Rampaging Biology (Rewrite)

Chapter 24: Chapter 24 The Other Masanyalazes

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RBR Chapter 24 The Other Masanyalazes

The year passed with Eric not minding the time. Something interesting had finally cropped up, the opportunity of having atleast two duels with Elena in a weak. That served to both excite and advance his skill set at the same time.

Now, it was December 31st and something was about to happen. He knew it the moment Elec burst into his room, his face containing his hard to hide excitement.

"Uncle Bernard is coming!" 

He announced, but Eric didn't understand the implications. He had never met the man, though he knew his existence. Ever since his addition to the family, he had never met any other person from the extended family, a peculiar thing as he knew that there were at least 30 members.

"Why are you excited?" He asked as he pushed back his chair and stood up, the holographic screen floating over the desk terminal flickering out with his movement. He stretched, his body releasing cracking sounds due to being in one position for a long time.

It was approaching noon, with him having spent the morning on the terminal, doing research about some things that would allow him to utilize his abilities better. It was the holidays, so he felt that he had all the time in the world since, as a teen, there was no need for him to do anything else. Lisa didn't even allow anyone to help in the kitchen, while the house was cleaned by state of the art technology.

"Ah! I had forgotten that you have never met him. He's the coolest person there is!"

What sort of explanation was that? It only raised more questions without answering any. He wanted to ask for more, but by the time he opened his mouth, Elec had already ran out of the room. He had probably figured that he had just revealed this bit of information to the wrong person.

He pulled up some of the data in his mind...Masanyalaze Bernard, the man holding the crown as the fastest man in Kampala city. He was the oldest of the siblings, his personality was depicted as someone carefree and easy to get along with.

Eric felt some nervousness about meeting someone new. And it didn't help that he was someone related to the family. His thoughts wondered to whether the man would like him or hate him.

'How I hate this feeling!' It brought butterflies to his stomach, and took over his mind, preventing thoughts about other things. 

He gave one last longing glance at the closed terminal before making his way out of the room. 

Where had the man been? The wilderness of course. It was starting to grate on his ears how the adults found it easy to go outside while he was stuck here having to wait for his education to end, not to mention that he knew most of the things being taught.

"...pipe down. He won't arrive until later in the evening." 

Lisa was trying to calm down an excited Elec. It was truly fascinating how his current behavior appeared to resemble one of those ten year olds when they had just been told that they are going to receive candy.

As always, before meal hour, she was in the kitchen, handling the preparations. The previous day, Elec had made him tag along as they met Mathew, Jet and Leah to celebrate the new year in advance since today and tomorrow, they would spend it with their families.

December 31st. It had taken a long time to reach this date. Eric sat down at a stool with such a thought.

"He must have barged into your room judging by the look on your face." Lisa managed to see through it.

"Yeah, and after dropping such news, he flew out as if his butt was on fire." Eric answered with grin, his joke causing a glare from Elec.

"He can be childish some times, and this is one of those. Bernard is the person he admires the most after all. He grew up around the guy, so, it would take a while before his excitement fades." She gave some explanation while passing him a plate filled with snacks. Eric gratefully took it and started munching on the crispy little things.

"So, do I have cause to be worried, like, will he like me?" Eric asked even as his teeth worked on chewing, to mask his anticipation and nervousness about the answer.

"Don't worry, there won't be anything negativity from him. On the contrary, he might like you very much." She reassured.

"Yeah! There is no way Uncle Bernard would hate or dislike you." Elec also jumped in.

"Your praise for him reaches to the roof. Why is that?" He had to ask, as even Lisa appeared to hold the man in high regard.

"He's the only explorer to have gone further than all the others. His tales are tantalising enough to listen to." Elec's words caused him to raise an eyebrow. For him to have achieved such a feat in the savage wild lands was truly incredible.

"Which places has he managed to reach?"

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"The Rwenzori mountain range, Bwindi impenetrable forest, Kilimanjaro's tallest peak...the places are just too many to list." 

'So, its the places we learn about in geography. This man is surely one travelled fellow.'

(A human actually managed to reach all those places without our notice...this is slightly concerning.)

Eric frowned at that. Could it be that his cells were hatching a plan to kill the man?

"Apparently, he even managed to get a glimpse of a mutated creature within the crater of Mt. Elgon." Elec continued, excited as if he had been there.

"What sort?" Now, this piqued his interest.

"He said that it had much resemblance to the mythical dragon! Can you imagine that! After a series of evolutions, something like that has actually managed to spawn into existence!" 

"A dragon?" Eric found this intriguing. There was no way such a creature could have come about as a result of natural accelerated evolution.

'Is it related to the collective?' His question didn't get an answer, but he mentally made plans to take a trip to the eastern part when he got the chance to make it out of this city.

"Mother, is what he's saying true?" Lisa would surely give a subjective answer. That was what he concluded.

"Yes. Bernard managed to capture video evidence, but that is confidential. Only the most powerful of explorers can get to see it in headquarters."

A few minutes passed in silence while he let the sound of the knife cutting into the vegetables help him calm his nerves. Thankfully, Elec was caught up in his imaginations due to excitement, causing much needed peace.

"Baguma and Bernard share genes, right?...what I mean are those electric eel genes, like mine." Eric started, the question burning within his mind had to get an answer.

"Hmmm? What are you getting at?" Lisa nodded, turning around and urging him to continue with her silver eyes.

"Why is Bernard the fastest when they clearly have the same genes? The way you spoke was as if Bernard is so exceptional, Baguma can't hold a candle." 

"When a person awakens their will power, it transforms into something called an intent after some time has passed, and with continuous strengthening..." She started, her words getting even Elec hooked, a sign that he had no prior knowledge. As expected, the boy couldn't ask the right questions.

Eric shook his head inwardly. Such a chance to gain an advantage over the others since his family is at the top of this city's metaphorical food chain, yet wasted.

"Intent allows a person to impose their will into their own cells, dictating their future evolutionary path. Even though Baguma and his two siblings are from the same clan, their abilities are as different as day and night." She finished, turning back to her lunch preparations.

(Intent...the ability to direct an evolutionary path suitable to oneself...interesting. This is some enlightening knowledge.)

There was glee within those words causing Eric to wonder whether the collective truly lacked this piece of information, or only the part inside of him.

'A path...it looks like I will also have to choose. Good thing I have been doing a bit of research. I have already chosen mine, now all I just have to do is pass through these remaining years at school.'

"Your aunt will also be arriving some time next year." 

"AUNT CHLOE!!!??? WHY???!!!" Elec jumped out of his seat as if he had been set on fire in the literal sense.

His agitation wasn't comedic, instead appearing genuine. The panic in his eyes and body language suggested that this wasn't a person he got along with.

"Baguma chose to invite her too, I think it has to do with his trip to the north." Lisa said, her eyes glinting with what appeared to be excitement. It was puzzling to Eric really. She appeared to hold this woman in even higher regard than 'Uncle Ben', yet Elec showed the opposite, aversion.

"Who is Aunt Chloe?" He had no choice but to ask. This was going to be another session of being introduced to another family member, someone whose mere name had shaken Elec. It seemed that it might be harder to get along with this one. A sigh escaped his lips, the butterflies back in the pit of his stomach.

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