Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan

Chapter 49: Volume 11 - CH 7

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A phone call came from Johan, the First Prince of Kledelland to Lunaize.

The matter was about『How to respond to a report from《International Mage-Knight League Headquarters》where it mentions that an extremely dangerous criminal called 《Marionette King》Or=Gaule belonging to《Rebellion》is hiding in the outskirts of Vermillion and Kledelland, so I would like to have a prior consultation before the war as that is when the traffic of citizens of both countries intensifies』.

And, in addition to that, Johan said this.

The samurai who defeated《Crimson Princess》in a distant east country. He wanted to talk with《Worst One》Kurogane Ikki before the war.

He was also interested in him as a knight.

A request coming from Johan’s curiosity. As for Lunaize, she wanted Ikki to give priority to the strengthening of Tilmitt and company, but since they got Kledelland to forcibly approve the proposal of Ikki, a person of another country as their representative, she lent him to Johan.

Therefore, Lunaize reluctantly gave her approval and asked to accompany Ikki.

When Ikki was asked so by Lunaize who was preparing his position as the representative team member of Vermillion as proof of his own value and made various preparations in advance to persuade Sirius, there was no way he could refuse.

Thus Ikki, Lunaize and Stella who was clinging herself to Ikki since he was going, the three of them got on a small, royalty-exclusive airplane heading straight to Kledelland.

– Kledelland and Vermillion are countries that are having wars though that is in accordance with League’s rules, so I thought that both countries had a more critical relationship, but to think that in reality it was close enough for both royalties to keep in touch in private.

Ikki, who was summoned and heard the details in the middle of the route, said honestly surprised.

Stella agreed with him.

– Certainly, it’s an odd story now that you mention it. I played with Johan-nii when I was very young, so I’ve been considering it like it was natural. But when studying abroad in Japan, I understood well that my family is, how to say it, special.

And then, Lunaize said to the two of them.

– Naturally, we weren’t on good terms from the beginning.

After all, “Vermillion is a country that won its independence because of the war against Kledelland”.

– The hate existing between both royalties and countries was never shallow, they continued competing with each other for a long time and the citizens were also educated to hate each other. It was like that for hundreds of years. They kept passing the hatred from father to son, from son to grandson, they’ve been continued hating each other for hundreds of years. But it doesn’t mean I’ve gotten their reasoning for the pain and disgrace though. … Don’t you think it’s a ridiculous tradition?

Ikki, who was asked for his point of view, returned a short nod.

– … I think so. It’s just that… forgiveness is many times difficult than hate.

– Exactly. It’s a silly discussion, but it’s also an inevitable discussion.

Human history was a history of war.

There was no nation that wasn’t burdened with their actions.

If a country like that were to exist, they wouldn’t have the problem of “what to do”.

– But, thirty years ago, something even more ridiculously stupid appeared, and worse than such stupid tradition.

– Was that perhaps Otou-sama?

Lunaize nodded at Stella’s realization.

– Yes, Chichi-ue, in other words, King Sirius. King Sirius marched into Kledelland alone and accessed to the throne, fought the opponents, the army of Kledelland, stepped on the royal palace and said to King Clef who was in an isolated state. 『If you hate me, then I’ll quarrel with you as much as I want. The war of around one hundred years ago, should then be brought back by the countries?』

*TN: Chichi-ue is a very formal way of addressing one’s father.

– Oh, ooooh…

– S-so heroic, don’t you think? Though it gives a feeling of an international problem if a mistake was made…

Lunaize laughed at the two who were speechless.

– Even when there wasn’t a mistake, it was an international problem indeed. He’s truly a big fool. … But, King Clef didn’t seem to think he would make a fool of himself. I can’t get to hate this amazing guy, he said. And then he appeared to come to a realization. About the foolishness of forcing a fake anger and fake hatred to the citizens. Since then, the two countries have stopped the education of planting hostility in their citizens towards the other country, and so they have been improving their relationships little by little by carrying a positive cultural exchange. The current war still inherits the name of a territorial conflict, but… to tell you the truth, this war doesn’t make much difference whether who wins or loses.

