Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan

Chapter 50: Volume 11 - CH 8

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A voice, a mock-like voice caressed the nape of her neck from behind.

Stella reflexively turned around.

And she saw him.

A boy with a faint smile on his face as he hung upside down on a thread suspended midair.

He squinted his heterochromatic eyes, and that figure of the God of death.

And that God of death, in the instant he was still,

– 《Grand Guignol》

*Snap*, He snapped his fingers.

At that moment, Stella certainly felt.

Something so thin it was almost invisible; a cold intuition that tore her whole body off.

Stella, who was also a warrior, noticed it.

This sensation was identical to a slash.

The enemy had released a slash.

It wasn’t a sword slash.

But countless slashing attacks. A vision where these slashing attacks that resembled a mesh of a net would cut her body into tiny pieces spread radially from the boy hanging in midair before her. Not only herself, but also Lunaize and the people of Kledelland who were behind her would be swallowed by them, and their bodies would also turn into――


Unless she stopped them.

Unless she stopped them, everyone would die.

She thought so, but Stella’s body didn’t move.

It was natural. The thought of Stella right now was almost like a revolving lantern.

With absolute death appearing right before her very eyes, her ability to concentrate was far beyond her limit and her consciousness was falling behind.

Stella’s capabilities weren’t enough to be able to keep up with the ability to concentrate on the verge of death.

It was a complete surprise attack. She couldn’t react to it. Nobody could prevent the tragedy.

They weren’t able to prevent it.


Whether she was awake or asleep, she was always prepared to fight, but if only the ability to concentrate on the verge of death was a part of hers,

But a person was the exception, and that exception was Kurogane Ikki…!

-《Ittou Rasetsu》――――――!!!!

He roared.

Immediately after, in that frozen instant, a shock hit Stella’s body.

It was Ikki.

Ikki, clad in a blue light, thrust Stella away and plunged to the net of incoming slashing attacks,

– OOOOOOOOOOoooooooOOOOO――――!!!!

The motivation of the loud scream and his whole soul were placed on《Intetsu》and he swung it.

A slashing attack as if it scooped up vertically from below.

That slashing attack united altogether with the thousands fine slashing attacks as it gave off innumerable sparks and launched it into the sky.

Due to Ikki’s instantaneous countermeasure, the tall street lights and the roadside trees of the square were chopped up, and the pigeons flying in the air became cuts of meat and rained incessantly on them, ――but the people gathered there resulted completely unharmed.

This being the case,

– Aha aha aha! I see, I see, this is great, isn’t it? You daringly jumped in very near my《Grand Guignol》and dealt with it before the threads spread! However, it’s not like I’m saying you’re superior to that《Wings Abreast》with that judgment, reaction and pretentiousness. Kurogane-kun.

He measured and gave praise to Ikki’s strength ―― and laughed slightly.

– Well, the cost of that seems to be quite big, isn’t it?

– Haa, ha, ――…!

Fresh blood gushed out from the whole body of Ikki together with the scoffing-sounding words of Or=Gaule.

Yes, Ikki certainly protected everyone in this place from the surprise attack of the boy with his instant judgment.

He protected everyone. By himself.

But――that was it. His technique reached everyone but himself.

Ikki crumbled down due to the damage that hewn his whole body and to the uncommon exhaustion due to《Ittou Rasetsu》.

Seeing that,

– Ah――――

Sparks flicked in Stella’s field of vision,

– AAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa ――!!!!

The frozen time melted away, and manifested the burning 《Laevateinn》.

She dashed in order to strike the boy who was hanging upside down with a torrent of fury that overflowed from within her.


– Aha, Stella-chan is so short tempered as usual. Since we are finally meeting again, will you allow me to introduce myself properly?

The hanging-up-side-down boy wasn’t flustered by Stella’s charge, he just raised his right hand slowly and bent the five fingers slightly.

――At that moment,

– Lookout, Stella!!!!

– ――――!?

A scream, the voice of Lunaize who was near her, hit her earlobes.

No way, when she turned around,

– 《Circus Maximus》

Johan Kristoff Van Collbrand, who mounted a golden warhorse, was pushing out his own Device knight-spear《Chariot》.

– ――!

She twisted her body right away, but her positioning was bad, she was struck by the projected knight-spear.

Stella’s body, which was unable to stand firm, was sent flying in a big way, it was mowed down.

Then Johan, who aimed at the collapsed Stella, jumped down from the horseback, quickly pinned the joints of her arms down and held her there.

– Aha calm down a bit, Stella-chan. It’s alright, your boyfriend isn’t a man who’d die with this much, is he? … But it’d be disappointing if he does die.

– Kuh! Jo-Johan-nii!? Why…!?

Stella raised a voice of astonishment and protest due to Johan’s actions, but,

– … I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry.

– Jo-Johan-nii…?

She became speechless seeing the facial expression of Johan who held herself down.

There was no light in his eyes. The parched lips assembled words of apology she didn’t know for whom they were directed at.

Even though Stella knew this figure of a bit timid, tenderly spirited and slightly older friend of hers… he became gloomy and dull, he was almost a mere shadow of his former self, he was completely changed.

And Johan wasn’t the only strange one there.

– Stella…! E-Everyone! Run away from the square right now!

Lunaize, who saw this bad situation in which even Stella was being held down next to Ikki, shouted at everyone around them to evacuate.


『Run away? But why?』

『Let’s have a toast for this wonderful encounter!』

『Let’s sing! Let’s dance! Merrily, merrily, merrily!』

The people of Kledelland――didn’t run away.

Everyone began to dance and sing without escaping.

With unboundedly cheerful smiles pasted on their faces that got wet with pigeon’s blood.

– Th-this is…

– Aha it’s futile. This is already my toy box.

“Toy box”. With those words, Lunaize realized.

– Ah, the ability to manipulate people at will…! I see, you’re 《Marionette King》Or=Gaule , the culprit that was in the report from the League!

The boy responded to this with「We have a winner!」, revolved in the air all of a sudden and landed on the ground.

He revealed his own name as he saluted, bending at the waist with hypocritical courtesy.

– As you know, I’m Or=Gaule. Thank you very much for responding to my invitation today, your Highness Lunaize.

– … I see, so the phone call of that day was a trap? … But there’s something I don’t get. What the hell does a leader of《Rebellion》, the criminal association that threatens the world, want to do with a small country like this!?

Or=Gaule stared in puzzlement to the question of Lunaize,

– 《Rebellion》? I’m no longer with those guys. I got tired of them.

– What…!?

– It means that I’m not working for《Rebellion》. I just… came to play with Stella-chan.

Or=Gaule, who said so, gazed at Stella.

– Nice to meet you… nah, it’s not needed. Because I’ve already met Stella-chan once through a marionette.

– At that time…!

The detestable evil she faced before.

Stella felt a strong sense of discomfort as he appeared in front of her,

– You came to play with me!? How dare you to do such a thing so brazenly!? What did you do to Johan-nii and the people of this country!?

