Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan

Chapter 9: Volume 2 - CH 2

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"Let's go to the pool tomorrow."

After getting his tenth consecutive victory at the selection matches, Ikki had said that to Ayase. It wasn't like he had the intention of playing around. While Ayase might not have realized it, because of the training she was having with Ikki every day, her body was stressed all over, especially because of her posture. It was corrected just a few days ago and she was not used to it yet… In other words, she had to repeatedly use various muscles she hadn't used before.

That was why today was going to be a rest day. And in order to make the best of it, Ikki had prepared the perfect menu. He was going to the pool for that very reason.

Besides Ikki who was waiting for Ayase that morning, Stella, who wore a white one piece dress reminiscent of a frigid early summer, was also there.

"Of course I'd come. If I took my eyes off you, you might sexually harass Sempai again."

"But I didn't sexually harass her."

"Lies. On the contrary, you did it just the other day. Who'd normally go and touch a girl's inner thigh?"

"I only did that to correct Sempai's posture. It was a critical action which if I by any chance messed up… well, I absolutely didn't have any free time to think about anything frivolous."

Stella's mood had turned for the worse over these few days. Naturally, Ikki knew the reason for it. It was because he was only paying attention to Ayase these few days… That's probably what she thought. Well, it couldn't be helped. If Stella, Ikki's girlfriend, was going around flirting with other guys, naturally that wouldn't feel very good to him. That's why he understood how Stella felt. But still―

"Hey Stella, I haven't looked at Ayatsuji-sempai pervertedly even once, believe me. I'm only helping Sempai out a bit as a fellow swordsman. That's all there is… there isn't anyone who doesn't need the help of others from time to time."

Ikki hadn't even been helped once like this. The adults who should've helped him all ganged up on him like enemies. That's why, if he ever saw someone who was in need of help and couldn't solve their own troubles, he strongly desired to help them. He would help them climb the wall they couldn't climb alone because he knew how hard it was to climb it alone.

"That's the reason I am giving Ayatsuji-sempai a helping hand, and it's definitely not because of something like love. I swear! I mean… the one I love… is you, Stella."


With her cheeks dyed red, Stella looked up at Ikki. There was a tint of unease dwelling in her scarlet-colored eyes, which was to be expected. Yes, Stella had already known that. Ikki didn't have any feelings towards Ayase that should make Stella worry. The man she loved wasn't as petty as that. But still… she couldn't help but feel insecure. It was because the only thing that tied that was a verbal promise. They hadn't done anything to show their love but that…

Stella's lips glossily moved as if desiring something. Those pink lips, it seems like she called his name. Ah! That's right, if he could right now prove that his words that night weren't just some random talk, she should have much more trust in him.


Ikki drew near Stella's lips like a bee desiring honey from a flower.

"Sorry for the wait! I couldn't find my swimsuit so I had to search for it!"


"What's wrong? You're screaming like a couple who had their love affair found out on the spot."

Uwah! Dead on!?

The both of them sweated like crazy in front of Ayase.

"I-I-It's nothing! Right, Ikki?"

"Yeah! We were just surprised because you called out so suddenly!"


She tilted her head. She didn't look convinced. That's why Ikki dragged the two and left in a hurry in order to change the place.

That was dangerous. Because of Stella's position, their relationship would be an international scandal. He had to be more careful when he created that steamy mood next time.

…But that was indeed regrettable. Other than that one night, this was the only time such a mood was created naturally. If Ayase was just a bit later, they could have progressed to the next step. Ikki realized that he had just missed an extremely rare chance, and sighed inwardly.

Within the gigantic campus of Hagun Academy, there would naturally be swimming pools. More specifically, two 100-meter pools in length. But that day, the first pool was undergoing routine cleaning and the second was being used by Shinguuji Kurono, the former third rank in the King of Knights world and the new director of Hagun Academy, for special training. That was why the three went to the sports gym situated near the academy. They were going to use the indoor pool.

Boys took less time changing than girls. That was why, after changing into standard black and red trunks, Ikki waited outside for the girls. After a few minutes, he saw Stella and Ayase coming out while wearing their respective swimsuits.

Ayase, being overly serious and overly shy, wore a sports type swimsuit that could handle light fitness. But since she had a stylishly fit figure which she had trained since childhood, that swimsuit looked charming on her in its own way, despite not having much color.

But… the one who was really conspicuous was Stella. She wore a different swimsuit than when she barged in Ikki's bathroom, a black-laced bikini. Compared to Ayase's, her bikini obviously exposed way too much skin, and when she walked, those voluptuous, white, peach-like breasts of hers conspicuously bounced rapidly.

And it wasn't only just her breasts; her hips had enough sexiness to make a zombie gulp. A glamorous hip that leaped up with a *tsun*, something you wouldn't see much among the Japanese. From there, a beautiful leg line extended which was too dazzling to look straight at. Even though she had so much physical strength, how in the world could she maintain such a soft and alluring body? Even with Ikki's dynamic vision, this was a mystery to him. And a deep one at that. He could find nothing but darkness while trying to analyze.

And finally, the most fascinating thing about her was….the way she walked. Probably because she was trained as royalty, Stella's attitude when walking was truly beautiful, like a model featured by the Paris Collection.

Yeah… Stella was so pretty. Without noticing, Ikki let out a sigh. Not only him, every customer resting by the poolside, and even the ones swimming on the course had their eyes glued to the foreign beauty that just made her entry.

Stella showed her face in the media from time to time, so maybe a few of them knew her. So while having all the gazes concentrated on her, Stella―

"Sorry for the wait. Boys really do change too fast."

She spoke to Ikki. Instantly, Ikki felt a wave of killing intent, as if he was being pierced by invisible arrows.

"Huh! Hey hey hey, what!? Those two beauties are with that dude!?"

"Impossible…. A cute girl like her with a weak looking guy like him…!?"

"Hey hey! D'you really think the country will forgive you if the balance of a couple is so damn ridiculous?"

"I'll freaking kill the bastard!"

I might die an unfortunate death by drowning today.

While Ikki was sweating cold sweat, Stella was surveying the whole pool with a curious expression. Since they were living together, he might have lost sight of it, but Stella was, in fact, a princess. This might have been the first time she had come to a commoner's pool.

The pool was only 50 meters long, smaller than the ones at campus. It was divided into two parts, one for the course and one for public. Since it was only June, there weren't many customers yet.

"It's quite big."

"Vermillion-san is a princess right? Then there's a pool in your home too, right?"

"Nope. But if it's our bath then it's about this wide."

"Wow! Amazing! That's just like a celebrity!"

"Well actually that one's for our servants to use. The one for us royalty is a little smaller. I mean, it's lonely if there are too little people and the bath's too big."

Now that Ikki recalled, Stella's style of living wasn't really that different from a normal person's. Well, other than the fact that she was surprised by instant coffee. The Vermillion Empire wasn't that big of a country. Maybe the royalty there lived quite the humble life.

"But still, I'm relieved. I was worried about what I would have to do if I had difficulties with the rumored Japanese rudeness, but since there aren't too many people I'm not worried anymore."

"Well, that's because it isn't really the season for pools and all."

"Then we can have fun playing without worrying too much right!?"

Saying that, Stella brought out a beach ball with an excited expression.

"No. We didn't come here to play you know."

"Eeh! Then why the heck did you come to the pool?"

"Why did Stella come?"

"U-ooh! And after I went through all that trouble to bring it…"

"…'Kay. We'll play after we finish training. But no balls for now."

