Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 43: Chapter Forty – The Scaleborn Kingdom

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"We're not far from Tokarefes," Harriette announced, stepping into the carriage. "Did you want to take Bernice around the city Eurycelia?"

"It shouldn't be hard to slip through the gate without raising a fuss. Though if anybody sees your horns they'll start asking which house you're from."

"Which is why I'm asking if you want to take her around. I'm well aware that I shouldn't go."

"What is Tokarefes?" I asked, idly petting a sleeping Eskame.

"A border city between The Scaleborn Kingdom of Fyrdansaur, and the Human Ciriczar," Harriette explained. "Within the Scaleborn Kingdom, it is one of our largest cities. As normally Scaleborn do not like to congregate in large numbers in any single area. You'll find our people vastly prefer spreading out into towns."

"Thus Tokarefes is one of our largest cities because it is one of the few to have a large population of non-Scaleborn," Eurycelia smiled. "Of course they're all viewed as blood traitors. Those who've turned their backs on their own nations, and thus people who cannot be trusted. Even those who were born in Tokarefes are viewed as outsiders if they're not Scaleborn."

"You're not doing a very good job of making me want to visit this place," I grumbled.

"Unlike Harriette who actually still has some pride in our kingdom, I despise it," Eurycelia replied, glancing in Harriette's direction. "I want to share with you the culture of my childhood, so I want you to see Tokarefes. I just don't want you to be smitten with what you see on the surface."

"You can't fix anything if you turn your back on everything," Harriette glared at Eurycelia.

"The word of a Lesser Scaleborn is worth less than sewage to those who enforce the law," Eurycelia sighed. "You grew up in privilege so you'll never know."

"S-so, how about our little field trip?" I laughed nervously, trying to defuse the icy atmosphere between Harriette and Eurycelia. "It'll be Euri and me, are we taking anybody else?"

"I'll be coming with you," Kyra winked. "I can't let your first girlfriend have all the fun."

"Should we bring Eskame along?"

"I'll look after her," Harriette offered. "I know she'll be upset if she wakes up and you're not here Bernice. But it's best if she stays away from large crowds for now. It'd be a disaster if she gets stressed and uses magic."

"Aww, she won't use magic if I tell her not to," I cooed softly scratching behind Eskame's ear. Causing the little girl to squeak happily in her sleep. "It could be a good memory for her. Plus Mommy Laura wanted us to let her embarrass herself as much as possible."

"Please don't make me beg Bernice," Harriette frowned. "I'm asking that you leave her behind this time. I'll let her go with you and Eurycelia to explore one of the towns on our route."

"Master Otrea did especially dislike large crowds," Kyra nodded. "She claimed that was the main reason we moved to the forest after her exile. After all, there are few nations that wouldn't have welcomed her. The Black Witch Otrea Ladnier is worth at least one-hundred thousand soldiers after all. A small nation could terrify even its largest neighbors if she took residence there."

"Alright, we'll leave her behind. Are we leaving right now? Or are you going to get the carriage closer to the city?"

"You'll leave now," Harriette answered. "You'll raise less suspicion on foot. They'll probably not bother to even stop you as you stroll into the city. After all, if you were anyone important you'd have teleported in."

"And it's not like any of us carry overt weapons. We don't even have staves."

"I guess you're right," I giggled. "Though we are cute. You don't think the guard would stop us just to have an excuse to talk to us?"

Eurycelia smiled before planting a kiss on my cheek. "I'll melt the mind of any guard who stares too long at you. I'm not sharing you with anyone else."


"I'm kidding," Eurycelia laughed. "Now let's go. We have lots of city to cover."

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Carefully slipping out from under Eskame. I followed Eurycelia and Kyra out of the carriage. Though I couldn't see the city from the little glade Harriette had parked the carriage in. Eurycelia swore she knew the way.

With a little shrug, I decided to follow Eurycelia, idly talking to her and Kyra as we traveled. We'd probably trekked about three or four miles before the city's walls came into view.

"Woah," I mumbled gazing at the walls. The walls were massive and made out of a light blue stone. Painted on the stone were murals of dragons in black and gold. "Impressive."

"Scaleborn dislike featureless slabs," Eurycelia commented. "You'll never find featureless walls in our kingdom. Or at least, you won't find any besides perhaps small walls meant to guard a single compound. Even those are often decorated as a matter of prestige."


As Harriette had foretold, the three of us strolled right through the massive dark-wood gates into the city. Without a single guard so much as breathing in our direction for more than a second.

The architecture of Tokarefes was so different than Lorepashe I simply had to stop and gawk at it for a moment. Many of the buildings were built from wood, yet they had no visible boards. It was as if the walls simply grew out of the ground in the shape they were meant to be in. Which I assumed was quite possible with magic involved.

Many of the buildings had up-swept overhanging roofs. With small stone dragons in their corners. Additionally, little cages were dangling from the overhangs. With a collection of softly glowing stones kept inside. Though they appeared dim during the day, I could only imagine they bathed the streets in rainbow light at night. I hoped we'd be staying long enough for me to see it.

"If we travel to the central plaza we should be able to browse the city's street bazaar. Before the vendors start leaving for the day. Of course, if there is something you'd rather see first, we can do that Bernie." Eurycelia said, taking my hand.

"I have no idea what's here," I giggled as Kyra took my free hand. "So I'm down for the bazaar. You're in charge today Euri. I'll go wherever you lead."

Eurycelia smiled. "Well then, this way!"


——— ————

[3rd Person POV]


Harriette gazed at Eskame. Watching the little fox's chest rise and fall. Once she was content in the knowledge that Eskame wouldn't be waking anytime soon, Harriette slipped out of the carriage.

"You can come out of hiding."

"Well now," a woman's voice chuckled. "You have to be pretty talented to have detected me. Especially when I was doing my best to stay hidden."

"Show yourself," Harriette growled, her horns glowing brighter.

"Of course, Harriette." From behind the trees, a woman stepped into view. Dressed in a flowing silver gown with purple accents the woman was beautiful. Brushing her shoulder-length hair, the same color as the heart of a purple pansy, from her eyes.


"Just so you know, I'm not interested in hurting the bunny. I'd love to learn more about her if you have the time. After all, she's wearing a relic of mine. And I'd like to know how she got it."


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