Quick Transmigration: Death Dare Not Do Us Part

Quick Transmigration: Death Dare Not Do Us Part

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Quick Transmigration: Death Dare Not Do Us Part

Review: 7.1/10 from 10 ratings

A rewrite of [Piecing Her Fragments]. Same concept and premise, but a different storyline progression.
Soul F-3245 awakens with no memories of who she is or how she died.

And just when she's about to go insane from loneliness in Nirvana-the cosmic soul recycling factory-she's given a chance to be free and regain her memories from the CMA, a Cross-Dimensional Organization.

With a new job and more questions, she moves from world to world, taking tasks and missions.

But why is it that there's this one person in each world who makes her heart go doki-doki?(as described by her System).

World 1: Interstellar Setting -- Criminal Human Princess(MC) x Ambitious Alien Princess (FL)
World 2:?????
World 3:?????
1. Read first, don't let the synopsis discourage you. Because I'm very bad at writing them.
2. I'm still very much new in writing, so cut me some slack while you're reading.
3. There's an overarching plot, so don't worry, it isn't just some meaningless world travel.
4. To prevent burnout, I'll be releasing 3 chapters per week. I might change the schedule as time goes on.
5. You will find plot holes, this is inevitable, because the story's focus is more on the romance progress and not setting/world building.
6. The tags does not necessarily account for all you'll see in the novel, because duh, it's world hopping.

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