Quick Transmigration : I am the minor character’s lover

Chapter 8: The Time Must Be Turned Back

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The cold breeze blew on Neel's face as he covered his lower face with his scarf. The black color of the scarf was similar to the rest of his attire. Currently it was the time of afternoon, yet the surroundings were covered with darkness and Neel hoped that this darkness should not slowly creep inside and take deep roots in people's hearts also.

Clenching his fists, he kept walking deeper in the woods near the Vilas Palace. He stopped near a tree. This particular tree was distinguished from other trees because it was the tallest tree around and it could be found easily. Reaching the tree, he found a certain spot. If one looked at it normally, there were just some bushes grown on a random spot. However…..

Neel pulled a string tied to the tall tree and the bushes started getting aside, revealing a wide hole underneath. This hole was the open end of a deep tunnel.

The tunnel to the secret location of their resistance group.

Neel jumped inside and pulled another string, the bushes again covered the hole.

The inside of the tunnel was lit with torches and Neel started going forward.

He kept walking for almost ten minutes and only then did he arrive at the other end of the tunnel. This place which served as their secret base was an old palace of Neel's family which was now in ruins.

It was also rumoured to be one of the most haunted places of the country. So no one suspected it.

Getting out, he was greeted by the other members of the resistance group. 

Phoenix was the name of the group and to rise from the dark to light again was their motto.

Everyone was hurrying from here to there. He kept walking and reached a large closed iron gate. This was the gate to the testing laboratory cum arsenal of their group.

In fact, this place originally served as an arsenal for the previous royals, but he never imagined that this place could be revived for the same purpose again.

There was a unique way to get inside this iron door, and currently only he and Amrit knew about.

After following the right procedure he got inside and found various vials and beakers full of colourful liquids and strange ingredients. Yet, the one he was looking for was not in sight.

Maybe he went for a little rest.

Neel sighed. These days his lover was quite busy. The normal weapons could not  stand against the weapons the Ghouls have attained through dark rituals.

But combat cannot be won without weapons.

So Amrit searched for a way through his ancient books. Like Ghouls he could also make their weapons magically powerful through a certain potion. However, he put a condition of non disclosure of how he made these weapons divine.

But there was a downside to this method. The weapons could not be divinited magically in great numbers if not done through dark arts. Because the composition of the potion would disrupt if prepared in large quantities. So, he had to make it again and again which tired him out a lot.

Moreover, this shortage of divine weapons also resulted in the slow process of their side.

Walking forward, he noticed an open book fallen on the ground. Neel picked it up and was ready to put it back when a certain word snatched his attention. And that word was; Seraphic.

He got so absorbed in the said chapter that he didn't notice Amrit's arrival, "what are you reading?" He asked.

But as soon as he noticed the cover of the book, his eyes widened.

Neel grinned, "darling look, I found a method to ease your workload! If you put a few drops of the blood of Seraphic in your potion, not only can you prepare it in bigger quantities but it can also increase the power of our weapons many fold!!"

Neel was ecstatic to find out this way.

"No," Amrit rejected his idea the very next moment.

Neel's smile vanished, "but why, baby?"

"Because it's not safe, Neel. Even though the production can be increased, it may be only increased to four times the current quantity. Moreover, your blood, your body, everything is precious, you just can't waste it like this to lessen my workload!"

"I won't allow it!"

"But I allow it," Neel announced. He cupped Amrit's face, "and baby you are very precious to me but I am not doing this only for you."

"Our current weapons are still weak against the enemy. There are many casualties daily. And with this method our weapons would be upgraded which may result in saving many lives."

"And even if I need to give my blood till the last drop in order to rejuvenate my nation, I am more than willing to do so."

"So please for the sake of our country take my blood."

Amrit looked at Neel's determined eyes. Well, if it comes to their nation how could he refute it.

He sighed in defeat and got ready to prepare the upgraded potion.


It was a few weeks later. Due to the upgraded potion, their side was victorious. But these victories were often small and the number of people in the Ghouls' side was increasing day by day.

In the time of war people generally get divided into two sides. The ones who are brave enough to stand against the evil and fight it, and the others who get attracted by the power of unlimited dominance and join the evil doers.

And the same was happening here. More and more people were joining the monstrous cult which was resulting in more and more destruction.

One day Neel found Amrit sitting in their living room quietly. He was sniffing.

Neel frowned worriedly and walked towards him. He noticed that Amrit's eyes were red. He hugged him tightly and asked, "darling, what happened?"

