Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan

Chapter 48: Volume 11 - CH 6

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The world-leading natural defense that crossed the center of Europe from east to west.

The Alps.

On that labyrinth of mountains that pierced the skies, a helicopter was flying, weaving its way through a world of nothing but rocks and snow.

《Kazamatsuri Conglomerate》

The helicopter had the Kazamatsuri’s family crest engraved on it. This family was Japan’s biggest and world’s prominent wealthy family.

A state-of-the-art helicopter built with abundant financial power and connections, it continued flyting stable, defying the turbulent air that blew through the mountains.

To arrive at the place of destination soon.

Not only mountain climbers didn’t enter deeply in the mountains, the wild animals didn’t do it either.

A white peak that towered highly and conspicuously and pierced even the clouds.

That mountain was the stronghold of a secret society that made the world racket――the stronghold of《Rebellion》.


– … Wh-what is this…?

The pilot of the helicopter had his breath taken away due to the scene below.

The white peak, which was the stronghold, had its interior gouged out and the surrounding mountains――

All the mountains that extended in a few kilometers around it had lost their summit as if their necks had fallen.

All the summits tumbled on the slope and fell in the valley between the mountaintops.

The cut ends were sharp as if they were cut with an edged tool, at first glance one understood that this wasn’t a natural collapse.

They were cut. By the hands of someone.

What happened here?

The pilot grasped the yoke with sweaty hands and made it land on a part of the white peak, on a leveled ground prepared for takeoff and landing of helicopters.

And at the same time the rotors stopped rotating, the door of the helicopter was left opened and,

――Kazamatsuri Rinna grimaced due the crumbling before her eyes.

– Yikes… this is more than unbelievable…

In front of the heliport, where she was standing now, there should be a solemn iron door of 20 meters high, which was properly speaking, the main gate of the headquarters.

However, and while the iron door was opened, it was vigorously cut together with the rocky mountain, without leaving even a meter of it, it wasn’t fulfilling its role anymore.

Aside from that, the dead bodies of the armed 《adherents》 around the main gate had fallen over, too many to be counted.

All of them were extremely damaged, they weren’t even maintaining a human form anymore.

What was reflected in the eyes of the girl was――evidently a disastrous scene.

– Ojou-sama. Please be careful where you step on.

– Yeah.

Rinna took the hands of Charlotte Corday who got off the helicopter slightly earlier and also got down on the scene of such tragic event.

Then Sara Bloodlily, her older stepsister, followed Rinna and came down to the ground, and frowned.

Fortunately the snow didn’t melt throughout the year, so there was no putrid smell of corpses, but that scene was――

– … just like a zone in dispute…

– Almost, but not true actually.

– !

The voice of a man denied Sara’s muttering.

It was heard from beyond the main gate that was already rendered useless and from the other side of the snow dyed dark red.

– Three days ago. Certainly enough, a war took place here.

The owner of that voice, together with the sounds of steps, showed his figure to the three people from the large stairway leading down to the depths of the main entrance.

His stylized outfit was about a white scarf and a calm, deep black suit. The deep wrinkles carved in his face and the bright white hair and moustache surmised that he was probably very old, but his strong-muscled body, his stretched spine and the pupils that didn’t hide the energy burning inside him made the old man feel like he had the vitality of a young man.

Rinna, who saw the figure of the old man,

– Dad…!

Began to run, raising a voice dyed in joy and hugged the waist of the old man.

That’s right. This man was the father of Rinna and Sara. And the economic monsterwho reigned with absolute influence both the public and underground worlds as the head of the《Kazamatsuri Conglomerate》.

That man was Kazamatsuri Kouzou.

– Are you alright, dad!? You’re not injured, right!?

– No. I’m fine. When the incident took place, The《Grand Professor》and I weren’t at the headquarters.

Kouzou patted with his big, rough and bony hand the head of his daughter that was concerned about him.

– … However, all the ones that were present, including the《Numbers》, are all dead. It would be best to say that Rebellion headquarters has, as a matter of fact, fallen.

– But what happened…?

Kouzou shook his head to the question of Sara.

– I don’t know. The objective of the enemy was determined, but there is no conclusive evidence. We don’t know the motive either. Because the《Apostles》and the《adherents》died, there are no survivors. There’s no way to hear the circumstances from the dead. That’s why… I got you to bring him with you.

– ――the circumstances, I know of them.

It wasn’t neither Rinna, Charlotte nor Sarah who responded so.

But another person who was on board of the same helicopter as the girls.

He got down on the snow surface where blood spots bloomed and faced Kouzou.

– Long time no see, Tsukikage.

– Head. Thank you very much for your assistance at《Seven Stars Sword Art Festival》.

The Prime Minister of Japan Tsukikage Bakuga.

He thanked Kouzou and,

– … I am sorry for not living up to your expectations.

He bowed his head very deeply and apologized.

The leader party of《Rebellion》. He failed to successfully execute the withdrawal from League and the great reform staged at the last《Seven Stars Sword Art Festival》while receiving the help of Kouzou who was one of the《Numbers》.