"Guess I don't have a choice…. But you absolutely have to play with me later!"

Stella passed the ball over to Ikki. It seems like she really did come to play today. Strange. He had already told Stella that they were coming to train today.

"By the way Kurogane-kun, what kind of training are we doing today? Swimming?"

At Ayase's question, Ikki shook his head.

"No, well, we've been talking about training this and training that for a while, but today we're not going to something so heavy as to be called that. Your body's almost at its limit too, right?"

"Then what will we do?"

"Frankly speaking, we aren't going to do anything."


"You're going to float and drift through the pool like a jellyfish."

"I-Is that going to be of any use?"

"It will."

Ikki guaranteed it.

"Firstly, it'll raise your lung capacity. In a sudden fight, this is very important. This will do for anaerobic training. That's because the one with the least lung capacity will make the sound first and lose. For us swordsmen, this is something just as important as physical exercise and strength…. Well, for today, this is just an extra benefit."

There was actually a deeper meaning behind this training.

"I think you'll understand after going through it once, but when you're underwater, you will feel much closer to yourself."


Ayase probably didn't understand what Ikki meant. She tilted her head, which was a bit cute for her.

"When you're underwater, you won't be using your strength to stand up, nor will you be concentrating to understand what you see. Simply turn all your consciousness to yourself, and try to hear your own echo."

"…I don't quite get it but… I'll give it a try."

She didn't quite understand why Ikki was making her do this, but she didn't have any reason to doubt him. Following his words without complain, she held her breath and submerged her body underwater. If it was someone proficient like Ayase-san, then she should be able to understand its meaning with just one try. Ayase could probably hold for three minutes like that underwater.

"Then I guess I should go put this ball back in the locker. It will be bothersome to leave it here anyways."

With that, Ikki put away the ball Stella had brought.

After Ikki left, it started to become boring for Stella.

It was not like she had any bad blood with Ayase. It was that she didn't really understand much about Ayase and her swordsmanship, so there wasn't anything to talk about. Moreover, she didn't want to disturb her training with useless chatter.


Because she had time, she had also tried to do that training Ikki mentioned. She had held her breath, and had entrusted her body to the water.

It wasn't painful. Stella's lung capacity actually surpassed that of even Ikki's. If she tried, she could even stay underwater for 10 minutes. She was already on a superhuman level.

…It's so quiet.

It wasn't as if there weren't any people at all. There were other customers who were swimming, and the merry voices of the children echoed around. But underwater, there was nothing, When she looked up, the surface of the water felt far… as if the world itself was in a faraway place.

On the other hand… she could hear her own pulse. The sound of her pulse that she couldn't hear outside because of all the noise and racket, the flow of her blood, her neural tracts; she could grasp all these much clearer now that she had shut out the random thoughts and noises.

「When you're underwater, you will feel much closer to yourself.」

This was what Ikki had meant. And for a knight as strong as Stella, she could understand this even without him saying it. To be able to understand this sensation, being able to feel your consciousness pass.

For example, the action of swinging a sword. That would be a combination of swinging the hand that was holding the sword, connecting the movements with the fingers, signals in the neural tracts, the expending of physical strength, swinging the sword is the same of ‘willing' all of these. In other words, this could make a huge difference. If she couldn't control these minutes… no, nano-seconds worth of details and actions of her body, then she wouldn't be able to use them in real battles.

But Ayase couldn't do it. If she could, then she wouldn't have forcefully tried to use that artificial form in the first place. That was obvious. She would have realized where the stress was born from, and where the loss occurred. Before, the reason why her condition got better was because Ikki had corrected her form. However, the condition of one's body changes every day. When that happens, the only thing that can be done is to assimilate with that properly. When one is able to do that, only then can they reach their true potential.

For that reason, this training was certainly productive for Ayase. But for Stella, it was unnecessary, because she was at a level where all of that would be done automatically by her subconscious. That's the reason why all her swings were adjusted to the very best possible form the other day, even though she was purposely trying to mess up.

But… I'm still too naïve.

Splashing onto the surface, Stella muttered.

Until now, Stella had been training herself more earnestly and sternly than anyone. She thought that she had pushed herself to the limit. But that was not true. Ikki's Ittou Shura, that was the absolute limit. She had not yet reached that place. Bringing out her all, and using it up within one minute, that was impossible for her. And that's exactly why she lost to Ikki in technique. Stella had better lung capacity than Ikki, of course, her strength, mana, firepower; everything was far above Ikki's. But she was still pushed back and beaten. Because their way of living was also different. Even though Ikki was now standing on the earth, he was in a place even deeper than the water where Stella was, a deep dark sea where even the light could not reach.

And that was Ikki's world…. If she could reach that place, then she might be able to see something she has yet to discover.

Stella closed her eyes slowly. She was submerged underwater and all light vanished. Only the burning fire within her remained. Only she was there. She was within the darkness and the silence, on the receiving end of the vision of herself. But that was not even near the end of it, that depth was far from enough. Deeper…. Even deeper…, towards the great depths of consciousness where the 'Crownless Sword King' resided.

"By the way, is Vermillion-san dating Kurogane-kun?"

"Guehghgh. *Cough*Cough*"

Stella drowned.

"It hurthsh, it hurts, my nose, it went *tsun*…*cough*cough*!"

While pressing down her nose, Stella cursed her incompetence. Even though she dived so deep in her consciousness, she could still hear voices. That was enough proof that her training wasn't nearly enough.

Ikki could block his sense of sight and hearing with his sheer will.

Rather, if she could control herself to that extent, Ittou Shura would just be a joke. Once again, Stella realized how far the place she was aiming for was.

"S-Sorry Vermillion-san. Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah. I'm alright…."

"But that exaggerated reaction… as I thought…."

"T-That's! N-N-No that's not it! The second imperial princess of the Vermillion Empire dating that commoner! That's impossible…!"

"You're really not going out?"

"Of course not!"

"Then you wouldn't mind even if I deepen my friendship with Kurogane-kun?"

"Come again?"

Her reply automatically turned into a question.

"W-W-Wait a goddamn minute! Didn't Sempai say that you only wanted him to teach you swordsmanship!? And that there weren't any mushy feelings!?"

"That was in the beginning. But hey, you know how Kurogane-kun is like a warrior, somewhat cool. He even listened to the request of a stalker like me…. Even though he's younger, he's like an adult, right? He's also very kind when giving lessons, oh, and precise too. For me, he's like the ideal man. And recently, I've gotten used to talking to him. If he's single, maybe I should tell him that I lo―"


Stella screamed unconsciously and interrupted Ayase's proclamation.

"No! No! Neveeeeeeer!!! Ikki's my boyfriend! So nooo!!!"

She waved her hands around in the water like a kid throwing a tantrum. She didn't want to hear someone other than herself say they ‘loved' Ikki. That's why, with eyes moist with tears, she drowned out Ayase's words with the ruckus and glared at her.

"As I thought…."

Seeing Ayase grinning with an amused expression, Stella finally realized that she had been tricked.

I-I messed up big time!

"I had a hunch that the mood at the appointment place was a little too lovey-dovey, but for it to be actually true…!"

"Ugh… uuu… Sempai, using such underhanded methods. I thought you were supposed to be more stupid."

"Vermillion-san, that was quite rude."

"Saying that after tricking me that way… you're definitely going to have to keep this a secret! It this gets out then it's going to be a nightmare."

"I know, because Vermillion-san is famous."

"…But, that stuff before… was it all a joke?"

Ayase nodded without indecision.

