Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan

Chapter 47: Volume 11 - CH 5

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Sirius Vermillion was worried.

Stella, his beloved daughter who had returned from Japan after a long time.

Her eyes that were looking at him… were rather cold.

Scornful-looking eyes.

Like eyes looking at trash.

He was also ignored. She reluctantly answered even when he persistently talked to her.

When are you going to grow up!? You’re the father of the bride! That was what Stella said to him.

Why did something like this happen?

The reason was evident.

Everything was…. Because of that brat.

Kurogane Ikki…!

That Japanese kidnapped the pure Stella at the study abroad destination.

Stella was being deceived by him.

So, Sirius took actions to protect Stella.

He wanted Ikki on the wanted list and sent the army after him using his authority as a King.

But all of them were vain attempts.

He managed to placate Dandalion who was sent as an assassin.

Thanks to that, his dignity as a father ended up falling to the ground.

They were completely pathetic. They weren’t reliable.

In that case――Sirius thought.

I’m not going to rely on anyone anymore!

But on myself only.

With my power, I’ll earn the trust of my Stella, of my beloved Stella!

For the sake of that――

– That’s right, a match, an《Illusionary Form》sham battle! A single match!

Sirius shouted, facing Ikki on the training ring in the courtyard of the castle.

He would fight Ikki directly and win.


That was the “comeback plan” that Sirius had thought of.

He was convinced of it.

When he pictured the image of himself having a complete victory over this Japanese, then Stella would also remember.

That her father was the coolest guy in this world.

On the other hand, Ikki, who was summoned to the courtyard with these words of Sirius, showed puzzlement.

– E-err, why are we having a match all of a sudden…?

– I certainly admitted that if you bring victory to Vermillion in the war I would let you marry Stella, but that doesn’t mean I have recognized your true strength! We’re going to make that clear here! If you defeat me, you’ll be recognized as a representative of Vermillion! But if you lose, you’ll return to Japan in silence!

But Ikki, before the challenge of Sirius, showed hesitation.

– E-eeeh…!? I mean, while it’s true that you have trained, to raise the sword against the imperial family of a country is…

However, two women pressed the back of Ikki.

– It’s fine, Ikki-san. Don’t pay attention to it〜.

– Since the person in question is telling you to do it, there’s no need to hold back.

Those were Astraea Vermillion, the wife of Sirius and their daughter Stella Vermillion.

Sirius looked at the figure of them with disgusted feelings.

Since the strategy using the army failed because Dandalion and the imperial guards gave poor results, the attitude of his beloved wife Astraea and Stella became somewhat cold. She just wanted to get along with Ikki, and not to talk to him. She didn’t take a bath with him yesterday.

(Not just Stella, even my wife is being deceived…! Unforgivable, Kurogane Ikki!)

But, that was until today.

If he were to knock him down, then he would be able to restore all his dignity as her father and the love of his wife.

『Kyaa, papa is superb as always〜!』

『I looove my strong father! *Kiss*!』

It was decided that those would be their feelings.


(It’s time to do it…!)

– Well now! Come up to the ring immediately! The signal has sounded, it’s now or never!

Sirius demanded Ikki to go up the ring.

After the small hesitation of Ikki towards this,

– … Understood. I’ll go all out.

He stood in front of Sirius.

Thus, the stage was ready.

– Burst into flames, 《Ifrit》!!

– Come. 《Intetsu》.

The two Blazers faced each other with the manifestation of their souls.

To mediate that, Stella played the role of the referee.

Stella confirmed that both parties had their Devices at the ready and,

– Are you ready? Then… LET’S GO AHEAD!!!!*

TN: Caps written in English by the author.

The battle started.

– Funnuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

The one that moved first was Sirius who also had the nickname of《Crimson Wild Lion》.

He brought forth a flame with the magic powers of his whole body and let it cover the blade of his Device《Ifrit》.

The temperature of that was really――over 3000ºC!

A flame slash that cut even the iron.

Sirius raised the axe to throw it at the enemy who disturbed the harmony of his family――


He lost sight of the enemy from his field of vision in an instant. Simultaneously with that,

– *Ack*.

He fell down on the spot.

As if he had collapsed from the knees.

– The match is over! It’s Ikki’s victory!

『Eh, really…? Isn’t King-sama too weak?』

『Only 5 seconds have passed, but… what? For real?』

『I mean, what happened just now?』

– …!? , , , !?!?