She glared at《Marionette King》 Or=Gaule with eyes burning with anger and shouted at him.

Towards this, Or=Gaule――whose glad-looking face brightened as if he was waiting to hear that,

– Aha I had them become my puppets by using a bit of my ability. By doing so, the puppets move as I wish. Look, I can control other people using threads, though Stella-chan knows that, doesn’t she? By using that. I got the prince to give me a hand with the cleaning. … Like killing the king of this country, killing the strong knights of this country and all sorts of other things as well.

With that said, he pointed at the ones next to Lunaize.

Stella and Lunaize turned their eyes towards that finger.

Luke and the others, the four representatives with the exception of Johan, stood stock still expressionless,

The next moment, the four of them crumbled down on the spot as if they were puppets having their threads cut.

*Squashed*, they twisted and their limbs went in all directions.

Then, pitch-black blood overflowed from their eyes, ears and noses.


Stella and Lunaize knew.

When they came across Luke and the others today… they were dead already.

– Aha aha! The prince also resisted while getting frantic, saying「Stop」「Please stop」at first, but it didn’t matter how much he struggled, he couln’t escape from my threads once they have entwined around the nerves. And now he has become completely obedient, he reached a point where he just mutters to himself. Maybe he broke or something? Aha.

The acts of the devil were told, revealing everything.

Johan continued apologizing for the crimes that he committed but had no control over.

What happened to Johan’s body? The moment Stella understood all that――

– I’ll kill you!!!!

– !?

Faster than Stella, and with the words she had said just now, Lunaize drew a dagger for self-defense and ran up to Or=Gaule.


– Luna-nee! Don’t do it!

She was way too reckless. Because Lunaize wasn’t a Blazer.

Stella recovered herself and shouted to the thoughtless action of her older sister who thought she was calm, but,

– Ah――!?

She didn’t make it in time.

Lunaize got entangled in his invisible threads before she reached Or=Gaule.

And Or=Gaule stared at the prey caught in the spider web in satisfaction,

– Aha, what a good reaction! Oh, maybe you two loved each other?


– This is so good. In that case, then I’ll be your love cupid, alright? … Hmm but, let’s leave the fun for later, and be obedient now. Because I came to play with Stella-chan today.

Yes, when Or=Gaule told them so, the body of Lunaize was gently separated from the ground.

– Guh, hh, hh…!

Lunaize, who floated in the air, groaned in pain and buried her nails into her neck.

An invisible thread was strangling her neck.

Stella noticed this,

– S-stop! The one you have a grudge against is me, right!? Luna-nee and the rest have nothing to do with this! Challenge me directly!

And shouted at Or=Gaule.

Or=Gaule looked at Stella with that shout, as if he was surprised.

– Eh? A grudge? Against Stella? Why do you think so?

– Why!? You’re holding a grudge against me because I defeated you at that time… right!? Didn’t you come to retaliate!?

The only connection between her and Or=Gaule was one act at the《Seven Stars Sword Art Festival》.

That was why she asked if it was revenge or something. But,

Or=Gaule denied this with an exaggerated body gesture accompanied by a「Nope!」

– Rather, at that time, I was kind of deeply in love with the nobleness and kindness of Stella-chan! She’s such a wonderful woman! With the exception of Stella-chan, the only other person I’ve felt such feelings for is my Nee-san. Hating you is unthinkable!

– If so, then why are you doing something like this…!

She just couldn’t understand it.

Or=Gaule talked back without hesitating towards Stella who said so.

– Why, you ask? ――Because it’s funny.

– … huh?

– Stella-chan said it not long ago, didn’t she? That everyone loves peace. It was better to laugh together than to fight each other. But, I’m not like that. I just love watching people suffering and getting injured.

– ――――!

– My heart tightens when I look at the lingering affection and regret floating on the anguished facial expressions of the ones heading to death. When I imagine the sadness of the bereaved family that was left behind, it turns so painful as if it was done to me. Especially when they make me kill a beloved one with my strength, the wailing of their hearts is transmitted through the threads, the emotions develop cracks and break, and the shivering is… I can’t describe it. It’s cruel, sad, painful… but that’s what makes it so fun, I can’t help it. All the more if it’s my favorite girl! That’s why I don’t have any resentment towards Stella-chan. Rather, it’s the opposite. Yeah… I’m so looking forward to it. How much can Stella-chan last without breaking…? Can you bear it even if I kill your father and mother? And your sister? Can you remain being high-minded even if I make you torment Ikki-kun to death? Or will you cry and apologize, and beg for forgiveness while being obsequious like a dog? Aha… such an unsightly Stella-chan. I’m getting excited just by imagining it, you know….

Or=Gaule let out a rough sigh and turned his eyes filled with heat.

Stella spat out, putting all the hatred and unpleasant feelings she had into it.

– I see… now I get everything. It’s all extremely clear! You’re beyond help, so you aren’t going anywhere!

However, Or=Gaule didn’t appear to care, rather, he laughed like he enjoyed it even more,

– Aha I don’t deny it. I’m certainly broken. However, even if I’m broken, I’m still a person who was born with only one precious life in this world. With no moronic stories about spending an insipid life without even having fun with the people around me. Even I, who can’t enjoy myself without breaking people, have the right to live happily. And for that reason, I’ll destroy all of Stella’s important『countries』…!

He said such a sinister thing.

– W-what do you mean by that!?

– Aha aha. I mean exactly what I said. Actually, it started already. The moment Stella-chan said she was going to protect the people living here! I started a massive invasion of Vermillion by controlling the army of Kledelland!

– W-what… did you say!?

– The people of Vermillion who will suddenly have guns aiming at them by the neighbors they placed their trust in will certainly be frightened. They’ll be surprised and will run away, but someday they’ll have to change their mentality and counterattack. “How could they, even when we believed in them!”. And if they kill each other, they’ll never recover from that again…!

A scene passed through the mind of Stella in an instant.

The scene in which the people she wanted to protect and she ought to protect by herself, were killing each other.

That was a despair comparable to the nightmare shown by Tsukikage――

– Don’t toy with meeeeeeeeeee――――!!!!

Flames spouted from Stella’s whole body.

It was《Dragon Spirit》, the Noble Arts that stored the physical strength of the dragon in her.

With such unmatched physical strength similar to the world of myths, Stella ripped off Johan who had turned into a puppet of Or=Gaule by sheer strength and by carrying her joints to the extremes,

– I won’t let you do that! I’ll kill you and stop your foolish plan right here!!

She flew as if she soared towards the enemy who harmed the ones she ought to protect.

In response to this, Or=Gaule held his right hand up, and attempted to catch her with a spider web,


– AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa!!!!

Even if the spider web coiled around her, Stella care nothing about it, she tore it off and moved forward.

Without weakening the momentum of her charge at all, she closed the distance almost immediately; she got very near to Or=Gaule in the blink of an eye.

And swung down the blazing 《Laevateinn》 with all her might.

To land a blow on him with the intention to kill him, with absolutely no mercy.

She didn’t set aim or anything of the sort.

