-EEEEH!!! (Blushing intensely)”





   After our planning and conversation, Gita accepted my idea, and from the corner of my eyes, I can see it was working. Taking the fact that Gita knows nothing about fishing, John is, clearly, willing to help her, after all, he invited her. I told Gita to ask John to throw the first line along with her, so she could see and experience how it goes. John, being the nice guy that he is, accepted, and in doing this, Gita got a semi-hug from John. I know my best friend, he knows how close is close enough and doesn’t break the boundaries of what is acceptable, Gita also knows this. That is why I was willing to try this. John tends to bond with the people who teach him new things like Panchikikku did at boxing practice, but he also bonds with those he teaches, and it is happening right now. But what’s this…

   As I throw my line, I can hear the faint sounds of the conversation, and can see what is happening to my side, and OMG!

- “Chowa, you got a hit, you have to pull the fishing rod and draw the line in!”

- “John I can’t, the fish is pulling away!”

- “Don’t worry about it, I’ll help you. Let’s combine our strengths like in anime!”

- “O-ok…”

- “HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA… Come on, together now! You got to say it!... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA…!”

I can see the confusion on Gita’s face, but after a little hesitation, she just started to roll with it.

- (Almost whisper). “Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…”


- (Louder). “Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…!”



{They fall on the floor, fishing rod, now with a fish on the hook}.

   After those screams, together they pulled the fish, and I could see the glee on Gita’s face. John may not be delusional like Ao-sen, or into role play like me, but sometimes the ‘shonen’ anime he watches rubs off on him, and he uses that as a method to lighten the mood or provide encouragement. But I haven’t seen him do that with anyone other than Ao-sen or me. The moments Gita and John have been sharing, have not been in vain. Was this thanks to the mall experience? Was it the fishing conversation they had that day? Was it the mutual concern they had in looking for me that day? (Although heartwarming, I doubt that would be enough). Was it all the compiled experiences they have had together, that brought John to reveal this side of him? Most likely. And Gita, all her hard work on developing more confidence. If this had occurred when we started, she wouldn’t have been able to roll with it, she wouldn’t have even been able to do anything once John taught her in a semi-hug. Her hard work has paid off.

- “We did it!... We caught a fish!”

- “Yes, we did Chowa. Awesome job.”

- “…”

- “…”

- “…”

- “Chowa?”


- “What? What’s so funny?”

- “The sand in your head… It looks as if you finally have hair… HAHAHA.”

- “Hey… Pf… Pfft… Hehehe…HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.”

- “Ha… Thank’s John.” (Smiles).

{The bald fisherman is caught off-guard, by the confidence shown by his shy friend… and can’t help, as something strange happens to his face… His cheeks… They look a little red}.


{Both teenagers break their trance and look in the direction of the squeal}.

   My laughing session with Chowa ends when a loud squeal is heard. We both turn towards that direction only to see Nio crouching on the sand holding his cheeks and having an abnormally large smile on his face, the one he does when he achieves something.




   I turn to my pink-haired friend, to find her with unfocused eyes and a huge blush on her cheeks, probably from all the laughing.

{In reality, Gita had realized all she had done with John and the fact that Nio saw and heard everything broke her. But John is too dense to know that}.

   Whatever boost of confidence Chowa had, was over. I guess she was just so excited about learning to fish, that her success led her to forget her shy nature. It was nice, not that her shyness isn’t, but it was easier to talk this way, it was more fun. It caught me off guard though. Maybe her hanging out with the overly excitable Nio has been rubbing on her confidence… That’s good for both of them.

- “Umm… Chowa? Think you can do it on your own now?”

- “…”

- “…”

- “M-mhm” (Nods in affirmation).

   With that I help her to her feet, brush the sand off my scalp, and get to my own fishing. Not before throwing the fish, we caught back at sea. (We weren’t going to eat it or anything).

   A few hours pass before I approach Chowa gain. None of us have caught any other fish, so I thought I could take this time to ask her about Nio. She must know something right. I see her sitting on the sand, the line extended, while she eats some potato chips.

- “Hey, Chowa… Mind if I ask another question besides my current one?’

- “J-John? … Sure. Want some chips?”

- “Thanks.” (Grabs some chips and eats).

- “So… What’s up?”