The maids gathered to see what kind of silly thing their King was doing in the courtyard this time around while Sirius himself was confused with this excessively abrupt ending.

Because he didn’t understand what was done to him.


(This guy…!)

Sirius raised his face and noticed.

The fact that Ikki was standing to his left.

(No way, he saw through me…!?)

――It was that “no way”.

In fact, the left eye of Sirius could hardly see due to the wound he suffered in an incident 30 years ago.

He wasn’t told about it by the members of the family, but Ikki was able to see through him with fine eye movement and slipped into the blind spot of Sirius by reaching top speed the very moment he moved thanks to the defensive body movement of《Wings Abreast》.

It was impossible for Sirius, who was burdened with such eyesight handicap, to catch hold of his movement.

He didn’t think that it was a foul.

Sirius was also a warrior.

It was a natural tactic in a fight to go for the opponent’s weaknesses.

Rather, Sirius trembled.

Because of Ikki’s defensive body movement and discerning eyes.

…Judging from appearances, he looked no more than an ordinary, slender and feeble man and yet, what a master he was.

He wasn’t at a place that could be reached with common training.

And, simultaneously with that understanding. He did a reckless action as if trying to fly towards the sun with waxy wings to defeat such a man; to try regain his dignity as a father.

– Jeez. Why is papa so childish?

-There’s no way he will complain now, right? Otou-sama. Since Ikki won, recognize him as a representative of Vermillion.

– … fu, fufufu… fuhahaha, fuuhahahahaha! W-well, it would be shameful for a young man to make a serious effort from the beginning, but this win is a sort of handicap! 3! 3 matches!! I forgot to tell you! I’m sorryyy! Nahahahahah!

Sirius was also not a man that would be discouraged with all that.

He stood up while laughing then overturned the match shamelessly.

「Haa〜〜〜〜」 , Stella breathed a very deep sigh to such figure of a father, but Sirius wasn’t disheartened.

It was great if he were to win.

It was great if he was the winner in the end.

If that happened, then his daughter would definitely see him in a more positive light.

The process was a trivial thing.

And, the path was already in sight.

– U-umm, what will be the next match about?

– So you heard me well! Next is… arm wrestling!!

– Arm wrestling? Umm… does that have any relationship with the qualifications of a representative…?

– Of course it has! Strength is power! The technique that made you slip into me the moment my sight was surpassed is a big deal, but it’s not like I trust in a cheap brat like you or anything like that! If a man is strong, then his arms have to be equally strong! Here we go――

Sirius put an elbow on a drum prepared by an elder maid who read the situation while he was talking,

– Show me. Your physical strength!

Yeah, he invited Ikki.

The young maids gave their honest opinions.

『Wow, King-sama is so cunning!』

『The difference in their physiques is around two times, but there is no way he can win…』

(Kukuku, that’s right…! There’s no way he can win…!)

Sirius chuckled to himself with the voices of the maids.

Certainly, the opponent was a master.

It wouldn’t be a match if they competed properly with swords.

But, when looking at that slender and small body.

When it came to the thickness of their arms, the difference was more than double.

It didn’t matter how much he tried to boast of his sword techniques and his excellent moves, he was a Japanese after all.

There was no way he can rival me, the one with a physical of a hunting race.

This can be my win. I can’t lose.

If I win, both Stella and Astraea will come to their senses.

A strong man is cool after all!

– Hey, what’s the matter!? Are you scared!?

To this provocation of Sirius,

– … understood. I’ll do it with all my strength.

Ikki also put his elbow on the drum and grabbed the hand of Sirius.

– You sure have the guts. Stella. Give the signal.

Stella reluctantly accepted the request of Sirius with「… sure」,

– Alright then, are you both ready? Ready… go!

She gave the signal. At that moment──

– Seiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

Sirius roared.

The roar shook the atmosphere like a lion, just like his nickname.

A manifestation of a loud, fighting spirit shout.

A strong torque was produced from the log-like arm in response to that motivation.

A force enough to smash every single bone.

The arm of Ikki, against this,


*Twitch*, he wasn’t moving at all.

There was no inclination. It didn’t matter how much strength he put into it, it was a very small amount which looked like nothing.

It was completely──

(Like… steel…!)