"I truly think he is wonderful as a man, but I definitely don't see Kurogane-kun like that. That would be a great betrayal towards Kurogane-kun who is teaching me the sword with such devotion. I had a hunch but…. Ahh! I'm jealous! I want to fall in love too~"

Ayase touched her blushing cheeks with a *pon* and her eyes glittered, as if she were a maiden having a dream. Stella found it quite unexpected to see her like that.

"I thought Sempai hated boys."

"That's a horrible misunderstanding. I love boys."

"Sempai. You shouldn't say stuff like that in a place like this. Just now, about six people had some light reaction."

"Anyway, I don't hate boys. Rather, I'm just too conscious of them all. That's why I get embarrassed. My roommate says that I seem gloomy."

This is the first time I've seen a person who said that without hesitation.

"Ahh~ But that's so lovely. I wanna fall in love too…"

"Then why don't you?"

"I-Impossible! Definitely impossible. If a virgin like me dates a boy… ahh! It's so embarrassing I'll die just thinking about it. So I just have to be satisfied with manga and light novels."

"What an awkward inclination."

"By the way, do you guys do naughty things when you're alone?"


Stella choked at that sudden fastball.

"W-W-What the hell are you asking so suddenly!"

"I really want to know how it feels like to be a real couple!"

The image of Ayase with her insanely sparkling eyes overlapped with the image of one of those media girls. Stella's image of Ayase being a stiff kendo girl shattered with a clattering noise. The girl in front of her was no different from any other girl, a monster with an interest for sensual love affairs.

"We haven't done it. Moreover, I haven't even registered in his family so that's way too soon."

"Is that so? In mangas for girls they do naughty stuff all the time without all that marriage registering and stuff, so I thought…"

"Yeah, that's right!? Speaking generally, isn't negotiating marriage before doing that obvious!?"

Stella was right to the point of being sad.

"But from the way you're saying it, you really want to do this and that with Kurogane-kun, right?"

S-She's really a person who just pushes right in. But, now after she's already gone through all that, there was no point of hiding it. Her unease might also lessen through talking about it. That's why, even while being deeply submerged in water, Stella expressed her inner desires.

"T-That's, I wouldn't go that far as to say that much but… I'd like us to be little more like real lovers, and do the things real lovers do…"

"Then why don't you just go with that feeling?"

"…If I could do that, then I wouldn't be suffering so much."


"I mean…, for a girl to suggest that, it's indecent."

"Is that so? But I thought wanting to flirt or do naughty things with your lover was natural. On the contrary, wouldn't it be unnatural if you didn't?"


Now that she thought about it that was exactly right. It was only natural for one to have desires about tying a deeper bond with one's lover. And it was the same thing for both men and women.

"But still, I think we should maintain the pace… and if I become too pushy, he might think that I'm a lewd girl, or hate me…."

"Well let's just say that there is such a pace, and Vermillion-san tries to break it by being pushy, but would Kurogane-kun be so cold-hearted as to hate you just because of that?"

"H-He won't!"

"Then what's the problem?"

"T-That's… huh?"

It was just as she said. There was no reason to object. Why didn't she realize this sooner? Stella tilted her head while looking at Ayase. Could this be? That ‘blindness of love' thingy?

"I think it's more appropriate not to waste the time you get to spend with the person you love. We humans are beings with ‘life', so no matter what, there will be a time when we have to part ways."

Ayase, with a drifting, adult-like gaze, spoke.

"…Just now… Sempai acted like an actual senior for the first time."

"By the way, and this is just my guess, but I think Kurogane-kun also wants to do naughty stuff with Vermillion-san."

"Why's that?"

"Vermillion-san was observing the pool when she entered so she might not have noticed it, but when you came in wearing that bikini, Kurogane-kun was staring at Vermillion-san with those super perverted eyes. His gaze felt so indecent, it was funny to watch."


God…. That was a mistake Stella would regret for her entire life. She should have noticed it. She grieved over the fact that she didn't notice it.

As Stella was being eaten by that lumpy disappointed feeling―

"Huh? Ayase-san already reached her limit?"

Ikki, who had gone to put away the beach ball, returned.

"No. I was just talking to Vermillion-san a bit."

"Is that so. Oh, how was it? That feeling of pressing your consciousness against yourself?"

"Yeah, I've understood the meaning of this training. So I'll try a bit more. Is it okay if I go try over there? I need some space by myself."

"I don't mind."

"Also, it seems like Vermillion-san has something important to discuss with Kurogane-kun."


Stella raised a squeak that seemed like a scream at that sudden announcement. But as for Ayase, winking as if to say ‘It's my apology for monopolizing Vermillion-san's boyfriend the last few days♪', she quickly and discreetly distanced herself from the pair.

"I don't need that kind of apology!!!"

After Ayase left, Ikki and Stella sat down on a bench near the poolside.

"So, what's this important thing you need to talk about?"


Stella wasn't able to reply so readily. Well, it couldn't be helped. Even though she was coaxed by Ayase's theory a while ago, when it came to it these kind of problems weren't a theoretical matter.

Why did she think that if she said ‘I want to do more lover-like things with you', Ikki would hate her? Why didn't she realize that Ikki wouldn't hate her over something like that? Stella immediately understood the reason for her lack of action after seeing Ikki's face.

Basically, she was embarrassed.

That was why she pretended not to realize it, making up an excuse and putting the matter on hold. Or maybe, she was thinking, maybe Ikki will be the first one to make a move? Something egocentric like that. But even so, for her to go and say ‘Kiss me' to Ikki just like that…

There's no way I can do something so embarrassing!


"Ah, S-Sorry! Important talk right? Erm…."

But as long as her escape route was blocked by Ayase, she had to say something….

"A-Ah, M-My swimsuit! The bikini I'm wearing today, how is it…!?"

"Of course, it looks good on you. You have a great fashion sense, and that kind of bikini really suits you."

Ikki smoothly replied to the question Stella made up on the spot with his usual kind expression.

But for some reason, that bothered Stella. Ayase had said that when he saw her bikini before, he had a really indecent expression. So why could he reply so calmly now? For some reason, it all looked like a façade.

"…Actually, I also have something important to talk about."

"Ikki too?"

This is unexpected. What could it be?

Maybe he wanted an impression on his swimwear too. Then how would she answer? For Stella, Ikki was always the coolest no matter what he wore, but putting that into words wasn't something she could easily do-

"Us… erm…. Our relationship, is it really alright like this?"


"I've been thinking about this for a while, but we haven't done anything couple-like this whole month, it's been bothering me…."

Stella felt that the body temperature around her chest area dropped five times upon the words that came out of Ikki's mouth.

「We haven't done anything couple-like this whole month.」

Those were the words Stella feared. The line she was afraid to even think about. But right now, her boyfriend had said it. At the same time, the coldness that came with understanding enlightened her.

As I thought… Ikki isn't satisfied with our current relationship.

But he still endured. For a whole month.

He lost interest… in me.

Thinking back now, that was obvious. Ikki had Shizuku. He also had a beautiful disciple, who was older than him. There were also other girls like Kusakabe and the cute girls in their class. Around Ikki, there were many girls who cherished him. There shouldn't be a reason for him to care about a selfish girl like her, who wouldn't let him touch her for so long.

"…So, I wanted to talk about us."


She understood what he wanted to say―that it would be better to return to their previous relationship.

She didn't want to hear that. She no longer had the will to talk with Ikki. She wouldn't be able to bear it if he continued.

So Stella―

"I-I know right! Actually I wanted to talk about that and not my swimsuit!"