There was no need for that. The strength of the dragon loaded in it was enough to smash the life of a person even if it grazed them!

Or=Gaule, who saw this,

– Aha what an amazing power. Not even my threads seem able to stop you. I’m going to die at this raaate. What should I dooo? Oh, that’s right!

He distorted his lips in delight and said.

– I’ll get your significant other to protect me.

At that moment, a shadow squeezed itself between Stella and Or=Gaule.

– Ikki!?

Yes, Or=Gaule manipulated Ikki who fainted with the damage and the consumption of 《Ittou Rasetsu》and used him as a shield.

The exhausted Ikki, who was struck by the surprise attack of Or=Gaule, didn’t have the strength to escape from his control.

Ikki was thrown out before the slash of Stella by the cruel will of Or=Gaule.

Stella tried to stop the attack, but,

(It’s useless, I can’t stop it…!)

The slashing attack travelled as it tore off the Stella’s muscles.

The blow done by the physical strength of the dragon had already reached its maximum speed.

That speed, and that power. Stella’s own will was unable to stop it now,

– Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

The blow of the dragon struck the top of the shoulders of the defenseless Ikki.

An instant and severe earthquake shook the entire square, and the matchless physical strength pulverized the stone pavement under her feet.

The surrounding grass was turned over by the roots.

The strong attack caused even the ground to cave-in.

――――That was what should have happened.

– Eh…?

However, Ikki was standing.

《Laevateinn》, which was thrown violently against the top of his shoulder, didn’t even leave a cut on his skin.

Because――a jet black armor covered Ikki’s whole body and protected him.

Stella remembered that armor.

– This armor… no way…!

– 《Orichalcos》――!?

The moment when Or=Gaule said that name in astonishment, a white shadow similar to a swift wind ran up to Or=Gaule from the surrounding crowd of people,

――And swung downward a jet black halberd, which had the same color as the armor.

– Kuh…

Or=Gaule made his body fly to the back to escape from the surprise attack, but it was an instant late.

The huge blade of the halberd snatched the right arm of Or=Gaule from the elbow.

A spray of blood drew an arc.

And his right arm fell.

With that, the prohibitions that restricted the movement of the fainted Ikki and Lunaize were lifted and they crumbled to the ground.

And then,

– … You surprised me. I never thought you were in this country already.

Or=Gaule, who lost his right arm, said putting familiarity into his words as he faced the woman of red and blue eyes like the ones he had and who stood as if protecting Ikki and the others.

– It’s been a while. ――Iris-neesan.

– This armor, and that axe… wait, are you the《Black Knight》 of that time…!?

The gray-haired woman who suddenly forced her way through.

Stella asked her because of that equipment, but,

– ……

The woman didn’t talk too much to Stella, she only returned a nod so as to not deviate her gaze from《Marionette King》Or=Gaule.

On the other hand, Or=Gaule, who lost his right arm because of her,

– Although I thought that nuisances from《Union》and《League》would come, and I intended to be on guard using the eyes of the people, I couldn’t notice you at all. Like I thought, Nee-san is amazing.

Yes, he praised that woman――the concealed figure of《Black Knight》Iris Ascaride.

However, Ascaride responded to this praise without moving an eyebrow,

– … I’m not. It’s not a hard to fool to that extent the bad eyes of a Blazer who relies on magic powers.

She replied with an indifferent, unkind and machine-like tone of voice and wiped away the blood adhered on her axe.

Or=Gaule shrugged one of his shoulders in response to such unfriendly reply,

– You’re right. I’m an amateur when it comes to that* area after all. Though not to the level where I’ll be assassinated while sleeping. ――But still, Nee-san appeared in front of me like this.

*TN: “That” is the furigana reading for “martial arts”.

He raised his lips with a sneer as if he was looking down on her.

– You had planned to search for my whereabouts and do a surprise attack while being mostly hidden, but you abandoned that chance and came to rescue Stella-chan and the others. … Nee-san is kind as ever, isn’t she?

– …

Ascaride just confronted Or=Gaule in silence.

She didn’t return the words.

No, she couldn’t return them.

What Or=Gaule had pointed out completely hit the mark.

Ascaride knew the dreadfulness of Or=Gaule more than anyone else.

It also meant she was at a disadvantage if she were to compete with him outright.

That was why she was hidden in the city and was searching for where Or=Gaule was hiding.

To bring down the enemy before her with certainty.

This current situation was a matter of unpleasant necessity for Ascaride.

Or=Gaule saw through this,

– So, what will my kind Nee-san do in this situation? Will you be able to defeat me while having those three as a burden? It’s not like you forgot… what happened to you when you fought me seriously, right?

He made a serious effort for an instant.

His own soul. He laid it bare as it was.

As soon as that happened, a black mist magic filled with strong ill will and malice gushed out from the small body of Or=Gaule and covered the entire square.

– The toys broke once after all. Although you have to deal with quite the mess, but isn’t that great? Nee-san is gentle after all.

The azure sky darkened in a flash, the light was lost and the atmosphere became heavy like lead.

It was thick enough like blood with a viscosity that stuck to the skin,

– Ah――――

Stella became speechless with such an overwhelming presence.

The magic powers of the Blazers were in proportion to the size of the fate they carried on their backs.

Is that the reason we have the strength of fate as a blade?

《Crimson Princess》Stella Vermillion was able to understand that.

That the enemy before her. That he,

――He was his own fate in the form of a person.

An existence outside of logic that Tsukikage spoke of before.


At that moment, she was convinced that this man was exactly that and therefore, that he had magic powers that surpassed everyone else.

She couldn’t win.

If she were to fight him now, she would certainly be killed here.

Since this was unprecedented, Stella lost even the freedom of breathing due to the strong feeling of death.

However, in such a torrent of black magic that painted over the world,

– ――――

《Desperado》Ascaride stood dignified and with a certain action, she returned an answer to Or=Gaule’s provocation, saying「What am I going to do in this situation?」. Then she took a single knife out of her breast pocket――

– ――!

A knife that looked like a『Key』when glancing at it and one that shed a faint white light.

The facial expression of Or=Gaule stiffened the moment he saw it.

– I don’t like that!

Or=Gaule waved his intact left arm and released a slash with the thread towards Ascaride and the others.

However, his movement was too slow.

Ascaride chanted a spell faster than the slash of the thread moving to cut her neck,

– 《Open Gate》Hraesvelgr.

And vigorously thrust the knife she had in her hand into the ground.

Then, a white flash of light came out from the knife stuck into the ground, swallowing Ascaride, Ikki and the others.

The very next moment,

The figures of the four people ended up disappearing as if they hadn’t been there from the beginning.

Just countless white feathers dancing in the air remained there.

There wasn’t a trace of them.

Or=Gaule smacked his lips, looking disappointed with the scene.

– … Tsk. That《Winged Prime Minister》guy took the fun away from me, huh.

He knew the ability of the knight who caused this phenomenon.

And so, he understood.

That the four of them weren’t in Kledelland anymore.