However, Kouzou returned a「Don’t worry」to him.

– It would have been good if you didn’t let them have the possibility of being able to back away. More importantly――

– Yes, I felt that《Marionette King》ignored the intentions of《Rebellion》, that he started to move on his own and that an out-of-the-ordinary war is looming, but the situation seems to be more urgent than I thought. Wait, the reason why he did something like this to the core of《Rebellion》is…

– There’s also the thing regarding the future I was talking about before. I want reliable information on what happened in order to not do the same mistakes from here on. Your device governs《History》. Although it can’t be used to actively view the history of the uncertain future, that is not the case when limited to the past, isn’t it? I wish you to see the past of this place. Can I request you that?

– Of course. Because it’s very important for me who looks after the life of the people and the country called Japan.

With that said, Tsukikage closed his eyes as if he was going to pray and raised his right arm.

And then, he executed the only thing he could do and he ought to do.

That was,

– Illuminate all creation. ――《Moon Orb》

His soul responded to his call.

A brilliance that made them believe it was the blue light of the moon was created in the space in front of the right hand raised in the air, then it gradually converged.

It gave concrete form to a fist-sized crystal ball that shone faintly.

《Moon Orb》

A peculiar Device of a cause-and-effect interference system that had an overhead view of the history and past of places and people.

And then, the surface of the crystal ball waved and a golden drop of water spilled over and fell on the ground.

After that, and when Tsukikage opened his closed eyes――

The tragic event of three days ago spread out before his eyes.

– Gyaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

– N-Noooo! Noooooooooo!!!!

– Shit! Damn! What the hell are these bastards doing!?

Screams and gunshots echoed in the snowy mountain at night.

A storm of crossing bullets.

The armed soldiers of《Rebellion》――the《adherents》were fighting the enemy in front of the headquarters.

The enemies were…the soldiers of《Rebellion》that were armed just like them.

– Why are you shooting your comrades to death all of a sudden!? What the hell are you doing!?

Around 30 angry soldiers took up positions in front of the main gate while returning fire with machine guns.

They were aiming at the approximately 30 soldiers that were climbing the rocky and snowy slope.

Those guys were originally the ones who were patrolling the surroundings.

But for some reason, they abandoned their duties, gathered in full force in front of the main gate and began shooting against the soldiers protecting the front gate without warning,

The《adherents》was a group of ruffians who couldn’t adapt to the outside world.

Incidents of murderers and shootings among the very《adherents》weren’t unusual.

But――the situation was a bit different this time.

– Y-you’re wrong! You’re wrong! My body, my body is moving on its ooowwwnn!

– Da-dammit…! It’s that brat! That shrimp is doing something!

– Don’t shoot us! Shoot that brat! Kill that braaat!

The traitors that received the return fire from the soldiers protecting the main entrance yelled in a sorrowful voice.

Please don’t. Don’t kill us.

Why are they saying that while shooting us? Don’t scree with us. The soldiers who protected the main gate seemed to be angry from the start and they made use of the advantageous position and encamped in a high place to return fire, but when seeing the expressions of the startled traitors, the commander of the soldiers of the main entrance noticed the strangeness of the situation.

– A brat?

With that complaint, the captain stared at the muzzle flashlights of the traitors in the darkness.

And then, he found him.

Behind the traitor soldiers.

A small figure who sung to himself a children’s song that everyone heard in their childhood,

– Row, Row, Row your boat, Gently down the stream 〜♪ Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Life is but a dream 〜♪

While walking barefoot on the surface of snow.

A person who walked barefoot on a steep place where not just mountain climbers, but also wild animals wouldn’t step in.

It was obvious he wasn’t a normal person.

– That’s the guy!

Without a moment’s delay, the captain had the machine gun at the ready and pulled the trigger.

Without a threat or warning.

The captain had already detected the small build that was at the center of this abnormal battlefield.



– Wha!?

The fired bullets of the captain didn’t reach the small build.

The person in question certainly took aim at the small build and pulled the trigger, and yet,

– W-what did this fucking piece of shit do!!?

Somehow, his gun was firing against a line of fellow soldiers encamping next to him.

Many soldiers crumbled down on the snow surface while spouting out blood due to the attack from the unexpected comrade.

– Even the captain…! Intended to betray us…!?

– Y-you’re wrong! There’s no doubt I was aiming at that brat…

– That’s ridiculous――uu, uooooo!?

And then, the abnormality spread not only to the captain, but to all the soldiers who took up positions at the main gate.

Their bodies opposed their will and had the weapons at the ready, and pulled the trigger toward their allies.

From there on, it was a picture of hell of agonizing cries.

The soldiers shot the guns indiscriminately, killing each other.

Once the bullets were used up, they pulled out their knives and started slicing off their necks.

They cut off their necks while crying and shouting “Don’t do it, don’t do it”.

The corpses piled up, lying on top of one another, the snow surface dyed red.

In the middle of that hell,

– Row, Row, Row your bow, Gently down the stream 〜♪ If you see a crocodile, Don’t forget to scream 〜♪.

