Quick Transmigration : I am the minor character’s lover

Chapter 1: The Rise of a Serpent

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// BOOM //

The earth shook as that thing clashed on the ground. The impact of this one was so loud that it felt like the earth would split apart.

It was the sound of a bomb that had just fallen from the sky. Yet, it was not the first time it happened. These days it has become a common occurrence.

Bombs, tanks, shootings and death. It's all on one's sight now.

The Star city which was once flourishing and a luxurious city, known as the pride of the nation is now in ruins.

And it was ruined by none other than its own citizens.

The smell of burning buildings and the smell of dynamite is now completely mixed in the air, completely polluting it.

Population has become scarce now. Some lucky ones have already fled; some brave ones fought and became martyrs for the honor of the nation; some are still fighting with the spirit of victory and some are still alive, praying for peace. 

Why all of this happened?

Because a great civil war has broken out in the nation……

But this place was not always like this.

There was a time when this place was considered one of the most beautiful tourist sites. It was always bustling with activity. People were helpful towards each other, crime rate was very low, technology was greatly developed and morale was still high.

But looking back at that time now, all of that feels like the silence before the storm.

And this storm was created by a certain cult. The name of the cult is 'The Ghouls of Sin.'

The cult was never a secret society. Government, common people, celebrities, everyone knew about its existence. After all, many among these organizations were its members, some secret; while some publicly announced themselves as its members.

For outsiders, the goal of it was simple. The Ghouls of Sin consumed sins; this was their motto.

They made people aware of social issues. They honored the citizens who did good deeds regardless of their age and status. Whenever there were volunteers needed for some social work or there was any disaster relief needed, the members of The Ghouls of Sin could be found there in the first place.

But all of this was just the outer shell. The roots of this thorny cult were much deeper.

The definition of sin is very subtle. What is considered a sin by one person might not be sin for others.

However, the cult didn't understand this. For them, their belief was the most superior. And that was : supernatural creatures are the biggest sinners and need to be wiped out.

And the cult worked exactly for that under their pretense of being a philanthropic organization.

People always refuse to believe in life other than humans.

However, what they fail to understand is that if there is light; there is dark; if there is life; there is death; and if there are humans; there are other supernatural creatures as well.

Although these days these supernatural creatures have become scarce in the population, they still exist in our world. And few of them existed in this nation also. 

The largest group of these supernatural beings was a group of sorcerers who lived under the secret base of the President; the keeper of their secret who and his ancestors guarded the existence of these sorcerers for centuries.

But the cult members didn't want them to live.

For them, the sorcerers are the sinners which the ghouls need to consume.

Thus, they made it their life mission to find the location of the sorcerers and wipe them out even if they had to overthrow the current peaceful government!

So, the celebrities and politicians all included, started planning this overthrow. They first won the trust of the respected President and then killed him the same night he showed them the secret location.

The peaceful environment of the nation was replaced with bloodshed overnight.

All because of the fact they couldn't understand that the definition of sin is very subtle…….


{{ Scrunch // Scrunch }}

The thin three branches made the sound as someone grabbed it for balance. The one who had grabbed it had his head lowered.

He had short dark hair. His tarnished white shirt was smeared with mud and it was drenched in blood. Constant blood was also dripping from his left arm. The black pants he was wearing were also not in any good condition. They were stuck on his skin due to the wounds and still flowing blood. His bleeding feet were covered with cuts and wounds.

The young looking man was panting heavily. It seemed he could not hold on anymore and he collapsed on the rocky pathway.

It took him days worth of dodging attacks and running to finally reach here.

The young man is currently the most wanted man by the current government. Because he is the member of the resistant group who had actually found a way to change this entire trajectory.

And this young man is the most important character of our story…….

The most important person in the plan of the resistance group.

His head was still lowered and it looked like he wanted to grab the last bit of power inside him which seemed too difficult.

Suddenly his overly sensitive ears heard something. "Look here! There is fresh blood here! It is still wet! He must be quite near us! Follow this blood trail and don't let him go away!!"

"Otherwise your skulls would be used for the next ritual!!"

Yes, The Ghouls of Sin was actually a paranormal society which not only caught, imprisoned and killed other supernatural and magical beings, they also experimented on them through scientific and orthodox methods to gain powers. Powers that could one day make them the most powerful on earth.

And this voice belonged to Ava, the chief commander of The Ghouls of Sin.