– … “Hraesvelgr” is the name of the capital of Vermillion. Geez. Even though I finally invited them to get a view of how Vermillion and Kledelland come to nothing with Stella-chan here, it was all ruined in the end.

Or=Gaule revealed that complaint as he picked up his severed arm.

And then, he forcibly joined together the severed parts that spilled blood――and he stitched the skin, meat, bone and everything else with his threads. He restored the function of his right arm in an instant,

– Oh well, that’s good too.

He immediately recovered his cruel smile.

Hostilities had already commenced. It couldn’t be stopped anymore.

Even if only the army of Kledelland was being manipulated, they had no choice but to face the incoming enemy.

It wasn’t a bad thing to show off that she was going to lose what she ought to protect by herself and that she couldn’t do anything in this place far away from the battlefield. It was a futile struggle to try saving the people of both countries in this war that had already started, and that struggle was also a form of despair and hopelessness that he so loved――

– I’m so looking forward to that! Aha.

– …!

Stella shut her eyes with the gushing white light.

The torrent of light that burned her eyes eventually settled down, and when she opened her eyes,

――The view of the hometown Stella knew well was in front of her,

– T-this is… we’re in the Central Park of Hraesvelgr!? W-why!?

She should be in the sunny capital of Kledelland.

Stella and Ascaride, and the fainted Ikki and Lunaize who fell face down, travelled in an instant to the dimly cloudy Vermillion that was still at noon.

Ascaride said a few words to Stella who was unresponsive due to her high level of bewilderment.

– 《Divine Gate》

– !

– I borrowed some from 《Winged Prime Minister》Norman Creed――the deputy head of International Mage-Knights League before I was dispatched here. It’s a means to escape when push comes to shove.

– Norman Creed…

Stella was the royalty of a member nation of the International Mage-Knights League.

She remembered hearing the rumors of《White Beard》’s right hand 《Winged Prime Minister》and his ability.

Norman Creed’s Device《Divine Gate》.

It was the peak of the group of moving abilities that possessed soaring wings, he was able to move from Device to Device in an instant even if it was to the other side of the earth with his 777 small knives.

This ability was unique in the world.

What Ascaride was saying was the truth.


– W-why did you do it!? Johan-nii and the others are still there!

This escape wasn’t completely accepted by Stella who had lots of friends in Kledelland.

She shouted at Ascaride as she made her eyebrows stern.

– Send me back to Lucelle, quickly! If I don’t save Johan-nii…!

But Ascaride,

– It’s useless.

She returned an unapproachable rejection. And,

– W-why…!

– You should know even if I don’t say it.

She looked down on the lower half of the body of the persistent Stella with her eyes of different colors.

And with that gaze, Stella noticed.

She had sank down to the ground.

– 〜〜〜〜〜〜!

Stella noticed that and tried to stand up as her face dyed deep red, but her legs trembled, she struggled to not take her advice.

– Your fate is big. But… my younger brother is a《Desperado》that attained《Brute Soul》. He’s a being that is outside of the ring of fate surrounding this world. … The current you can’t win. It will be like going to your death. That is the strength you have and the one I grasped at a glance. Don’t feel ashamed.

– But still…!

But still, that’s not an excuse to run away and abandon my friends.

Stella was about to return so and suddenly realized.

– Wait a minute. You said『younger brother』just now, and that guy also called you…!

Certainly――he called her “Nee-san”.

When she examined her features, her white hair that had a grace of gray and her blue and red eyes in great detail, they were like two peas in a pod.

A cold sweat similar to ice water slipped off on Stella’s back muscles with this realization.

No way――, Stella turned her sword towards Ascaride due to the fear that went by and shouted.

– Are you really… a relative of that guy!?

Ascaride just nodded her head calmly,

– Yes. That is my younger brother, and I’m that’s older sister. … However, we’re not allies.

“We declared that we are in nothing but a hostile relationship”. It is clearly as Ascaride says, if she were our enemy, there would no reason for her to appear as she did with such a timing. I unmistakably felt that both sides are in a hostile relationship from the attitude of Or=Gaule when he was confronting Ascaride. But,

– I can’t trust you…! How can I trust the words of a person who attacked us all of a sudden!?


There was no guarantee that this woman would be their ally, even if she wasn’t supporting Or=Gaule.

When taking into account that she attacked them before, she wasn’t a person she could put her trust on at all.

That was why Stella strengthened her alertness even more. But, to such Stella,

– It’s not like you have the need to believe in me. But, there should be something you have to do rather than question me.

Ascaride indicated as if debating her.

Exactly――at that moment.

And all of a sudden, a loud alarm resounded in the dull weather of the Imperial Capital,

『Reporting urgent news! J-just now, the government of Vermillion has announced that there has been a declaration of war against Vermillion from Kledelland…! Now I am going to read aloud the contents of the proclamation! 「Informing the lowly descendants of Vermillion who unfairly pillaged the sacred territory of Kledelland. The false tranquility that embellished the conspiracy between you and the traitor Clef will be crushed by my sword. These secret agreements full of lies no longer have any meaning, and they won’t stop the great cause of Kledelland. The strife of justice to recover the pride of Kledelland starts here. Johan Kristoff Van Collbrand, New King of Kledelland」This declaration and the corpse of King Clef were delivered to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a while ago, and at the same time, a large-scale violation of Vermillion’s territorial sovereignty by the army of Kledelland was confirmed! Due to this situation, the government officially announces a declaration of a state of emergency. The imperial army, led by General Signard was dispatched to intercept――』

– ――――, what, is…!

The emergency broadcast was broadcast from all the outdoor broadcast devices in Vermillion.

This demonstrated that Or=Gaule’s evil scenario was certainly in progress,

– Why!? Why is your little brother doing something like this!?

Stella was disturbed by the incredibly sudden and outrageous situation, she questioned and grasped the collar of Ascaride who said to be a relative of the man and culprit of everything.

Ascaride said a few words, without resisting her,

– He should have said it. 『Because it’s funny』. There are no further reasons for my younger brother’s actions. Murders and wars are no more than absolutely normal pleasures for my younger brother, just like watching movies and eating out are for you.

– Is there, a person, 〜〜〜〜〜…!

Is there a person like that?

Stella herself wasn’t able to say so because it happened right before her eyes.

The dense mist of magic that gushed out from Or=Gaule’s body. And the『malice』put into it.

The terrorist who attacked the shopping mall. Akaza of the ethics committee. And《Bad Luck》Shinomiya Amane. Although there were several enemies who faced them with『malice』so far, 《Marionette King》Or=Gaule was different from all of them.

You are reading story Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan at novel35.com

There were motives for their own actions, and reasons enough to have『malice』against them.

Greed for money. Greed for success in life. Hatred. ――Those were 『reasons』 that even Stella could understand.

But Or=Gaule was different.

This man’s『malice』had no reason for almost no human being.

It was certainly pure self-enjoyment.

To hurt others.

As if it were natural like breathing.

The first time she saw him. He――he didn’t even have a reason or a minimum course of action, just a『malice』that made her feel he had a scattered and reckless simple-mindedness.