- “It’s about Nio… Other than me, you are the person he hangs around the most nowadays, you and Miko, so perhaps you’ll be able to help me. Have you noticed that he seems to be a little down? It’s not that he is sad perse, it’s like he is worried and regretful about something. Do you know anything about that?”

- “…”

   She doesn’t say anything, but I see her look away, more nervous than I’ve seen her all day. She knows, but I can’t push her, after all, it’s none of my business, but I just want to help, I can see that whatever happened, has also distressed her and my other friends.

- “You don’t have to say any specifics. Or anything at all if you don’t want to. I don’t want to know the secrets of whatever you guys discuss with Nio on those secret meetings.”

   My mention of the word ‘secret meetings’ puts her on edge. I guess she didn’t expect me to know about those.

- “Do you know w-what they are for?”

- “Not really. And you don’t have to tell me, all I know is that after the last one there has been tension between Nio and our group. Especially between Panchiky, Utsukushi, Chiru, and Nio. He seems to be fine with you and Miko I just want to help if I can.”

   She ponders my words in her mind for some minutes. Silence is all that is heard, and the sound of the waves against the shore. Occasionally I hear Nio’s grunts of impatience since he hasn’t caught anything yet. I almost laugh at those.

- “I can’t really tell you what we discussed; I suggest you ask them that directly. But we argued, and some words were said. JUST KNOW… Sorry… Just know that Nio said nothing wrong, he spoke honestly, as he felt things were. He was a little altered, so he spoke annoyed, but that was because of some of our fiery-tempered friends.”

- “I see…”

- “I talked to Nio, he still wants to be around them, but he doesn’t know how to go about it. He already apologized that same day for losing his cool, but he can’t apologize for what he said, because he believes it’s the truth…”

After hearing this I know that I can’t fix anything without all the pieces. So I come up with an idea.

- “Chowa… I have an idea. But I kindda need your permission…”

- “?”

   One hour later, and after rescuing Nio from being dragged into the ocean, by a fish that pulled on the line and rod, much stronger than him, we boarded the boat and returned to the car, making our way to Todoraki Waterfalls. Once there we set the tents. It’s already afternoon, so I teach Nio how to set a campfire, and all of us begin to make s’mores. (We had eaten on the way thanks to the drive-through window, Nio and Chowa eat, surprisingly, a lot).

{Three hours after s’more eating, the first stars have begun to appear}.

- “Hey, Nio, I’m going to go look for more firewood ok, you and Chowa watch the fire ok.”

- “Sure.”

   Me and Chowa nod to each other, and I am on my way. Making my way around them, I head to a secluded location, where I meet them.

Chiru Mattari, Tsuki Panchikikku, Untsukushi Kiken, and Miko Takamiya.

- “Commander! You have called us. Is there a mission for me, your greatest warrior?!”

- “Johnny!… This place is sooooo pretty. Are we going to camp? This will be so much fun. We’ll spend a lot of quality time together” (A Creepy smile that John doesn’t register as creepy).

- “Why’d you call us so late huh? Why not earlier? YOU JUST HAPPEN TO REMEMBER US NOW?!”

- “While I do enjoy the outdoors, as they are a healthy place to be. Camping during the school year is certainly irresponsible. Even if it is a Saturday.”

They were all here, their unique personalities and behaviors unhinged. Time to get to the point.

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- “Sorry to bother you, but I believe this is the best moment to address a situation that has been bothering me.”


- “It doesn’t have to do with me, but rather with Nio.

   A deep silence surrounds the group, Chiru, Utsukushi, and Panchiky lower their heads lightly, while Miko stays in respectful silence, but firm.

- “I guess he told you… Can’t blame him though after what I almost did…”

Hearing Panchiky talk so meekly, really puts in perspective the seriousness of the situation.

- “Nio didn’t tell me anything. I don’t know what you did or didn’t do in your last secret meeting. Only that afterward, Nio has been feeling regretful, and less cheerful. There is tension when our group is around him, and thanks to Chowa, all I know is that some argument occurred, and it got a bit heated. That Nio spoke some ‘truth’ according to her, and that he was annoyed by your heated behavior.”

- “So the bu- … Nio, didn’t tell you the topic of our conversation?”

- “No.”

The girls sigh. But I keep my posture.

- “I don’t want you to tell me your secrets, but please tell me what happened. Nio feels bad, he still wants to be around you, but he doesn’t know what to do.”