"They call themselves the ghouls of sin but there cannot be any bigger sinner than them!" thought the young man.

These ghouls did not only consume the magical beings, they also consumed the peace of the nation.

The young man heard the sound of their footsteps and he could feel that they were getting closer.

Fear and anxiety creeped inside him. He had to run as soon as possible but his current condition did not permit that. Forget about running, he did not have enough power to stand up.

A dagger with a silver hilt was deeply embedded in his right leg. And this dagger was not a normal dagger but it was specially designed for "creatures" like this young man.

The dagger sent torrents of pain in his body constantly which made him unable to get up. He didn't have any other way but to drag himself towards his destination.

Sadly, it would slow his speed greatly while Ava and his ghoul warriors are completely able bodied. Following the bloody trail left by him, they may catch him very soon.

For the first time in his life, this young man felt helpless. He finally looked up.

Tears welled up in his eyes, "is it what someone feels before death?" He thought.

The will to live inside him was very strong but unfortunately his body was not cooperating with him.

He slumped beside a large tree trunk and tried to think about any way but all the doors seemed to be closed. 

The face had turned ashen white and there were numerous cuts on his face, a few of which were still fresh. His hair which was drenched in blood had formed knots.

The beautiful silver eyes had lost a lot of their usual luster. He looked at the smoke filled sky.

He could only cry for help to the most divine one last time.


Only this one word left out of his dry and cracked lips before he fell on the ground again.

He could feel the ghouls getting closer. But he didn't want it. They couldn't catch him. If that happened everything would be destroyed.

What about HIM?! 

He is…..he is  still in their clutches. And only Shiva knows what they may be doing with him! He had to stop this!

But how?! The men will reach there any time now.

He was slowly losing his hope. Tears slipping from his chin fell on the back of his palm.

{{ Tip }}

A drop of cold water fell on the back of his wounded palm, the temperature of which was colder from his tears.

He again looked up and another drop fell on his forehead. And suddenly then, his vision was blurred with countless cold drops.

You are reading story Quick Transmigration : I am the minor character’s lover at novel35.com

The rain started to fall. And soon the rain turned into a heavy downpour.

And then his overly sensitive ears heard a relieving news.

"Commander, the rain is washing away his blood trail! And after this heavy rain there won't be any trail!"

These words again ignited the small shimmer of hope inside the young man. As the cool rain washed his bloody body he closed his eyes and remembered that lovely face.

The face of Neel, his Neel when he forcefully bade him goodbye.

"Neel, I am coming! I won't let anything happen to you!" He said to himself.

He clenched his teeth and once again started to drag himself towards his destination. The washed down trail has given him enough time to reach there. And without the trail the ghoul warriors won't be able to find him here. No one knows this jungle better than him.

After all, he has been living here for hundreds of years…….


This place was a deep jungle of the nation. Countless kinds of animals reside here and many of them were deadly so the authorities never approached this place very frequently.

And in the deepest part of this jungle is situated a small hill. On the top of the hill there is a thousands of years old grand Shiva temple. The temple is hidden from the view of the countrymen and never visited by them.

And this temple is the home to a certain creature.

{{ Knock! Knock! }}

The large wooden gates of the temple were knocked by someone constantly.

A woman who carried a lamp in her hand hurriedly ran towards the door. She was the pundit and caretaker of this temple, the only human who knew the location of this temple. And came here secretly to worship and seek a shelter in these vulnerable times.

Her name was Yuvti. She looked anxious as she opened the large wooden doors.

Yuvti gasped loudly as she met with the scene in front of her. It was the same young man and his condition was quite pitiful.

"You?!" she cried! "What- what happened?! And why are you here suddenly?!"

The young man met her gaze but collapsed again. Seeing his condition the pundit ran back and quickly returned with some kind of replenishing liquid.

She helped the young man drink it and it actually seemed to work as a little color returned on his face.

After this, she repeated her questions, the man stuttered and answered, "they- they fou- found out about our- our plan. Wor- work of some back- backstabber."

"The- they attacked- attacked my residence and- and……" the man could not speak anymore.

"Where's Neel?" She asked.

The man didn't reply for a long time and the woman feared the worst. But finally he answered, "he- he fought with them! And he attracted all of their attention so I could- I could run away!!"

"That idiot!" He cursed.

And then he instantly became anxious, "I- I have to return to him! I must go back but for that I need to regain my powers!"

"I need Shakti Mani; the crystal of power!"