Turning her back towards Ikki, her voice continued to leak.

"I-It was obvious right, this was impossible to begin with! For royalty and a commoner to be lovers! The status is too different! Even Ikki, you like girls like Sempai who let you touch their thighs and bottoms, right! Rather than a girl like me, who doesn't let you do that!"

"H-Huh? W-Wait a minute Stella! What in the world are you saying!?"

"W-What do you mean what! Break up, it's about breaking up right!? You don't need a girl who doesn't let you do that as a lover right!?"


Ikki opened his eyes wide in surprise at her sudden outburst. For him, he had absolutely no idea what nonsense Stella was spouting.

"T-That's not it Stella! Just calm down and let's talk it through!"

Ikki said with a deathly pale face, and touched Stella's shoulders. He did that to try and calm Stella down but―

"Don't touch me!"

Stella shoved away his hand with a real meaning of refusal. At that moment, he saw something glitter between the surging red hairs.

Is Stella crying?

For now, Ikki had to know why she wanted to break up. If he flared up now, then it would all be over―that was what forced him to listen. But―

"If I did something to make Stella hate me then please tell me and I'll apologize. I beg you."

"…Ikki's the one who hates me."

"That's not true! Why'd you think that! I've never said anything like that!"

"I know even if you don't say it!"

"No, you don't understand at all! Please calm down!"

"I'm calm! *Hic*"

"No you're not! Why are you saying I hate you! For you to say that, aren't you the one who hates me!"

Ikki was just as confused because of the strange situation. His beloved Stella was trying to break up with him, so it couldn't have been helped. He loved Stella, and that was why he failed to stay calm. And his voice became rough, so it seemed as if he was shouting.

"T-That's not true! I love Ikki!"

"No, I'm the one who loves you!"

"Lies! I absolutely absolutely super love Ikki! When I asked you about my swimsuit, you were just talking about my outward appearance! You don't care about me at all do you!? Since I haven't let you touch me! That indecent gaze Sempai saw, it's obvious that it was you looking at Sempai's swimsuit!"

"What! That's rude! If you don't cut it out, even I'll get mad!?"

"Aren't you already mad, you idiot!"

"Because Stella keeps making false accusations! When the girl I love looks so fascinating and alluring, how the hell can I be charmed by another woman!?"

"Then why were you so calm and reserved when I asked you about my bikini!"

"Certainly, I was reserved when you asked that. But… but… there's no way I can just go ahead and tell the truth! That I was so aroused and my heart was thumping so bad, that I couldn't take my eyes off you! What if you think of me as a pervert, what if you come to hate me! And you too, even though you said you loved me, you didn't even hold my hand this past month!"

"I was the same as Ikki! There's no way a girl can say lewd stuff so straightforwardly! What if you thought I was a depraved woman and became disappointed!"

"Then why the hell are we fighting like this―!!!"

"I don't know, I don't understand anything―!!!"

Both of them kept shouting without realizing that there were people around them.


At the same time, they realized that their tiff had turned into something stupid.

"A-Ah, excuse me, dear guests. There are also other guests here so if you don't mind, could you please take your lover's quarrel… or flirting, I'm not quite sure which, somewhere else where there aren't as many people?"


They were being watched by all the bystanders, and they blushed red till the tip of their ears in an instant. As they looked around, they could see all the gazes on them, as if they were being watched by some inquisitive and curious animals.


"Please excuse us-!"

They both dashed for the children's pool beside the 50 meter one, as if running from the paparazzi.

There wasn't anyone there besides Ikki and Stella. Even the children weren't there, since it was not the pool season. They entered an umbrella shaped fountain in the heart of the pool. The flowing water there acted like a curtain so the interior couldn't be seen from the outside, and the sound of water drowned out their voices.

Only they knew what would happen there. It was an isolated place, and that's why…

"Ikki, please don't look this way now…."

"Okay. I don't want my face to be seen now either, so it's alright…."

For some reason, they felt excessively uneasy. It was good that they ran away together and all, but now that they realized their exchange earlier was just plain stupid, it was hard to look at each other.


"Hey… Stella."


"…Both of us together, shall we say what we want to do most right now?"


Certainly, it had been an idiotic quarrel, but it was not meaningless.

""I want to kiss.""

Because they realized that the person they loved also desired them so much. For a moment, they were both surprised a little, but they looked at each other. It wasn't embarrassing anymore, and they didn't avert their eyes.

Ikki's eyes reflected the upward glancing Stella, who slowly closed her eyes. There was still a tear drop at the end of her eyelashes. Ikki gently brushed it off, and with that hand he touched Stella's soft cheeks.


And Stella's body firmed. Her soft cheeks and her long eye lashes dyed with a bit of unease. But she didn't turn away. She entrusted herself to Ikki. And that made him so happy, and he felt so loved….

Within the curtain and splashing sounds of water, Ikki's lips pressed against Stella's. Pressed… that wasn't quite correct, it was only at the level where they brushed against each other.

But it felt like their lips were on fire.

Of course. Since little pecks and kisses on the cheeks were done by friends and family, but they definitely didn't do mouth to mouth kisses. In other words, their relationship was more solid and more vivid than ever. They proved that the words that they said weren't simply words. Their first actual bond and proof as true lovers.

"…Hey, Ikki."


"…Ikki, do you dislike indecent girls who wish to be kissed?"

"There aren't any men who dislike naughty girls. Rather, does Stella hate guys who look at her with perverted gazes?"

"I hate them. I'll only allow Ikki to do that…."

Once they had stepped forward, hesitation no longer existed. The second was far deeper, and more forceful then the first.


It wasn't at the level where it could be called an adult kiss, but they both lusted for the other that was their beloved.

…And so, despite the confusions, that day became an unforgettable day for the both of them.

By the time they left the pool, it was already sunset. The three were already feeling hungry, so they decided to have dinner in the city before returning to the dorms. Ikki asked the two girls if they wanted to eat anything special, but they didn't really have any preferences so he guided them to an appropriate family restaurant.

There, the three ordered what they wanted. Ikki ordered a large serving of wheat flour noodles, Ayase had a meal set, and as for Stella, she ordered four pieces of mix grill and three steaks.

"V-Vermillion-san has a very amazing appetite."

"…I've got no choice. If I don't eat at least this much, then my body won't move."

"Even though you eat so much… why do you have such a nice figure? For some reason, I'm not convinced."

Stella, who was aware that she ate unnaturally much, blushed a bit, embarrassed. But her hands didn't stop.


She chomped and crunched down her extra high calorie meal. Well, for someone with that much power, it would follow that she'd need a sufficient amount of fuel.

Seeing that, Ayase smiled.

"For some reason, Vermillion-san really doesn't look that much like a princess."

"*Munch*Munch* Huh? What do you mean by that?"

"I don't mean anything bad you know? Just that, you're easy to talk to, and the way you have meals isn't much different than ours."

"Well I've received lessons in table manners, but this isn't the place for such things now, is it?"

Stella surveyed the crowded interior of the restaurant. The clanking sound of tableware, the sound of customers and employees coming in and out, the sound of a child crying, the crude voices and laughs of high school students, everything mixed in together. In a place like that, if she was the only one with elegant table manners, she'd be regarded as the strange one instead.

"You have to know how to behave depending on the time and place, that in itself is an art. Both manners, and swordsmanship."

"Ahaha, that hurts."

Ayase smiled cheerfully even though her inexperience was pointed out.

