Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 19: Chapter Nineteen – Wayward Child

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Otrea, Kyra, Harriette, Eurycelia, and I all stood before the teleportation circle in the study. The time of our departure was finally here and I couldn’t help but feel a little giddy to see the world beyond Otrea’s corner of the forest.

“I’m happy to see you’ve recovered.” Otrea smiled placing her hand upon my cheek. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask enough questions before conducting the ritual. If I’d known you were a human once I’d have been more cautious.”

“Would you have still stabbed me?”

“That part is unavoidable.” Otrea chuckled. “Trust me, I do not like spilling the blood of my pets. Perhaps while you are away I’ll look into creating an alternative method of transference.”

That won’t help the me that got stabbed!

“Now before you go.” Otrea stepped away from me and raised her hand with her palm facing up.

I stared awkwardly at her palm for a moment until I noticed a small blue spider came into view. Descending from the ceiling by a web.

“I’ve spent a great deal of effort infusing my magic into this child.” Otrea purred as the spider landed in her hand. “They will serve as your key to my home. Additionally, through this child you may speak with me. I expect regular reports on your progress.”

…Why did it have to be a spider…

“Lady Otrea… with all due respect—”

“Bernice is afraid of spiders,” Harriette interjected.

“I am aware,” Otrea replied casting a sidelong glance at Harriette. “Eurycelia can carry the child for now. I do expect you to try to conquer your fear Bernice.”

“Couldn’t you… just give it the form of a bird or something?”

“Changing the appearance of one child will change nothing when you return home. You cannot continue to ignore and avoid my children. They will not hurt you. I suggest you use this little one to conquer your fears.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Handing the spider off to Eurycelia, Otrea turned to face the teleportation circle. “The three of you may leave now. I will see each of you again in the near future I’m sure.”

“So we just, walk into the light?”

“More or less.” Eurycelia replied taking the lead. “Normally you would need to inscribe the runic address of the circle you wish to travel to in salt. Lady Otrea’s circle however is etched with the address of a hidden circle within the city of Lorepashe. As long as the circle is fed enough magic to operate it will always take you to the city.”

I followed Eurcyelia to the circle’s edge before turning back to gaze at Harriette and Otrea. Smiling I waved goodbye to them both before stepping into the light.

For a brief moment, the world flickered out of sight. I felt weightless as if I was floating in outerspace and then as quickly as it began the sensation vanished. The world reappeared and I found myself standing inside a thick iron cage.

“Is this a… prison?”

“It’s to discourage Otrea from attempting to teleport into the city.” Eurycelia replied pushing the cage door open. “We all know it wouldn’t work, we don’t even try to lock it. But the previous king demanded it, so the Council of Sorcery complied.”

“We only just teleported away and you’re already dropping her title huh?”

“Being too respectful to the Exiled Witch can bring a great deal of unwanted scrutiny. Not that I guess it matters, since we’ll be living in her home.”

“How did the Council of Sorcery take the news of your deal with Lady Otrea?” I asked following Eurycelia through a set of metal doors into a tight stone hallway.

“They didn’t vote me off the council if that is what you’re asking.” Eurycelia replied reaching the other end of the hall and knocking on yet another set of iron doors.

“That’s good isn’t it? So nothing bad came of our oath.”

“Until the King finds out what has happened. The royal family gets a stick up their ass anytime her name is so much as mentioned. Don’t even think we can hide it from them. They know I’m not powerful enough to erase the wards around Otrea’s home. It’ll only take a casual glance to realize you aren’t powerful enough either. Which really leaves only one logical conclusion.”

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“Do you think we’ll be exiled too?”

“Maybe. Though the Council has far more clout with the current King than we did with his predecessors. Given that all of the councilmembers have recognized your usefulness, I’d say exile would wait until you’ve been drained of your usefulness.”

“Ah… so they just intend to use me and then discard me once my value has faded?”

A pair of knights opened the last set of iron doors and ushered us into a massive citadel of white stone. Everywhere I looked there were knights and people who were dressed finely enough to be nobles.

I gazed in awe. The floor over the central chamber seemed to be left open, allowing me to catch a glimpse of nearly five floors above us.

“Bernice!” Eurycelia called my name while snapping her fingers. “I know this is your first time in the Council Halls but you need to pay attention.”

“Attention to what?”

Euyrcelia motioned to a guard standing next to her. The man was dressed in armor which seemed to be half-plate and half chainmail. A red cord was wrapped around his right arm where it met the shoulder, held tightly to his armor by a gold latch.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Bernice Edelberg, I am Ardal Tolchin. The council informed us of your impending arrival so there is no need to fret. I simply need you to follow me to handle a few documents.”

“Oh ok… well then lead on.”

Honestly I wasn’t expecting to have to go through customs after arriving in the city. Also documents? Didn’t Harriette say books were rare? Shouldn’t paper be rare?

Ardal led Eurycelia, Kyra, and Me into a rather lavish office. A guard filed in behind us carrying an extra chair and we were all three ushered to sit.

Holding his hand over a spherical crystal in the center of his desk Adral caused a holographic collage of runes to appear in the air. Touching the runes caused little screens to pop open, and text began to appear as if he was typing information into the screens with his mind.

“Since you are a guest of the council Miss Bernice I would like to ask for your permission to use [Analyze]. If you refuse you’ll be allowed to leave the city without hassle. Though if you wish to gain entry you’ll have to allow it.”

“That’s fine. Most people just do it without asking for my consent. It makes me happy you asked.”

Ardal’s eyes glowed for a second before text began to appear on his screen. “Bernice Edelberg, Race Bunnygirl, age seventeen, class commoner level four, Fire Mage level two. Everything sound correct?”

“Ah… yeah.” I smiled. At some point I’d gained a level of Fire Mage which was exciting. Still hadn’t gained a level of alchemist though.

“Obviously we can skip over Councilwoman Eurycelia.” Adral commented before gazing at Kyra. “I was told an undead would be accompanying Miss Bernice. I take it you are said undead?”

“Yes sir.” Kyra replied fiddling with the hem of her dress.

“Then may I use [Analyze] on your undead Miss Bernice?”

“Yes. I wouldn’t dare leave her behind.”

“Kyra, Race Undead-Human, age two-hundred and eighty-nine, class Tinkerer level fourteen, Berserker level forty-one. All correct there?”

Kyra nodded and Ardal finished up his notes before waving the magical screens away. “There you three are free to enter the city. Welcome to Lorepashe Miss Bernice, Kyra. Welcome back Councilwoman.”

“Thank you.”

“Glad to be back.” Eurycelia smiled before taking my hand. “Now let’s go see your new home Bernice.”

“Sounds like a plan.”


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