Radiant Earth: Emergence

Radiant Earth: Emergence

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Radiant Earth: Emergence

Review: 9.2/10 from 10 ratings

In a world where monsters and man must coexist, a teenage boy comes to terms with his half-human self. He writes of his struggles and choices in a red leather journal, one which he intends for his future child. It is a story of emergence, a coming of age, or a transformation of the self through which all people go through. But not all transformations are for the better. And not all things can be forgiven.

Author's Note: Emergence is a story that existed in my head for a long time and I needed to get it out so I could move on in life. I put a lot of myself into it, which is to say that I wrote it solely for myself, and that it is difficult for me to return to in regards to editing. I am not sure how well it reads for others (I certainly think it is flawed, especially towards the end) but I hope whoever takes the time to read it is able to feel that their time was not wasted.

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