"Today was… no, today too was very productive. Ever since I've started training with Kurogane-kun, it's been one new discovery after another…. I'm still not experienced enough to learn my father's secret techniques, but I feel a lot closer to him now. I can't express how grateful I am to you."

"It's all because of Ayatsuji-san's hard work. Besides, I think you would've resolved the problem soon enough, and arrive at the secret. All I did was give you a little push, so you don't have to be so humble."

"No… what I've learned, for me, it's very helpful."

"Is that because you're appearing in the representative selection matches?"

"Yeah. I'm already a third year. This is my last chance at the Sword-Art Festival. That's why I want to win, no matter what. I have to enter the Festival, and I have to take back what's important to me. That why right now I need power."


You are reading story Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan at novel35.com

In the depths of Ayase's eyes, Ikki felt a deep feeling. It was anger… and not just normal anger, close to a killing intent, a strong hatred.

―What pushed her so much that she….

"Hahaha, lookie here! I thought you look'd familiar so I was wonderin', but if that ain't Ayase!"

Suddenly, from behind Ikki a crude voice called out Ayase's name.


For a moment, Ayase's eyes dyed with the color of surprise. Where she was looking, there stood a man about 180cm tall with smudged, dyed hair and sanpaku eyes[1] hidden behind shades. Even though it was a non-smoking area, he was smoking a cigarette and wearing an unnecessarily flashy coat. From his bare chest, a tattoo of a laughing skull could be seen, and it was affecting on the surrounding customers too.

Seeing these traits, it was then that Ikki thought of a certain person. He was a member of the rowdy bunch Ikki saw when he entering the shop.

"I haven't seen you around lately so I was wondering what had happened to ya, but for us to meet here. Haha, there are things like that, huh."

"Hey Kuraudo, who're you talking to?"

"Let's go to the arcade."

"Huh! Hey now, it's Ayase-chan. Long time no see~"

"I was worried since you didn't come to play lately! Gyahaha."

"You've grown quite tall? Oh?"

About ten guys looking like outlaws came in and gathered at Ikki's table behind the skull dude. It seems like they were acquainted with Ayase, but Ayase didn't even look at them…. She just bit her lower lips hard as if possessed by something.

Seeing her like that, Ikki's decided his next move.

"I'm sorry but could you guys leave? My companion looks troubled."

"Huh!? The hell are you!?"

"The f*ck are you sayin'? I'll kill ya!"

Even though they were ganging up, Ikki just ignored them. Ikki knew there was only one guy here worth fighting. He looked towards the one with the skull tattoo named Kuraudo.

As he did, Kuraudo asked Ikki a strange question while looking back curiously.

"…You, You're a swordsman?"

"You can tell?"

"Hah, somewhat. You bastards have this peculiar aura and all."

As he said that, he picked up a bottle of beer and a glass from the table.

"Sorry ‘bout that brother, for disturbing ya during a meal. I only came to talk since I saw a nostalgic face."

He poured the beer and held it in front of Ikki.

"I'll apologize, so take it."

"Ah, pardon me then."

He wanted to say it's not Kuraudo's beer, but it wouldn't be wise to aggravate the guy. Ikki reached to take the beer Kuraudo offered.



Skull-head bashed the beer against the back of Ikki's head.

The other customers immediately screamed. The bottle smashed and fragments flew off. It had been bashed against Ikki's head with so much strength that he bent and crashed against the table.

"HAHA! A swordsman shouldn't fuckin' let his guard down you idiot!"

"AHAHA, he did it!"

"As expected of Kuraudo-san, what a nasty son-of-a-bitch!"

"Just lie down and watch!"

At the skull tattoo's sudden cruelty, the guys around him crudely cheered.

"My thanks. Ya see, I love breaking you swordsmen bastards to pieces. Now let's do this. You have one, don't ya? A Device!"

The man took out a sparkling white bone-colored nodachi[2] with a blade like a saw's. His Device.

That's right, the pointlessly flashy coat he was wearing was the uniform of Donrou Academy, a knight's academy of Tokyo just like Hagun. This man was a Blazer just like Ikki.

"This bastard! I hope you're prepared to be burnt to ashes!"

Seeing Ikki get hurt, incandescence started to blast out of Stella's blazing hair as she raged. She was going to take out Lævateinn but―

"Stop it, Stella."

She was stopped by Ikki. Ikki stood up, as if nothing happened.

"…There's no need to make a fuss. His hands just slipped a little."

He said to Stella with a smile while bleeding from his forehead.

"W-What are you saying!?"

"And I was only scratched and my got clothes wet. Nothing to fight about."

Ikki controlled Stella while saying that. If she took out her Device and started a fight, it wouldn't just end with a suspension. It'll definitely be expulsion. That's why Ikki stopped her. But….


It seems the skull tattoo's company thought of it as a coward's retreat and started to insult him with their fingers pointed.

"Hey hey hey, seriously! He is still so frivolous even after suddenly having his head hit."

"Well I get Kuraudo-san's scary, but that's so spineless."

"Kyahaha, no more, I'm gonna burst, so lame~!"

"Haha! This is surprising. A coward even though he's a swordsman. Do ya even have balls?"

The skull dude showered Ikki with insults and laughed amusingly. But Ikki didn't reply and only showed a bored smile. Seeing that, Kuraudo spit.


At that, the voltage of Stella's anger rose once more but Ikki pressed her down. Even with that, Ikki didn't snap, so the skull dude showed a bored face.

"Hah, this is boring. If I fight a chicken like you, it's already my loss. Come on you bastards, we're leaving."

Saying that, he went towards the exit.

"Bye bye, little coward."

"Isn't that nice? Kuraudo doesn't bully the weak."

"That's right, That's right. Isn't it nice that you're so weak? Ahahaha."

After they left, a man who looked like the shop manager ran towards Ikki. He bowed to Ikki while sweating like crazy.

"My apologies dear customer! Are you alright!? I'll call an ambulance…."

"Aaa, I'm okay I'm okay. Rather, do you guys have a first aid kit? I need to treat this so could you lend it?"

"Y-Yes. Please wait a moment!"

Asked by Ikki, the manager brought the first aid kit from the crew room hurriedly. The other workers were trying to calm the customers. For now, the situation was handled with the least fuss as expected. Ikki confirmed that while wiping off the spit.

"…Somehow, your face inflated twice as much, Stella."

Ikki told Stella, whose pouting side of the face looked like a puffed balloon.

"Of course I'll be mad! Being told off by that trash! And Ikki, you didn't dodge that beer bottle on purpose, right!? What's the big idea?"

"If I handled it poorly, he might've gotten even madder… and I can't possibly start a fight in a place like this, can I?"

"Well… that's that but… Ikki could have taken care of that trash without even using Intetsu right?"

"Now, I wonder about that."

"What do you mean?"

"The guy with the skull tattoo in the middle's quite strong. A hard opponent to fight empty handed."

"Well, of course that would be hard. He did rank among the best 8 in last year's Festival, after all♪."

Ikki and Stella were both dyed with shock when a boy with an almost impossibly bright voice suddenly butted into their conversation.

Why would they be so surprised? That was because the owner of the voice appeared on a table with scattered dishes without any presence or shadow, almost as if another film was suddenly inserted while watching a movie.

Dimly silver-colored hair and gold eyes without any sign of light. The boy talked to Ikki with a smile that seemed almost plastered to his face.

"Ahaha ☆Iyaa~ What a calamity, what a disaster! To get mixed up with the infamous ace of Donrou Academy, the 'Sword Eater' Kurashiki Kuraudo, a killer hound who bites anyone he lays his eyes on…. But your decision was correct, Worst One."

