Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan

Chapter 8: Volume 2 - CH 1

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"Well folks! The seventh match of today's selection battles will now begin!

"Coming from the blue gate is the one who defeated the C-Rank knight, the 'Hunter' Kirihira Shizuya, who was a representative in last year's Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival. It's the first year F-Rank 'Failure Knight', contender Kurogane Ikki! Till now, he's had eight wins out of eight matches. What's more, except against contender Kirihara, he received no injuries in his matches. But today he'll face an opponent of the same caliber as the Hunter!

"And that is, appearing from the red gate, a member of the Hagun Academy Student Council and a top contender of this year's Festival, second year C-Rank 'Runner's High', Tomaru Renren! Her records are the same as contender Kurogane, eight wins out of eight matches!

"But, Buuut! contender Tomaru was third among the past year's academy ranking! In other words, she is the third strongest knight in this school! Will she show her strength today as her rank states? Or will the Failure Knight win today too with his martial arts powers that defy common sense!? Yanagida-sensei, what do you think?"

"Too long, sleeping."

"Thank you very much! Well then, today's top match… has started!"

The buzzer indicating the start of the match sounded, and loud applause and shouts spontaneously resounded from the audience seats.

As the target of those frenzied echoes, two knights stood in the ring. The boy who stood still while holding the Japanese katana-type Device, Kurogane Ikki. The girl who equipped the knuckle-type Device, Tomaru Renren.

Even though the match had already started, Renren was doing some hops lightly as if she were playing, and called out to Ikki with an affectionate smile.

"Kurogane-kun. I saw your match with the 'Hunter'! That was an awesome match!"

Tomaru's smile was like the light brown color of her tanned skin; it cleared away smoothly. Facing her smile, Ikki also grinned a little in return.

"Thank you very much. Being told that by the third rank Tomaru-san makes me very happy."

"Using honorifics when we're just chatting, you do know we're the same age, right? But still, it's strange. Even though you can fight so well, why did you repeat a grade?"

"…Ahaha, well that's… there were a lot going on and all."

"Fuu~un. Well, I don't know what happened, but it's unfortunate. It would've been more fun if I were in the same grade as someone as strong as Kurogane-kun~"

"If you're talking about strong people, then isn't there Saijou-san who's ranked fourth?"

"That guy's no good. He has crazy physical strength but he can't even touch me with just that. He's just an electric fan… but still, that's the same for Kurogane-kun too. I mean, if you're struggling so much against someone like the 'Hunter', you can't beat me."

Tomaru's gentle smile changed into a ferocious one.

"I'll show you the way the third ranked fights―!"

Suddenly, her figure vanished from Ikki's field of vision.

Was it a stealth skill like Area Invisible? No, that was wrong. There is sound. A sound of the right being kicked, something passing through the wind with unbelievable speed. If he looked carefully, he could catch a glimpse of the after-images.

That's right. Tomaru didn't disappear, she just moved so fast that it seemed like she disappeared. That was Tomaru Renren's Noble Art―

"It's Mach Grid! Contender Renren suddenly dashed with victory in her eyes!"

The true form of that irregularity was the accumulation of speed. By ignoring the natural deceleration put on her body, Tomaru is able to continuously accelerate.

"I've heard of it before, but for it to be this fast…."

"Seeing it on camera and seeing it like this is completely different right?"

"Yeah, I can't catch up to it…. The reason you talked to me when the match already started was for the steps right? You accumulated the initial speed with those hops."

"Bingo! The weakness of this power is the initial speed, you see. But with those preparations, I could bright up my speed to five hundred kilometers per hour instantly. But five hundred is just the beginning. My Mach Grid shows its real powers after crossing the sound barrier!"

Exactly as stated, she continued to speed to the right, using the walls surrounding the ring. Exploiting the ability to ignore the laws that bind this world, she continued to accelerate. 800, 900, 1000, 1100, ―1200! She finally passed the speed of sound, and arrived at the domain of supersonic speed.

Her speed had long passed the level where the human eye could follow it.

"Do you get it? My ability isn't something that lets me disappear like the Hunter. I become both invisible and impossible to catch! Kurogane-kun who was having trouble against such an enemy can't possibly win against me!"

"Then if I can catch Tomaru-san, will you admit defeat?"

"Haha…! Well that's if you can do it! But you can't! There's no way you can! It's unfortunate, but Kurogane-kun's Festival journey will end here! Let's go, with this supersonic speed attack…!"

By the time Ikki could no longer even grasp the after-images… Tomaru came forward with victory in mind while putting power into her fists. Moving to Ikki's blind spot, she released a strike filled with the highest amount of energy…!

"Black Bird!"

While creating a sonic boom, Tomaru aimed her fist at Ikki's back and let loose a supersonic strike.

In speed, it really surpassed Mach 2. It was truly a one shot kill strike that far surpassed the level where it could be seen with one's eyes. Forget about blocking, it was no longer possible to evade, or even react in time.

Tomaru had no doubt about her victory. However―

"That girl's an idiot."

A small-built silver-haired girl stood there, sighing as if making fun of someone.

This adorable girl who reminded you of a bisque doll was Kurogane Shizuku. A B-Rank knight who was called 《LorelieWitch of the Deep Sea》[1] because of her peculiar method of winning, by drowning her opponents. She was Kurogane Ikki's younger sister.

"The reason Onii-sama had a hard time with that person wasn't because he couldn't see him."

But of course, her words didn't reach Tomaru currently reflected on her pupils. It didn't reach, but Tomaru immediately understood the meaning.


Tomaru sensed something on her field of vision that couldn't possibly be there. A gaze. In the thin juncture of time, she felt something that stuck her gaze. It was the gaze of Ikki's eyes, which had caught her movements even though she was in supersonic speed!

N-No way!? He reacted!?

The next moment, Ikki's figure vanished from in front of the fist Tomaru struck out. The supersonic punch hit the air, and their figures intersected. With them passing by each other, Ikki grabbed the scuff of Tomaru's windbreaker and by using her supersonic propulsion, he rotated her with one full swing―

And with that momentum, he slammed Tomaru on the stone surface of the ring.


And a black tip was pointed towards Tomaru, who lost her breath after that impact on her back.

"It's my win."


Tomaru, who had collapsed, could not understand what had just happened. She could not understand how she was caught.

But she understood that she had lost. If Tomaru's Mach Grid was stopped, its propulsion speed would be completely reset. She has to be constantly on the move. She could not bring up her speed from scratch again. The person before her would not allow it.

That's why…Tomaru nodded lightly, and surrendered.

"I-It's oveeeer! It's over too easily! contender Ikki won it by easily bringing down Runner's High, the third rank of Hagun Academy! It's his ninth victory! Finally the historic moment when someone lower than E-Rank passing the selection for the festival is near!"

"Hey hey, seriously!?"

"For that Tomaru to not even be able to touch him…."

"What the heck is with that F-Rank? Why the heck did that monster repeat a grade!?"


"As expected of Ikki. A match without even a shred of danger."

Among the spectators who were shouting and cheering, one slender man, Arisuin Nagi stood next to Shizuku and clapped for Ikki who was standing in the light.

