Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 42: Chapter Thirty-Nine – Moonlit Reverie

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Adelita and I sat atop the carriage watching as a sea of fireflies passed by. The little luminescent insects numbered in the thousands. Their clusters shining bright as bonfires in the night air.

“This is ridiculous,” I chuckled watching the insect swarms.

“She casts everything at the maximum possible output,” Adelita replied. “It’s a bit terrifying.”

Somewhere under the blanket of fireflies Eskame had cast the spell that brought about their creation. The spell was the most basic[Illusion Magic] one could cast. [Illusionary Figment] a spell design to create a small illusionary item or creature. When Adelita exhibited the spell she conjured the illusion of a single firefly. That was about all the spell was good for according to her.

Eskame however proved once again that she could turn the simplest instructions into the most extravagant results. At least the fireflies were truly illusionary. Other than lighting up the night and disturbing the sleep of a few creatures, the spell was harmless.

“Do you think we should go get her?”

“Eurycelia said she would. So if you don’t mind, I’d like you to stay up here, with me.” Adelita gazed at me, hesitating for a moment before laying her head upon my shoulder.

“Sounds good to me,” I replied laying my head against Adelita’s. “We haven’t spent any time alone with one another since the gazebo.”

“You don’t spend time alone with anyone but Eurycelia.”

“It’s only time alone if you don’t count Eskame.”

“I guess that is true. You have to constantly look after her. I wonder if this is what Master Otrea really wanted. To be as close to helpless again as her power would allow.”

“I doubt it. She seemed to enjoy being in control, at least from my perspective.”

“Will you miss her childish self, once her memories are returned?”

“A little,” I sighed. “Other than entertaining the children of our regular customers, I don’t have much experience with little kids. So it’s been really fun taking care of Eskame, it really feels like I have a younger sister. That said, it does get exhausting at times. So I’ll miss her, but I think I’ll be happy to have one less thing to worry about.”

“Until you and Kyra have a child?”

“They’d be your child too,” I giggled. “A little bunnygirl or human child, calling you Mommy Adelita. I’m sure you’ll be their favorite. Since you’re the one who’ll shower them in stuffed toys.”

“All the stuffed animals in the world cannot compete with the softness of your ears,” Adelita mumbled. “If I were a child I’d refuse to leave your lap so I could rub my cheek against them all day.”

“You don’t have to be a child to rub your cheek against me Adelita,” I giggled. “Just be gentle, my ears are sensitive.”

“Well, if you are o—”

“I don’t believe your mother ever reduced Eskame’s level,” Harriette climbed onto the carriage’s roof cutting Adelita off. “I have been thinking about it all day. [Draconic Spout] is the highest level attack [Water Magic] known to mortals. Lady Otrea never focused on elemental magic, so I would assume she only just barely met the qualifications. Which means, Eskame is casting spells with the full might of Lady Otrea’s abilities.”

“Are you sure? Even at level 100, she’d outclass everyone here.”

“It is the only thing that makes sense. Especially since [Chantless Casting] is supposed to weaken her spells. However, I cannot confirm it.”

“How come?”

“The necklace your mother put around Eskame’s neck is irremovable.”

“Ah.” It made sense that Mommy Laura would make the necklace irremovable. Eskame herself was too youthful to fully understand the ramifications of removing the necklace. So it was possible she could be coerced into doing so. Assuming anyone could even identify the necklace as the reason they couldn’t use [Analyze] on her.

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“So the most powerful non-dragon alive today is a toddler who has no idea how to utilize most of her magic?” I laughed. “This could be disastrous.”

“It may be in our best interest to cease any attempts to teach her magic.”

“No,” Adelita chewed her lower lip. “Only Master Otrea’s magic can properly protect Bernie.”

I glanced at Adelita, stunned for a moment. Unable to recall if this was the first time she’d ever said my name without appending ‘master’ before it or not. “We are traveling by carriage to ensure we won’t need to fight anyone. Eskame doesn’t need to know magic unless we’re expecting a fight.”

“Always expect a fight,” Adelita replied gripping my hand. “I want you to be cautious, so we don’t lose you, Bernie. I know you can’t hear her, but Kyra is saying the same thing. We need Eskame to ensure your safety.”

“But why? Other than Harriette’s sister it doesn’t seem like we have any real threats where we are going.”

“There are a few,” Harriette sighed. “Scaleborn lands are home to many draconic species. In addition to the True Dragons themselves. While Eurycelia and I could easily take care of a few wyverns, if we accidentally antagonize a true dragon we would be done for. Without Lady Otrea’s magic that is.”

“Is there even a chance of us antagonizing one? We’re just passing through to gather some coffee cherries and maybe take a few cuttings to plant closer to home. Why would a True Dragon even pay attention to us?”

As if in answer to my question a heavy wind roared around the carriage forcing me to brace myself or be swept away. From the sea of fireflies, a pillar of visible wind spiraled. A familiar little fox balancing atop it. “Big Sis~! I can fly!!”

“Eskame! Stop this at once!” I heard Eurycelia yell. Though the fireflies continued to obscure her from view.

“Even if they cannot use [Analyze] on her, true dragons can sense when powerful individuals are nearby,” Harriette noted.

“They are also said to be able to sense the mark of the divine,” Adelita added. “So even if you’re weak, a True Dragon might still sense that you are a demigod. And we have no idea how they will react.”

“Wouldn’t them knowing I’m a demigod make them less likely to attack?”

“True Dragons are near-divine beings themselves. Though few can verify the validity of such stories, it is said that they abhor the divine. They believe no being should stand above them.”

“Then why—”

I was cut off by Eskame ending her spell. Using it to launch her little body forward into my arms.

“Oof!” As lightweight as Eskame was, being hit in the chest with her full body weight laid me out flat easily.

“Big Sis~!” Eskame cooed snuggling into me.

“We can talk more about this tomorrow,” Harriette said. Her tone taking on a warmth usually reserved for something extremely cute. “I don’t want you thinking that dragons are a serious threat to us. The likelihood of meeting one is extremely low. So low that I don’t feel we need to make any plans to deal with one.”

“Eskame is going to use her magic anyways!” Adelita grumbled. “Nobody taught her [Wind Magic] yet she just exhibited it for all to see. It’s a better plan to continue teaching her magic than attempting to prevent her from learning it.”

“The decision is ultimately up to Bernice. Eskame only pays attention to her.”

“Did Eskame do somefing bad?” Eskame asked glancing back and forth between Adelita and Harriette.

“Of course not,” I answered petting the little girl between her ears. “Just try not to fly into anyone next time, okay?”


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