– My younger brother is a child who has an abnormal but incredible strength. This is neither a thought nor a claim. He just commits crimes for fun to pursue his own pleasure. That undoubtedly doesn’t mean there’s a reason why he had an eye on you. He extended his hand because he found an interesting-looking toy when he didn’t know what to do with all the time he had. But it’s just that.

– Guh…

– But, for whatever trivial reason, my younger brother had an eye on you. … My younger brother should have taken a lot of measures just to make you suffer and make you sad. This war is one of them. As things are, the innocent people of Kledelland and Vermillion will kill each other while being instigated by that guy’sill will.

She wasn’t going to allow it. Allowing it wasn’t good. In that case,

– The only one who knows the truth and can stop it is you…

Yes. Only me.

This isn’t an aggressive war of Kledelland, but just a situation caused by a single criminal. The one who knows that and can move now is me. I must tell my father to avoid the military confrontation between the armies. Both the side being killed and the side that kills will end injured and will never recover.

――All for the amusement of a fiend.

(How am I going to allow that…!?)

– !

Stella released Ascaride’s collar and immediately took out her cell phone.

And attempted to call her father, King Sirius.

However, the cell phone only repeated the push sound, there was no ringtone.

– It’s not getting through! But why!?

– Maybe the lines collapsed due to the declaration of war just now.

Oh, there’s that too, Stella felt ashamed by what Ascaride told her.

The friendship between Vermillion and Kledelland was close.

The people that travelled between Kledelland and Vermillion weren’t few.

Such people were trying to call all at once to confirm the safety of their families and friends, and because of that, the lines died.

Communicating by phone was impossible.

In that case, she had to go directly to the palace.

Since a state of emergency was declared, Sirius and Astraea should be in the palace.

Stella realized this and when she was about to run off, she remembered that Lunaize and Ikki were unconscious on the ground.

They must be taken to the hospital.

However, if she were to prioritize one――

Ascaride said to such confused Stella,

– I’ll take these two to the hospital. So――

As if hurrying her up.

To carry these two on her shoulders. While that was easy for Stella, her speed would decrease.

It would be insignificant, but that would be still a regrettable small loss.

She should go straight to the royal palace as fast as possible.

While she did so, the battle between the two armies could have already begun.

That was well known by Stella, but she hesitated with Ascaride’s suggestion.

Because she had been measured whether the《Black Knight》Ascaride was a human who truly deserved to be trusted.


– Please. I don’t want to see… people getting injured by the evil intentions of my younger brother.

Ascaride told her again.

Stella felt a certain desperation in the blue and red eyes that stared fixedly at her.

She didn’t know anything about Ascaride.

However, her eyes that said that she didn’t want to see people getting hurt by her younger brother’s evil intentions――Stella thought this was enough to trust in her.

And so,

– Got it. Please take care of them!

Stella entrusted Ikki and Lunaize to Ascaride and started running alone.

She went towards the Imperial Palace of Vermillion in the distance.

The retreating figure of Stella faded away in the blink of an eye.

And Ascaride, who saw her off,

– … Like I, thought, you’re the one who was in front of the airport. Isn’t that right, Ascaride-san?

Kurogane Ikki, who fell face down on the ground, started talking to her.

The ability of Ascaride as a Blazer was《Fortitude》.

And her Device《Orichalcos》had the special characteristic of healing continuously the wounds of the wearer infinitely.

That power healed the body of Ikki that was hewn by《Grand Guignol》, and he even recovered his stamina.

He raised his upper body and surrendered《Orichalcos》.

And gave his thanks.

– Thank you for saving me from that dangerous situation. If you hadn’t arrived… all of us… would have probably died.


– I’m truly, grateful…?

However, Ikki’s words stopped there.

Because he felt doubt with the appearance of Ascaride who looked up.

“Why was she ――staring at the direction Stella went as if she was frozen solid?”

– Ascaride-san…?

He asked, and at that moment.

-〜…, hy, ah…

Ascaride fell from her knees to the ground all of a sudden.

– A-are you alright!? Are you injured…?

Ikki rushed over to Ascaride as he staggered, surprised.

Then he put a hand on her trembling shoulders,

– ――!

He was horrified by the coldness of her altered sweat.

– … I’m okay. It’s not an injury or anything like that. I’ll calm down in no time, so don’t, worry…

Ascaride looked back at Ikki who touched her shoulder and returned so.

With a pallid look that was entirely devoid of blood.

Ikki saw that look, and he understood.

Certainly, it wasn’t an injury.

It was the absolute fear that made the body of Ascaride quiver, a fear she couldn’t fight against.

Possibly towards that enemy, towards Or=Gaule…

– I beg you…. Don’t tell anyone about this.

– B-but…

– I’m, fine. … This trembling is, my sin. … It’s a proof to not forget the meaning that I survived and that I’m alive. I’m fine.

Ascaride murmured “I’m fine” over and over again as if she was persuading herself while hugging her own shoulders.

– I must accomplish this mission. The regrets of everyone, without exception, I…

– Ascaride-san…

With the figure of Ascaride-san, Ikki remembered the words he heard from Or=Gaule in the distance in his flickering consciousness.

――It’s not like you forgot what happened to you when you fought seriously with me, did you?

Ascaride and Or=Gaule.

He didn’t know what happened between them.

But, one thing was clear. And that was the fact that Ascaride… even though a strong fear like that was etched into her, she stood in front of Or=Gaule to save them and stood dignified until just now, and even indicated Stella the actions she had to take.

So Ikki,

– Yes. I won’t tell anyone about this.

He replied so and rubbed the rounded shoulders of the trembling Ascaride without asking anything else beyond that.

I hope this calms her down a little.

– … Thank you.

Ascaride returned a pale, small smile to Ikki’s consideration.

『Hey, what’s with this broadcast!?』

『The Prince of Kledelland made a declaration of war, you know?』

『What!? Why is the Prince Johan starting a war with Vermillion!?』

『How am I going to know that!?』

『Anyways, the people in the Imperial Capital are telling us to stay inside of our homes, so everyone is going back home!』

Hraesvelgr, the Imperial Capital of Vermillion, fell into chaos with the sudden declaration of war from the neighboring country.

Everyone moved about with unease and confusion.

《Crimson Princess》Stella Vermillion ran through the skies of the Imperial Capital.

She was heading straight to the royal castle as she jumped from roof to roof of the buildings in the Imperial Capital like Ikki did before.

Because this method was much faster to get to the castle than going along the road.

Stella’s unease became stronger due to the chaos of the Imperial Capital below her, along the road.

Faster, faster――

She needed to inform everyone that Johan’s declaration of war was a farce manufactured by a wicked criminal and that she didn’t want Vermillion to hurt the people of Kledelland.


– This is…!

Stella’s legs stopped the moment she finally got near the castle.

The main gate of the castle, which was always left open at this hour, was closed.

And there were countless armed soldiers standing up under her eyes.