The small build walked while singing a song to himself.

With a light pace, as if he was going to a picnic.

And the soldiers who were protecting the outside of the headquarters died out at last, only the commander remained.

The commander realized with that abnormal scene.

With the existence of the《Blazer》who could manipulate others to his heart content as if they were dolls.

– You…! No, you, no way…!

The commander threw the machine gun away that was out of bullets and made his face to stiffen, being unable to believe and to realize what sprouted inside him while turning a pistol to his comrade.

Because that《Blazer》was supposed to be their ally in the first place.

He didn’t get the meaning of killing them.

The commander couldn’t hide his confusion.

On the other hand, the small figure who crossed the bloody snow surface and walked until he was in front of his eyes,

– Row, Row, Row your boat, Gently in the bath 〜♪ If you see a spider, Don’t forget to laugh〜♪」

He put one of his index fingers on the dimple that surfaced on his childlike face in the back of the hood while singing and showed a smile on his face.

Hey, you smile too. As if the child comforted him.

Then, the lips of the commander also acted against his will and were lifted to their limits――

The next moment, the commander shot his temple with the pistol he had and died.

While he had the face of a dead person, with a smile that was frozen in fear.

When all of the members standing on the steep place except him died out, the small figure in a hoodie, 《Marionette King》Or=Gaule, let a sigh go out.

– So boring. There was no way for the powerless《adherents》to be a match for me, one of the highest leaders of《Numbers》, huh.

It was no different from committing suicide, even though they were challenged.

No, in the first place, why did they point their guns at him, who was the senior leader of《Rebellion》?

After his thinking reached so, Or=Gaule noticed.

He had never come to the headquarters in person, not until now.

– Aha ! Oh well, they don’t have to know who I am. But, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I did it thoughtlessly. So forgive me. Everyone does mistakes after all.

Or=Gaule apologized with an open and great sincerity to the dead bodies at his feet then stood in front of the main gate of Rebellion headquarters.

The towering, gigantic double iron door weighed approximately 20 tons on one side. There was no way that the average Blazer would slightly move it, a non-Blazer was out of the question, of course.

Or=Gaule put both hands on such extreme weight,

– I’m hooome!

He lightly threw it open, like opening a wicket gate.

Then, at that moment.

– All the members, kill hiiiiiiiim!!!!

Around 50 soldiers who were on alert after they heard the chaos outside attacked Or=Gaule, firing at him all at once.

Not only with machine guns, but also with anti-tank rifles and rocket launchers.

They struck the enemy who entered the headquarters and threw the door open with all the firepower they had.

– Attack, attack, attack! Attack, attack, don’t stop attacking! He may be a《Blazer》, but we can kill him if we attack him with all this firepower! The《Numbers》Or=Gaule is a traitor! Don’t let him go back alive!!!!

「「「Yes sir!!!」」」

The firing had no interruption, it lasted for tens of seconds.

They used excessive violence against one human being.

While the《Blazers》had some resistance to physical attacks, they weren’t going to be safe after suffering this much fire.

However… and unfortunately for them, the other party wasn’t an ordinary《Blazer》.

Or=Gaule, a《Desperado》that went through《Brute Soul》――he started to laugh as if having peculiar spasms in the middle of the rainstorm of metal and flames.

– Aha aha aha! To think you have blessed my new departure with this amount of crackers, you’ve made me so happy!

– It-it’s not working!?

-Tha-that’s not it! They aren’t reaching him! He’s repelling all of them!

– Im-impossible! How can he, to this barrage…!?

Or=Gaule told to the frightened soldiers while smiling.

– I have to return the favor to such wonderful celebration.

That said, Or=Gaule stuck his right hand out towards the soldiers.

And then, he snapped the thumb with the middle finger of his right hand,

-《Grand Guignol》

――A snap sounded.

That dried sound echoed nicely in the cavities of the marvelous rocky mountain that were made during the cascade-like sound of gunshots.


Immediately after that, the nearly 50 soldiers crumbled down.

It wasn’t a metaphor.

They literally became small pieces of meat similar to saikoro steak and crumbled down.*

*TN: Saikoro means dice, so diced steak in this case.

– My, my. Not even one of them dodged it? This was too easy.

Or=Gaule showed disappointment to the remnants of the soldiers that were annihilated with a blow of his Noble Arts.

– When I came for the first time to the headquarters with Sensei, a scary old man with a scary weapon in hand made me feel really nervous, but after all he’s just a foolish man who relies on the big tree called《Tyrant》. The shortage of talented people that《Rebellion》has is so serious that is indispensable to leave a company to defend the headquarters.

There were no more enemies that blocked his path.

Or=Gaule traversed the pool of blood that oozed out from the pieces of flesh and went towards the descending staircase of the entrance.

(Even if I don’t wait for them, if it’s in this easy mode―― ――)

But, the moment Or=Gaule tried to go down the stairway leading to Rebellion headquarters.

– ――――!?!?

An invisible, strong and quick shock hit Or=Gaule.