Even when Sirius made the veins in the temple of his forehead to be exhilarated and put his strength into it while his face became bright red, the arm of Ikki didn’t even move in the slightest. And while it didn’t move in the slightest──

– Oh, oh, oh…!?

He slowly defeated the arms of Sirius that went against him without hesitation like a machine──and with a thump, the back of the hand of Sirius was pressed against the drum.

– It’s done. It’s Ikki’s victory.

Stella announced the outcome with a voice that understood that completely.

『Amazing! He won without danger even though there was such a physical difference!?』

– Woow. Ikki-san is also a strong man despite not having a large build〜.

– …!?

The maids and Astraea that came to watch the unexpected complete victory of Ikki gave a round of applause. Sirius stared at the palm of the hand where a remembrance of overwhelming power that couldn’t be opposed with an “I can’t believe it” face remained there.

A thin arm that had no more than half of the thickness of his own arm.

How did he produce so much strength from that?

Sirius couldn’t understand it at all.

Stella told Sirius.

– The difference in physique doesn’t mean anything to Ikki. Because Ikki puts his whole body under complete control with the concentration ability『Using up all of himself in one minute』

– His body under complete control…?

– Yes. I thought that Otou-sama would certainly be aware of it since he is a warrior, but humans aren’t able to use up their specs fully. Because the survival instincts that people are naturally gifted with suppress without fail their strength so they don’t end up destroying themselves. … But Ikki is different. The concentration ability that reached even the utmost limits of Ikki can destroy the restraints* with his own will. Properly speaking, he can freely draw out the strength that one shouldn’t set one’s hands on. ──The meaning of “all one’s strength” for Ikki is different from us. For us, “all one’s strength” are words that inspire us, but for Ikki, “all one’s strength” is… literally everything.

*TN: Word used there was hoop (of a barrel). Meaning that it was in order to contain his strength.

– ――!

Sirius became speechless due to Stella’s words.

A limiter based on survival instincts.

Humans were able to use only about half of their strength, stamina and magic powers because of this limiter.

Sirius, who was also a warrior, naturally understood so.

The only time this limiter went off was when one was in the verge of a real danger of life.

The concentration ability at the verge of death, commonly called adrenaline rush.

For only that moment, the humans could unconsciously destroy this limiter.

But… the boy in front of his eyes used it freely, at his own will.


How much did he persecute himself to be able to reach such a state?

– … Otou-sama knew this too, right? That Ikki is amazing. I mean, Ikki has defeated me twice in the first place. There’s no way for Otou-sama to match Ikki when he has never won against me.

– …

Sirius realized, it was certainly as Stella said.

He even felt respect as a warrior.


– I’m not going to lose again――――――!!!!

– Huu!? Didn’t you just say to the best of 3!? Ikki won twice so it’s his victory no!?

– You’re wrong! The third round gives 10 points so I can reverse it!!

– Hey, umm… grow up already…!

『King-sama doesn’t know when to give up…』

『That’s so unappealing〜』

『I agree, I can’t bear to look at him anymore』

– Shut up! I don’t care what you say, I still haven’t lost! The word defeat doesn’t exist for a young man while his heart isn’t brokeeeeeeeeen!!!!

He turned white eyes to Stella and the maids as if this had nothing to do with them.

The boy in front of him was probably a warrior worthy of respect, but it didn’t matter.

Because this man was trying to steal his beloved daughter.

The crystallization of love that was born in the relationship between Astraea and him.

The treasure that had been carefully, carefully raised since childhood.

Then, he suddenly appeared from the side to snatch her――

I don’t like that.

I don’t like that, I don’t like that. I don’t like that, not even a little anymore.

Just thinking about it made him dizzy. He felt like crying.

――He knew he was being selfish.

He knew very, very well it was an egoist thing.

However, he didn’t feel like enduring such a painful feeling that was like tearing off his body.


(I’ll be a hindrance till the end of my life…!)

– Kurogane Ikki! This time I’ll defeat you in a marathoooooon!!

Sirius refused to back down three times without worrying about his reputation.

Ikki asked without complaining not even once.

– I don’t mind about it, but where are we going to run?

Towards that, Sirius answered.

– If you go south along the main road that goes around the imperial capital, there’s a『Bonnie’s House』main store along the road! The one that goes there and return here first will be the winner!

– Bo-Bonnie? What’s that?

Ikki inclined his head to the side in doubt to the words he hadn’t heard before.