The level of defense had been raised to the limit due to the state of emergency brought by the sudden declaration of war from the neighboring country.

Naturally, Stella got down and was allowed to speak with the soldiers and went inside without problems.

However, this was just the outer security.

But in the castle. She couldn’t imagine the number of checkpoints she had to go through to finally reach the palace where Sirius was. And that――

(I don’t have time for such slow things!)

Stella immediately gave up to return from the main gate.

She raised her eyes above her.

And looked up at a palace window placed at the back of the high and towering wall.

A question was born in the mind of Stella with such a view.

– It’s alright, I can do it…!

It seemed to be impossible before, but now that she knew her true strength ――.

Stella muttered as if encouraging herself and hugged her own arms.

And then she put her strength into the hands that hugged her shoulders and held a mental image as she pulled them towards her back.

There were things that humans weren’t endowed with.

However, those things were natural for her who was a『Dragon』.

A mental image of wings.

– !

At that moment, Stella felt a pain that pushed open her shoulder blades.

– AAAAAA――――!

A pair of blazing wings that burned red manifested from her back.

The ability that《Crimson Princess》Stella Vermillion was proud of――《Dragon》.

With the superpower that manifested the strength of the dragon on her body, Stella regained the ideal form she should have.

The superheated wings were natural organs that Stella was endowed with by nature, she certainly felt that her own boiling blood flowed in them.

She could move them. As she wished.

It wasn’t her memory, but her cells that were aware of it.

That being the case,

– Here I goooooooooo!!!!

Stella runway the roof and threw herself into the air.

The body of Stella that was thrown into the air was pulled by gravity, it was about to fall, but then, in an instant.

As soon as the blazing wings flapped once, the strength of the dragon easily ripped off the chains of gravity and elevated the body of Stella into the air powerfully.

Then she could easily jump over the high and towering castle walls and immediately went straight to that palace window――

She went straight through the window without hesitation and jumped into the palace.

– W-what was that sound!?

– No way, is it a missile!? Or a person!?

– It’s an enemy attack! Shoot! Shoot them to death!

The soldiers rushed to the sound of the glass that blew off and resounded in the palace without warning and turned their guns towards the one who jumped in from the window without confirming who the person was; they were about to pull the trigger.

It seemed that they became agitated with the war against Kledelland that started so abruptly.

Stella roared in a carrying voice,

– Calm down!!

Towards them.

With this, the fingers of the soldiers stopped squeezing the triggers.

Because they realized that it was their princess who jumped in from the window.

– St-Stella-sama!

– B-but how!? Not that she departed to Kledelland a while ago…!?

The soldiers were surprised. And,

– Whaaat, Stella is here!?

Sirius came running as he pushed aside those soldiers.

When he saw the figure of his beloved daughter unharmed who he thought was alone in Kledelland,

– Yeeeeees! Stella was saaaafeeeee!!!!

He opened his hands wide as he shed tears of joy and ran to hug Stella tightly.


– Haaaaaa!

The hug of meeting again was prevented by Stella’s counter-like palm heel.

– Fu, bu, but, why…

– Thank you for being worried but I’m sorry! It’s not the time to do so right now!

Yes, she was happy for seeing him again, but it was unfortunate.

She had to inform that the army of Kledelland wasn’t the enemy before the armies of Vermillion and Kledelland crashed. And for that, Stella looked for her mother Astraea who was the real person commanding the politics of Vermillion,

– Stella-chan!

– Okaa-sama!

She found the figure of her mother who ran with Daniel Dandallion, the head of the Vermillion Branch of the International Mage-Knights League to where she was.

– You didn’t get caught…. Oh, I’m so relieved.

– Yes, I was rescued by《Black Knight》who came from the League and so we came back here with《Divine Gate》.

– I see. By the way, what about Luna-chan and Ikki-san?

– They both came back to Vermillion with us. Since they were injured, I didn’t bring them here, instead I had《Black Knight》take them to the hospital.

– They’re injured!? Wh-what about Luna!? Is Luna alright!?

– Luna-nee is fine. She just fainted. Ikki was considerably wounded when protecting us… but he’s okay. He’s not the kind of guy who would kick the bucket with something of that degree.

Because that man was a man who surpassed himself and tore off even his fate.

– For the time being, the most important thing is to not get into a situation where they’ll take the royal family as hostages. However, if《Black Knight》has moved, then that means… that she was notified by the headquarters about this strife and the criminal participating in it, isn’t that right?

Stella greatly nodded in response to Dandallion’s question,

– Listen, Otou-sama, Okaa-sama! There’s something very important I have to tell you!

After she arrived at the palace and reunited with her parents, Stella told them everything she saw in Kledelland.

That Kledelland and their government, army and even the people should be under control of《Marionette King》Or=Gaule.

That everything about this declaration of war and violation of territorial sovereignty were crimes committed by Or=Gaule half-joking.

… And that King Clef was murdered by his evil hands.

And the moment she told them everything,

– ――!

A strong earthquake shook the Imperial Palace.

It was the sound of a pillar in the Imperial Palace that Sirius hit and broke.


– Otou-sama…

A heat haze that distorted the surrounding scenery rose up from the huge body of Sirius.

His friend, who promoted peace between both countries together with him, was killed. Sirius looked like the fury was burning in his body.

– Thank you, Stella-chan. … The enemy has become a serious matter.

-《Marionette King》Or=Gaule. That power he has was regarded as dangerous by League in the past, but to think that the degree of the real ability he had could cause such terrible actions is… What is《Rebellion》trying to achieve with this, I wonder?

– He said he already quit《Rebellion》. Though I don’t know if that is true. … But, there’s no doubt that this damn guy truly enjoys the misfortune of others, I’m sure of it. It was… my first time seeing it, the malice that became his happiness as he injured the ones around him. I truly think he’s trying to cause a war just to torment us.

This was nothing but a game for that devil.

That level of pleasure was like going to the city to watch a movie if it was compared to them.

He attempted to mess up both Kledelland and Vermillion for that level of pleasure.

This wasn’t a ridiculous story.

It couldn’t be ignored at all. Because of that,

– Otou-sama! Okaa-sama! The army of Kledelland that is heading towards here is being controlled! We only have one enemy that should be defeated! That’s why I beg you! To tell this to everyone on the front lines right now! To not fight with the army of Kledelland! At this rate, we’ll just end up hurting our friends who are only being manipulated! If that were to happen, then both sides will have to carry a disgrace on their backs that will never disappear…!

If that was the scenario designed by this devil, then she had to stop it by any means necessary.

That was what Stella proposed to Astraea.

Astraea gave a nod to that and,

– You’re right. It’s as Stella-chan says. That’s not a ludicrous story.

– Of course not! In that case――

– But, it’s impossible to tell this to the ones on the front lines.

She put aside Stella’s proposal with a cutting tone of voice that didn’t hide her dignity as an Empress and was different from her usual carefree way of talking.

– Eh…?

The scenario of Or=Gaule, the devil.

Stella, who only thought that her own proposal of informing the front lines about the contents was going to be accepted unconditionally, couldn’t understand the rejection of Astraea.