– Is that so?

– Because the side that wins the rights of the gas fields agrees to be responsible of the infrastructure improvement of the side that lost them after the events of the matter were carried out. This war now is more like an in-name-only joint exercise.

– So a lot of food stalls will be part of this, riiight?

Ikki, who heard that, understood and realized that the reason the side of Kledelland accepted his participation in the war was because, for argument’s sake, he defeated《Crimson Princess》. In other words, this war was like a friendly party between two countries, so it wasn’t like going for the victory was either good or bad. Assuming it was the same for the other party, then a thinking like that would be the best if the events were to get exciting because of it.

– Nevertheless, Otou-sama did so. I heard it like to the degree of a rumor, a story of a problem triggered in the old Kledelland. I thought it was a trivial thing because it was about Otou-sama after all.

– I didn’t know about it until I heard it from King Clef. People in general kept it a secret, thinking that I would get angry if it was known by me. In fact, since King Clef’s ability wasn’t great, that would have become the cause of a new war most probably.

– But they were able to work out the ill feeling between Vermillion and Kledelland because your heroic Otou-sama wasn’t a slave to such old tradition, yes?

But Lunaize shrugged her shoulders with Ikki’s words.

– Hmm, I wonder about that. A political idea saying『Considering the national sentiment, we will maintain this form of war but we will make it to be reduced to a formality and split the profits evenly』and coming from Chichi-ue is utterly unthinkable. I think that the guidance of Haha-ue was in this series of reforms.

*TN: Haha-ue is a very formal way of addressing one’s mother.

– I have the same feeling. Even now, the internal administration and diplomacy are being led by Okaa-sama. I’m sure the mastermind is Okaa-sama.

(Come to think of it, the other thing Stella said before…)

When Stella came to Japan, she said that Consort Astraea put King Sirius, who strongly opposed her, in prison.

It seemed that there was an absolute power balance between those two people.

(… I shall make sure to not anger Ogibo-san)

*TN: Ogibo = mother in law.

– Well, that’s why Vermillion and Kledelland have taken an appeasement policy initiated by both royalties to ease the ill feelings of the past. The cultural exchange between the royalties that Ikki surprisingly recalled is a part of that. Even most of the children, or us in that case, became so close regardless of the political situation.

– Johan-nii has been unable to act on an equal basis with Luna-nee since ages ago. They truly are like real brother and sister.

– If so, then he’s like an Onii-san to Stella.

Stella nodded greatly.

– Yup. Johan-nii is one of the strongest knights in this region, and he got me to accompany him to train well.

– Though I mostly feel like you just beat him viciously and one-sidedly, didn’t you?

Lunaize let a wry smile show and looked at the windshield of the airplane.

And told the two of them.

– Hey, it can be seen now. That’s Lucelle, the capital of Kledelland.

Lucelle, capital of Kledelland.

Ikki and company got down to the airport for use of government and persons concerned and finished the entry procedures there.

And obviously there was no carry-on baggage inspection or interrogations since they had a VIP treatment.

It all ended with Lunaize only exchanging two, three words with the person in charge and the three of them passed the gate.

They got in a limousine coming from the airport main gate and moved to the town center of Lucelle.

They arrived at a square, the meeting place with Prince Johan.

And so, Ikki, who came for the first time to Kledelland, had his breath taken away with the scenery.

– This is… a wonderful townscape.

The Art Nouveau architecture stood in a line as if encircling the plaza.

A scene that overflowed a western feeling, like it embodied the townscape of a medieval Europe.

It was so beautiful that Ikki, who didn’t like taking pictures, wanted to put it in a frame.

– Lucelle, the city itself, is a World Heritage. It’s worth seeing it.

– Yeah, totally. I feel like I did a time travel right into the medieval times.

– Fufu, Art Nouveau architecture doesn’t go back too much in history, but it seems that Asians get captivated by images of Europe.  It’s very popular among tourists from over there. Now you finally came. You can walk around the city with Stella later.