- “He sill wants to help us… That is what he has been doing. Niokurinin has been helping us. We cannot tell you the main purpose of his help, but he…”

- “Please tell me Chiru. Is it that you did not want his help?”

- “No. We did want it. I guess the problem began because we thought he was helping some of us more than others.”

- “We thought he had a preference and was not going to help equally. NOT THAT WE SHOULD MIN- sigh… Dangit! … We did mind.”

- “The wielder of the spark of Sen-sen, did nothing wrong. He explained his battle plan, and although it seems hard to process, no high-rank officer should place more responsibility onto those who are not ready for it, even less on those not willing.”

- “You lost me a bit thee Miko.”

- “What she means to say, is that Niokurinin’s preference in helping is not because he doesn’t want to help us, it’s because he has seen that some of us have done more of an effort, while others just wanted the help with minimum effort. The lack of effort in some of us, stopped Niokurinin from helping us all at the same degree because some of us are not ready.”

- “I WAS MAD AT WHAT HE SAID. I AM MAD STILL… But what he said is true and correct. Look at how I just reacted to my anger, you know how my emotions work John, Nio wants to help me control that, so I can hang out more without being explosive. NOT THAT THIS IS FOR YOU OR ANYTHING… But how can he approach me with more chances if this is how I would react?”

- “My always serious behavior makes it hard for him to find fun things which I can do with y-others. He is willing to help me, but it has been my lack of approach that has stopped my development.”

- “I don’t like Nio. He is not a bad person. But the fact that he gets to spend so much time with you Johnny, makes me angry, very angry. He has attempted to help me understand that others can be around you, and that shouldn’t affect me, but I get violent whenever he talks like that.”

I stop and think before I continue…

- “So, he wants to change you? That doesn’t sound very Nio-like.”

- “Not at all. He has accepted… How should I say? … Our quirkiness, but he is trying to help us not let those become impediments to our objectives. He wants us to improve ourselves. But he doesn’t want us to do it for the sake of impressing others, but rather for ourselves, and those we care about.”

- “That is more Nio-like.”

- “ANYWAY… He told us all this, but some of us, mostly me, got all fired up and angry. What was to be a conversation became an argument. We… were confronted. At least I was. I was in complete silence once it was over, and he left. For the last days I have tried to deny it, but he spoke the truth, if I hide my emotions behind explosiveness, I’ll just cause problems, and scare those I care about away…”

- “It was similar for me.”

- “And me…”

- “Then if you have accepted… Why haven’t you talked with Nio yet? I’m sure he wants to see you.”

- “But after how we treate-”


- “…”

- “…”

- “…”

- “…”

   I raised my voice at that moment. They are my friends, but I can’t help but be angry with this, and with myself, the fact that I ignored my best friend at the mall, and not just a simple ignoring like it happened when we were kids, the ones we can laugh at, but the fact I didn’t know he was even there when he literally (most likely) called for me.

- “I haven’t been the perfect friend either. Neither has Chowa, nor Miko. Heck, Nio isn’t a saint, and he knows it All of us have made mistakes, but right now, he feels that the whole reason you aren’t talking to him is his fault. So, please. Can we try to fix this?!... Sorry for yelling earlier.”

   Silence fills the atmosphere again. But after what felt like a minute, all of them nod, and I discuss next moves.

John has seriously been taking his time.

- “You should have gone with him, Gita. Just because we couldn’t use the com-links while fishing, doesn’t mean I didn’t bring them. And don’t think I missed all that development. (Smirks)… I’m so proud of you.”

- “Oh… (Blushes). Thanks… Hey… Nio?”

- “Yes?”

- “Sorry about the mall. I know you probably won’t admit it. But you most likely called for John and me to help before looking for a clerk.”

- “…”

- “I’m sorry.”

{The short-sized shipper places his hand on the pink-haired girl’s elbow as a friendly gesture}.

- “Don’t worry about it. I may have been a bit jiffy about it then, but it's okay. I know how John gets when he is into something he likes to talk about, and you were just focused, giving him full attention, an admirable trait I do not posses. And although he probably doesn’t remember, I did the same to him once when we were kids. There was this new episode of a rom-com anime, and I, literally forgot John was there. I sat on his foot, he called for me to get off and I just didn’t notice. He got so angry he turned the T.V. off, and that’s when I noticed. He gave me the silent treatment for ten minutes. Ten worst minutes of my life back then. HAHAHA.”