"In the end, he didn't use Ittou Shura."

"The result was obvious. The reason why Onii-sama had a hard time against that Hunter had nothing to do with whether or not he could see him. It was because he had a long ranged bow in addition to his perfect stealth. It doesn't matter how fast she is, or if he can't see her. There's no way she will be unharmed after stepping into the field of Onii-sama's unique swordsmanship."

For someone of Ikki's level of skill, it was already a close ranged barrier of sword strikes. If there was something close by, a samurai's sharpened sixth sense will definitely react to it, no matter if it is visible or invisible, fast or slow. Failing to read that was the reason why Tomaru lost.

"Good job, Ikki."

Ikki, who was leaving the arena saw a vividly red-haired girl standing next to the blue gate as she welcomed him back.

"My right hand only feels a bit disjointed; I didn't fight so hard that I would feel tired. Stella, do your best too."

"There's no need to try my best though."

After replying with a voice filled with confidence, the girl entered the arena.

"Folks, with the lingering feelings of excitement remaining from before, it's time to start today's eighth selection match! Entering the arena with her blazing red hair swaying is Hagun academy's only A-Rank knight! The 'Crimson Princess', contender Stella Vermillion! Like her roommate the Failure Knight, she also has eight wins with no losses! All of those matches ended with her opponents withdrawing! The sensational supernova who won through with just her pressure, going through all the matches without any decent battles. Buuut! Today her opponent is the Hanaiki Baffalo―!"

Entering the arena from the red gate from where Tomaru had gone through was a giant with a shaved head and a uniform with a high helm.

"Ranked fourth in our Hagun academy and a member of the student counsel, the C-Rank knight nicknamed 'Destroyer', contender Saijou Ikazuchi! Having won through an excellent run of matches, he leisurely stands in front of contestant Vermillion! There is no sign of the tension or excitement that had been seen from the others who fought contender Vermillion! Only the glaring at the opponent he has to defeat! Just like the wall newspaper club guaranteed, ‘No running away for Japanese men', he lives up to the phrase! Completely ready to face contender Vermillion! Could it be that this time, we will finally witness the true power of the Crimson Princess!? Now, with both of them summoning their Devices―Match, START!"


"Whoa! contender Saijou swung his Device Zanbatou[2] immediately with the sounding of the start buzzer! The force is so strong that the roar of the blade reached even the seats of the audience!"

"I'll ask, do you know my ability?"

Saijou asked Stella while rotating his Zanbatou overhead.

"I don't. Unlike Ikki, I don't research my opponents before the fight."

"Hmph. As expected of the famed A-Rank. Does a C-Rank not interest you?"

"It's not like I'm neglecting you. In the end this fight, and even the Sword-Art Festival, everything is simply training for us to grow stronger and become mage-knights. When confronting terrorists and the like, it's almost impossible for you to know of the opponents abilities beforehand. That's why, if you can't fight without knowing what your opponent's skill is, then that's no good."

"You won't do the initial research because of that, even though you are a first year. Such a noble will. Be that as it may, this time it is futile."


Saijou brought down the Zanbatou he was revolving overhead towards Stella. There was magic emitting from the rough sword that clashed with Stella's golden blade, Lævateinn.

The ‘reason' of the blazers was already at work there.

"My ability is 'accumulation of the power of slashes'. The more I revolve the blade, the heavier it becomes. The current limit is ten tons. The reason for your loss in this battle will be because you let me charge my power to the limits because you didn't know of my ability!"

"It's the Crescendo Axe―!"

Accumulating the power of slashes. The slashes just now had enough force to crack open the ground. However―

"But no matter how heavy your slashes are, they're useless if they don't hit, you know."

That's right. This was the reason he loses to the third rank, Tomaru Renren. Certainly, if it's attack power alone, Crescendo Axe is of the highest class. But as for the speed of his fortified Zanbatou, it's definitely not fast. He was truly an easy opponent for speed-based fighters like Tomaru. And of course, Stella had plenty of velocity even though it wasn't as much as Tomaru. This type of attack, she could dodge it with her eyes closed.

"But, I'll receive it!!"



The downward slashing Crescendo Axe was received by Stella's Læveteinn. No, it didn't stop at that. Stella didn't just receive the slash from the Zanbatou, she used her might to push it back too.


He lost in strength. Saijou was shocked at that fact.

Yes, Saijou didn't know, because the single time when Stella fought seriously was when she fought Kurogane Ikki, and Saijou was not present there. Because he only saw the pictures taken by the students or the blurry uploaded movies on the streaming sites.

―That Stella was someone who could shake the Earth itself with just one strike of her sword!

"It would do you good to remember this, Sempai."

Stella pushed back the Zanbatou and stretched her hand toward the now defenseless Saijou, touching the upper helm.

"Power, talent, techniques, I will bring down everything while facing them head on. I am an A-Rank exactly because I can do something like that."

Instantly, fire blazed out from the hand that touched the helm. The collar snapped, and Saijou's body blasted 10 meters up in the air and then fell out of the ring.

Saijou, who was now covered in soot, lay unmoving. He lost consciousness at that close distance explosion.

"The match is over! Winner, Stella Vermillon!"

Realizing that fact quickly, the referee immediately judged the match to be over and announced the winner.

"A-Again, complete victoryyy!! Even though contender Saijou daringly wished for a head on battle, he wasn't even an opponent for her! This is world level! This is the highest rank! Strong, way too strong! The first years this time are way too strong!! If it's her, if it's them! They could earn our Hagun Academy the crown of the Seven Stars Sword King after all these years it has been out of our reach!"

While basking in the excited shouts and cheers, Stella left the ring.

It has been about a month since The Seven Star Sword-Art Festival selection battles started, when the season turned.

Failure Knight, Kurogane Ikki.

Crimson Princess, Stella Vermillion.

Lorelei, Kurogane Shizuku.

With their consecutive wins, they became names that everyone in the school knew.

"Congratulations, Onii-sama♥."

After Ikki came out of the exit of the fifth training arena where the match was held, he suddenly felt a light impact on his hips.

After looking down, he saw Shizuku with her jade-colored eyes giving off her presence there. And Arisuin was behind her.

"Thank you, Shizuku. But could you please stop hugging me in public places. It's embarrassing."

"Okay. It's cute when Onii-sama becomes embarrassed too."

"Alice, it seems like my words can't get through my sister anymore. As expected, do you think the lack of communication during those four years is the cause?"

"Fufu, that might be the origin."

"Ahhh! Shizuku's hugging Ikki again!"

An angry roar sounded from behind Ikki who was being fawned over by Shizuku. The one standing there was Stella, who came out of the arena after Ikki. After seeing her, Shizuku's angelic expression twisted into something that made her look like she was biting on a sour insect.

"What is it, you loud person. You're already grown up so could you please not go around screaming like a kid."

"Isn't that because Shizuku is doing something strange to Ikki!?"

"Something strange? I don't understand. As you can see, am I not simply bonding? Right, Onii-sama? Aren't we simply siblings that get along?"