Amrit also didn't hide the matter from him, "you remember sylver?"

Neel nodded. He remembered that sylver was a black snake with silver spots who was Amrit's friend and the one who informed Amrit about him.

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Amrit sniffed again, "well…..he got killed. He was trying to fight the Ghouls who wanted to set up a concentration camp in the Mana forest and he and other animals tried to stop them."

"But those monsters!! They mercilessly killed them!" He wailed in Neel's arms, "Neel, they were my friends, my companion when I was alone in the world and now! Look at all this!"

"You know sylver always wanted to be a shapeshifting serpent like me, he had even started the training! But that foolish child!"

He cried, "not only him. But so many others have died. People have lost their families completely. They have lost their loved ones for never to return!"

Neel hugged Amrit and comforted him, "it's all the fault of that evil cult."

He turned silent and then said, "sometimes….. sometimes I wish that we could go back in time or maybe some alternative reality where this cult don't even exist-"

Hearing this, Amrit's body suddenly stiffened. He looked at Neel with widened eyes, "Neel, you are genius!! It's actually possible!"

Neel was baffled, "is it?"

Amrit nodded vigorously, "yes, it is."

Seeing the puzzled expression he explained, "I have a special crystal. A fist size diamond known as Shakti Mani. That crystal has endless powers. And if a proper ritual is followed we can use it to turn back time and form an alternative reality where The Ghouls of Sin don't exist. Moreover, it won't even create a time paradox. Everything will happen in this world!"

Neel was ecstatic, "is it possible?! Then let's do it now-"

"You can't do it!!" A shout came from behind them.

It was Yuvati, the temple pundit Amrit had raised. These days she was staying with both of them and it looked like she had heard everything.

In quick strides she stood in front of them, looked furious, "you can't do that! Never!"

"But why?" Neel asked, surprised.

"Yuvati," Amrit put his hand on her shoulder and tried to stop her but she yanked the hand back.

"Because he has not told you the real truth! Do you know where Shakti Mani is right now?"

Neel shook his head.

Yuvati pointed at Amrit, "it's inside him! Do you know why?"

"Because the Shakti Mani is actually the power source of Amrit! It keeps him immune from each and every kind of illness. It heals his wounds automatically. And most importantly all the divine powers he has, everything comes from the Shakti Mani."

"So if he takes it out for the ritual, he will turn into a mere human. In fact more weaker and powerless than a normal human."

"And do you know how easily he can get killed in that condition?!"

After taking all of this information, Neel felt like the ground under his feet was shaking.

He looked at Amrit with a horrific expression and asked, "is it- is it true?"

Amrit bowed his head, "all true."

Neel was shocked. He grabbed Amrit's shoulder, "then why would you suggest something like that?! It's too dangerous for you! I can't! I can't afford to put you in mortal danger!" 

Amrit looked at Neel, "Neel listen to me. Remember a few weeks ago we were facing a similar situation but with our positions exchanged."

"At that time I agreed to your request because it was for the sake of our nation. And this time I am also doing it for the sake of my nation."

"Neel, five hundred years ago I was born on this land, having no parents or no guidance. A strange creature alone in this world…."

"But this land protected me. It gave me resources to live, it gave me a home. It created many beautiful chapters in my long life……and it also gave me my soul mate."

"Look at this, this land gave me so much but when it comes for me to pay back how can I step back? It's my chance to repay the kindness of my nation……even if it means turning into a vulnerable human, I am ready."

However, Neel was still not satisfied, "but- but-"

"Shshhh," he covered Neel's mouth with his hand, "and you don't have to worry, I will only turn into a human and not die as soon as I take out the Mani."

Neel nodded after a long time but held Amrit's hand, "alright…. but promise me. Promise me that if you ever encounter a situation where you have no way out, you will go; take back the mani and retain your powers. Even if it means to abandon the ritual. Promise me you will do that?"

Amrit looked at Neel, helplessly, "Neel…" he started but Neel shook his head resolutely.

Amrit sighed in defeat, "alright, I promise."

Thus, the next day Amrit, Neel and Yuvati went to the Mana forest and reached the sacred Shiva temple. They performed the ritual accurately.

Amrit set up a very tight security around the Shakti Mani, and except for him no one knew its location.

In his heart, he thought that he may never need to disrupt the ritual and in a short time, they may be able to mend everything.

But he could never imagine that very soon he would again return here, covered in wounds and blood to get his powers back.

To rise again as Amrit Shesha, the shape shifting serpent……

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