- “Hihihi… Thanks.”

Three more minutes pass and I begin to stand up to look for him when suddenly…


- “About time… wait… We?”

And I saw them… Mattari, Panchikikku, Kiken, and Ao-sen.

“We are sorry.” That is what I hear them say.

... What?

- “I’m sorry for almost punching you in anger Nio… THIS DOESN’T MEAN I WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND… Well… Not yet at least…”

- “I’m… I don’t like you very much… But I am sorry for you know… ‘Wooshin!’ You are still of use so…”

- “I apologize for placing you in such a tough position. I should have realized your intentions sooner, Niokurinin.”

- “Nio-sen! It is good to see you.”

- “I’m sorry about the mall man.”


   Mattari, Panchikikku, Kiken, and Ao-sen say in unison. John looks as dense as ever as he walks toward me and Gita. I glance back at Gita, who nods to me as if saying she also wishes for my help in the future. I can’t help but tear up and sniffle. Mattari and Panchikikku panic a bit, and Kiken stays in default mode. (Baby steps). Ao-sen rushes to me and kneels giving me a friendly hug like that time at the beach.

- “Yes… I want to keep helping you all…" 

I can’t help but smile.

   We all agree to camp together, thankfully Mattari, drove the other girls prepared. While Mattari, Ao-sen, and Panchikikku raised their tents, Kiken sharpened her knife (thankfully not for use against me this time, more as a protection in the wild). Meanwhile, Gita John and me, sit in the grass looking at the stars near the fire.

- “So… What are you helping them with Nio?!”

- “Not telling.”

- “Oh… Come on!”

- “Nop… My lips are sealed.”

- “After I went through all this trouble to help your situation.”

- (Gasp). “John Henry… Are you telling me, you only helped me so I would spill the beans? I am extremely offended.”

- “Hehehehehe.”

- “Hahahahaha.”

- “Is this how it is for you two?”

- “Yup.”

- “Pretty much yeah.”

- “Hey John… Gita, let's take a picture of you two together, then one of me and John, and later of me and Gita. And then of the three of us if you want. Maybe one of the others as well.”

- “Why so many pics Nio? That’ll take too long. HEY GUYS… GROUP PICTURE FROM NIO’S PHONE!”

   They all came, and we took a picture next to the waterfall. Everyone took their phones out for the same picture as well.

While the girls were sleeping in their tents, I prepared to send the picture to everyone I knew.

- “Hey John?”

- “Yes, Nio?”

- “What new adventures do you think await us before you graduate?”

- “I don’t know. I just hope they’re fun… And that they happen before college entrance exams.”

- “Haha… Yeah.”


{John’s phone shined, on the girl’s areas, and a light came from Gita, Mattari, and Takamiya’s tents}.

{On a pink room filled with stuffed animals, a phone shined, and a blonde girl picked up the phone only to smile at what she saw while hugging a rabbit plushie}.

{On a karaoke place, from a bunch of phones placed on a table, a single one shone, but the music was so loud it wasn’t noticed}.

{In a college dorm, a girl was studying on her computer, when her phone shined, as she picked it up, smiled and decided to reply with a sarcastic comment about a certain bald dense brother}.

{On a normal-sized house, a couple was watching the news, when two phones shined and the couple picked them up, seeing and smiling and tearing up in joy at what they saw.}

{And on a small room, the small silhouette of a boy, shined only by his phone, as a certain buzz, made him check something, only to not react at what he saw}.

{The dark-haired shipper used the last embers of the fire, to write in his notebook. Suddenly he stopped and looked at the stars}.

- “Let’s do this!”

This concludes the first part of our journey.

What will come from all this? The ships are back in the game, but I am sure the developments have shifted. What did the fishing outing mean for John? What did it mean for Gita? What does it mean for the others in the pentagon? Will this reconciliation develop into friendship with the others? What about Nio’s mall friends? And who is that mysterious boy? Many questions, with few answers.

Part Two of “PROTAGONIST is a SHIPPER” coming in the future.

Some real locations were implemented into this work of fiction. Any events that resemble real-life events are mere coincidences. Anything that occurs that doesn’t fit the possibility of the real-life location is as Nio says “as if by plot armor” and not to mislead or alter the truth. This is a work of fiction directed by plot first and foremost.

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