"Y-Yeah. But the distance is a bit too close and it's embarrassing. A little further would be better."

"See, Onii-sama said ‘Yeah'."

An outrageous quote mining just occurred!

"There was more after that! What is it with you and your double standards!"

"I don't know. I don't understand what you are saying. In the first place, just think about it, Stella-san. I am certainly clinging to Onii-sama, but I am not putting in much force. First of all, even if I did force it with all my power, Onii-sama would easily be able to tear away from me. That's right, if Onii-sama really did dislike it, he would have done that. But Onii-sama won't do something so mean to a sister who yearns so much for her brother, right?"

Right? Those jade-colored eyes of Shizuku's glimmered with moisture as she asked that, not unlike those of an abandoned puppy.

…There's no way he could shake off something so cute.

"Y-Yeah…. I wouldn't… do that."


"Do you get it? This is permitted skinship between siblings who love each other. Stella-san, who doesn't have anything to do with it, shouldn't butt in."

"I-I'm not unrelated!"

"Ooh? Then what kind of relation do you have?"


"In the end you are going to say something like you're his slave, right? But if you're his slave, then you questioning the actions of me, his sister, is in the wrong here. The people of your country, even though they do not serve you but your parents, they show proper respect to you, do they not? Or is it that the Vermillion imperial family only sees what's convenient for itself?"

"W-Wro, ugh, uuuu…."

Stella, who tried to rebut Shizuku's fierce attack only kept muttering. But what she tried to say, Ikki knew it. That's right. Their relation, it changed on that night one month ago. From simple roommates, it changed to being lovers. And Stella was a princess, even if hers was a small country. They didn't have the social standing to be able to announce such a thing in public. Of course, Ikki was also aware of that. That's why they decided to hide their relation for now.

But there was no woman in this world that would permit her lover to have a relationship that obviously passed the borders of love, even if it was her lover's sister. And of course, Stella didn't like it either. But she could not say it. That's why she sank into vexed silence.

And Shizuku glanced at that Stella looking a bit disappointed.


"Eh? Shizuku?"

"It's nothing. Then, shall we go, Onii-sama?"


Stella sent a glance filled with jealousy towards Shizuku, who was now dragging Ikki away.


Seems like she was crying a little. It was a bit cute.


She's growling!?

"H-Hey Shizuku. As I thought, locking arms with my sister at this age and in school as well, it's a bit… too embarrassing."

Sensing the incoming danger, he tried to shake Shizuku off.

Shizuku looked a bit dissatisfied, but she removed her arm immediately.

"I understand, Onii-sama… I wouldn't want to be hated by Onii-sama after all."

"There's no way I could hate you."

He denied that part. He could never hate his little sister who loved him so much. And that will not change, no matter what would happen.

At his words, Shizuku smiled a little.

"Thank you. But still, Onii-sama―"

She stopped speaking once and then whispered in a voice that couldn't be heard by anyone other than Ikki.

"If you are too kind, then you won't be able to go forward even if you try."

It seems like this good younger sister of his already guessed something.

…Won't go forward even if I try, is it….

Certainly, it was exactly as she said. Ikki has been Stella's lover for about a month. But their relationship hasn't progressed even a bit. Rather, it feels like it retreated a few steps. With him being her boyfriend, he felt overly conscious of her.

He wanted to be closer. He wanted to touch her more. His wanted to step on the next level. However, he didn't know when he should make his move. How exactly should he explain this situation? Should they both discuss this situation properly like a company meeting? Or should he make his move while having a random conversation?

I don't get it.

Ikki who had no experience with the opposite sex wasn't able to read the timings at all.

―And the more hopeless fact was that Stella was the same in that field. It's like they were sailing the deep blue seas without a compass. Of course, it would turn into a disaster.

…Like Shizuku said, should the guy be more aggressive in these cases?

But if that made Stella hate him… no can do. He couldn't be forceful. As a result, Ikki wasn't able to touch Stella even once in the last month.

…Haa…I'd like to get a kiss soon though….

The fact that they felt more distant than before they started dating was a bit too lonely.

"Ah! Hey look at that."

"It's the Crimson Princess. The Lorelei and the Failure Knight are also with her."

"They really have a different air to them, don't they? Those three."

"What are you spouting like you actually know something? Those two girls aside, that Failure Knight's just an F-Rank with a bit of luck, that's all."

"You, you're still saying stuff like that?"

"Rather, did you hear guys? I heard that Vermillion and the Kurogane brother both defeated those fourth and third ranked student council members easily."

"Seriously? Then there's only the 'Scharlach Frau' and the president left above them!"

"Well, those two are doing excellently in Hagun Academy, and if their luck doesn't turn downhill from now on their place in the representatives is almost certain. And the Kurogane sister also has consecutive wins."

"This year's first years are really something, huh. That tall dude behind the Witch of the Deep Sea. Isn't he also amazing?"

"Hey you, don't call him ‘that dude'! Nagi-sama has a cool nickname, 'Black Sonia'!"

"That's right! I can't believe you just called our Nagi-sama ‘that dude'!"

"H-Huh…. Sorry… I guess."

"That many talents gathered together in the first year alone…. This year, Hagun might actually do it."

As Ikki's group headed towards the main school building from the fifth arena, they felt various kinds of gazes on them. It had already been a month since the selection battles started. The number of remaining candidates was slimming down. And among the rest, the four who reigned undefeated would obviously gather attention.

Especially Ikki, he was attracting a lot of scrutiny. The Failure Knight who was advancing by leaps and bounds after defeating the Hunter shocked the student body of Hagun Academy beyond measure. Knights who boasted about their talents were defeated one after another by the person who was ranked F no matter how you evaluated his ability. At first, the students could not accept the scenes they saw as reality, but after the same thing happened nine times, they had no choice but to accept it. Ikki was no longer a fraud like they called him before. They could no longer see him like that.

It was enough to raise a sense of inferiority in a few others. Now, almost all of the knights could only be perplexed at this heretical failure of a knight, and only guess just how much higher he could climb.

Seeing that, Stella started to brag happily.

"Fu-fun. Seems like the other idiots finally noticed Ikki's strength."

"Of course. My Onii-sama is the most fantastic person in the world, to the point where those realizing it now can be considered way too slow. But still, things have really changed in the past month. There are a lot of people coming to the lunch break lecture nowadays."

"Certainly. I was so surprised when the third year sempais also came."

The lecture they were talking about was the one Ikki was forced to start giving, being pestered by his classmates. It was a martial arts class. Ikki gave classes on various martial arts. Of course swordsmanship was included, but there were also kodachi techniques, spear work, and even archery.

Only Ikki could do it. Being well versed in many martial arts after analyzing so many techniques of different enemies, he was a universal martial artist.

Though, taking into account that Ikki himself doesn't count anything else but swordsmanship as his speciality, and that he wouldn't teach the students actual techniques along with their skills, it was simply a school class for fundamental martial arts.

At first, it was only a few of Ikki's classmates who participated. But after all the uproar Ikki made, the students started to get a better opinion of martial arts. Now, not only the classmates, but people from outside the school boundaries also came to him for lessons. This was also one of the great changes that happened from a month ago.

