Race to the Top

Chapter 7: Chapter-7: Is it a bird?

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"What is… that?" Sanjay asked slowly as he didn't know what was the thing in front of him. Dave who was as confused as Sanjay kneeled in front of the black stuff that had blocked their path and started observing it closely.

Before they were both walking normally towards the hills that Sanjay spotted in some distance. But it was then they came across this…

It looked like a black color tar that someone had smeared in the middle of nowhere. The tar was giving off a very rancid smell like that of a rotten egg. Also, they could see that steam was being emitted from the tar. But the scariest detail of the tar was the body of the creature lying in it.

Both of them had never seen something like this before. The body in question seemed like it had melted. From the carcass, it was very hard to determine what kind of creature was it, but there was no doubt that it was the body of a huge creature. This creature was as big as a rhino. And the lower portion of the creature was melted from the black tar.

Dave looked up and sure enough, he saw that there were smudges of black tar in the trees just above them. From that, he determined that the tar fell from the sky and this creature was unfortunately below it when it fell.

But seeing this, the biggest question that came to his mind was how the hell this tar stuff fell from the sky.

"Doesn't this creature look like the bigger version of the beast that you killed?" Sanjay said while looking at the face of the carcass. Hearing his comment, Dave looked at the creature once again. And sure enough, he couldn't deny the fact that he does have a point.

"Do you realize what this means right?" Dave said with a pale face. He just had an epiphany about the situation.

"What?" Sanjay asked.

"If that thing is indeed the bigger version, then it would mean that I killed a baby. Now, do you get it?" Hearing this, Sajay understood what he meant.

"We need to get out of here as soon as we can," Dave said while looking around.

The baby version of that creature almost killed Sanjay. If it wasn't for Dave's surprise attack, subduing that creature would have been impossible. From these facts alone they were certain that the adult version of the creature will surely have no problem killing them within seconds.

"We should move faster." Sanjay insisted and Dave happily complied.

After seeing that tar and carcass, Sanjay suddenly started feeling energetic. He started walking faster and faster. While Dave was easily able to keep up with him. And because of Sanjay's newfound motivation, they were able to reach the hills faster than Dave estimated.

But while coming towards the hills, they found many puddles and splashes of black tar that they found back. Seeing this, Dave started to think that maybe the tar was some kind of weapon. Otherwise, he could not explain how would a substance like this will fall from the sky. But now the question was, what kind of beings would use the tar as a weapon? And were they friendly?

"Dave, I know that I told you that hill will be a relatively safe place. But now that we are here, I am having a bad feeling. I don't think that we should be here." Sanjay said while looking at the scenery as they were approaching the foot of the hill. And Dave couldn't agree more.

The area around the hill was lifeless. It was evident that this area was drying as the plants and trees of this area were all drying up. The leaves of the trees have withered away ages ago. While the soil of the area was barren and lifeless.

"Yeah, you are right. But we need to find shelter and water if we need to survive the night. And this hill could give us a pretty good idea about this place. So I say after we have scouted the place we should get out of here as fast as we can." Dave said.

"Okay, we should hurry. We need water or we won't be able to survive as you said. And after scouting the area we would leave this place as soon as we can. Also, I just couldn't shake the feeling that we shouldn't be here. Am I being paranoid?"

"No, you are not. This place is making me paranoid too."

Then they started moving towards the hills once again. By the time they got to the foot of the hill, the sun had almost set. But it was then that they encountered another problem. The hill in question was steep. Someone could climb up, but the climb itself would be very difficult as the climb was very steep. Seeing this, Dave insisted that he would climb up the hill and scout the area. And he instructed Sanjay to stay put for the time being. After all, they could afford Sanjay's weak physique to slow them down at this time.

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Sanjay didn't want to part ways, but he reluctantly agreed after some persuasion. After their conversation, Dave started climbing the hill, as fast as he could. His footwear was not ideal to climb this kind of hill, but still, he persisted somehow. And it didn't take him long enough to get up the hill.