Astraea supplemented to him.

– 『Bonnie’s House』is a sweet brand of Vermillion. We’re also very indebted to them for treating the state guests that came to Vermillion. The chocolates are especially popular and they opened a department store in Japan.

– Oh, it’s a sweet shop.

It was no wonder that Ikki who wasn’t good at sweets didn’t know about it.

– The main store has chocolate taiyaki* that are only sold there.

– T-taiyaki?

*TN: fish-shaped pancake filled with bean jam.

– You don’t know them? Those adorable shaped things are popular all over the world now.

– Anyway, just buy a taiyaki as a proof that you ran there. Do you have money?

– Ah, yes. I have some money──

– That’s great! Alright, let’s go! See you later!

Sirius instantly ran towards the main gate of the castle as he pleased without waiting for Ikki’s preparation.

– Y-you serious!? Why is he so childish!?

Stella was indignant about her father’s actions,

– Ikki, there’s no need for you to go along with it anymore. Let’s ignore him!

She proposed to Ikki.

But, he shook his head while spilling a wry smile,

You are reading story Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan at novel35.com

– Ahaha… well, the one who said to try it until he was satisfied was me. I can see the location of the store if I check it with my cell phone, so see you later.

He started running to chase the back of Sirius.

The distance was of 10 kilometers when he checked the map of his cell phone.

It wasn’t a great distance since Ikki ran 20 kilometers every day.

Ikki immediately went ahead Sirius and shook free from him.

(He’s agile as expected…! Here I──)

Sirius didn’t think of anything and tried to tackle the marathon.

He had a secret plan. And that was──

– Here it is!

Sirius turned sharply from the main road into a narrow alleyway. Yeah. It was a shortcut.

(By passing the town area diagonally and running at the shortest distance to『Bonnie’s House』, the distance will be reduced by almost half! An unknown route that it’s not in the GPS!)

A road that couldn’t be used by travelers who were searching for a road with a cell phone in a hand.

Not to mention that Sirius was the King of this country.

He knew all the things about his country thoroughly.

He had the locational advantage.

Therefore, he was convinced.

– This match is mine――――――!!

Several minutes later──

Kurogane Ikki was the first to arrive, he came back to the castle with a bundle of taiyaki in hand.

– Alright. It’s Ikki’s victory.

– Good work. Ikki-san.

– Thank you very much.

Ikki gave his thanks to Astraea and Stella who blessed him for his victory──then Ikki asked.

– And, umm, where’s my father-in-law?

Sirius hadn’t comeback yet, even though he should have taken a shortcut.

Astraea answered that.

– Don’t worry. It seems that Dandalion-san protected him from getting lost in the town area some time ago.

Yeah. Sirius was confident about his locational advantage, but he overestimated himself.

Sirius was part of the royalty.

He had been around the castle, but he had never experienced going through unknown alleyways.

It was impossible to say that he would go through the complex town area and head to the aimed place.

The result. He naturally got lost and puzzled, then sent an SOS to Astraea by phone and got saved moments ago.

– *Long sigh*, he’s sooooo pathetic! And embarrassing! And pathetic!!

Stella was at wits’ end because of her father’s repeated disgraceful behavior.

– You said pathetic twice, huh?

– Two times isn’t enough! He cheated completely and he even lost entirely in the end!

– It’s just that my father-in-law cares a lot about Stella.

– Still, there’s a limit, no? A limit! You know what? I’ll absolutely not going to talk to him while I’m here!

– C-calm down…

Ikki tried to calm down the enraged heart of Stella.

He felt regretful that he was the cause that a fissure was done in the parent-and-daughter relationship… honestly, the easy-to-understand-affection of Sirius was enviable for Ikki who wasn’t blessed with a father-son relationship.

But Astraea addressed to such Ikki.

– Fufu. Ikki-san is kind, isn’t he? You are worried about papa even when he’s treating you like an enemy. But don’t care about it, alright? That person isn’t going to be discouraged with this much. Dandalion-san told me through a phone call not long ago that『A draw in the competition was decided for the time being』. … If you asked me, the one who knows papa the most, then the『Trying to do as much as you want』may have been a bit careless〜.

– Ha, hahaha…

Why even a draw? He didn’t understand the irrational argument of Sirius anymore.

Ikki could only return a strained laugh to this.

– But… I was the one who said so. … Besides.