"But the biggest change that happened till now… I guess it's that."

It had only been about a week since one particular change started. Honestly, he thought that if he ignored it, the problem would settle, but there were no signs of it ending any soon. He couldn't ignore it any longer.

"Onii-sama, what do you mean by… 'that'?"

"Yeah. Actually… I think I'm being stalked."


At Ikki's confession, both Stella and Shizuku yelled out simultaneously in surprise.

"S-S-Stalker! Y-You mean that right!? They follow you around, and they break into your rooms, and they shave their mustache and mail it to you! That kind of stalker! Right!?"

"Stella-san, you're talking about a razor blade. What in the world would they do by sending their beard in letters?"

"Is this stalker being careful with personal appearances? Seems to be quite the kind stalker."

"Shuuuuut up! Don't sweat the small stuff! Rather, now's not the time to talk about that!"

"That's right, Onii-sama. Could you please explain."

"I first felt the gaze about a week back. Since then, it's been following me around constantly. Alice already noticed that, right?"

"Yeah. But since Ikki hadn't brought it up, I thought it was okay not to talk about it."

"Well at first I thought it would settle itself if I simply ignored it but… it doesn't look like that at all, no signs of leaving."

"Do you remember doing anything that would make anyone hold something against you?"

"Nope. I don't."

Asked by Arisuin, he searched his memories but couldn't find anything.

And the gaze, he really didn't think it contained malice. More on the line of regret would be appropriate.

"…Then maybe, it's love. With Ikki, that is?"

"Ah, that could be possible!? That! I've heard that the resentment of stalkers are usually born from a feeling of love."

"Onii-sama is a knight who stands out a lot. And I've heard he's especially popular with girls. When gazing from afar, if a girl's eye meets with Onii-sama's, she might think that he was interested in her. Or when talking to him as a fan, she might misunderstand after exchanging words. These are all quite possible."

"Ikki seems extremely clumsy when it concerns behaving with woman."

"That's right. When asked for a handshake, he replies with a ‘Yeah, uh'. More like he gives a submissive kind of feeling."

Being looked at by Stella who seems to be finding a lot of fault with him, Ikki smiled bitterly. As the three said, Ikki with his features and kind demeanor was quite popular with women. And recently, there were a lot of them coming to cheer for him before his matches. But as for Ikki, he didn't know how to handle them. He couldn't be so cold as Shizuku, who ruthlessly ignored her gathering of fans, nor could he give proper fan service and sternly draw a line between them like Arisuin. He couldn't ignore all those who were supporting him. When talked to, he stopped and kept them company, when asked for a handshake, he ended up talking. There were also a few times when he was almost late for lessons because he was busy with the girls.

And it wouldn't be strange if one of those girls misunderstood Ikki's actions. Stella and company frowned at that possibility… but Ikki didn't think it was like that either, because from the gaze on his back, he didn't feel any malice but neither did he feel something like affection.

If he had to say, it felt more like being photographed with a camera.

"If it was something like being idolized then I wouldn't mind, but for someone to try to undeservedly lay her hands on my Onii-sama, well we can't have that can we. It's torture time."

"What are you going to do with that feather duster, Shizuku?"

"Isn't that obvious? I'll catch the stalker and have her go thorough tickle punishment."

"…It doesn't suit you, that cute way of punishing someone."

"…Well, the thing being tickled will be the eyeballs though."


"…Well, since all this anticipation is built up and I don't know what's the answer to this situation but, well… let's directly ask the culprit shall we?"

Saying that, Ikki turned around towards the stone path they just passed through.

"Ikki, could it be that even now…?"

"Yeah. Ever since we finished jogging this morning."

The gaze that has been on even for a week, as if observing him. That gaze was coming from a thick bush on the other side of the paving. After lightly sighing once, Ikki called out.

"Hey, the person who's hiding there. Seems like you've been following me for a while now but, do you need something?"

He loudly called out to the stalker who was currently hiding in the bush. As so―

"Hyawaa! Ou―"


As if flipping, the stalker hiding in the bush came out.

Even though there was no malice, following someone around for a week was definitely not normal. After all this, Ikki prepared himself to see what kind of snake would come of the bush but… to his great surprise; it was a black haired Yamato Nadeshiko[3]. In both hands, she held some tree branches.

"Ah, auau, wr-wrong! It's not what you think! I-I am, uuuh, uwah~!"

She probably realized that she had been found out. The female student was confused after she was suddenly seen through like this. Soon enough, she turned around and ran away. But behind the bush, there was a small pond.

"Kyaaaaaah!!! Gyabu!"


While she was hastily trying to get away, she tripped and fell head first. And a strange sound that seemed physiologically traumatic rang out.


The girl floated on the pond face-down without saying a word. And then… she didn't move anymore.

"Wha-, Y-You, are you okay… hell, you're definitely not okay! Alice, help me carry her!"

"Oh my, how awful."

While Ikki and Arisuin rushed to help―

"Such a beautiful person… is Ikki's stalker."

"It seems like the time I finally get to use this feather duster has come."

The intuitions of these two girls were ringing restlessly after this meeting.

It was a small, gloomy private room. The only source of light was the small desk lamp on the table. And in the room, there was a girl sitting on the chair, and four robust men surrounding her.

All of the men had grim expressions and they questioned the girl while shouting.

"Give a straight answer! You were stalking the victim, Kurogane Ikki! Isn't that right!?"

"You were caught red-handed! You aren't gonna spout crap like you didn't do it, are ya!?"

The pressing questioning voices and the desk lamp's light which seemed way too dim. While prevailing over all of these, the girl frantically answered.

"N-No! That wasn't really stalking….!"

"Enough with the excuses!"


"It's obvious that you've been tailing him for a week!"

"And after all that, you're still trying to make things up!?"

"Yeah! It's time for torture! Torture I tell you!"

"S-Stop iiiit~!!!"


And finally, the girl snapped out of her nightmare. A white ceiling covered her field of vision. From the smell of medicine, she realized that this was the infirmary. It seems like she was sleeping on the sick bed here.

At that fact, the girl relaxed.

‘Thank goodness, that was a dream—‘

"Wax punishment, whipping, tear off, bondage, stone-weighted kneeling…."

As she turned her head, she saw an silver-haired girl whispering suggestions near her ear.

"Stake and burn, drowning death, nailed down, made to walk around town naked, triangular shaped wooden horse… ah, are you awake?"

"That stuff you've been whispering near my ears… that…."

"I wonder. Maybe you just saw a bad dream. Onii-sama, she has woken up."

The silver-haired girl, Shizuku, called towards the other side of the privacy curtain. After hearing that voice, Ikki, Stella and Arisuin entered.

"Oh my. You're already up. I was worried. That was quite the bump. As expected of Shizuku's healing magic."

You are reading story Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan at novel35.com

"Since it wasn't an injury caused in a match, we couldn't use the capsule, but thank godness Shizuku was there. So, does it still hurt?"

After looking left and right, the girl completely grasped the situation. She fell head first in the pond and bumped her head, and those fellows carried her all the way to the infirmary and treated her.