"Kusukusu… Eeh, absolutely. You were right."

In the next moment, another person appeared, but this one had an aura that couldn't be more obvious. Even though it was inside the shop, she carried a parasol, and wore a hat with a huge rim. The tall woman's eyes couldn't be seen because of the large hat, but her chin line was visible and with the glistering blonde hair, her figure could be made out. She wore a pure white ball-line dress, like a noblewoman, that glimmered in their eyes.

Even though she had a pure white figure, both Ikki and Stella felt a fleeting, incomparable feeling of disgust. What she wore was complete white, yet, her presence, for a moment, felt more like thick fresh blood.

And why would that be? Ikki knew the answer. In her presence, there was a veil of dense blood fragrance that could not be hidden no matter how much perfume she wore. …There was no mistake, this person was the real deal.

"If you guys retaliated, then right here, right now, we would have had no choice but to suppress you people."

The white one with a presence of death and blood replied in an old Japanese lingo as if she were singing. That was too unpleasant to Stella who had already raised her guard. She asked Ikki with a small voice―

"Ikki, who are these people? …What are they?"

"The vice president of Hagun Academy's student council, Misogi Utakata-san, and the treasurer Toutokubara Kanata-san."

"…Toutokubara! You are…?"

It was a name Stella had heard through rumors many times.

Toutokubara Kanata, otherwise known as 'Scharlach Frau'. She placed second in the inner school ranking and was a B rank knight. While being a student, she was summoned under special circumstances and was allowed to fight in real battles. She had a record of destroying many organizations and bases of the Rebellion army. She was indeed a superior student knight with real battle experience.

"It seems like we don't need to introduce ourselves… but still, the way Kurogane-kun handled the situation was truly brilliant. Sword Eater is a person who attacks people from other schools unannounced, and goes around town smashing dojos. In any case, he becomes quite hard to handle if enraged. Thanks to you, we were saved from quite the trouble too. Once again, we thank you. It appears that we have been underestimating you too much."

"It seems like it wasn't a fluke that Renren was defeated. This ability of yours that sees through a person's character in battle, just like Yaksha-hime said. We need to reaffirm our recognition of you."

"Ahaha. Absolutely…. Well then, show me your wound please. I'll treat it."

"No, you don't have to go through the trouble."

"It's okay, it's okay♪. Just leave it to Sempai. Pain, pain fly away~!"

Saying that, Utakata touched Ikki's wound.

"Okay, it's healed."

The ripped skin and the internal bleeding was all healed within a moment.


Ikki was greatly surprised.

Certainly, the wound was shallow. He didn't dodge it and there wasn't much damage, but it had still reached the marrow. It could be called a ‘violent' wound. Even Shizuku, who had A-Rank magic control, would take a bit of time to heal it.

No, this couldn't be called ‘healing'. It was as if the wound itself disappeared. It definitely wasn't just healing magic.

Misogi Utakata, nicknamed 'Fifty Fifty'. Just what was his ability? No doubt it wasn't anything normal but…

"Ahaha, you don't have to observe me with that scary face. I didn't enter in the selection matches."

"Ah, I apologize. Even though you healed me, I was being rude."

"Ahaha. It's okay it's okay. That's what makes you a knight. Well then, we've finished our kouhai's treatment so we'll take our leave now. Let's go, Kanata."

"Yes, Vice President."

"You guys, too, keep your nightlife in check."

And with that, Misogi Utakata and Toutokubara Kanta left.

With their departure, Ikki sighed, feeling a surge of tiredness hitting him upon seeing the dusk from the window.

…Twilight of Disaster… should be appropriate huh.

They met one big shot after another today. However, he couldn't always be swept along by the aura of those who had already left. For Ikki, there was something he was more interested about.

"…Hey, Ayatsuji-san."


She might had been aware that the conversation would move towards her. She averted her eyes with an unpleasant expression. But Ikki asked anyways.

"What exactly is your relationship with those people."

The other party knew her name. Ayase wasn't someone so famous as to appear on the media. That meant they knew each other personally. But from the looks of it, it wasn't a friendly relationship. That was obvious after seeing Ayase's gaze. So―

"You don't need to answer if you don't have to. But… when they called out to you, Ayatsuji-san wasn't behaving normally. If you've gotten involved into some kind of trouble with those guys, then I can lend you my strength."

As a friend, he was in the position to help her. Hearing Ikki say that, her expression softened a little and she tried to reply.


At that moment, the student datapad rang out, notifying that a mail had been received. The noise came from both Ikki and Ayase's pocket at the same time. Ikki wondered who could have sent it. It was the Selection Battle Executive Committee.

…He had a really bad feeling about it. His worst fears were confirmed after reading the message.

"Contender Kurogane Ikki's selection match tenth opponent has been decided: third year class one contender Ayatsuji Ayase."

…What timing.

Without a doubt, the mail Ayase got was the same. Looking at her, one could see the blood drained from her face.

"This is, a-ah, I'm sorry! My roommate, I-I got a mail from my roommate telling me to return immediately, Please excuse me for today!"

Her face paled. What she said was a lie. It was the notification of the match, and that was what made it awkward.

"…Yeah, then I'll see you tomorrow."

Guessing that, Ikki didn't restrain Ayase. He was curious about the relation between Ayase and Kuraudo, but it wasn't something he needed to pry out of Ayase right now. This feeling of awkwardness didn't recede, and he could just simply ask later.

"…Yeah… then tomorrow."

Picking up her stuff from the table, Ayase hastily departed, as if she were running away from Ikki and Stella.

"She looks awful. What happened?"

Ikki showed the mail to Stella who didn't comprehend the situation.

"…Well that sucks…."

"This is probably that irony of fate thing. If I had a choice, I wouldn't want to fight her."

"Speaking of which, didn't Sempai mention she entered in order to take back something important to her?"


"You won't lose on purpose, will you?"

"Do I look like a guy who'd do that?"

Stella looked at ease with that answer.

"You don't. Sorry, that was a foolish question."

That's right. Ikki would not do that. Even if the opponent was Stella, or Shizuku, or anyone for that matter, he would fight fair and square head on. That was a knight's honour. But in the end, he would have liked to avoid fighting with Ayase.

…She said she'd see me tomorrow but, Ayatsuji-san probably will not show up for training for a while.

His guess hit the bull's eye. From that day on, Ayase didn't appear before Ikki even once.

"But still, that guy from today was a real masterpiece huh."

"Haha, I guess that's the type you call a weak bug."

"He's still so frivolous even after being humiliated so much, la~me."

"That's not true, Misato. Not opposing Kuraudo-san is a wise thing to do, right?"

"Kuahaha. Right, right. It's only natural to avoid fights you can't win."

In a place that seemed like their base, a gang of young men were spouting tasteless words while smoking cigarettes. The topic? The shameful sight of the man they saw in the family restaurant.

"…Haha, you guys think so?"

At a short distance, Kuraudo was drinking alcohol while gazing at the moonlight that entered through a collapsed portion of the roof.

"Yeah, of course. That bean sprout ain't got the guts to stand up to you Kuraudo, much less beat ya."

"That's right. That chicken, he isn't even worth being your opponent. Even I can beat him with one hand tied behind my back."



What was so interesting? They resumed their laughter.


Seeing them like that, Kuraudo once again looked up at the moon.

…Morons. You guys don't understand a thing.