– Besides?

– If the time comes when Stella and I have a child, I think that I’ll treasure that child more than my life, I’m sure of it. Wouldn’t be shameless to just accept such a thing and not fight for such an important and precious being?

That’s why, it didn’t matter what he tried, he would respond to them all.

Astraea smiled to Ikki who told such determination of his.

– I feel that Stella-chan chose a really good man. Well then, please do your best to the very end.  I’ll be cheering for you.

And then, she turned around.

– Where are you going?

– I’m going out to meet papa. I’m sure he must be losing his nerve.

With that said, Astraea left the courtyard giving slightly quick steps.

Thus, her small back disappeared──at that moment.

– Kurogane-san! You did a great job!

「「「A great job!」」」*

*TN: They just repeat the “desu” at the end of the previous line.

Several voices struck his earlobes from behind.

When he turned back, young girls dressed in apron dresses were gathering there.

– You are…?

– We are the maids serving the castle!

– We brought cold drinks to thank you for going along with the selfishness of King-sama.

– Please have a change of clothes as well!

Saying so, the girls presented plastic bottle drinks and sportswear.

Ikki thanked them, saying「Thank you. This helps a lot」

The current season in Vermillion was summer, but it was cooler than Japan.

He felt uncomfortable wearing the jacket fully soaked in sweat; his throat was dry too.

Ikki, who depended on the kindness of the maids, put the bundle of taiyaki on the ground and took off the wet coat.

And then,


Shrilling voices were raised by the maids all of a sudden.

– W-what!?

The maids whispered into another’s ear as their eyes sparkled, looking at the surprised Ikki.

– You saw them, right!?

– I saw them! I saw his abs!

– He’s a hosomacho*! ! A good-looking guy and a hosomacho, he’s too perfect!

*TN: Thin man with well-defined musculature.

– Kurogane-san! Since you have sweated this much, the new clothes will get dirty very fast. There is a shower in our lodging house close by, so why don’t you wash off your sweat!?

– Together with that, would you like to have an afternoon tea with us? We want to know more about Ikki-san〜♪.

(Ah, this development is…)

Ikki felt a déjà vu with the expressions of the maids that surrounded him.

A situation that turned into a regular sight after defeating《Hunter》at the academy selection battle.

Like the schoolgirl fans that supported him.

He was accepted by the people of the country of Stella. That was a happy thing for Ikki, but――from his experience, the development after this had been decided.

– This is too much〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜!!!!

Just as he thought, Stella, who was nearby, raised an angry voice and put herself between Ikki and the maids.

Then, a reprimand flew towards the maids.

– H-how on earth do you girls have the nerve to promote infidelity to the boyfriend of the princess when you are the maids serving the imperial family!!!!?

However, the maids weren’t perturbed at all with the reprimand of Stella, but rather they returned very unfaithful smiling faces.

– Eh? But since King-sama has such impression of him, isn’t marrying something impossible?

– I think it’s weird to claim ownership of Ikki-san when you aren’t even engaged in the first place〜.

「「「That’s right」」」

The red hair of Stella began to wear a pain light because of the objection of the maids.

– Oh dear… to think that the maids of my family were truly audacious…. It makes me happy you’re seriously picking a fight with《Crimson Princess》….

Her voice trembled. Her flaming hair increased its color saturation. Ikki sensed that this was getting bad and,

– C-calm down, Stella――

He prompted her to control herself, but that didn’t reach Stella’s ears.

Stella let fire overflow from her whole body and howled.

– Bring it on, army of adulterers! If you want a fight, then I’ll give you what you’re asking for! Come, I’ll fight you all at once!!

– Kyaa! Hime-sama burst into flames!

– She’s a muscle-brain! A muscle-brain just like King Sirius! Like father, like daughter!

– Who’s a muscle-brain!? I’ll forgive your foolhardiness by taking care of you directly! Don’t run away from this──────!

– Nooo──────!


The maids escaped like baby spiders scattering in all directions and Stella ran after them.

Ikki bewildered with what’s the deal with them because a strife about him occurred suddenly.

To such Ikki,

– Ahahaha! Stella’s boyfriend is so popular, isn’t he!?

– He gives the impression of a playboy.

Familiar voices addressed him.

Lucid and cheerful voices that resounded like flattering him.