"N-No, that's… I'm okay. Thanks… for taking care of me."

As she slowly got up from the bed, she bowed and showed her gratitude to Ikki and the others.

She really was a kind stalker. But why was it that she wasn't meeting anyone's eyes, and kept averting them?

"Well, I was very surprised about that injury. It's a good thing that it wasn't serious. But… why do you keep averting your eyes?"

"P-Please don't mind it. T-There's a really personal reason for this."

She sounded pretty nervous while answering. And now even the state of her body was obviously tensed, and she just couldn't calm down. Maybe, she really was tailing Ikki because of some resentful reason and now she wouldn't look him in the eyes. Well, it was probably about time he asked that. First―

"If you're okay now, then I'd like to ask about a few things…. First of all could you tell us your name?"

"I-I'm Ayatsuji Ayase. A senior."

An upperclassman? That's a bit unexpected.

Maybe because she made that blunder when they first met. Or maybe because she simply couldn't calm herself down. He couldn't imagine her as someone older. But since she was older, he couldn't afford to back down or speak so unreservedly now. He changed to using honorifics, and asked the thing that bugged him the most.

"Then Ayatsuji-sempai, I'll repeat what I asked before: why was Sempai following me aro-… err… Sempai?"


"You're not just looking the other way, but your head is completely turned in the opposite direction… honestly, what's the matter?"

Before he even noticed, Ayase had turned towards the wall on the opposite side. Her neck was turned to its limit, he could tell by seeing the nape of her neck.

"D-Don't mind it. I-It's nothing."

"No, of course I'll mind it!? This is the first time in my life that someone I'm talking to is trying so hard not to meet my gaze!? What is it? Is there something on that wall over there?"

"I-I mean…. I-It's… embarrassing."

She said, with a voice so low that it could be mistaken for the buzzing of a mosquito.


"T-Talking with a boy I don't know, w-while looking eye to eye… that's too embarrassing."

Looking carefully, Ayase's face was completely dyed red to her ears, as if she was on fire.

"W-Why is Kurogane-kun able to talk face-to-face so easily with a girl he just met?"

"Eh… why? Even if you ask that, I think it's normal to look at the face of the person I'm talking to in a conversation."

"N-Normal…. I-Is that so…. Amazing…. That's impossible for me. Even though I know it's rude, I can't face straight when I am being looked at so fixedly…."

Ikki never thought that he would ever be complimented because of something like that.

Certainly, Ayase looked his way as if peeping several times, but as soon as she met Ikki's gaze, her eyes immediately escaped. Seemed like she herself was trying to look this way, but since she was so embarrassed, it didn't seem like she would be successful.

And that didn't seem like acting. It seemed like Ayase was a very shy sempai.

…This is troubling. If possible, I'd liked to talk face to face but….

If not, it'd be difficult to see through it if she lied. Ikki pondered on what to do.

"Well, if it's us girls then would that be all right?"

Suddenly, Stella and Shizuku stood imposingly before Ayase and spoke to her with a criticizing tone.

"I'll have you confess. Why was Sempai tailing Ikki? What's your objective?"

"T-That… That is…."

"Isn't it obvious why a girl would stalk a boy, or a boy would stalk a girl. She was obviously peeping at him with eyes filled with carnal desires."


"T-That's wrong! Honest!"

As expected, it seems like the reason Ayase was tailing Ikki was neither malice nor affection. Then, why in the world would she tail a repeating student like….


At that moment, Ikki noticed something on the palms of Ayase's hand, who was waving them rapidly while denying Stella and Shizuku. Calluses, a result of swinging a shinai several thousand, hundreds of thousands of time. Seeing that, Ikki immediately thought of a possibility.

…Those calluses, and the surname Ayatsuji… no way!

"Sempai. Could it be that Sempai is a relative of Ayatsuji Kaito-san?"

Being asked that, Ayase immediately widened her eyes open and turned towards Ikki.

"C-Certainly, Ayatsuji Kaito is my father… b-but, how could you tell?"

"The calluses on Sempai's palms. That's the hand of a swordsman. And besides, for you to be able to keep up with me and Stella's jogging, that wouldn't be possible unless you have a substantially trained body. And Sempai's surname was Ayatsuji… so just maybe, I thought. But who would've thought you really were his daughter, and that you study in the same school. That was quite the surprise."

Stella tilted her head, seeing the excited Ikki and wondered about what could be so exciting about that. And she asked Arisuin―

"Hey, who's Ayatsuji Kaito?"

"Who knows? I'm not familiar with that name."

"A non-Blazer who is also called 'the Last Samurai'."

Instead of Arisuin, Shizuku was the one who answered.

"Since most Blazers aren't interested in martial arts that much, it isn't a surprise that Alice doesn't know. But for people who've studied the sword even a little, there isn't even a single person who doesn't know of the name 'Ayatsuji Kaito'. He is that much of a master."

Heavenly Dragon's Contest― Tournament of the East and West― Musashi Cup― Tenth Dan Match―

He was a genius swordsman who participated and won in all the world-famous sword competitions. There was also a record of him suppressing several Blazer criminals in his prime, despite not being a Blazer himself.

"Normally, even a pistol wouldn't do much against a Blazer who is protected by magic. But before his sword, that handicap was nothing. He was probably the person who grieved over not being born a Blazer the most… but since he was so strong while not even being a Blazer, he seemed to have bought the resentment of the mage-knights, so his fame didn't reach so far into the world of knights."

"But Shizuku knows him."

"Because unlike most mage-knights, the Kurogane house knows the merits of martial arts."

Because she grew sick of the Kurogane house which chased away her beloved brother, she didn't follow through the path of the martial arts the Kurogane house took. But she still remembered about the Last Samurai. And there was no way that Ikki, who followed the path of the sword much more earnestly, didn't know the name of the great pioneer.

"When I was a kid, I watched the videos of Kaito-san's matches and decided to study swordsmanship. During middle school, I even went to the dojo to challenge him directly."

"Eh? Is that so…."

"However, I was refused you know. They said they didn't do unsanctioned matches like that. But I'm really happy, to be able to meet Kaito-san's daughter like this. Kaito-san, how is he doing? Is he well? I haven't been hearing about him lately, so I was wondering what had happened."

Ikki asked with an excited voice. But at that question, Ayase's expression clouded.

"…Actually, because of an injury during a match… he's currently hospitalized."

"Eh…. …I-I'm sorry. I asked something rude."

"N-No, you don't have to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. For someone amazing like Kurogane-kun to hold my father in such high regard, it makes me very happy. A-And this talk isn't unrelated to why I was following you around."

"What do you mean by that?"

"…After my father, who was also my mentor, became hospitalized, I've been training in the Ayatsuji single-blade style, but recently I seem to have fallen into a slump…."

She anguished over how to follow in the steps of her father, her mentor.

"But then, I heard rumors about Kurogane-kun, a first-year who used a strange sword technique. So I thought, if I consulted Kurogane-kun… I might figure something out but―"

At that point, Ayase's voice thinned out, and she averted her eyes from Ikki.