He remembered the gaze of Ikki looking straight at him. There were no traces of fear or nervousness there. There was only cold calmness like flowing water. How could he solve the situation with the minimum trouble was the only thing that Ikki had been thinking about. The fact that he received Kuraudo's attack was also part of that plan. He was a person who gave off that type of aura. There's no way he couldn't avoid a surprise attack of that level.

"What a high-level bastard. You're telling me that provocation of that level won't make you budge huh… Hahaha."

Well, that was alright. A man of his level would definitely make it to the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival.

Smashing that bastard, I'll look forward to that moment.

Kuraudo gulped down the alcohol in his glass, while his chest throbbed in anticipation of the resistance that would come from the kind of dangerous quarry he hadn't seen in a long time.

It was the third day that Ayase hadn't joined them for practice. She didn't even appear before them despite it being the day before their match. At that fact, Stella let out a bored sigh.

"In the end, she didn't come even once… Sempai."

"Oh my. Isn't that a good thing for Stella-san? Weren't you jealous of Ayatsuji-sempai for occupying most of Onii-sama's free time?"

"…Shut up. This is this and that is that. For her not to be here is lonely in its own way."

"What a selfish person… but that may be one of your good points."

"Did you say something?"

"Your leg is fat."


Ikki looked at the pair having their usual conversation while wondering whether they had a good or bad relationship. He had his student notebook in his hand.

Arisuin's tall figure approached Ikki.

"She hasn't been in contact at all?"



Ikki raised his head and looked at Arisuin. Arisuin had his usual steady smile, but his eyes looked as if he was searching for something.

"…Why do you doubt it?"

"Isn't it just simply that I'm worried? I don't get a few things but Ayase-san was quite clear about her resolve to reach her goal. And for that reason she said she'd need to appear in the Festival. That's why it wouldn't be good for her to lose tomorrow's match against Ikki."

The number of people who'll be selected through the matches is six. According to their homeroom teacher Oreki-sensei, each student will get about 12 matches. That's just enough for that number of people to remain undefeated. In other words, it would be better to think that losing just one match would mean being kicked out from the competition.

"But in a normal fight, she can't hope to win. That's obvious. The difference in strength is too great. She knows that the best, having been taught by you. Therefore, she would obviously make plans to win beforehand. Am I wrong?"

"Alice really is sharp."

Ikki shrugged, and tossed his notebook to Arisuin. There was a single mail displayed there. The sender, Ayatsuji Ayase.

「I have something important to discuss with Kurogane-kun. I want to borrow your power. Tomorrow at 3 AM. Meet me at the rooftop of the main school building.」

"I got it this morning."

"This feels too much like a trap… I guess."

"Ahaha… certainly. But this isn't a trap."

"You're sure?"

"Because I believe in her. Ayatsuji-san wouldn't do something so low. I've only trained with her for a few days, but I could understand at least that much."

To Ikki, Ayase was an overly serious, hard working, and honest person. And besides―

"She said she liked my hands."

She told that to a person who had the hands of a labourer, rough and tough. She, who could respect another person's hard work to that extent, definitely wouldn't do something so lowly in a match between knights.

"That's why I'll go to meet her."

Ayase was an important friend. And his friend wanted to consult him. He couldn't refuse that. Ikki made that clear. And so, Arisuin―

"You're dazzling."

While smiling bitterly, Arisuin stretched his hand towards Ikki, who was so close to him… but his eyes suggested that Ikki was too far away, as if his hand could never reach him.


"Yes, very. To the point it makes me jealous. People like Stella-chan and Shizuku who can love someone so wholeheartedly, and Ikki who can trust someone so honestly…. Seeing that, reminds me of how ugly I am. For me, I can no longer trust someone so easily."

But after saying that, Arisuin made a serious face unlike any other and gave Ikki some advice.

"But that's exactly why I can realize some things others don't…. This might be me being too nosy but just in case, Ikki should have the resolve to cut ties with her. If you remove the mask of humans, you won't know what lies beneath. If you handle this situation lightly, you might not be able to win a match you're otherwise sure to win. Like what happened to the Hunter."

"Now that I think about it, Alice was the one who advised me back then too right? But it's okay. I've already decided what's the most important for me."

Saying that, he looked at Stella who was still quarreling with Shizuku.

―To meet once again at the battle for the summit. That's what he promised her. That's why―

"I don't intend to break my promise with her. No matter what happens."

"Fufu. Seems like it wasn't something I should worry about. Pardon me, I said something unpleasant."

"It's not like it was unpleasant…. But regarding Kirihara-kun's case, and even this time, I really wouldn't like it if someone called my important friend who had always given me important advice ugly. Even if it's Alice, you yourself."

For a moment, Arisuin showed a troubled expression. But he soon dismissed it.

"Fufu, saying something so cool…. I'll end up falling for you."

"Please, your gender is the only joke here."

Arisuin replied with his frivolous chatter, so Ikki replied in the same manner. He didn't prolong it any further. Even if he tried to ask more, Arisuin probably wouldn't say anymore. That's why… he concentrated on the closer matter.

He looked up at the rooftop dyed by the mad red of the sunset. Tomorrow, she would be waiting there for him.

I wonder if I'll be able to help her…?

Ten minutes before the appointment, Ikki left his room, taking care not to wake Stella up. He passed the corridor there without making a single sound, and came outside. Using the pale moonlight as a guide, he headed for the school building. As he approached the school building bathed in moonlight, his footsteps echoed.

Normally, this would be a bustling place, but now, it had an almost deadly, serene atmosphere. Ikki headed for the roof, while enduring the silence that almost made his ears go mad.

He climbed the stairs one by one, and finally stood before the ironclad door to the roof. He opened it.

The wind blew through, and he was showered by the pale moonlight.

A tasteless scene that spread before him. A concrete floor and a rough steel fence that defiled the night sky. A cold scenery.

The blowing wind, the dim moonlight, even though it was early summer, they all felt cold. And standing in the middle of the scenery, with her back to the fence, was the yukata-clad figure of Ayatsuji Ayase.

"Hey, I haven't seen you since the pool, Ayatsuji-san."

"Yeah… even though I was the one who asked, sorry for neglecting it."


Ayase, who had an apologetic face, looked a bit uncomfortable to Ikki for a moment.

The gaze that was sent straight to him looked dry.

As if her eyes were artificial glass balls.

She had become used to Ikki recently, and Ayase didn't have to avert her eyes for every single thing now. But that day at the pool, when he restarted the conversation with her, her gaze had also felt dry. Well, it might be something natural for a person who wasn't used to the opposite sex.

But for some reason, the gaze of today's Ayase bugged Ikki even more.

Was she the type of woman who could look straight at me so calmly in the middle of such a serene night?

…But even though you could call it uncomfortable, it was only a little bit. So it wasn't something Ikki had to go out of his way and ask her. That wasn't the reason why he had come here today.

"It's alright. After that mail, things turned sour anyways."

"Yeah, saying that helps… and besides, you came alone, like I told you to. Thank you for that. But is it really alright to leave your girlfriend and come here in the middle of the night?"

"Aah, so you noticed huh. Keep this a secret from Stella though. She'll bite me half to death if she finds out."

While joking and agreeing with her, Ikki finally went to the point.

"…Then, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?"


Ayase went silent. Was she hesitating to talk? Or was there a different reason for her silence? Ikki couldn't make a judgement, since he couldn't read Ayase from her almost artificial eyes.

But it wouldn't do if the silence continued like this.

"If you aren't going to say it, then may I ask a question?"