His small body was easily pulled out from the ground by that shock and caused him to be blown off to the entrance.

He turned around in the air, so he certainly didn’t fall,

――but a few drops of blood fell at his feet with a splat.

Blood overflowed from the laceration that appeared on the right cheek of Or=Gaule.

Or=Gaule’s impregnable defense warded off the blasts that blew against him, the barrage and the bullets that rained incessantly on him. An invisible《Spiderweb》surrounded him. And the blow that pierced it was ――

– … aha aha aha. Hmm? So there is a proper hard boss after all.

Or=Gaule wiped the blood that flowed from his cheek and set his eyes of different color on the figure of the enemy that was walking up the staircase while spraying a choking-like pressure.

A one-armed gigantic person who wore an overcoat, an《Apostle》.

He was――

– So you were at the headquarters today, huh. Wallenstein-sensei.

《One-armed Master Swordsman》Sir Wallenstein, who confronted Or=Gaule while going up the stairway, narrowed his eyes sharply like a falcon and asked the traitor in front of him.

– What’s your plan, Or=Gaule…?

– What is my plan? About what??

– About everything. I’m asking what are you scheming since you have abandoned the manipulation of our eyes and ears without permission, and even attacked the headquarters this time.

– What I’m scheming? Hmmm〜? What I’m scheming?

Or=Gaule cucked his head in puzzlement to Wallenstein’s close questioning loaded with a strong coercion.

He gave his straightforward motive.

– Because I got bored, you know.

– … what?

– I’ve been manipulating puppets at《Rebellion》you see, and performing various roles like setting up wars and instigating wars. On the other hand, protecting peace by mediating between people was quite funny, you know? I was able to enjoy the lives of various people, it was fairly stimulating. … But, I had enough. Like when you feel you’re doing something by inertia? It was at that moment, when I was on a boring task similar to taking care of children, that I met her!

Or=Gaule looked like he had a feverish dream, thinking about her in the void.

– She trampled me down and looked down on me. A righteous indignation that burned in the back of those scarlet eyes. I unconsciously ended up being captivated by her. It was such a beautiful thing. And then, I thought. I want to make those eyes become dim. I want to stain her noble heart and see how it rots away! I haven’t embraced this feeling since my older sister. My dear older sister. My older sister I loved so much. … That’s right, there’s no doubt, I’m in love with her. That’s why, I must go. To where she is. Right now. However――

Or=Gaule, who made a stop, put his line of sight back on Wallenstein from the empty space and continued.

– However Sensei and the rest aren’t going to allow it, are you? You’re going to get in my way, right? Since that is extremely annoying, I decided to dispose of old toys before playing with new ones. That’s why I’ll kill you, alright? I’m grateful to Sensei and I respect you like a father, but I have to kill you, alright? But Sensei will surely understand, yes? Because Sensei taught me that『A very outstanding being that goes through one’s ego』is the only truth of this world!

Then Or=Gaule opened his arms in a slow motion and spread all of his fingers.

Wallenstein, who knew that was Or=Gaule’s preparing-to-fight stance,

– … I see. I understand perfectly.

As if complying with it, he stood ready and carried on his shoulder the long sword that he had in his left hand and spat out.

– You were the student with the worst grades, but that was also because you were extremely slow. You were completely beyond help. A mad dog that doesn’t even distinguish is jumping down at its companions’ throats…. What you have is a directionless malice. The distortion of your soul spreads ruin and hits happily and indiscriminately without reason, we thought that you would become our strength to disavow the order of the world and that you would lead《Rebellion》… but it was a mistake. The biggest disgrace of my life. The result of my blunder will not go unless I wipe out the disgrace with my own swo…!

Or=Gaule burst into laughter as if he had heard a joke.

– Wipe out your disgrace? By yourself? A ha and how? Is Sensei perhaps, the Sensei who suffered an embarrassing defeat against a B-Rank student-knight thinking of killing me!? To me, a《Desperado》just like《Tyrant》!? Aha aha aha! Which one of us is the senile one who doesn’t see that is jumping down at their companion’s throat!? Wallenstein-sensei!

Right after that,

– ――

A shadow fell on the lightning that illuminated Wallenstein.

Surprised, Wallenstein looked back and witnessed.

The figure of a giant of rock that brandished its arms behind him.

《Deus Ex Makina》

The Noble Arts of《Marionette King》Or=Gaule that manipulated a thread Device at will, developing a connection with inorganic substances.

While Or=Gaule distracted Wallenstein by having a talk with him, he was cutting down a wall of rock behind him and made a huge rock puppet.

Wallenstein also noticed its presence, but it was too late.

The rock puppet swung its arms of rock and bashed Wallenstein, sweeping him sideways.

The body of Wallenstein that suffered a direct hit was blown off lightly to the side and crashed into a wall of rock.

And then, Or=Gaule didn’t let the fatal weak spot of the enemy go unscathed.

– Hyaaa――――――!!!!

He moved the rock puppet to go after Wallenstein who sunk into the wall.

Fists of rock hit him.

Over and over and over again, even if he was beaten with all that.