– I second that! Let’s do so, alright, Ikki!?

– Sure. We’re finally here so――

– If you like, you can spend the night alone. In any case, you’ll stay here until the end of war. And I’ll say nothing to Chichi-ue.

– W-what are you saying, Luna-nee!?

Yes, Stella was blushing because of Lunaize’s straightforward way of speaking,

– Lunaize-san!

A well-dressed young man called out to the three people and ran up to them.

– My apologies. Have I kept you waiting!?

Lunaize showed a malicious smile on her face to the man who asked like he was worried about them and returned.

– No. We thought of coming thirty minutes earlier to our meeting with you so we just joined together to get rid of idle time.

– Ah, ahaha… thank you for your consideration.

And Stella,

– Long time no see! The last time we met was at last year’s Christmas?

– Yeas, you are correct. It’s been half a year. I have heard you did great in Japan. That you outrivaled《Wind Sword Emperor》. I even heard that the《Mage-Knights》of Japan are strong; as one would expect of Stella-chan.

– Fufun. Well, they weren’t opponents for me, you see.

And so, she exchanged greetings with the young man.

With what he had seen so far, Ikki was able to tell who he was without him being introduced yet.

This blond young man was a person that called themselves Kledelland.

The very moment Ikki presumed so――

– And finally… the one who defeated the strong Stella-chan twice is you, yes?

The blue eyes of Johan were turned towards Ikki.

– Nice to meet you, Kurogane Ikki-san. I am Johan Kristoff Van Collbrand. Thank you for responding to my selfish request today.

– I-it’s nothing, it is I who should say so, thank you very much for the invitation, I am deeply honored.

– Since the broadcast of《Seven Stars Sword Art Festival》was carried out even here, I was able to see the matches. … You were amazing. You could fight with Stella-chan as your opponent without holding back. I am still overwhelmed by Stella-chan’s strength.

– … I feel obliged.

– I am very interested as a fellow knight in what kind of training Ikki-san is carrying and what kind of opinion he has when it comes to the sword. Please allow me to study them.

– W-well, I wonder whether or not I can be helpful like…

Due to the polite attitude of Johan, Ikki ended up being in a more than necessary modest state.

Honestly, he had a troubled reaction because he was treated politely by the person who was the Prince of the country.

At that moment,

– That’s a good greeting, isn’t it, Johan?

The grim-faced Lunaize forced her way through and put herself between Ikki and Johan. And then,

– Your scarf is all twisted. I always say to you to pay attention to your personal appearance, hmm? You have great looks, but your laziness stands out. Alright, don’t move. I’ll fix it for you.

– P-please wait, Lunaize-san. There are people in front of us and watching us, it’s embarrassing…

– If you’re embarrassed, then be careful to not show an embarrassing appearance. … Besides, Ikki is having a hard time because your greeting is way too formal and you’re not thinking about your status. Keep your pacing in mind. That’s what they call a proper decorum.

Lunaize boldly pointed out the cause of discomfort that Ikki evidently felt while adjusting the scarf.

Johan also noticed his own oversight that was pointed out by Lunaize.

– A, ahaha…. I am no match for Lunaize-san, am I?

He apologized to Ikki with an「I’m sorry」while Lunaize kept quietly standing upright immovable until the scarf was fixed.

Stella paid a sidelong glance to the two of them and whispered into Ikki’s ear.

– You see? They truly look like brother and sister, no?


However, the impression Ikki had about the scene differed a bit.

(The thing is… more than brother and sister, they look like…)


– Ah!

A sudden strange noise was heard by the ears of the four of them.

Lunaize glared at Stella, the source of that noise while making her eyebrows twitch.

– … Are you serious? Stella.

– I-I can’t help it, you know!? I haven’t lunched yet!

– Yes, but girls of your age don’t make noises come from their bellies, they just don’t.

– M-My energy consumption goes negative after awakening the power of the dragon! So don’t blame me, alright!?

