Race to the Top

Race to the Top

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Race to the Top

Review: 7.1/10 from 6 ratings

Gods are immortal beings who have lived for millennia and would probably still be alive for another millennia to come. But the problem with immortality is that it gets boring very soon. So in the end a few of the Intellectual Gods came together and created a game that everyone God out there could enjoy. And the game was called The Race to the Top.

The game itself was pretty simple. A few subjects of Gods or humans would be sent to another dimension comprising of 9 different worlds. Humans have to become strong and survive these arduous 9 worlds. And the human who crosses the 9th world first would win the game for the God who was sponsoring him.

In this game stakes are high and risk is unimaginable. But the reward for the game is worth drying for. So let the game begin….
1>The word count of chapters fluctuates between 1.6k to 2k words till chapter-11. But from Chapter 12 onwards the word count of upcoming chapters would be at least 2.5k words.

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