Without worrying that cracks would run through the rock and that the cavities would begin to collapse.

While he was mincing Wallenstein, Or=Gaule shouted in a high-pitched voice.

– Aha aha aha! I won’t let anyone disturb my『happy life』. Because anyone, even I, has the right to live happily! Yeah, merrily, merrily, merrily!

His own righteousness.

Towards this,

– Is your joke over?

Wallenstein returned with a calm voice that was no different from not long ago.

– Eh…!?

The hits should have inflicted enough damage to turn a human into minced meat.

However, and because the voice of Wallenstein didn’t feel damaged in the slightest. Or=Gaule gasped, stopped the blows done by the rock puppet and looked closely to the inside of the cloud of dust that hung over thanks to the blows.

Wallenstein was――standing up.

Without a single scratch.

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That’s right. The fists of the rock puppet were striking only the wall of rock surrounding him.

How in the――

Wallenstein didn’t give him time to think about the question.

– Berg Schneiden.

*TN: Both this term (in German) and in Japanese (山斬り) mean “mountain cutter”

A flash.

《One-armed Master Swordsman》swung the sword as if rotating his body.

That flash easily cut the rock puppet standing in front of him, as if cutting butter. It didn’t stop there. Evidently as its name indicated, it vigorously cut the summit of the surrounding mountains including the white peak where the Rebellion headquarters was.

– ――woow.

The summits rolled down and slid from the severed section.

And the whole starry sky spread out.

Or=Gaule was lost for words due to the scene of such level of destruction that shook the ground,

――While he was in a state of commotion, Wallenstein got near him in a big way,

– 《Grand Guignol》…!

Or=Gaule intercepted the aggressive movement without a moment’s delay.

He snapped his fingers, the Noble Arts that turned the soldiers into minced meat not long ago released wide suppressing slashing attacks that began shooting threads stretching around him. ――But,

– ――――

The slashing attacks by means of thousands of threads that offered no escape slipped the moment they touched Wallenstein, the cutting on his skin didn’t happen.

Wallenstein passed through the net of slashes without trouble and held the long sword aloft,

– Hmph!

He brought it down, aiming at Or=Gaule.

However, the impregnable barrier where no bullet went through was deployed by the threads, by Or=Gaule’s Device, surrounding him. Even when it was a hit that cut the mountains open, it was impossible for Wallenstein to cut the Device of the《Desperado》Or=Gaule who surpassed him in magical powers; that sword that came downward was prevented by the spiderweb.

――The long sword, the killer of enemies, was averted.

Wallenstein revealed a gap at the end of his attack.

Or=Gaule pulled the strings to return the favor.



Amazement floated on the face of Or=Gaule.

The thread didn’t move as if it was caught by something.

The reason was――

– 1000% of――frictional force. Your thread was caught and tied up.

He told him so, then Wallenstein swung the downward long sword to mow him down.

The barrier of thread that caught the long sword was pulled by its movement, wrenching it open,

– Guh, fuh!?

Wallenstein put to good use the reach of his large body and kicked him, striking the abdomen of the defenseless Or=Gaule.

The body of the small Or=Gaule was vigorously blown off like a soccer ball, rolling several tens of meters across the ground and hit a wall of rock.

– *Cough* *Cough*! It huuurts〜…

– You stupid piece of shit never change, huh. Indulging in your own power that led to《Brute Soul》when you don’t understand the basics of fighting another Blazersuch as compatibility difference of abilities.

Wallenstein approached Or=Gaule once again while spitting out the disdain that made him feel disappointed.

Or=Gaule tried to stand up in order to recover his posture, but,

– !?

His hands slipped to press against the ground and his face hit the ground.

– I’m, not, touching, it… I’m slipping!

– Of course. Because all the friction of your footing is gone already.

– Friction… Oh… come to think of it, that’s certainly Sensei’s ability――――

– The moron remembered it this late in the game. My sword controls『Friction』. There’s an absolute difference in compatibility between the ability of your『Thread』that can’t show its strength if it doesn’t make contact with the body of the opponent whether to control them or kill them and the ability of my『Friction』that rejects every physical contact. It doesn’t matter whether《Brute Soul》is present or not. You literally are unable to touch me with your abilities.

He couldn’t stand up. The absolute death was approaching him.

In order to get out of this predicament, Or=Gaule tried to lift himself using his own thread, but he noticed.

There was no place to hook the thread on, the ceiling of the battlefield and the surrounding high mountains were cut off by Wallenstein.

– A ha…, there’s no way, Sensei… that you’ll go serious against a child, right?

Or=Gaule smiled wryly due to the cunning behavior of Wallenstein who saw through him from the beginning.

In regard to that, Wallenstein didn’t respond to the frivolous talk, he just stood in front of Or=Gaule,

– I would be angry if it was another disciple who had betrayed my expectations, and I would lament that I’ll have to deal with them with my own hands, but… I have zero expectations about you, Or=Gaule. You’re just a shitty brat with a colossal strength. … Once I’m finally able to dispel my disgrace, I will feel very refreshed.