Johan, who saw Stella giving excuses and her face getting deep red, put a smile on his face.

– Now that you mention it, it is the right moment to lunch. So, what do you think? Would you like to eat something before discussing a counterplan regarding the aforementioned suspicious individual?  Food stalls with war as their objective are appearing in the square over there.

He suggested to the three of them.

Stella immediately approved the suggestion.

– I say yes! You too, right, Luna-nee!?

– … I was talking seriously by the way, that making your stomach rumble is unbearable.

– Alright then, let’s go there by walking right away, shall we?

And thus, the four people began to walk towards the center of the park near the National Stadium of Lucelle, the place where the war between Vermillion and Kledelland would take place.

They walked for ten minutes or so to their destination.

Although it was a short distance, since the Prince of this country and the Princesses of the neighboring country were walking side by side, gathering the eyes of everybody was a natural thing. Crowds formed at both ends of the path the four people were going through.

『Oh! It’s Prince-sama!』

『The Princesses of Vermillion are here too!』

『Even when looking at them live, they are truly beautiful, aren’t they…?』

『Kyaa! Lunaize-sama! She’s so cool!』

『We’re looking forward to the matches! Though the victory will be ours this time!』

– Whaat!? I’m participating as a representative from this year, so you rather be prepared!

Stella and Lunaize replied, raised their voices and waved their hands to the welcoming voices that reached them from the left and right.

Such scene was truly amicable, it didn’t let the ill feelings of the past be felt at all.

They could see the result of the appeasement policy that the royalties of both countries had been carrying out actively.



Ikki, who was watching such genial scene, stopped walking with a strong sense of discomfort.

In the crowd.

An unnatural wide-opened『hole』was there.

A blank space――――

(No, that’s not it)

It wasn’t a blank space.

Ikki opened not only his sense of vision but his five senses and gazed steadily at that『hole』.

The flow of sound, the stagnation of the atmosphere, the signs――

He compensated for the unnaturally and partially removed visual information and, he saw it.

Rising to the surface as it if revealed itself.

The place where the only thing that could be seen with nothing but his eyes was a blank space.

A woman was standing there.

A silver-haired woman who was staring at him with eyes of different color and who quietly surrounded him at a distance without letting anyone other than Ikki that she was here.

The appearance that was cladded in such air――Ikki knew it.

(That person is… but why is that person here…?)

– Ikki?

– Waaa…!

As he was directing all his concentration to that woman, Ikki made his body quiver when his shoulder was tapped by Stella.

– D-did something happen? You were all absent-minded…

You are reading story Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan at novel35.com

Stella was also surprised by the overreaction of Ikki and asked him in a bewildered state.

To this, Ikki attempted to return his sight to the woman of seconds ago while returning a vague「Ah, no …」. However, another townsfolk from this city was standing where the woman of moments ago was standing. The figure of that woman wasn’t there anymore. Because of that,

– … it’s nothing.

– Geez. If you keep staring at the emptiness, then we’ll leave you behind, alright?

– S-sorry. I’ll pay attention.

Ikki apologized to Stella and quickened his steps.

Along the national borders of Vermillion and Kledelland.

There was a place dyed in a bright yellow on the whole surface of a small hill on the Vermillion side.

It was an extensive sunflower plantation that sustained the exportation of cut flowers and one of the main industries of Vermillion.

– Oh myyy, this year they bloomed beautifully toooo.

– Yeah, and the inside of the beehives are full of the finest honey.

– Having them grow properly in this cold summer had me anxious, but I’m relieved they’re in time for the festival.

The women in the village that managed the sunflower field showed relief while picking up the sunflowers that had grown up splendidly.

The cut flowers picked up here were all given for free to Kledelland.

They were used to decorate the location of the friendly party of the people of both nations that went hand in hand with the war between Vermillion and Kledelland, and it was called――the festival.  The honey would become delicacy sweets at stalls to delight the tongues of men and women and the cut flowers would please the eyes of the people watching the adorned parade and the floats.

*TN: Floats = allegorical floats.