"But, other than my father and the students in the dojo, I haven't talked to any boys since I was a kid…. That… I was wondering how to approach you and…."

"Were you… were you following me around the whole week while thinking of how to talk to me?"

"As embarrassing as it may be…."

…Uwah, what a reserved person.

Almost like a rolled bun left on the table that grew moldy without anyone noticing. Other than Ikki, the three people behind them were speechless at her reason for stalking.

At that time, Ayase once again bowed to Ikki.

"…I-I'm really really sorry! I've been stalking you for so long. It can't be helped if you think of me as an unpleasant woman. B-But I swear not to approach you again…. S-So please don't call the police."

"No, it's not like I'm thinking about handing you to the police."

Rather, he felt quite attracted towards the strange swordswoman he met today. And moreover, she was the daughter of the Last Samurai. Just what kind of techniques did she use? He was extremely curious.

"Erm, Ayatsuji-sempai. If it's okay with you, would you please train with me after this?"


"We're both sword practitioners. Maybe we could counsel each other. And besides, I want to experience the sword of the Last Samurai first hand. Just seeing it has its limits."

"Is that really alright!?"

Ayase immediately jumped off the bed and grasped Ikki's hand with both of hers, and smiled like a blooming flower.

"Thank you very much!! I'm really happy!"

The confused pure eyes she had a moment ago now looked straight at Ikki. But she soon realized what she was doing, and immediately she separated and backed away about three meters.

"Ah, S-Sorry! F-For me to grab your hand like that, such rudeness…!"

"Ahaha, you don't have to be startled just because you grabbed my hand―"

After all, there were younger sisters out there who'd kiss their brother at their reunion, and princesses who would trespass into the bath wearing a bikini―

"Then shall we train together from now? The matches today are already over, so we have time until dinner."

"Yeah, I'll be in your care… and could you talk to me casually? Since I'll be the one learning, it will feel weird for the teacher to be the one using honorifics."

"That's, I'm not so amazing to be called a teacher you know."

"That's not true. A while ago Kurogane-kun said we could counsel each other, but honestly, I don't think there is a single thing I can teach Kurogane-kun. Thus the disciple here is actually me."

Ikki showed a bitter smile at that. It was as she said, even though Ikki could teach her stuff, there was nothing she could teach him in return. He could steal most of her techniques just by seeing them. More humility would just be sarcastic.

Confirming that, Ikki accepted Ayase's suggestion.

"…Okay, then I'll drop the honorifics. But in return, talk to me normally too. Calling me your teacher, that would put me in a tough situation."

"Yeah, please, I'll be in your care."

And thus, the stalker Ayatsuji Ayase became Ikki's disciple.

After school, Ikki went to the opening in the woods behind the campus in order to train. The place was shaded with tall trees grouped together, and there was less concrete so it was quite refreshing. It was the perfect place to train during the humid summer of Japan.

After performing the initial warm-up, he branded Intetsu and started swinging it. After tracing the form, he began image training, creating a shadow map in his head where enemies are around. Besides him, there was also Stella who was practicing with her Lævateinn. A little further away was Arisuin and Shizuku who were using a kind of unique clay to create shapes, a special form of magic training. During that time, there was almost no conversation between the four. Stella and Shizuku, who usually fawned over Ikki, were also very serious during this period. This was the scene where these four trained.

But since 3 days ago, another person had joined in. Of course, that person was none other than Ayatsuji Ayase.

"Fuh! Hah!"

Ayase vigorously swang her sword Hizume[4], a Japanese katana with a vivid blade, drawing an arc with it. Her face when she used the sword was completely different from the cowering expression she had in the infirmary the other day. With her mouth closed and eyes wide open, she looked only at Ikki with an extremely stern expression. As expected of a swordswoman, the moment she held her sword, all her fear towards men completely disappeared.

Right now, they were doing equal mock training with Ikki as her opponent, per his suggestion. Ikki would fight Ayase while limiting his power to her level, since he was the stronger one. He would only use techniques of her strength level.

And during this training, he would measure Ayase's strength as a swords practitioner.

As expected of the Last Samurai Ayatsuji Kaito's daughter, Ayase was very adept at the basics. She could even keep up with Ikki and Stella's jogging. She must have run for a long time. Ayase's body was perfected as a swordsman, so with any kind of form, shape, posture and body, there was no uneasiness in her muscles.

The training from the day before was also paying off. Her footwork, the vivid red that drew the arc, everything flowed perfectly together with no interruptions at all. It must have been a form engraved into her body after practicing it thousands of times.

But if one said that she couldn't handle anything but that form, then that was also wrong. During this practice, Ikki tried some seriously underhanded methods over and over again to try and break Ayase's form, but not only did Ayase deal with those attacks appropriately, she also did rapid counter-attacks.

Never forgetting the form, while not being too fixed on it. Ayase's level of skill in practical sword fights was unnaturally high. Ikki completely saw through the surface of Ayase, who boasted of hard work.

Through this, Ikki figured out why Ayase was in a slump.

"Ayase-san, let's stop for a minute."


Ayase parried Ikki's downward slashing sword and with that opening, she went to strike for his body. But the red blade of Hizume was tightly halted.

"What's the matter, Kurogane-kun? I'm still… I'm not… tired yet."

Ayase showed confusion at the sudden interruption. Her eyes didn't calm down, but she didn't avert her eyes and disappear like the first time. Well, it was natural that she would get a bit used to Ikki after three days.

"As I can see, the Ayatsuji single-blade style seems to be a sword style that emphasizes on counter-attacks."

"Eh, err, yeah. That's right. You could tell with only that much?"

"I didn't have a master you see, so I've only learned stuff by observing and stealing techniques from others. So as I was saying, now that I've seen your style, I kinda figured out what your problem is."

"I-Is that true!?"

"Yeah. Ayatsuji-san's been in a slump after you've started trying to follow your father's ways, right?"

Ayase nodded.

"Yes. I just can't seem to produce the same sharp movements like my father. Even though I've memorized all of his moves already."

"You shouldn't do that."


"Trying to mimic Kaito-san, that's the reason for your slump."

"…Are you saying that… my father who taught me how to use the sword was… incorrect?"

Instantly, Ikki saw an emotion in Ayase's burning eyes. It was anger. She was angry after being told that her teacher was the one who was the cause of the mistake.

She really seems to trust Kaito-san.

He was a bit jealous after seeing that she had a father she was so proud of. While keeping that small envy hidden inside, Ikki shook his head in reply to Ayase's bitter words.

"That's not it. Kaito-san was an excellent swordsman. I don't doubt that."

"…Then, why can't I mimic father's techniques?"

The reason was simple.

"It's because Ayatsuji-san's gender is different."

"Gender…? Does that matter?"

"Of course. Being a different gender means your body structure is also different. And having a different structure naturally means the muscle coordination is also dissimilar. Movements that bring out the best of a man's potential form are definitely not the same as the movements for a woman's potential form. The more you try to follow the opposite, the sooner the restrictions caused by it would surface."