He brandished the long sword in order to decapitate Or=Gaule.

– Die.

The verdict of a mechanical voice without emotion or compassion.

Or=Gaule understood so.

The next moment, Wallenstein swung the sword downward without hesitation and energetically cut his neck without feeling anything as if cutting a vegetable, or that’s what it seemed to be.

In the presence of such certain murderous intent,

– Aha aha aha…!

Or=Gaule laughed, looking happy.

While spilling blood that overflowed from the internal organs that were wounded by the kick of Wallenstein.

Did he become desperate before the inescapable death?

… It wasn’t that.

Because the sneer of Or=Gaule was… mockery.

Because he was ridiculing Wallenstein all that he could.

– … what’s so funny?

Wallenstein frowned.

Or=Gaule repeated while laughing mockingly.

– Aha it’s funny. Because while Sensei knows that I’m a human being, he also knows that I’m just a shitty brat that only has a colossal strength! … So why did he think that a shitty brat would have an honest 1 VS 1 match against a strong person like Sensei!?

– ――――――――gah, haa!?!?

At that moment.

Something pierced the chest of Wallenstein and then it was taken out.

A black arm grabbed the pounding heart of Wallenstein.

– You are senile just like I thought. Wallenstein-sensei.

A sharp pain in the chest was produced when a black arm sprouted and wrenched open the ribs.

Wallenstein, who couldn’t understand what happened, stared dumbfounded at his pounding heart clasped by that arm.

And then, a change happened after a short while.

The grasped heart began to dry up rapidly and completely in the hands of the black glove.

The heart lost its freshness and youthfulness and wrinkled like a dried tomato.

The ability with the potential of a phenomenon that could attack him.

Wallenstein knew only one.

– Im, po, ssible…! This ability… is, no, way, y, y――――――

But, his awareness went silence.

Because the whole body of Wallenstein also began to dry up completely and abruptly like his heart.

The skin that lost water was cut in a lattice pattern, the eyeballs lost their contents and became thin membranes that hung down, his flesh thinned.

And then, the arm that grew from his chest grabbed the face of Wallenstein that was drying up like a mummy,

――And tore it off.

A completely different man appeared from the bottom of the skin of Wallenstein that was tore off.

A man cladded in a black and gloomy outfit with a dried and ruffled hair.

Or=Gaule welcomed that man.

– Yo! I was confident that you would come. 《Haboob》

《Haboob》, to the friendly welcome of Or=Gaule, he――

– … Don’t go “yo!” me you fool!

He grabbed the fallen Or=Gaule by the collar and raised him carelessly with one arm and turned bloodshot eyes to him.

– Wawa, I’m against violence…!

– You summon people when you are about to get killed all of a sudden. Aren’t you making fun of me?

– T-take it easy, you saved me in the end, didn’t you?

– If I didn’t have come, you would have died!

– I think we can become good pals and that we can gather when needed and when it’s indispensable.

– Tsk…!

A rebuke perceived as useless against the attitude of the carefree and easygoing Or=Gaule.

《Haboob》threw the body of Or=Gaule away.

– Ouuch… you’re way too violent.

– Who’s your pal? I’m disgusted. I came here because I was interested in that『War』and『Promise』you brought about.

– Promise?

– Don’t feign ignorance. The event where I’ll crush the carefree countries of Kledelland and Vermillion――where I’ll get to enjoy everything. That’s the promise. I’m keeping up with your bad taste only because you said that, you see? If that was a lie… then I would have killed you instead of that old man Wallenstein.

– Oh, it’s about that. Of course it’s true. All I want is Stella-chan, then you can kill, commit crimes and dominate all that you want.

《Haboob》showed a savage smile to the response of Or=Gaule,

– Kuku, alright. I’m not interested in brats. I’ll just collaborate with your bad taste to get my own country.

He pledged again to support Or=Gaule.

– With that decided, let’s not waste time. I’ll go and dispose of the remaining trash at once. We don’t want too many killjoys interrupting the merrily merrily war after all.

Then《Haboob》walked towards the stairways to go down to Rebellion headquarters.

No, he was about to start walking. ――But,

– Ara ara. But if isn’t the I-want-everything man that demands compensation for『killing』? That’s why I dislike lowly『mercenaries』.

– Gufu? Gufufu—!?

He stopped his feet when the faces of two familiar persons were going up the stairways.

– Kuh. With what mouth the《Hitman clan》hired by《Rebellion》has the nerve to say so?

– Oh my. Excuse me. If I was the same as those worthless guys, then I wouldn’t be here today, don’t you think?

– Both《Dirty Rose》and《BB》came!

These two people were a man and a woman.

Or=Gaule, who saw the figures of a corpulent man like a daruma and a slender woman with a beautiful black hair, gave them a welcome with his voice.*

*TN: Daruma: Red-painted good-luck doll in the shape of Bodhidharma.

In response to this, the corpulent called《BB》bared his gums like a horse with an「I〜!」(Yes!) and laughed,

– Likewise. Thank you for the wonderful offer. You have my thanks, 《Marionette King》.