– I only hope for the people of Kledelland to have a good time.

The village girl who picked up the flowers murmured and wiped the sweat that flowed on her forehead and looked towards Kledelland side.

At that moment.

– Hmm?

The girl caught something strange in her field of vision.

– Hey, Okaa-san. There were joint exercises today too?

– Exercises? I haven’t heard anything about it, but why do you ask all of a sudden?

The girl pointed from the top of the small hill to the plains of Kledelland that spread in the distance and answered to her mother who had a puzzled look.

– Because, look over there. ――why are there so many tanks coming from Kledelland?

Ikki and company walked straight ahead the main street of Lucelle for approximately ten minutes and then a wide-opened space spread out before their eyes.

A park where bright green grass filled their eyes under the perfectly clear summer.

A solemn round-shaped architecture made of stone towered at the center of it.

That was the National Stadium of Lucelle, and the venue for this war.

Ikki and the others, the representatives of Vermillion, were going to fight against the representative team of Kledelland that Johan led at this place next week.

Aside from that, the stalls that were built all around the park to be the firsts were crowded with hasty people.

Ikki and the others slipped into the lively group of people and visited several stands to have a meal.

– Waaa, look, look, Ikki! This one has so much waffle, strawberries and cream!

– It’s amazing. It looks like a cake.

In front of the glad-looking, high-spirited eyes of Stella.

Fresh cream whirled on top of the waffles lined up at the storefront, even fruits received the very same treatment. Ice cream and chocolate sauce were also served thickly, they gave off a different presence from the simple waffles sold at Japanese stands.

Rather than looking like a cake, it was completely a cake.

The people whose specialties weren’t incredibly sweet food would obviously have their bellies full just by looking at them.

Stella, who loved sweets, rapidly finished the payment and ordered with「Mister! This one please」, then stuffed her cheeks on the spot and raised a voice of joy.

– Aaah! Muu…〜〜〜〜, the strawberries have a delicious sweetness and bitterness――――!

– Hahaha! The Dragon Princess of Vermillion truly knows how to eat it. Seeing so makes this old man happy. Here, have a chocolate waffle free of charge.

– Really!? Thank you, mister!

Lunaize spilled a sigh while watching the exchange between the shopkeeper of the stall and Stella.

– She ate three Frankfurt and four croquet-monsieur before coming here and she’s still eating…? Ikki, get married quickly and take that person back to Japan. At this rate, we will have no choice but to start a revised draft budget for the food expenses of this person.

Ikki, the person concerned, smiled bitterly to the sarcasm as he didn’t get if Lunaize was joking or being serious, and the onlooker Johan laughed, looking happy.

– Ahaha. Stella-chan has been a glutton since always, no?

– Everything has a limit. Good grief, I wonder if there’s a black hole in her stomach or something.

– But don’t worry. She looks like she’s having fun. Ikki-kun can also think something that he likes. It is my treat.

– Ah! That’s not necessary.

– I made you come here by saying something unreasonable, this selfish request of mine. If I don’t do at least something like this, then my honor as a Prince won’t stand.

Johan said and shrugged his shoulders frankly.

He probably listened attentively to the candid advice of Lunaize and was putting it into practice.

As for Ikki, he was saved now that he became less formal, making it easier for him to talk.

– In that case, then I’ll order as much as I like…

Ikki looked towards the stalls while appreciating the consideration of Johan. ――And,

– Huuh? Isn’t Johan the one over there?

The voice of a woman in a group reached them.

When Ikki turned his eyes towards the direction of the voice wondering who the person was, there was a group of four people of both sexes over there.

– Whaaat are you doing here during working hours? Are you cutting classes?

– You sure? Both Mira and Luke are wrong.

– Yeah. Johan doesn’t do that.

– But look again. He’s with a woman. Who on earth is…. Ah! That someone, I think it’s Luna-san!

– Oh, it is her! Then that means the red-haired girl standing there is Stella-chan!?