The owner of those voices were,

– Tilmitt-san and Miriallia-san…! <Sister-in-law> Older sister too.

Tilmitt Gracie and Miriallia Lazy.

The two girls that appeared in the courtyard were Stella’s classmates and Blazers that were aiming for the reward that was placed on the head of Ikki by Sirius the other day.

– Come to think of it, the ones that you met during the turmoil were these two?

Lunaize Vermillion, the First Princess of the Empire of Vermillion and the older sister of Stella, got where Ikki was together with those two girls and asked him.

Ikki returned a nod to that question.

– Yes. That’s right.

– Oh no, he’s the bad boyfriend from that time. I did want the money though.

– We’re sorry?

Did she really think that I was bad?

He had a considerable doubtful attitude, but Ikki returned a “don’t worry” to the apology of the two.

– It’s not necessary. Thanks to everyone, the tension I had at that time disappeared before meeting my father-in-law. I’m rather grateful to you.

– Ahaha. You’re thanking the opponents that were running after you to kill you. Are you out of your mind?

– But he matches up well with Stella-chan. Isn’t that right, Luna-ane?

– Yup. I agree.

– Isn’t everyone being calmly rude!?

Tilmitt shook her head and said「not at all」to Ikki who spontaneously protested,

– Aren’t we praising you〜? Look over there.

He glanced at Stella who was having fun with the maids… rather than chasing them around.

– Because you’re the reason that was able to change Stella. … I couldn’t believe from the time she was here that she would even get jealous like any other ordinary girl.

– Yup, yup. An unimaginable side of Stella-chan than when she was here.

– Is that so?

– It sure is. Stella-chan was always sulking, looking bored.

– She got annoyed when she couldn’t find an opponent with the strength that could compete with her. That’s bad, isn’t it? To have that kind of bad behavior that is so frequent at that age.

– Like a chuunibyou?*

*TN: Behaving in a way characteristic of teenagers going through puberty.

– Yeah, like that.

– Now that you say that…

Because of the conversation between the two, Ikki remembered the time when he had just met Stella.

Certainly, when he met Stella, she had a thorny aura. That may have been the worst way of meeting with her, since she didn’t hide the dissatisfaction and irritation regarding her surroundings. She thought she was able to put her ability in order due to a single word: talent, and so she gave up as hopeless the ones surrounding her that couldn’t stand side by side with her, without getting along with anyone, as if considering that it was a good thing to be by herself.

When he thought about that time… it was true, she had changed a lot.

The aura she was cladded in calmed.

If that change was brought because of meeting with him, then that was a very welcoming thing, then Ikki――

– Well, in other words, the stubborn tomboy who flew to a country where her chuunibyou aggravated in the end couldn’t win against the《Intetsu》of Samurai-sama’s nether region!

He coughed violently like vomiting blood.

– W-what are you saying so suddenly, Tilmitt-san!?

– What? I’m saying that you dispatched stubborn tomboy’s membrane with your you-know-what.

– Rodeo-like?

– Hey, what are you trying to say!!?

– You still don’t know? You’re still feigning ignorance, huh. It’s very occult when a healthy man and woman live in the same room and they are lovers on top of that. Isn’t that right?

– Hey, hey, how far have you honestly gone with Stella-chan? Will you tell me with honesty?

– About that? The other party is the Princess but, and her ass? What about her ass?

– As…!?

Ikki became speechless due to Tilmitt and Miriallia who got near him with eyes shining in curiosity.

It was universally known that girls of this age were suckers for love affairs.


– Leave these vulgar topics for another time, you perverted damn kids.

Lunaize remonstrated the two girls by hitting their heads lightly with one of her palms.

– Ouch!

– Ack. Isn’t Luna-ane worried about it?

– I’m not. I don’t want to know what my sister does with her boyfriend. Besides, while we have the simpleton Stella, Ikki is a dependable man, which is rare nowadays. It is impossible for him to lose to lust and commit the sin of having premarital sexual relations with the princess of a country. Am I right?

– O-of courze… ahaha…

Ikki endured the feelings of guilty as if feeling exhausted while lying and laughing.

But it couldn’t be helped.

At that time, how to say it, because of a prior oath and his pride as a man, he couldn’t think of anything but Stella and that anything and everything would end up getting better no matter what it would take.

He couldn’t help it.

The fate he couldn’t escape from.

That’s why he didn’t regret it.