The woman called《Dirty Rose》 gave her thanks for the invitation of today.

Then Or=Gaule asked to the woman called《Dirty Rose》.

– You were coming up from the headquarters, meaning that, you already?

The woman nodded,

– Yes. All the guys inside except《Tyrant》have been dealt with. Like this.

She gently moved her body to the side and made way for a group that was coming up the stairways behind her.

Or=Gaule knew well the faces of the group coming up.

Those were 7《Numbers》that were in the headquarters aside from《One-armed Master Swordsman》and himself.

They were gentlemen well known as billionaires and leaders of countries in the public world.


– Ufufu… they’re beautiful, aren’t they?

Their appearances had changed.

Flowers had sprung up from the bodies of the seven gentlemen coming up the stairs with unsteady gaits.

Not only from their noses, mouths and ears, but also from the eye sockets by pushing the eyeballs outside, they also made their way through flesh and skin from all over their bodies.

Blooming of roses.

Beautiful roses of red, yellow and blue colors were blooming.

《Dirty Rose》stared at them, appearing to be in ecstasy,

– I’m more than tired of working behind the scenes. It’s a sacrilege for life to『kill』for the sake of money. Human life is… for the purpose of making beautiful flowers bloom. Don’t you think so?

– You mean this…? Are they alive? As they are now?

– Ufufu. Yes, they are. You noticed it clearly.

The realization of Or=Gaule made the mood of《Dirty Rose》to improve and she talked about it with garrulity.

These were magic flowers combined by her ability that grew explosively when embedding seeds in the liver of a living human being. Those made beautiful flowers bloom that got nutrition from parasitized human flood.

– And the great thing about these children is that, as you have noticed, produce glycogen by photosynthesis and send it to the rooted liver without ever killing the parasitized human being. The nerves of the limbs are cut into shreds by the thorns that extend all over the body and while they can’t walk by their own volition, the nerves and sense of pain that influence the internal organs aren’t damaged and the metabolism of the host is prompted by giving continuous intense pain to it with the thorns that pierce the body from inside, forcing it to stay alive. … So? Don’t you think my children are very pretty?

Yes,《Dirty Rose》was proud, was very proud of her own combined magic flowers.

Or=Gaule nodded greatly to her.

– Yeah. I think you have a very good taste. I like it.

And then he pushed him aside,

– They smell good…

《BB》was attracted to the smell of the bloody roses.

《Dirty Rose》felt great because he had an interest in her own magic flowers,

-Oh, 《BB》. You also realized the beauty of them? You can admire them more.

She suggested, ――but,

– They look tasty〜♪

– Ah.

The next moment, and without even having time to stop him, 《BB》began to pick and munch the bloody roses.

– Tasty〜.

《Dirty Rose》revealed discomfort on her good-looking face because of《BB》’s action.

– … I came to the understanding that barbarians can’t understand the beauty of flowers.

– N-now now, it’s not that《BB》has bad intentions, alright?

Or=Gaule seemed to soothe《Dirty Rose》 as the only friend of《BB》and,

– So? Now that the remaining《Numbers》were brought to an end, 《Tyrant》is the only one remaining, right?

《Haboob》asked《Dirty Rose》.

《Dirty Rose》replied with a nod.

– Yes. Those seven aren’t Blazers, just your normal scoundrels… but《Tyrant》is a《Desperado》 that divides the world into three parts. Still, I’m not going for the《Throne》as I’m not going to be able to obtain it by myself.

– What a coward.

– I want to say that I’m prudent. As you know, this is our biggest job.

– I don’t think sooo. A half-century old man is before us. I’ll even blow this world away with my fists.

《Haboob》, who said so like spitting out, beat his fists as if inspiring himself.

But to such《Haboob》,

– No, there’s need for that.

Or=Gaule stopped him.

– …? What do you mean?

Or=Gaule answered the question that returned.

– Because…《Tyrant》isn’t in the headquarters.

Or=Gaule told to the three people.

He knew the secret of《Rebellion》because of his ability that was extremely suited for intelligence.

They didn’t know the current whereabouts of three persons among the《Numbers》… those were Kazamatsuri Kouzou, 《Grand Professor》and another person they were informed about――《Tyrant》.

《Haboob》and《Dirty Rose》, who heard so, opened their eyes in wonder first, then――they burst into laughter.

– Buh, ahahah! What you’re saying is terrible!

– Kukuku… then again, what comes to mind is the old geezer Wallenstein.

– Really? Well, in that case, then we finished the things we had to do here.

《Rebellion》no longer had the power to get in their way.

The anxiety about their future was eradicated.

In that case, then all he had to do was… to enjoy himself.

Or=Gaule looked at the three people who gathered in response to his call and said.

– By responding to my call and by having you come to this place today… I feel that you think the same as me. And that is… “that the world is boring”.