Ikki opened his mouth. Ayase didn't. This time, he took it as an affirmation and asked once more.

"Continuing from our previous conversation, was it Kurashiki Kuraudo who took away something important from Ayatsuji-san?"

Ikki didn't miss the swaying in Ayase's eyes.

"…Why do you think that?"

"Just a guess. During lunch that day, when Ayatsuji-san said ‘I'm going to take back what's important to me', you released an amazing amount of killing intent. And you did that another time afterwards, when Kuraudo appeared."

Ayase was looking down while biting her lips. Ikki concluded that it was the same thing he felt during lunch, that killing intent.

"And Ayatsuji-san said she had to appear in the Festival to do that. In other others, you had to fight someone who'll also be appearing there. Sword Eater was in the best eight last year. As long as Donrou isn't using a special system like Hagun's, his place in the festival is certain. From these two points, the person Ayatsuji-san is trying to face, the one who took that important thing from you, is the Sword Eater, Kurashiki Kuraudo. Am I wrong?"

Ikki tried confirm his suspicions. And―

"Fufu, as I thought. Kurogane-kun understands everything. Since you've gotten this far, I don't feel like hiding it anymore."

Ikki's guess had hit the nail on the head.

"Hey Kurogane-kun. The reason I called you here today was because I wanted to ask you something."

"…Ask me something?"

"Yeah. I heard from Vermillion-san at the pool, but Kurogane-kun has a promise with her to fight her in the deciding match in the festival right?""

"Yes, that is, if I can get there. But well, we'll fight somewhere in time, that's about it."

"But before that happens, what would Kurogane-kun do if you faced an enemy you absolutely can't beat?"


Ikki couldn't get the meaning of the question. Why did Ayase wish to know about him and Stella? But instantly, he understood that the question also applied to Ayase herself. For Ikki it was a promise; for Ayase it was to take back her important thing.

Even though their reason differed, their standing was similar. …She was asking another person to confirm her situation, was it that?

He couldn't understand. But his reply was decided―

"I'll fight with all I have fair and square."

"Even if you lose."

"You won't know until you try… Even if I lose, I won't stop until I've used all I have."

During his match with the Hunter, Ikki almost gave up once, but because of Stella, he managed to compose himself. The wound one gets from the enemy after one loses a fight can be healed, and then one can fight again. But the wound receives from running away from a fight can never be healed. That's why even if he were to lose, Ikki would fight with all he had; enough to be proud of himself. Ikki would never lose sight of this again. However―

"I don't think like that. Righteousness without results is just caprice."

Saying that, Ikki received an icicle-cold gaze from Ayase.


It was too unexpected to hear that from Ayase. Ikki gulped down.

He didn't…. Ikki didn't expect to hear something like an ‘Anything is fine as long as I win' kind of line from Ayase.

…Why, would she.

The Ayase Ikki knew would never say that, so when he heard her he couldn't reply immediately. But… even if he couldn't reply, he noticed. Beneath Ayase's cold eyes, her lips twisted into an insulting smile. An expression that Ikki never saw Ayase make.

When Ikki saw that expression of hers, two questions came to his mind.

Is this really Ayase? Rather, is this the real Ayase?

And to the confused Ikki, Ayase replied with that mocking tone.

"That's why this is my reply. No matter what I have to do, I'll take down my enemy. No matter what."

In her right hand, she materialized the vivid red sword Hizume.

The shriek of a sword cutting through something echoed into the night sky.


Ikki prepared himself upon hearing the sound of the sword. Without a doubt, Ayase had used some kind of ability right now to cut something.

…But exactly what did she cut?

Ikki raised his caution level to the highest. He collected his consciousness and in return for cancelling out the sense of colors and sound, he put the maximum amount of concentration in situation recognition.

He noticed the strangeness immediately.

In front of him was Ayase. Behind her, the fence for some reason was collapsing backwards. Why? Because the hooks of the fence were cut.

There were no sounds. Without a doubt she had used some kind of ability.

What was her motive? Why was it necessary to cut that?

Ikki who was confused while not understanding the reason… was pushed into even further confusion with what happened next.

For some reason, Ayase was also falling backwards with the fence, falling from the roof of the four-storey building.


Surprise, shock, but he didn't let this cloud his judgement.

He couldn't understand the meaning behind her actions. Did she fail? Or was there some meaning behind it? …He couldn't understand. But, now wasn't the time to think of stuff like that.

Instantly, a blue aura surrounded Ikki. He had invoked Ittou Shura.

He pushed his strength to the limits in a matter of seconds. He dashed toward the fence and grabbed Ayase. Ikki, in his Ittou Shura mode, could easily land even if it was from the 4th floor. But he couldn't use it more than once, and its power lasted for a very short time.

He ran vertically on the wall of the school building. He caught Ayase and pulled her towards his chest.

"As expected."

"Y-You, for that… you're willing to risk your life!?"

"Yes. Didn't I already say that no matter what I had to do, I would win? If Kurogane-kun's answer was the same as mine then I might've thought otherwise, but of course, Kurogane-kun is ‘just'… Then I have to use force to win. Kurogane-kun beats me in swordsmanship, and he also has a trump card, Ittou Shura. There's no way I can win against that. Then all I have to do is remove that trump card. I hear you can only use it once per day. And you've used it. The match starts at ten. You won't recover in time. Even if I can't beat you with the sword, now that you don't have Ittou Shura, I just might be able beat you with my ability as a knight."

Ikki bit down at her explanation. It was as she said. Ittou Shura was a technique that pushed him to the limit. It would use up his strength, all the quantity of magic that he retained. To counter that, all she had to do is make him use that magic before the match. He wouldn't be able to use it again. But―

Was I wrong…. Did I fail to understand her?

Ikki truly thought Ayase was an honest hard worker. That she wouldn't be able to do something that spat on another's hard work like this. The Ayase who was proud of her father's swordsmanship, who was happy being just a little closer to her father's teaching, who sometimes acted like a child just by learning something new, was it all just a facade?

"…When I first saw Ayatsuji-san, I was happy that there was someone other than me in this school who was so devoted to the sword. I thought we could become friends."

"I am truly grateful for your guidance thus far. I will use it all to defeat Kurogane-kun."

"I didn't think you were the type to do this kind of thing."

"I'll be troubled if you push those expectations onto me."

"…! Sword Eater might've taken something from Ayatsuji-san. But what Ayatsuji-san is doing is an insult not only to me, but Stella, Shizuku, and everyone else participating in the festival! It's an insult to what we knights pride ourselves in! It's an insult even to you yourself, Ayatsuji-san! All this, for the sake of taking back that something. Even if you do take it back, can you be proud of yourself!? Can you proudly boast of the rewards with this!?"

"That's not something Kurogane-kun has to worry about."

Ayase completely ignored questions of Ikki, who seemed as if he was grieving.

"No matter what you say, I will definitely beat you. It wouldn't do if I won't."

And with that, she turned her back on him. That back wasn't that far away, but it felt so far away. Soon, he was unable to see it.

「Just in case, Ikki should have the resolve to cut ties with her. If you handle this situation lightly, you might not be able to win a match you're sure to win.」

He remembered what Arisuin had said. It was exactly like that. With this kind of complex feeling, his swordsmanship would get affected.

Then, should he cut it? His ties with Ayase. Cutting it, severing it… forgetting it all, was it really alright? …With that.


The reaction from Ittou Shura passed his heart like storm clouds.

While kneeling there, Ikki, for once…


…spat out an insult not directed at anyone, and struck the lawn.

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