At Ikki's careful explanation, the anger faded away from Ayase's eyes, and understanding replaced it. Ikki wasn't mocking her teacher. Rather, it was because her teacher excelled too much. Well, there were some unavoidable factors too. In the first place, swordsmanship was something created for men to use in ancient times.

"For the time being, I've thought of a method on how to reform Ayatsuji-san's movements. If Ayatsuji-san wants to continue her previous ways of following Kaito-san, then I won't forcefully reform them. Since I don't think that we should do it if you think like that either. Because one's mentality is a big factor too. However, if the movements are reformed through this technique, you won't be able to reclaim your previous movements afterwards."

Currently, Ayase was practicing a sword art that was tuned for men. So of course, her body recognized that it was impossible and it was constraining her power and speed in various ways. Following Ikki's method, she could smoothen her movements while discarding all the strain. But if a swordswoman with the skill level of Ayase experienced those smooth movements even once, she wouldn't be able to revert back to her previous state. It would follow that she would have some regrets when that happened.

That was why Ikki gave Ayase the choice whether or not to follow his guidance.


Ayase spent a considerable amount of time thinking it through. For a while, she was in a conflict. But it wasn't long until she made a resolute expression.

"Please teach me! I, I have to become stronger no matter what!"

She looked at Ikki's eyes without flinching, and requested for his cooperation. Of course, she was still conflicted, but she wished for strength nonetheless.

That's why Ikki had no reason to decline.

"I understand. Leave it to me."

Ikki gave a trustworthy smile, and touched Ayase's arms.

"Fuwahaa~! K-Kurogane-kun!?"

Suddenly being touched so tightly, Ayase's face went red and she let out a strange moan.

As for Ikki, he had a completely stern expression. That was obvious, because from now, he was going to adjust Ayase's sword style. If he messed up after having wicked thoughts or feeling awkward, then that mistake couldn't be reversed. The teacher couldn't be forgiven for mistakes. That's what Ikki thought. Ikki didn't have the luxury of feeling reserved.

"From now I am going to change Ayatsuji-san's form to the correct one. It might be embarrassing, but bear with it."

"Y-Yeah… I'll… try my best."

Even though her face was steaming red, she endured it and bit her lip.

Ikki, who didn't even drop a sweat while sparring with Ayase, was now sweating from his forehead. He was touching all over her body while having an expression so serious that it was scary. Seeing that, Ayase understood just how much Ikki was trying for her sake.

There's no way she wouldn't understand. So she couldn't be so selfish as to be feeling embarrassed. That why Ayase killed off her shyness, and entrusted her body to Ikki.

"I'll only adjust a little, so feel that change and concentrate to remember that location."

"R-Roger~ Nn~"

Ikki moved his hands as if he were touching glassware, and carefully adjusted Ayase's posture. Lowering the shoulders a little bit, he fastened her side. Next, he touched the healthy looking thighs coming out of her skirt. Finally touching the inner thighs, he opened up her posture a bit.

"Fu… ah, hyan~ uuu….~"

"The thing women benefit more from than men is the flexibility of their joints. Specially the hip joints. When they become pregnant, their pelvis widens. So their hip joints have to be that flexible. In other words, they have higher mobility in that area than men. This is the weapon of a woman. If Ayatsuji-san makes all your movements with the joints of your hip, then your actions will definitely speed up."

While lecturing her, Ikki stroked his fingers from her thighs to her knees as if he could read the flow of her muscles. From the shame of having her hips stroked by a man, Ayase's knees trembled. Ikki had the feeling he was doing something very rude to her, but without minding that and keeping his concentration fixed, he continued the work of minute details and finally….

"Yeah. This should do it."

After completing the job wherein a miss wouldn't be forgiven, he looked at Ayase.

…Ayase had an expression that made him think of an octopus.

"I was the one who did it but… are you alright?"


And she was half crying.

"Err… sorry. I should've stopped."

"N-Nooo! That's not true! In the first place I was the one who asked, Kurogane-kun shouldn't feel sorry!"

After wiping of her tears, Ayase smiled.

"…And besides, Kurogane-kun's hands, they were so big, and gentle, and strong…. Like father's, so I didn't hate it."

"Haha, who could've thought that these dirty hands would be helpful like this."

Ever since he was young, Ikki had been studying swordsmanship. So the skin of his hands were quite rough. Maybe because no matter how much the skin peeled, or calluses formed, he kept swinging his sword without rest. But even with that comment, his hands definitely couldn't be called beautiful. So he shook his head in denial.

"That's not true… I, that kind of hand, I think it's very cool. I love boys who drive straight forward."


Ikki became speechless at those unexpected words.


And after seeing Ikki's response, Ayase realized what she had just said and panicked.

"That, now! I didn't mean it in an indecent way! Only as a personality! That's it!"

"Y-Yeah! I get it. Don't panic so much or the posture will break!"

Ikki fixed the posture of the distressed Ayase. If it fell apart after all that work, that would be too unfortunate.

"Nn… but Kurogane-kun… this feels a bit tight."

"That's because the habits you've built in your body cannot be reformed right away. You have to practice and get used to it."

Saying that, Ikki took out Intetsu and stood before Ayase.

"From now onward, I'll slash at you with my sword just like before. I've changed the angle in your knees, elbows, and hip joints. Move based on these three points and try to parry my strike just like before and counter attack."


Ayase, who took out Hizume, had looked tense. Guessing that she was ready, Ikki brought down his sword with the exact same speed and angle as before.



Just like before, Ayase parried the strike diagonally, and with the opening, she countered. However, whether the actions really were the same… it could be confirmed just by seeing that the strike was definitely faster.

At that fact, more than anyone else, Ayase herself was at a loss for words. As if she couldn't believe her own movements, she looked at the Hizume she grasped in her hands with terror, and then at Ikki.

Whew. Seems like it was a success.

Ikki was relieved that his corrections were right on spot.

Until now, Ayase had used her upper body-she put strength in her arms to block the strikes.

But that was an error. If it was a male, then he could follow up smoothly after that action, but with a female's physique, putting strength in her arms would not be enough, and after that it would just break her stance. As a result, the body would only stiffen, and the reaction would also be slower.

But after Ikki's corrections, she now received the attack by relying on her lower body. A female's tender thigh joints were suitable to absorb the shock. She could block most of the attacks just by putting strength on her legs. And since there wouldn't be strain on her body, she could react to the next attack timely.

That was the mechanism that resulted in a sharp adjustment to Ayase's fighting.

"A-awesome… awesome awesome! This is awesome Kurogane-kun!!"

Perhaps she had finally grasped the changes to her body. She made a bright smile and grabbed Ikki's hands firmly while waving them around like crazy.

"To be able to solve the problem I've been troubled with for two years so easily! Kurogane-kun's almost like that right!? A PhD in swordsmanship, right!"

"I'm also relieved to find out that I'm not mistaken."

Not too happy about such a shady degree though.

Other than Shizuku, for people who come to the lecture during the lunch break, he could not guide them so directly like this. For Ikki, this was the first time he had taught someone directly. But, after seeing Ayase who was skipping in total delight while her body screamed ‘I did it! I did it!' with all her might, despite being tense he was glad he did it.