– W-why!? Why!? Everyone is just being manipulated, aren’t they!?

Stella persisted while being very agitated.

Astraea shook her head with a sad facial expression and said.

– … Stella-chan. I’m very sorry, but it doesn’t matter if they are being hostiles towards us or not.

– W-what do you mean!?

– Suppose there was a reason why, the army of Kledelland invaded the territory of Vermillion with weapons in hand and turned their muzzles towards us. The combat is inevitable to protect both our territory and to evacuate the population. What… do you think will happen if the soldiers on the front lines were to listen to the argument that the army of Kledelland is being controlled?

– What will happen…? Ah.

– They certainly will hesitate to pull the trigger towards their friends who want to be saved by them with soundless voices because they’re only being manipulated. And… that faltering will certainly cause enormous damages to the army of Vermillion.

Stella, who was admonished by Astraea, became aware of it.

It was just as her mother had said. If they were to tell Signard and the others on the front lines about that, they wouldn’t be able to turn their muzzles towards the army of Kledelland.

But on the other hand, there was no mercy for the army of Kledelland that was being controlled.

If both armies were to clash, the result of that would be self-evident.

– I think you want to save the people of Kledelland. But we are the royal family of Vermillion. We have a duty to prioritize the lives of the citizens of Vermillion above all else. That’s why… that information, even if it’s true, it will spoil us, it can’t be sent to the front lines.

– But! B-but! If, if we do that!

Stella tried to object Astraea’s decision, but… she couldn’t find the right words for it.

Because what Astraea said had no room for objection, it was the right decision as the royal family. The lives of another country’s people or the lives of the people of their country. There was no comparison.

Exposing the people of their country to danger to save the people of another country; that in itself was an unreasonable act for the royal family and for the nation. Even if Stella desperately thought of not wanting to abandon Kledelland, there was no reason or anything of the sort that would go through to set Astraea’s claim aside.

But still,

(I must do something, one way or another…!)

She couldn’t help but remember.

The memories of when she was staying in Kledelland when she was a child.

It wasn’t like something big happened that was unforgettable.

There wasn’t an obligation like fighting and giving one’s life for the sake of Kledelland.

However, the amicable greetings she got when she passed by the side of someone in the streets, when she went shopping and got lots of candies… as well as Johan, King Clef, Luke and the others, and everyone who was kind to her younger self.

And when she piled up all those small memories, she finally thought.

I want to protect the world around me, including Kledelland.

However――and although it was for the sake of the nation, she had to abandon them, but was that okay?

Even though their freedom was stolen and were forced to fight a war they didn’t want to, they might be desperately wishing to be saved with soundless voices…!


Stella didn’t know what to do, she couldn’t move in this narrow space between logic and emotion.

Astraea, who attentively watched such kindness of Stella, was proud of her.

However, being kind wasn’t everything; she wouldn’t be able to protect what was important as she would be too drunk on her own kindness.

Politicians had to ignore their own kindness so they could sink themselves in reason.

Especially Stella who was Vermillion’s best fighting power.

From now on, whether it became an all-out conflict with the army of Kledelland or they attempted to subjugate Or=Gaule with a selected few, they would certainly need Stella’s strength.

That being the case, it would be a problem to have her standing still indefinitely.

And so, Astraea decided.

In order to cut off Stella’s hesitation――she would allow a preemptive strike on the army of Kledelland that was invading their territory deeply with the imperial army of Vermillion that she would lead.

Her daughter wasn’t frail to the degree that she would continue to hesitate once the battle had begun.

That was why she made a harsh decision. That was the duty of adults.

Astraea, who resolved to do so, looked towards the private line terminal installed in the room of the Imperial Palace. And,

– Hey, Signard! It’s me! Yes, listen to this! The army of Kledelland is being controlled and they are being forced to fight! You must absolutely not show any hostility over there!

She saw the figure of her husband Sirius who told everything to the imperial army general Signard who went first through the terminal as he tried to hide it from her.

– O-Otou-sama!?

– Sirius!?

The surprised voices of Dandallion and Stella who were next to Sirius were raised due to his action.

But Sirius wasn’t concerned about the reaction of the ones around him,

– If you don’t understand, do as I say anyways. Stella returned a few moments ago and told us about the situation over there. Kledelland and even that kid Johan were contacted by League before they were completely taken over by the criminal. In other words, this war has been a farce from the beginning! Signard! Don’t get involved in this stupid farce so that guy doesn’t make a fool out of us! Yes, change to defensive battle. Give them all the territory they want! Just protect the citizens and bring everyone to the Imperial Capital at once! Yes! Don’t kill anyone! Make sure to not kill anyone! Because we’ll beat the enemy to death! These are the orders of the King!

He strongly ordered to Signard who commanded the army and hung down the telephone receiver.

– Papa…

– This fool understands that what mama says is correct. However… I don’t agree with it at all! Not when… Kledelland needs our strength! If we extend our hands to protect ourselves above all else, then what is the point of all this time we’ve spent so far!?

Kledelland and Vermillion overcame the long-established custom of snarling at each other in old-fashioned, pent-up resentment and cooperated to become friends of equal status.

Not just the royal families. But the citizens and everyone else worked hard for it.

But, if they were to turn their palms here and let Kledelland die without helping them――

– The day that we can be equal friends will never come again. At least, we ourselves won’t allow that.

Sirius said so. What he said was “sorry”. Because,

– Vermillion follows virtue rather than reason! In these 30 years, in this time when both nations got closer, I never told a lie! This is a notification to all stations! We’re going to save Kledelland! The dimwit that is doing whatever he pleases on the other side will be beaten to death by our hands! And then we’ll pull dimwit’s head out and offer it in front of Clef’s grave!

This is Vermillion’s great cause, Sirius Vermillion declared in a loud voice.

To such… Sirius, who chose and took the decision she wanted to choose, the same Sirius who Stella flying-kicked without feeling hate or because there was a reason behind it,

– Otou-sama――――!!!!

Stella clung to him as if she jumped at him.

– Whoa!? W-what are you doing so suddenly, Stella?

– Thank you…! I’m so glad I’m Otou-sama’s child!

– I, I see, h-however, saying that thing in front of me makes me feel embarrassed.

Sirius rubbed the hair of Stella as he warped his stern facial expression as if it he felt uneasy.

And then, he asked.

– … Stella, you’re our weapon, you’re Vermillion’s weapon. Will you help us out?

The reply Stella gave back was decided.

– Of course! Leave the foes of King Clef, Luke-san and the others to me!

– … I’m sorry, mama. I’m not so smart like mama after all.

– Don’t worry about that. … That time when papa went berserk in Kledelland. It didn’t matter how many times I said it was hopeless, you didn’t listen to me. You started it arbitrarily and by yourself, and in the end you came back with a serious injury. I’m so used to it that it doesn’t surprise me anymore.

– L-like I thought, mama got angry, didn’t she…?

