Race to the Top

Chapter 8: Chapter-8: Roghorth, The Dark Bane

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Death. Destruction. Despair.

These are three things that the Black Dragon of Calamity, Roghorth The Dark Bane, leaves behind whenever it invades one of the great cities. Since ancient times, whenever Roghorth had visited the cities, it had destroyed everything that came in its path.

For so many years, many braves warrior and mages had tried to kill that beast. But still, no one was able to kill that monstrosity. But as time passed, the great cities eventually started preparing countermeasures against Roghorth. And most of the time the countermeasures worked like a charm.

But this fine evening something happened in the Great City of Ravenshade, that shook the city to its core…

Like every other day, the city was bustling with people. Vendors were doing brisk business, trying to sell as much as they could before the sun sets. Soldiers of the city were patrolling the area diligently. But it was then he fell from the sky…

Without warning, without a sound, the Great black Dragon, fell from the sky. It happened suddenly. The behemoth body of the great beast when touched the ground, it created a very loud noise. The loud noise created when the Dragon fell was loud enough to stop the whole city in its tracks. There was pin-drop silence in the whole city for a minute or so. And it was then…


The older people of the city were all very familiar with that screeching sound. The sound itself was like the blazing horn of death itself. Chaos ensued in the city. People started running towards the underground shelter built in the city. While the soldiers around the city were in disarray as they didn't understand how can the Dragon made its way inside the city, without anyone noticing.

The Dragon wreaked havoc around the city. With its Acidic and Poisonous breath, it destroyed and killed hundreds of people. By the time the Lord of the City and her subordinates came out to face the dragon, it had flown off toward its territory.

The Dragon only stayed in the great city for 10 min or so. But in that time, it had ruined a major chunk of the city and killed many people…


It was fucking nightmare. Ravenshade was one of the proudest and greatest great cities of Midgard. Because of the efforts of previous city lords, this city was able to make a security network around the city. The security network consists of various watch towers and patrols of soldiers. Because of the strategic location of these towers any beast wave or attack from any other city could be reported to the main city within seconds.

Because of how tight their network was, Ravenshade had been a proud fortress for more than 100 years. It had received many attacks in the past years, but during the attack, the Ravenshade stood tall because of its communication network. But all of that changed today…

For Brock, this was worse than a nightmare. He is an honest man and General of all the units under the city of Ravenshade. He is a proud man. He had been commander for the past 50 years. And one of the proudest moments of his 50 years of service was the fact that during his regime, there was no beast tide or dungeon break or any attack from Roghorth that he and his men weren't able to handle. But all of this changed today…

Brock stood in a lit room. He was wearing his traditional Black color armor with a blue flying raven inscribed on his chest. He was essentially an old man in his late 60s. He had a very strict face, short hair, and a long grey beard. He was an old man with his body still resembling any strong man in his 40s.

Currently, Brock was standing in his office, and in front of him were 6 commanders that were responsible for communication and manning the walls that surround Ravenshade.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T SAW ANYTHING?" Brock yelled at the commander that was stationed at the wall when the Roghorth attacked the Ravenshade.

"Sir, I swear on my newborn daughter's life. We didn't see anything. You can even ask every one of my men that is stationed on the wall whether they saw anything or not. And their answer would be the same as mine." The commanders replied.

"So what the fuck are you suggesting commander? A mother fucking dragon who as big a fucking small mountain somehow got through all of our defensive measures and somehow ended up in the middle of our city?" Brock yelled.

"Sir, I don't know how he got in. But I can assure you that it didn't get in because me or my men were lazing around." The commander answered confidently.

"If none of you dimwits saw the dragon, then how the hell did that Dragon barge into our city?" Brock yelled once again…

Hearing his yelling none of the commanders said a word. Brock then picked up the glass of water on his table. He then gulped all the water in one whole sip. He then turned around and said calmly...

"Listen carefully… George and Lucas go and help the soldiers handle the mess that the big lizard had left us. While helping them, gather any information that you can about the incident. I believe that some of our citizens may have seen something. Investigate every single detail and get me something on which I could work. Anything at all." Hearing his command two of the commanders saluted him and went away.

"As for the rest of you. Lock down the whole city. No one comes in and no one goes out. I want the list of every suspicious person that had left or enter the city in the last week. Round everyone that is suspicious. Don't leave any rock unturned. Understood?"

"Sir yes sir." The commanders saluted and then went away from the room.

After that sat at his desk and started ruffling through some papers. But it was then he lost it and tossed the papers in the air. He was very angry at the moment.