– I’m saying that everyone speaks in unison. Don’t do bad things. Be kind to others. Love each other. That is, color your lives and be happy…really!? … And the humans that can’t experience happiness with that, what should they do then? We, who can’t feel happiness without doing bad things, what do we do? This is what the world says to people like us. Subdue yourselves, frivolously flatter the ones around you, live insipid lives as if eating sand. … That’s a terrible story, no? Telling us to die for the sake of our own happiness. The world is selfish. That’s why, there’s no need for us to control ourselves. There’s no reason to go along with their selfishness. There’s only one rule that exists in this world. The stronger ones force through our ego, that’s the divine providence.

But there’s nothing to worry about.

Because we were born in this world as strong people――

– Let’s kill as we wish. Let’s steal as we wish. Let’s eat as we wish. Let’s rejoice our one and only live as we want and as we desire, alright? Merrily, merrily, merrily!

– Even if you didn’t tell me.

– Yes… let’s have fun.

– Gufufu ♪.

With the answers of the three, Or=Gaule nodded in satisfaction and made his body jump all of a sudden.

– Okay then, let’s go. Let’s make this world an even funnier one with our strength!

And then, the demons that lived in the world of shadows started to walk.

To the world in the light. To Kledelland.

– … So that happened…

The tragic event that occurred at the Rebellion headquarters.

Tsukikage, who read it all from history, muttered surprised.

– What did you see? Tsukikage.

Tsukikage told all that he saw to Kouzou who asked.

And Kouzou, who heard everything, showed discomposure to the situation that was worse than he expected.

– The plotting to overthrow the world of《Marionette King》 is within my calculations, but《Dirty Rose》, 《BB》and even《Haboob》 are involved in this matter? Moreover, they’re going to crush both Kledelland and Vermillion? But why…

– 《Marionette King》interacted with Stella-hime as《Hiraga Reisen》. Perhaps, at that point, 《Marionette King》ended up having some sort of interest in Stella-hime, don’t you agree?

In other words, his responsibility that borrowed the power of the world in the shadows to avoid the worst future.

It wasn’t going to finish by being somebody else’s problem.

He had to do something about it.

– This is a race against time. I will report it to the League immediately. Can I do so?

Kouzou returned a nod.

– This I will also share this exact information with League. Collective information should save time.

– Thank you.

– It appears that the situation is more urgent than we thought. At any rate, we should contact League and move to《Wing Prime Minister》. If it’s us, then we should be able to manage this event very well. I will cooperate with the《Numbers》that survived and put《Rebellion》back on its feet. The existence of a third power called《Rebellion》is essential to maintain the shape of the present world. We can’t let it be damaged.

The reckless behavior of《Marionette King》was going to bring a great shock to the public world soon.

When that happened, it was clear as day that the public opinion would start moving the extermination of《Rebellion》.

However, if the third potency called《Rebellion》was damaged… then there would be no obstacle that prevented the hostilities between the two potencies《League》and《Union》, and the world… would very likely head towards the hopeless future that Tsukikage had dreamed of.

And that had to be avoided at all costs.

To Kouzou’s idea,

– Understood.

Tsukikage showed understanding. Then, at that moment.

– Ah!

While the two adults worried about the future of the world, Rinna raised her voice as if she had noticed something and asked Charlotte.

– Char! Come to think of it, weren’t《Worst One》and《Crimson Princess》in Vermillion right now!?

– If I remember correctly, they were saying something like that at the previous party.

– …!

The face of Sara went blue with this realization of Rinna.

Certainly, at the celebration party held at《Ichibanboshi》, those two were saying that.

That they were going to Vermillion using the remaining time of summer vacation.

Yes. To Vermillion, to where《Marionette King》headed to.

– I know Ikki’s phone number…!

The two were in danger.

Not if I inform them immediately, Sara took out her cell phone. ――But,

– It’s not connecting… But why…

The cell phone of Sara wasn’t the only one that wasn’t connecting.

It happened the same to Tsukikage’s cell phone that was trying to contact League headquarters.

– My cell phone isn’t connecting either. Was the transmission equipment damaged in the last attack perhaps?

– That is strange. The transmission equipment should have been working when I got in contact with you, but――

Kouzou cocked his head in puzzlement, and at that moment.

– Kazamatsuri-sama! This is an emergency!

One of the《adherents》who had changed their facial expression slipped into the five people.

– What happened!?

The《adherent》, with a ghastly pale face, informed Kouzou who asked with an unusual look.

– A message came from a northwest sentry box just now! Three armed helicopters are rapidly advancing towards the headquarters!

– What did you say!?

– Their model is Albatross and made by Rockbell Company! It has about three times the speed of the catalog spec and there is only one potency who has it! The invaders are the American ESP forces ——《Psion》and《Superman》Abraham Carter…!!


One of the potencies that trisected the world. The strongest man in《Union》where the largest countries were connected.

And that man was coming straight to Rebellion headquarters.

That was… nothing but a declaration of intention to stir the world.

– All worldly things are impermanent, huh…

Kazamatsuri Kouzou. The man who kept protecting the shape of the current world from the world in the shadows understood so.

The fate of the era, of the world, and of the stars was about to start moving accompanied by great undulations.

The means to stop it were no longer in his hands.

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