– Obviously. Ever since then, your left eye almost doesn’t see, does it? I see through papa’s actions, even the secret ones.

Astraea glanced at Sirius with half-opened eyes.

Sirius was terribly consternated by this, but… the very next moment, Astraea changed the sharpness of her facial expression and became sentimental,

– … But, it doesn’t matter how angry or amazed I get, I’ve lived honestly believing in your righteousness, even when it’s always absurd… but that ends up giving everyone a smile on their face. And that’s the papa I loved and love ♪.

– T-then that means…!

– Yes ♪. I’ll follow papa to the end.

Astraea showed understanding to Sirius’s decision as she smiled.

The appeasement with Kledelland was also a result of Sirius’s mentality,

That was why Astraea understood.

(This is… the blood of Vermillion, isn’t it?)

Astraea thought so as she looked at father and daughter who couldn’t choose, who didn’t try to choose reason.

Astraea was studying history at a university before getting married to Sirius.

That was why she knew this very well.

――That Vermillion wasn’t a country built on logic.

In this country, a certain nobleman threw away his duties and the『Reason』that every person should have to serve his king. This country was born precisely because he fought for the weak who needed for his help.

He knew that. There was something more important than reason in this world.

That was virtue. That was Vermillion itself.

These two people probably knew that even if they didn’t get it in their heads.

The way of doing things, that is, the national power of this country, was the most important thing.

(I’m a little, just a little envious)

Because she, who didn’t have that blood, ended up giving priority to reason above all else.

But… that was something that could be done by herself.

That was to try filling the『Reason』that Sirius didn’t have.

Astraea, who resolved what to do, told the two of them.

– Save Kledelland. And since we’ve chosen to do that, don’t we need to elaborate more on it?

Dandallion, who stood next to her, nodded.

– We shouldn’t wait for the army of Kledelland that was transformed into a marionette to come. Even if Signard and the rest were to retreat with all their might, the actions to guide the evacuation of the population will surely be delayed. And they will surely end up being reached by them. The first thing we should do is stop the army of Kledelland that drew near before our very eyes without hurting them, yes? It is essential to think about that. The most certain thing would be to defeat《Marionette King》, the culprit of everything, but as long as our opponent remains in Kledelland, a collision between the two armies will end up happening before that whether we want it or not.

Sirius gave his own thoughts,

– I thought about it, but what if we hit them hard with《Illusionary Form》?

In response to Dandallion’s words.

Since《Illusionary Form》didn’t harm the human body, shouldn’t we be able to render the soldiers powerless without hurting them?

However, Dandallion looked grave because of Sirius’s opinion.

– … Well, there shouldn’t be any effect on them. The damage caused by《Illusionary Form》is similar to a strong suggestion. It does not hurt the body of the persons in question through that suggestion, but rather by reaping the consciousness. However…. If we limited this to what we have heard from Stella-sama, the opponent turned the soldiers into lifelike dolls. As long as they are not moving by their own free will, there would be no point in adding an attack like that on their consciousness, don’t you think so?

Stella, who listened to their conversion from the side, had the same point of view as Dandallion regarding her father’s opinion.

She stopped《Icy Derision》that was controlled via《Illusionary Form》once, but that guy, that method could do it because there was a marionette that controlled《Icy Derision》near there.

《Illusionary Form》 had sufficient destructive power against objects, but it was harmless against humans.

She made the best use of this special characteristic and destroyed the marionette《Hiraga Reisen》that controlled《Icy Derision》and physically released《Icy Derision》from the control of the threads by cutting off the source.

In the end, 《Hiraga Reisen》also seemed to be a relay of《Marionette King》, however,

(――! Wait, what if there’s a hub…)

At that moment, an insight ran in Stella’s mind.

– Come to think of it, one of my acquaintances in Japan said this before. “There’s a theory to set up a relay when a『Steel wire user』is going to control a puppet from a faraway location”. Since Or=Gaule is in Kledelland now, then he definitely must be using hubs to control the army of Kledelland this time! In that case, if he’s relaying his control in some way or other, then we will able to set everyone free without hurting them, right!?

– Indeed.


The voice that affirmed the insight of Stella didn’t belong to Dandallion, her mother or her father.

However, Stella recognized the voice of a bit husky female with that little intonation.

No way!? She turned around and,

《Black Knight》Iris Ascaride and Kurogane Ikki were standing there.

– Ascaride-san…! And Ikki too! Are your wounds healed!?

Stella immediately ran up to Ikki and checked his physical condition.

Ikki returned a nod and,

– Yup. It’s all thanks to Ascaride-san’s《Orichalcos》.

– Oh, is that so…?

With those words, Stella remembered. The existence of an infinite regeneration according to the concept of《Fortitude》 used by《Orichalcos》which was shown when they were attacked back then.

That power on Ikki, who put that armor on, seemed to have healed his wounds.

– Does that mean you’re really alright!?

– Yeah. I’m sorry for worrying you.

– Hey! I don’t care about you! What about Luna!? Where’s Luna!?

Sirius forced his way between Stella and Ikki while shouting in anger.

Ikki replied to Sirius regarding Lunaize’s whereabouts.

– Lunaize-san was taken to the hospital. She ended up losing consciousness due to a minor hypoxic encephalopathy but it wasn’t a risk for her life, and she ultimately woke up when we reached the hospital. However, she sprained her right foot when she fell on the ground the moment she lost consciousness, so she stayed in the hospital and is receiving treatment.

– I, I see…. It’s only a sprain, huh. That’s a relief….

Sirius fell to his knees on the spot, the relief was too big.

Astraea, who was behind him, let loose a sigh of relief just like him, but she immediately tightened her crumbled appearance,

– 《Black Knight》-san. When you said “indeed”, was it because of what Stella-chan said? That if the relays are crushed then the people of Kledelland can be saved?

She continued the discussion right away so that the matter wouldn’t end up being diverted.

Ascaride returned a nod to her.

– … Yes. 《Marionette King》prepares relays to artificially increase the joints to diversify the pattern of movement of threads and to manipulate many people and objects. This time, 《Marionette King》should be using dozens or hundreds of people in the army as relays. If you restrain those relays and seal their movements, the soldiers who were under the control of those relays will be released from the dominance of《Marionette King》. However…

– Ho-however, what?

– It’s very difficult to identify the people who are relaying. Extraordinary powers of concentration, sharpened powers of observation and combat perception backed up by experience are needed. There might be some knights in this country who can do it, like the branch head and I… and that person, just the three of us.

Ascaride, who said so, pointed at Ikki with her eyes. But,

– Still, three people won’t be enough. I requested reinforcements when I got in contact with headquarters before I rescued Stella-hime and the others, but it will take time for them to arrive, so we can’t count on that.

The army of Kledelland, which was heading towards here, exceeded 10,000 soldiers.

That probably meant that the number of hubs were also around the three digits.

Three people couldn’t cope with them at all.

And then――the one who interjected the words of Ascaride was Ikki.

– About that, I thought of an idea, but can you listen to it, Ogifu-san*?

*TN: Father-in-law.

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