The hill was not that very big, but it was big enough to give an overall overview of the place. But as Dave got to the top, rather than looking at the forest, he started looking at the very strange scene in front of him…

The huge hill had a big crater at its top. The crater looks like it was made from an asteroid or something and the diameter of the crater of at least 500m long. Several big rocks were lying around the crater. While Dave couldn't help but notice that there were sliver color poles located around the center of the crater. But the strangest part about the crater was the dark matter that it was covered in. The dark matter covered every rook and cranny of the crater. It also covered the rocks lying around here and there.

Dave knelt and touched the ground. After touching the ground, Dave felt the texture of the substance covering the crater. It was black and hard and slightly warm. As he was standing on it and was still fine, so Dave understood the stuff was not poisonous or something. But still, it was strange. The stuff looked like Tar but the texture of the stuff covering the ground didn't match the description of the Tar that he knew.

But it was then, that Dave suddenly had an epiphany. Now as he was thinking about it, the texture of the stuff covering the ground was very similar to the acidic stuff that he saw back in the forest. If he is not wrong then if that acidic stuff cooled down that it may obtain the same texture. It may be his paranoia thinking, but he started thinking that this must be the same stuff that he saw. And seeing that this ground is covered with it, there is a high chance that this hill is the home of the thing that sprayed the stuff in the forest. Suddenly a cold chill ran down his spine and he looked back.

When Dave looked back he was greeted with a vast big green forest. But then his eye caught the shadow of something flying in the sky. It looked like a bird and it was flying around here and there in the sky, hovering over the forest area. And maybe it was then, that the bird spotted him standing up the hill. Because after hovering for some time, the bird slowly started making its way toward Dave.


When Dave saw the size of the bird getting bigger and bigger, his heart started pounding faster and faster. He started sweating. He looked down and saw that although the hill was not big, still it was too steep. He could not jump off from here. So he turned around and started running towards the crater. He started running towards one of the rocks in hope that it would be able to hide him from the terrible faith that big ass bird was bringing him.

While running he didn't look back. He just went to the neared rock that he could find and hid behind it. He took out his sword and waited. And soon he heard a loud sound from behind the rock. Something very heavy had landed not too far away from the rock.

Dave didn't know what that creature was. But from the sound of its landing, it was pretty clear that the creature was pretty big. As the creature landed he felt big gusts of wind coming from behind the rock. That must have been the creature's big wings. The thing that frightened him was the fact that the gust of winds was very powerful, it was pretty similar to the one that a helicopter makes when taking off. This made him understand the creature was very powerful, big, and could fly at any moment…



Dave then heard thumping sounds from behind the rock. The creature was on the move. He could feel the ground shaking under him because of the weight of the creature.

As he heard the creature walking sounds, he slowly started circling the rock so that he would not come into the field of vision of the creature. He slowly started circling, while on the other hand, the creature in question moved past his rock. The creature started to make his way towards the center of the crater. It didn't seem like the creature had any idea that Dave was even there.

After the creature had moved towards the center of the crater, Dave safely made his way towards the other side of the rock, outside the field of vision of the creature. But now standing there, Dave faced a dilemma.

'What the fuck should I do now? If I make a run for it, then will that creature would be able to see me? Of course, it would see me, I know my luck. Then should I wait for it to sleep? But that could take hours…. OH MY GOD! What if, this creature isn't alone? What if there is another one just like it around here?' He thought while panicking. After all, he could not see any way from which he could run away from here scout free.

Dave then decided to be a little brave at that time. He knew that he had to make a run for it. And it would be a little bit less tricky if he knew what the creature had been doing at that time. So he slowly sat down on the ground. He took his sword and cleaned the dirt off one of its ends. He then slowly stuck out a shiny part of the sword out of the rock to see what he was dealing with. And what he saw behind him made him almost piss himself.

The creature in question was a very big lizard. It was covered with a black color scale and had golden eyes crocodile-like eyes. It had two long-titled horns coming out of his skull. The creature's front legs were and also acted like the creature's wings. It had a very long neck and razor-sharp teeth. The creature in question was a very famous mythological creature that Dave had also seen and heard of. The creature in question was a Dragon.

But the most terrifying thing about the creature was not its features. The most terrifying thing was the fact, that currently, it was lying on its stomach. And his golden eyes were shining in the setting sun and were currently staring straight in the direction of Dave.

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