And Stella, who noticed the presence of the four people speaking in a familiar tone of voice,

– Luke-san and Mira-san! Reid-san and Enaris-san are also here! It’s been a long time!

Yeah, she returned a smile.

It appeared that the four of them were closes acquaintances with Stella and the others.

– Wait, what? Why are you two here? We’re still one week ahead of the war, aren’t we?

Johan returned a question to one of the four people, to the short-haired woman.

– I summoned them. You see… we had to talk with you guys. About the criminal we were warned by《League》that may be hiding near here.  Once the fight starts, the coming and going of people of both countries will increase a lot. I think that a prior consultation to take a coordination of security is necessary.

– The objective of that guy is concealed, or rather he has no objective, but one thing is certain and that is that the other party is a leader of《Rebellion》which causes anxiety to the world. There’s no such thing as being too cautious, is it?

Johan nodded to Lunaize’s complement,

– Besides, the samurai who defeated《Crimson Princess》while having magic powers equal to an F-Rank’s magic powers has come from the distant Japan. We would like to seek knowledge even a minute, a second faster if possible.

He took a stab at arousing Ikki’s interest who was left alone from a while ago.

– Ikki-kun. I’ll introduce them to you. They are the representative knights of Kledelland just like me.

(I figured so…)

He had guessed so from their looks and the reactions of Stella and the others, but,

– Ikki? Eh? He’s that kid, the aforementioned strong foreign player that is participating as a guest this time!?

It looked like they had never seen Ikki until now.

To the four surprised, short-haired people,

– My name is Kurogane Ikki and I’m a student-knight who has come from Japan. In this opportunity I have the privilege of participating in this war as a representative of Vermillion. It is my pleasure to meet you.

Ikki bowed his head.

The four people responded with,

– Ara ara, we are being politely again somehow. I am Mira. Nice to meet you〜.

– I’m Reid. This is my wife Enaris. We saw your match. When I saw it, it was the first time my heart throbbed so much in a match. It was incredible.

– Yeah. It was amazing.

Each one of them returned a self-introduction.

However, one of them. The small man with ruffled hair cheekily observed Ikki as if he was appraising him,

– But… the feeling I got when looking at him is that I don’t find him to be that strong, you know? Like I can bring him down with one punch.

His manner of speaking was incredibly rude.

Stella put a provocative smile on the corners of her mouth,

– Judging Ikki by his looks will give you a painful experience, Luke-san. I’m telling you this because I had such a painful experience, I guarantee it.

Somehow she returned that with proud.

The small man called Luke laughed at such objection of Stella,

– Can I have《Crimson Princess》’s autograph? You’re not funny. ――I’m Luke. I’ve heard about you. We were told you’re going to defeat us to marry Stella-chan. But damn, although we are in 21st century, I just laughed because that talk gave the feeling of coming from a tribe or something… but it’s a shame. We’re carrying the pride of our country on our backs. You appear to use the sword very proficiently, but given you’re just a student, you won’t defeat us. You should have thought of another way to persuade <King Sirius> that uncle from now on.

Yup, he provoked Ikki.

Apparently he was the most hot-blooded of the four people.

The transmitted coercion was real, it seemed that the soft, downy hair he had got burned just by facing him.

An act that made certain the real strength of Luke; that he wasn’t speaking for nothing.

If he were an average knight, then he would be cowering with fright with this level of coercion, absolutely.

And so, Luke himself also went with that coercion with the intention of crushing him here arrogantly, cutting into war through personal matters. This is what guys would call a bangai senjutsu*.

*TN: A term used in board games where instead of getting victory by playing the game itself, the opponent is defeated in a psychological warfare before or during a match. It literally means off-board tactics.


– No. I can’t do that.

《Worst One》Kurogane Ikki wasn’t an average knight.

And with a tone of voice like it would certainly kill, he

– I swore. To her and her family. No matter the trial, I will certainly accomplish it. That’s why I won’t lose. The things you guys are carrying on your backs are heavy, but I can’t give up the things being carried on my back.

Resolution and determination met in this fight.