This sentence shocked Yuvti. She refused instantly, "you- you can't. The Shakti Mani is for the purpose of turning over this entire trajectory!! It's the power source of the supreme!"

"And at this moment it's observing the required divine energy to achieve the goal of turning over this apocalypse. And the process is still unfinished!"

"You, yourself, donated your powers so the crystal could get that divine source of powers and if you disturb that process, it will ruin everything!!"

"Don't- don't do it!" She advised him.

Hearing this, the man's gaze turned sharp, "so, I should let those beasts devour my Neel? Why should I?"

The young woman took a step back, "because- because it's for the greater good……"

"Greater good?" The man laughed, "and why should I care for that? I am neither the chosen one to save everyone nor I wish to be!"

"Why should I sacrifice everything? Is my life not worthy enough?"

Yuvti, although a little afraid, still spoke, "because you can save everyone! You can correct everything!"

"You have that chance but if you take the Shakti Mani now, the consequences will be- will be……"

The man's neck snapped towards her, his tone was sharp and cold, "I know the consequences very well, Yuvti. You do not need to teach me."

"After all it's me who raised you and not the other way around."

"Call me selfish and cold hearted if you want but if Neel is not here I don't care about this world anymore!!"

Looking at those deadly pools of eyes, she instantly lowered her eyes, "I- I understand ……..father," She stuttered.

The man smirked and started walking away. But Yuvti could not see the emotions on the man's face.

"If only I could explain the entire matter to you, Yuvti," he thought in his heart.


The temple was very vast and made with ancient architecture. Though it looked simple, its corridors actually created a maze and if one was unaware they would get lost here and never get out of it.

But the young man very skillfully walked through these corridors. Finally he stood at the gate of the temple garden. It was a small garden but there was one very astonishing fact about this garden.

And that is while standing on a rooftop of the temple you will be able to see the garden but if you come down and try to reach it, you will never find the way to it.

The young man walked in the center of the garden where a small pond was situated. But instead of water this pond was actually filled with lava.

However, it didn't seem to affect him as he stood at the edge of the lava filled pond. Taking a deep breath he jumped in the lava without any hesitation.

Miraculously, the lava didn't burn him because it was not actually lava but an illusion to keep the enemies at bay.

After a few seconds of darkness the man found himself standing in a dark environment with only a small carved wooden door in front of him.

Countless weird sounds were coming from the room. The man opened the door and the site inside was terrifying.

This place was filled with numerous serpents! Black, brown, golden, serpents in countless colors were there. Some were as long as 12 feet while some as short as a forearm. Some were thick like a python while some were as thin as a toothpick. Even a few had more than one head!

But the young man didn't even blink at this site. He started walking forward. The snakes approached him. A few started coiling around his legs, some on his arms and one maroon coloured snake even started coiling around his wounded chest. They slithered around and hissed loudly but the man was still unaffected.

He slowly walked towards the center of this underground safe. On the rooftop was a small hole which was illuminating the light of the full moon.

The Shakti crystal also needed to observe the moonlight of the full moon until 12 full moons. And only one full moon was left but sadly the man couldn't wait till that long.

His gaze fell on that powerful divine crystal of power, The Shakti Mani. It looked like a fist sized diamond which was floating in the air soaking the cold moonlight. But its shine was cumulative of more than a thousand diamonds.

The man silently sat cross legged under the divine stone. "I am sorry," he whispered to the void. He started chanting a mantra to take back the mani.

The serpents again started approaching him but the man didn't show any reaction. Slowly he was covered by the serpents from head to toes, only his closed eyelids could be seen.

The Shakti Mani slowly started sinking lower as the man's chanting grew louder. And finally when he was close to the end of the mantra, the mani landed on his palms. He instinctively closed his palm.

Suddenly! His body started jerking uncontrollably! It seemed he was getting electrocuted. His teeth clenched and his body felt like it was on a firepit. He cried loudly. This continued for many long and excruciating minutes.

And then, everything suddenly stopped. His jerking stopped, not even a word left his mouth. The only sound in the room was the hissing of those venom holders. The sitting man lost his composure and his body fell on the ground with a thump.

The snakes one by one untangled themselves from him. His upper body was now bare and his breathing faint.

Suddenly! His eyes shot open. But instead of those silver eyes this time his eyes were green with vertical dark pupils.

The eyes of a serpent.

Amrit, the shape shifting serpent, has risen again.....

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