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He was angry at himself as he let all of this happen on his watch. He was also angry with another person and that was the City Lord of Ravenshade. She was pretty young for her position but Brock had judged her to be a competent person. She was a very reliable girls and was smart as well.

But today she did something pretty stupid. After the dragon's attack, instead of helping around the city, she flew away towards Roghorth's territory behind the Dragon itself. He tried to stop her, but she didn't listen to him and flew away.

There was no way that she would be able to defeat The Great Black Dragon. So then why did she follow him home? It was a very bad move from her end. Now all the city officials are in the dark about whether the city lord is alive or not.

'She should have returned by now. Oh Great Lord that created this world, please don't let Carlin die.' Brock prayed and then he slowly started picking up the papers that he had thrown all over the room.


It was a very strange thing. Roghorth made it inside the city without triggering any alarms. Carlin knew that there was nothing wrong with the traps and alarms that her ancestors had put in the net surrounding the city. So the big question was how the hell that Dragon made its way into the city.

There was no way that someone would have done something to alarm. As the highest-ranking Mage in the city, she regularly makes sure that there is nothing wrong with the alarms. And she had done an inspection not too long ago. Yet still, somehow Roghorth made it to the center of the city.

Another thing that was confusing to Carlin was the fact that Roghorth fell from the sky. A Dragon doesn't just fall from the sky. Usually, the attack pattern of Roghorth is that it spews that toxic bile on his enemies. And after he had made sure that there was no danger to him or his life, only then he lands. But this time it fell from the sky. And even after falling, the Dragon didn't take any people or livestock with it. It just attacked the people around him. And then it flew away. And this is the very odd behavior of Roghorth.

That is why Carlin suspected that something else is at play here. She decided to follow Roghorth home. To hide from him she used many precious artifacts that her ancestors left for her, but she didn't regret it. She wanted to know how the hell that Dragon came to the city. And her only guess was that someone used a teleportation array to send him there. To confirm her lines of thoughts, she started following him.

Roghorth was a pretty fast flyer, so he had left Carlin behind in the dust. But still, Carlin persisted and went to the dark forest while following Roghorth. As she was not strong enough, she didn't dare to approach his territory. So she stayed at the border of his territory and used a telescope to spy on him. Sure enough, she saw that Dragon was in his nest resting. While several silver color poles were surrounding him at the center of his nest.

As soon as Carlin saw the poles, she instantly knew that her suspicion was right. There was someone who used a teleportation array to send the Dragon to Ravenshade.

Carlin wanted one of those poles. The perpetrator may not have any evidence on the poles themselves, but still, it was a very valuable piece of evidence. But she knew that getting those poles would be a very tricky task….


It was then that Carlin heard a loud explosion near the edge of the territory of the Roghorth. She looked at the Dragon who had also heard the explosion. But to her surprise, he just ignored the explosion and went back to sleep. She sighed with relief as she saw that Roghorth was not interested in the explosion. She then looked down, toward the area where she heard the explosion.

She then flew down towards to explosion sight to see to investigate…


Dave struggled with the roots that were wrapped around his hands and legs. He tried to break free of them, but to no avail, he could do anything. He struggled for a bit, it was then he heard footsteps coming toward them. Still struggling he looked up and saw that a woman was standing in front of them.

The woman in question looked like she was in her thirties. She had short red hair with blue eyes. Her skin was pale white as if she had not seen the light of the sun in ages. The woman was wearing a blue color cape, a white shirt, and black tight leather pants. Dave saw that the woman had a small cane in her hand which had intricate carvings on it. While similar to Sanjay's magic staff, this staff also had a crystal on the top. But her crystal was more defined and was shining very brightly in the dark.

"Identify yourself scum or die a worthless death." The woman yelled.

"Woah Woah… Easy lady. We mean no harm. We… We should talk it out. What do you say?" Dave said while struggling with the roots.

"What are you guys doing here?" the woman questioned.

"We are here for a fucking picnic! What the fuck do you think we are doing here bitch! You let us go right now!" Soo-Young yelled.

"Don't wanna talk? Fine. All four of you will answer your crimes against the Great City of Ravenshade. I Carlin Nornorin with the authority of City Lord of Ravenshade arrest you all." Carlin said.

She then started waving her staff in the air and started making a complicated magic circle in the air. After she had completed the circle, it started expanding and went up in the air. After getting to a sufficient height, the circle glowed brightly and teleported all 5 of them to Ravenshade city.

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