Reaper’s Bane

Chapter 1: Chapter One: Are swords supposed to be able to turn me into a girl?

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      In the town of Brighltand in a rather inconspicuous corner you would see a dojo and inside that dojo you would see only two people, which was odd as Higashi Dojo was quite famous in the town.

  But the reason for this was a young boy at the age of 17 sparring against an old man. If a normal person would have seen the fight, they would only see blurs which was a fight taking place by two people who were talking during the flurry of blows as though their swings would not be able to severely damage the normal civilian.

 “Grampa Higashi how come I have to go on some stupid journey when I can just stay here and go to college and just live a normal life?” asked the young man. The old man who was known as Higashi only sighed at his Grandsons behavior.” Brat you have not listened at all for all these years I have been teaching you, have you not gotten anything into that thick skull of yours?”

As he berated Michael his only grandchild and successor to his family’s ancient sword art Higashi silently thought that his grandson had truly gotten his attitude from his wastrel son Seiji.

Thinking about his now dead son Higashi sighed once again whilst accelerating his swing causing it to blur and hit the top of Michael’s head. “Ow, Ow, Ow! Oi Gramps you can’t be attacking me like that.” he whined while rubbing his head.

“Listen brat I will only say this one more time ” said Higashi “Hundreds of years ago the Koto clan was once a great samurai clan specialized in destroying the fiends known as the Grave Reapers. These monsters would roam the land of the living searching and harvesting the souls of the living to pollute them and create more of their kind. They were nigh unstoppable as their lack of pain and insatiable hunger for souls to add to the legion pushed them to withstand normal weaponry. The only weapon capable of truly stopping them were the Soul Weapons or as it was known as back then Soul Breakers. Incredibly powerful weapons which seal the soul of powerful warriors with the ability to restore souls to their base form allowing them to go back to the reincarnation cycle.” Taking a sip of water form who knows where he got it from Higashi stood up from his seat and brought Michael to the attic.

  Ignoring the dust, he walked to the corner of the room and picked up a case blowing dust off of it. On the box engraved in gold was the name Yuki Oto. Leaving the attic, they both returned to the area where they were before. “This weapon was once used by our ancestor, a former leader of the clan. It is a Soul Weapon crafted by a Grand Smith and gifted to the young ancestor on her tenth birthday.” Opening the case inside was a katana with a golden pommel and a scabbard decorated by Sakura flowers. “This weapon is the strongest Soul Weapon ever created with over a hundred thousand Grave Reapers being slain by it. I will entrust it to you as my father had to me.” Receiving the sword even the carefree Michael could feel the aura released by the sword.

As he left that day Michael pondered about what his grandfather had old him before he left, “Remember Michael Grave Reapers are persistent and are still around today. When you are near one the sword will react and protect you but to fight back you must put your full trust in the sword and remember to have a steady heart.”


As Michael slept that night, he had a dream of a lone girl swinging a katana in a blistering snowstorm. She had long black hair reaching down to her thighs and blue eyes so cold that they mirrored the snowstorm itself. As he watched her enchanted by her beauty and form, he had a thought I wish I was there to swing my sword by her side.


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 With the icy winds howling around her the girl swung and swung her form which was already perfect somehow became better, and then she stopped. Turning around with grace you would only see from a princess she spoke her voice melodiously reaching Michael’s ears “So it is you who wishes to use my power, very well but as you are not compatible with my power, I will have to alter your body.”

At that Michael slowly lost sight of her as she walked into the snowstorm and then it went black. Waking he recalled his dream only to remember what she had told him. Coming out of bed he walked to the bathroom but stopped as he remembered what his grandfather had told him.

Looking at the sword it was still laying there motionless, sighing at his own thoughts he walked to the mirror, as he looked to the mirror something odd had occurred to him. He couldn’t see over the counter. While Michael wasn’t the tallest man alive, he was still well over 6ft. Odd but he could live with a shorter height as he went to the corner to pick up a stool, he saw his hands. Dainty snow-white hands that wouldn’t be out of place on a little girl who had never held a sword in her life.

With haste this time he grabbed the stool and dashed towards the mirror, placing it down and looking at himself he saw a little girl with pure white hair cascading down till her buttocks, crystal clear blue eyes almost like those of the girl in his dream and a face you would see on a porcelain doll. A small button nose, cheeks asking to be pulled and a small mouth which could barely fit any food in it.

  As he saw this sight the only thing he could think of is ‘WTF’ and with that he passed out. Waking up she stood up wondering what was going on as she was sure just a few hours ago she never looked like this. The only thing that might explain what was happening was the sword.

Thinking this she walked to the door and opened it the creak that sounded when the door opened irritating her. On the nightstand was the sword just where she had left it. Grabbing it she unsheathed it with practiced movements and gazed upon the blade.
 It was a blue closer to white than the color itself. As it was fully unsheathed, she became mesmerized with how it looked, almost instinctively she got into form and begun to practice her family’s sword art the Four Seasons Art. As she danced with the blade she slowly adapted to her new center of gravity, finishing her dance she ended it with a horizontal slice towards the air.

  “Beautiful performance but your form needs some work especially on the fourth and last step but either way it is manageable.” A melodious voice that she could never forget played within her head once again. Instantly she rapid fired questions towards the voice “What did you do to me? Why am I a girl? I thought that I had perfected the art what do you mean?”

    “For your first two questions I believe I have answered the when you came into the sword domain but it seems that your ant sized brain can’t comprehend what I have said so I will repeat it once more. Your body was not fully compatible with me so I reshaped it only due to your immense potential in the Four Seasons Art and it just so happens that a female body is the most compatible with me. As for your last question the problem is not with you but the person who has taught you as they have not instructed you on the true nature of those forms.”

“True nature? Never mind how can I go back to normal?” Michael asked finally taking hint of just how good her own voice sounded. “You can’t.” “What?” “You simply can’t revert back, to put it into simpler terms this is now your normal ‘form’.” 

With that Michael passed out once again with an extremely dumb question in her mind 'Are swords supposed to be able to turn me into a girl?'

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