They coldly answered back they weren’t inferior to each other.

– ――――Heh.

Luke had eyes wide opened like he was impressed by Ikki,

– Fufu. Boring bangai senjutsu is futile, Luke. This man looks like a temperate boy, but he has a strong self as if his body were made of steel. When it comes to stubbornness, it can be compared to our father. He’s not an opponent you’ll be able to shake with words.

– … I do see so. So much different from Prince-sama, a man with the same gentle nature.

– Ahaha! That’s right. Johan is easily manipulated by the words of others.

– Uugh…

– I’m pleased with you, Ikki. Though I won’t say that we’ll have a good match. I’ll crush you with all my strength!

– I’ll be looking forward to it.

Thus, the two exchanged greetings one more time and the people that was listening attentively to the unusual occurrence where the representatives of both countries met abruptly before the match while encircling them got all excited.

『Oh my! Way to go, you Japanese lad! You have a lot of courage!』

『Both Kledelland and Vermillion, go for it! We’re cheering for you!』

『Oh yeah! Prince Johan! The representatives of both countries are finally gathered! It seems there are some things you have to do, but for the time being, why don’t we celebrate today’s day!? We have food and drinks here as well!』

『Hey, I like that! Everyone, let’s eat till we explode!』

– … eh? That is…

Johan tried to decline since he had an important reunion after this, but,

Lunaize was in charge of it.

Johan said something before her,

– Thank you. I thank you in representation of Vermillion.

– Lunaize-san…

– It’s fine. The war is next week. It’s not like we’ll discuss and argue every minute and second consulting about security, so we better not treat with disdain their precious kindness, alright?

– If Lunaize-san says so…. Understood.

– As expected of Lunaize-san! She is so reasonable〜!

In this way, trivial party preparations began in the square where the stalls were set.

People went to the stalls and gathered food as they pleased, played music and enjoyed today’s meeting.

Well, a noisy excuse could be done if he wanted to, but if they didn’t have sympathy towards Stella and company, then they wouldn’t have started talking about holding a party.

(This is great…)

Ikki smiled due to the warm spectacle.

– What is that happy-looking face you have, Ikki?

– Ah, no… I had heard about this from Lunaize-san, but now that I look at it again, it’s amazing. That the people of the countries who have been fighting for hundreds of years can get along like this.

Territorial disputes. Historical disputes.

Those weren’t the only problems that Vermillion and Kledelland had.

Although Ikki wasn’t particularly interested in politics, he knew from the news he heard every day that Japan also had similar problems and was working hard to deal with them.

Though it wasn’t going so smoothly.

That was why the relationship between Vermillion and Kledelland seemed to be hard to get and that in itself was very valuable and rare.

However, Stella tilted her head to the side, saying「Is that so?」.

– I don’t think it’s that strange though.

– You think so?

Stella nodded in a big way together with an of course.

– Because everyone will always be better laughing than fighting, right?

Then she looked towards the people who were making progress with the preparations for the party and muttered.

– Every time there is a conflict, the selfishness of people who only think of themselves awakes. The majority of people wishes for peace, however a bunch of self-centered ones tramples underfoot the feelings of the kind people. … I can’t allow that. I became a knight to not allow that.

Small nations needed strong knights.

So that they weren’t squashed by the will of large countries.

To protect the people living there from any malice.

The eyes of Stella who was talking about that were staring at somewhere far away.

Maybe she stared at the scene, at her distant self――

– I see. What Stella wants to protect isn’t just Vermillion.

– That’s right.

Stella nodded and spread her hands wide.

As if she hugged everything that was visible.

And then, in a loud voice ――

– I love Vermillion! I love Kledelland! I love the kind people living there! That’s why… so that I can protect them. I’ll become stronger than any bad guy! Even than those from that nightmare future! Even than the criminal hiding in this area! I don’t know if he’s《Marionette King》or《Radish Sprouts》, but I don’t care who that guy is, as long as I’m here, I’m not going to let him hurt anyone!

– Sorry. That’s impossible.

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