Honestly, he was more tense than when he was in a match. It was also around ten times wearier, but it paid off.


Maybe this kind of job wasn't so bad after all.


"…Erm, Stella."

"What is it, Dr. Swordsmanship?"

"For a while, an amazing amount of wind pressure has been blasting this way, but…"

Ikki turned sideways and looked at the origin of the wind pressure that was hitting his face for a while. There, he saw a Stella swinging around Lævateinn with a pouting face so grand that it was amazing.

"Oh, sorry about that. After seeing a pervert who was brushing a girl's thighs in the name of training, I got a bit too irritated. Thanks to that, seems like my swordsmanship is all messed up. Since it's come to this, would you be kind enough to fix that for me now?"

"O, O-Okay."

Ikki was overwhelmed by Stella's force which wouldn't allow him to refuse, so he nodded.

….But I really don't want to mess with Stella's sword.

After all, Stella's sword was 'a sword of the strong' meant for mowing down her enemies. Compared to Ikki's 'sword of the weak' which was for outsmarting the enemy, it was fundamentally different. He didn't feel like there would be any results even if he tried to help. But if he didn't comply here, her irritation would only grow and grow, causing a period of incessant pouting.

Without any choice, but without extracting his hands, he observed Stella's swings.


At first glance it might look like her swings were totally messed up, but looking carefully he could see that from her toes, to her knees and hips, her movements were completely synchronized. There weren't any useless actions at all. Stella had probably intended to mess up those swings, but because of her superhuman perception of motion, she subconsciously corrected the movements of her joints and muscles and created the most suitable form where the least energy is wasted. This was truly strength deserving of pride.

To be able to find faults with such perfect swordsmanship, was impossible for Ikki.

"As expected of Stella. Someone like me can't possibly find a fault in you."


"Uwah! Why're you getting mad even though I praised you!?"


Ikki's demon-like perception for swords and swordsmanship were of no use in examining the heart of a maiden.

Well, that could not be helped. His brain was filled with only pure thoughts for battles.

"What's with him!! Only looking at that sempai!"

After going crazy and chasing Ikki around for a while, Stella sat down on the bench in front of the lounge beside the plaza. Shizuku, who was conducting magic training on the next bench, looked at Stella, who was obviously fuming.

"Maybe he didn't want to touch the princess's faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat thighs."

"I-It's not so fat that you had to drag it out that much! It's only a bit chubby! And it's not like I can help it, it was trained that way!!"

Stella protested that sudden and totally unexpected evaluation with a high-pitched voice, but Shizuku averted her face with an ‘I don't know anything' expression and made an action figure out of clay that looked just like Ikki.

"I mean, it totally looks like Ikki. Like Ikki. Cool! I want one!"

"Now now, you don't have to get so nervous. Unlike Ayatsuji-sempai, Stella-chan is on a completely different level. I don't think there is anything he could instruct you on."


Arisuin's follow up was spot on, and Stella's brain was also in agreement. In reality, Stella did not need Ikki's guidance at all.

―But that was that, and this is this.

…Maybe my heart is the narrower one.

If her arms and thighs were also squished and stroked by another man, would Ikki also feel the same way?

Wait! What the hell kind of rotten thing am I thinking! That's definitely wrong! T-That! Squishing and stroking! That's only for Ikki! I'll only allow Ikki to squish and stroke me!

It was disgusting just to think about it. Stella kicked out that delusion from her mind, and asked Shizuku.

"Hey… is Shizuku okay with this?"

"Okay? What do you mean?"

"I mean…. Ikki touching and stroking another woman all over the place."

"I was wondering what you'd ask. Onii-sama is teaching Ayatsuji-sempai swordsmanship. Unlike some other sow, she's not trying to seduce him, so is there a reason to snarl at her? I'm not a rabid dog you know."

While answering that, Shizuku started to paint the Ikki action figure with the acrylic paint she had brought out of her bag. This was already art so training had nothing to do with it.

"And which mouth was the one who snarled at me so much?"

"This mouth."

Shizuku pointed at her mouth with her two index fingers. Truly an irritable face.

"Stella-san, you seem to have misunderstood something."

"What are you talking about?"

"You seem to have thought that I want to monopolize Onii-sama, but that is a regrettable misunderstanding. My love for Onii-sama isn't something so cheap and selfish. To me, the thing that matters most is Onii-sama's happiness. If Onii-sama becomes happy, then I don't mind if his partner isn't me. If that person truly brings Onii-sama happiness without betraying him or making him feel sad, then I'd be glad and bless them."

This confession was something completely unexpected to Stella, because she thought that Shizuku loved Ikki as a woman.

"Well, I don't think there is a person other than me who could do that anyway."

Saying that, Shizuku smiled at Stella provokingly, and then looked towards the square where Ikki and Ayase had again started to spar.

"Onii-sama seems so happy after Ayatsuji-sempai came. The other students and I aren't strong enough to learn solid sword techniques while Stella-san is too strong for Onii-sama to teach anything, so maybe he was feeling a bit unsatisfied. The Onii-sama who is having fun guiding others is also very cute and fabulous. So I guess I should actually be thankful to Ayatsuji-sempai."

"…Shizuku sometimes seems so mature. Even though you're so small."

"Maybe you're the one who's too much of a child, even though you're big in so many places. And your thighs are too fat."

"They're not fat! You're the one who's too tiny!"

It's enough if Ikki's happy.

Certainly, if Ikki was happy, then that was happiness for Stella too. But still, she can't help but think that she wanted to be the one to make Ikki the happiest.

…But in reality, it was not going too well. After they became lovers, she would become tense just by being near him. And they hadn't done anything lover-like at all. Specially the nights they spent together alone; those were severe. Just by meeting his gaze, her spine would go numb, and she would be unable to even see properly.

Was Ikki restraining himself too? He would never break their personal boundaries.

For Stella, she actually didn't hate that slow going time too much. Even though she'd feel kind of itchy and embarrassed, her heart would beat faster just by being near him. But she had that strong desire to take the next step as lovers.

She also heard that girls who make boys wait were soon hated. 「In the past month, we haven't done anything like lovers at all have we? Then wouldn't it be okay if we returned to our previous relationship?」

…No, definitely NO!

She would cry just by imagining such a thing. If that really happened, then she would never be able to bear it.

But, this kind of thing, should the girl be the one who makes the first move? What if she was thought to be indecent, or if she was hated? No matter how she thought, the wild delusions would come up again. She just couldn't figure it out.

And the worst thing was that even if Ikki made the first move, she wasn't confident that she would obediently comply. She understood her perverseness the best. She was sure, that she'd give excuses like how a princess should act, or what a princess shouldn't do.


Even though it was so easy to fly at an opponent with her sword, why was it so hard to dive into her lover's chest? The couples around the world, her mother and father, why could they do it so easily? They have way too much courage.

While thinking something so hopeless, Stella looked up towards the sky which was dyed in a mad red and thought―

Haa… I really want to kiss him….

It was the millionth helpless sigh that she had let out in that one month alone.

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