Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 17: Chapter Seventeen – Blood Rituals and a Promise

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“Lulu made you a couple of spare dresses and underclothes.” Harriette noted, putting a stack of clothing in a bag. “I’m also throwing in some of my old sweaters because I know you like to sleep wearing those. Remember you won’t have Lady Otrea’s children around to clean your clothing when you discard them at night. You’ll have to ask your servant to clean them for you.”

“Do you really think a councilwoman would allow herself to be forced into the role of laundrymaid?”

Harriette gazed at me for a moment before patting my head. “She doesn’t really have a choice. Whatever you need her to do she should do, that is the whole point of the oath.”

“I assume Kyra won’t want to waste her time doing laundry will she?”

“You should leave the most humdrum tasks to your servants, and leave the task of your protection to your undead. They are far too precious to be left such menial chores.”

“Ah, understood.”

So I guess the fantasy necromancers with dozens of undead maids wouldn’t fly here.

“Besides I can see both Adelita and Kyra cutting corners. You’ll be better off asking your servant.”

“Do you think Adelita will be ok? We’ll be taking her away from her sanctuary, and away from everyone she knows. The only person she’ll know is me, and I can’t say she’s actually warmed up to me that much.”

“It’ll be hard on her.” Harriette sighed pinching her nose. “But despite her personality she’s a very bright girl. I assure you that Adelita is very aware that something like this was bound to happen someday. She’s only alive due to Lady Otrea’s benevolence, if she becomes a liability…”

Harriette’s gaze became unfocused. “If she becomes a liability Lady Otrea would have to erase her. The reality is, she’s already lived and died.”

“What do you mean?”

“Adelita is the original persona of their shared body, the former persona. She lived and died and Lady Otrea acquired her body for the Ritual of Unlife. Adelita had already been dead for months, as I’ve been told. According to all records no soul has ever been known to cling to a corpse that long.”

“So… Kyra is the undead Lady Otrea intended to make.”

“And Adelita is an interloper. A spirit that clung onto her physical form longer than any other spirit ever recorded. If Lady Otrea had been heartless, she would’ve eliminated Adelita’s soul the moment she realized it was there. Of course she was too kind to do such a thing, and so we have the dynamic you see now. If Adelita wishes to remain she’ll have to do her best not to hinder Kyra’s ability to carry out orders.”

“Wow that’s a lot to take in. How’d she die?”

“I don’t know. Perhaps someday she’ll be comfortable enough with you that you can ask her.”

Harriette and I continued to chat as she finished packing my things. Most of it was items new to me. If she’d packed what I believed I owned, it would’ve all fit in a tiny backpack.

Kyra came to get me not long after we finished. Leading me down into the dungeon halls near her bedroom. From there we entered a room with a giant twelve-pointed star etched into the floor. At each point a candle holder as tall as me held a single lit candle.

Otrea stood at the center of the star, a thin silver dagger in hand. “I need you both to come to me.”

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Obediently Kyra and I stepped into the star, halting directly before Otrea who smiled at us both. Taking a step forward she wrapped her free hand around my neck and pulled me forward. Crouching down to press her forehead into mine.

“Bernice. The Ritual of Transference is something only the owner of a spiritbound magical item can perform. In this case I’ll be transferring to you the Dragon Crystal I placed inside Kyra and Adelita, right below their naval. As this ritual is very difficult to perform, and only the owner can perform it, I do not expect you’ll ever be capable of returning them to me. So before we carry out this ritual I intend to extract a promise from you.”

“A promise?”

“Yes.” Otrea began to pet the back of my head. “I want you to promise you won’t attempt to run away. It is not that I cannot find you. There are few places in the world I cannot tread if I so desire. However if for some reason your heart truly wishes to never return home, Adelita and Kyra will become poisoned with it. They will attack me on sight, in an attempt to carry out your deeply held desires. Among all those who serve me they are the closest thing I will ever have to having children of my own. So you can only imagine the fury I’d feel if you turn them against me.”

Then why give them to me? Are they just another leash to bind me to you?

“Wouldn’t it be better then to send Harriette? Or one of the cats? They could never be swayed to turn against you.”

“I have need of Harriette, and the cats are too weak to protect you.”

“What about Lulu?”

“Dyrads are bound to their forests. She cannot leave, even if she wanted to.”


“Do not act so nervous.” Otrea smiled pressing her lips against mine. We kissed until I felt weak from it and then she released me. “After all I have given you, I know you will want to return. I have faith in you Bernice. All I want is a promise. This will not be an oath, nor will it be enforced with magic. This is simply your word that I’m asking for, I trust you are honorable enough to uphold it.”

“Okay,” I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. “I promise to return to you Lady Otrea.”

“Good girl,” Otrea purred and then plunged the dagger she held into my stomach.

Searing pain coursed throughout my body as a pained gasp escaped my throat. Otrea was saying something to me, petting me, but I couldn’t hear her. I couldn’t feel the touch of her hand. The world began to say and rock as if everything was suddenly made of liquid that barely held itself together.

Otrea withdrew the dagger and my blood spilled upon the twelve-pointed star. I could just barely make out the candle-flames around us flaring brightly. Otrea continued to speak, making her way to Kyra who stood motionless. She didn’t so much as flinch as Otrea plunged the dagger into her. Just below the navel, where I’d been told the Dragon Crystal was located.

As Kyra pitched forward an icy wave of numbness washed over me. Everything was growing dark and I felt my grip on consciousness begin to fade. A flashing light appeared in the corner of my vision, but I couldn’t bring myself to look at it.

I watched as Otrea cleaned the dagger with a cloth and then dark nothingness consumed me.


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