Yeah, while Ikki excuse his inner thoughts, Lunaize spilled just a few words.

– However, that tomboy, who thought that probably nobody would have her as a bride, came back as a fine woman. I’m going to let the cute girl fly…

She said with an expression full of affection and tenderness to her little sister. But,



That expression of Lunaize… was gloomily reflected to Ikki.

As if she casted a shadow.

But that was for an instant.

It was faster than Ikki making the thought of his own intuition go around,

– Umm, by the way, Ikki.

Lunaize ended the idle talk and shifted the topic about why she came here.

– Not only I brought those two along with me. I was also thinking of getting them to train with Ikki.

– Train?

– Yes. According to my guess, Stella and you can defeat anyone of Kledelland, but that can’t be said for the other three. That’s why I want to attempt strengthening their capabilities as much as possible before the matches.

– I don’t feel like losing a tag fight.

– You’re weak on 1 VS 1〜. After all, Miria-chan is a sniper.

I see, Ikki actually understood the concerns of Lunaize from the impression he felt when fighting with the two.

Certainly, when he took on them at the same time, it was exceedingly difficult to follow the weaknesses of both of them, but when evaluated as knights on their own, there were many points that should be improved from Ikki’s perspective.

Besides, Ikki’s own challenge, the strengthening of the two that would also『Lead Vermillion to victory』was essential. There was no reason for Ikki to refuse this proposal.

– Since it has become to this, please allow me to cooperate without fail.

It was hard to raise their overall strength because they only had one week until the matches, but… surpassing the rivals by going all out to win the battles wasn’t necessary.

Pulling victory towards himself with a bad hand was《Worst One》’s specialty.

… Both Tilmitt and Miriallia were able to secure a blessed foundation.

They would be able to master their secret weapon to boggle the minds of their opponents from now on.

Lunaize gave her thanks and said「I’m counting on you」to Ikki who consented readily,

– One more thing.

She referenced the second thing about why she came here.

– In fact, I was just contacted from the headquarters of League. It seems that in the outskirts of Vermillion──

But, at that time.

An alarm notifying an incoming call sounded from a pocket of Lunaize.

To this, Lunaize cursed, saying “who the hell is the guy calling at this hour?” and took out the cell phone. Then she stared in wonder, as if she was a bit surprised, when the name of the one who called was displayed,

– Excuse me.

After she said those two words to Ikki, she answered the call.

– Hello? Isn’t unusual for you to call my cellphone, Johan? What is it? Yup…. Yeah, if it’s about that call, I was contacted by them as well. What’s happening now…?

– Johan? The other person is Johan-ani?

Tilmitt, who was listening to the leaked conversation, muttered accidentally.

– The one calling in peace is a member of the imperial family of the country that is about to start the war.

– By war you mean the one with Kledelland?

*Whispers*, Ikki asked whispering so as to not be picked up by the cell phone.

Tilmitt nodded.

– Yeah. He’s《Golden Wind》Johan Kristoff Van Collbrande. The first Prince of Kledelland and the team leader over there.

– To think she’s talking with such person in private…

– Well, aren’t they members nations of the same League? Johan-ani has been visiting Vermillion for a long time.

– Luna-ane and him went to the same university, no? He was her kouhai, right〜?

So isn’t that normal? Tilmitt and Miriallia said like it was natural, but Ikki thought that it wasn’t such a simple conversation.

There were many countries in conflict with other member nations of League.

For that reason, the League had a war system for the member nations of League.

The history of Vermillion and Kledelland wasn’t a peaceful one at all.

He heard that they were competing for the gas fields, so he thought that when they came together, they would have heated arguments for sure, but it seemed that the imperial families were in good terms with each other.

(… That’s one side of the over-fond parent that I didn’t know)

King Sirius, who had established a peaceful relationship with the neighboring country with deep bonds, seemed to be a considerable capable person as a politician.

Ikki was impressed,

– ――… haa, oh dear, what is it? Aren’t you being unusually pushy? … Well, whatever. I’ll try asking him. I’ll get her to give an exception and borrow him. … Yeah. I’ll head there around noon tomorrow. Bye bye.

The conversation ended and Lunaize hung up the call.

She turned to Ikki and,

– … I’m sorry, Ikki. I want to ask you something if possible.

After those few words, she said this.

– Wouldn’t you accompany me to Kledelland tomorrow?

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