Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 48: Chapter Forty-Five – Self Immolation

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After night had fallen and everyone had went to bed, I shook Eurycelia awake. Careful to do it quietly and softly enough so that Eskame wouldn’t be woken up as well.

Placing a finger to my lips to signal for her to be quiet, I waved for her to follow me. Moving as silently as possible I slipped out of the carriage.

Once Eurycelia and I were outside, I walked until the carriage could hardly be seen. Only then did I feel comfortable speaking. “Euri, can you cast the [Mind Reading] spell?”

“Of course. Nearly all spells which affect the mind are part of [Charm Magic]. Why, is this about whatever Harriette had to say?”

“Yeah. She says that while we were in the city someone came and stole Otrea’s memories from Eskame. They cursed her so she couldn’t tell me who it was, or any details about them. So I want you to look. But I’d prefer if you did it without Harriette finding out.”

“Someone stole Otrea’s memories?!”

“Yeah. Do you know what kind of magic is needed to do that?”

“Hmm… [Charm Magic] can create false memories. Erase memories, view memories, but to specifically steal them? You’d have to be skilled at both [Charm Magic] and [Ether Magic] or [Divine Magic]. I can count the number of mortals capable of doing that on one hand. Which leaves either one of Otrea’s rivals, or a god.”

“Oh… I really hope it isn’t a god. So can you do it? Can you see Harriette’s memories without her knowing?”

“Sure. I’ll use a sleep spell to lull her into a deep slumber from which she’ll never naturally awake. From there I’ll cast [Mind Reading] and take a look.”

“I really hope they didn’t think to tamper with her memories.”

“If they did, they wouldn’t have cursed her so she couldn’t speak. I think you’re on the right track here Bernie. Whoever it was, even if I do not recognize them, I’ll know what they look like soon enough.”

“Alright. So, should we head back? Take care of this now?”

“You can stay here if you like. That way we won’t both be sneaking back into and out of the carriage. I’ll go take a dip in Harriette’s brain and slip out to tell you what I saw. Maybe you can take this opportunity to tell your mothers what has happened. If it is another god, I’m certain they’d appreciate some forewarning.”

“Right… I’ll try to contact them. Come back as quickly as you can Euri.”

“I will,” Eurycelia smiled slipping close to me. “Can I have a kiss for good luck?”

“Never one to let an opportunity pass, huh Euri?” I giggled leaning forward to press my lips against Eurycelia’s.

“Never,” Eurycelia winked. “I love you Bernie.”

“I love you too Euri.”

My cheeks felt hot as Eurycelia’s jaw dropped. For what felt like an eternity she just stared at me. “Bernie… please… say that again.”

“W-What?!” I stuttered. “O-Once is enough.”

“Please!” Eurycelia whined. “Please please please. Say it again!”

“I love you too,” I mumbled gazing at the ground. My cheeks feeling so hot it wouldn’t have surprised me if they caught fire.

“Teehee yay!” Eurycelia twirled before dashing off towards the carriage.

Sitting down beneath a rather large tree I took a second to compose myself. My heart was beating so quickly. It wasn’t a bad feeling but it was strange and new to me. Being around Eurycelia, Kyra, and Adelita had brought a lot of strange new feelings. Maybe I was finally becoming a full-fledged adult?

“So…Mommy Rysa, Mommy Laura, did either of you hear what has happened?”

“Yes,” Mommy Laura’s voice echoed in my head. “You told someone other than me that you love them. I’m a little jealous.”

“Wait! You could just… talk to me this whole time? Why did I keep getting pop-up messages then?”

“It was fun?”

“Ugh,” I rolled my eyes. “And not me saying… that. About Otrea’s memories. Someone took them.”

“Never a dull day for you, is there Baby Bernie?” Mommy Laura laughed. “I was watching when Harriette begged you to keep quiet. I should’ve thought to make Eskame an oracle to prevent things like this. But I didn’t. Guess you’ll have to raise her. Be a good big sister, okay?”

“How about you help me find Otrea’s memories so I don’t have to. Sound like a plan?”

“I’ve already been looking Baby Bernie. Have a little faith in me. I can only find oracles with a snap of the finger. Finding anyone else takes a little actual searching. And there are no living oracles capable of stealing the memories of someone else.”

“Who is capable of it then?”

“Eurycelia should be able to tell us. Knowing what they look like. Or at least what race they were. Will speed things up considerably.”

“So… I guess we wait.”

“We wait. Though while we’re talking, it seems Rysa has made some major adjustments.”

“Yeah. My level skyrocketed.”

“Not that. Your race.”

“Oh yeah, she renamed it. I’m a Divine Rabbit now.”

“Mhmm. Well you’ll understand soon enough. Once you’re not so sore, perhaps try a few hops like a bunny would? Focus on sending energy into your legs, and make sure you’re outside. It’ll be fun.”

“Anytime you say something will be fun, without explaining what it is, it always ends up either dangerous or embarrassing.”

“True. This could be both. But you can blame Rysa. I’m just helping you realize it is something you can do, before you need it. Always good to have an extra tool in your arsenal.”

“Alright. Next bit of free time I get, I’ll test it out.”

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I idly chatted with Mommy Laura a bit longer before Eurycelia returned. From the look on her face, she had some bad news. Or at least, concerning news. Which I guess was always going to be the case. We were after all now hunting someone capable of stealing memories directly from someone else’s head.

“Do you know who it is?”

“Stand still Bernie,” Eurycelia held out a hand to stop me, and then began to chant. “[Illusory Scene].”

Suddenly two figures appeared in the air between us. One was Harriette, dressed exactly as she had been the other day. The other, was a woman with shoulder-length purple hair. The woman was dressed in a silver gown with purple accents, and she looked exactly like—


Eurycelia nodded. “You’re going to see and hear everything Bernie. Just watch.”




“You…” Harriette gazed wide-eyed at Otrea. Obviously having as much difficulty believing it was her as we were.

“Just so you know, I’m not interested in hurting the bunny. I’d love to learn more about her if you have the time. After all, she’s wearing a relic of mine. And I’d like to know how she got it.”

Hurting the bunny? Me? Why are they talking about me, if she’s going to steal Otrea’s memories?

“Lady Bernice is the daughter of a primordial god. If you’re speaking of her collar, it was a gift from Lady Otrea.”

“A god’s daughter huh? Well, I can see why I’d have valued her enough to give her such a thing. Though perhaps I valued her for her adorableness first, and then her heritage second.”

“You speak as if you are Lady Otrea,” Harriette growled. Her horns glowing brightly. “As one who is oathbound to Lady Otrea, it angers me. I’m only going to ask you once to drop the act.”

“Such a stalwart protector I… she has. You’re right, I am not your precious Lady Otrea. I am Otrea Ladnier from a few hundred years in the past. Created and locked away, never to wake until my own heart stops beating. Such a morbid spell. I was hoping whoever I’d given the Phoenix’s Tear to, would be able to answer a few questions. But it seems that was unnecessary. You should be able to tell me all that I need to know.”

“Impossible, Lady Otrea’s heart still beats.”

“Oh?” Otrea raised an eyebrow at Harriette before taking a few steps towards her. “Then perhaps I was awoken prematurely. Care to enlighten me a bit?”

“Prove it. Prove that you are Otrea Ladnier.”

“How many know that the collar Bernice is wearing houses the Phoenix’s tear? I also recognize one of her companions. Adelita Kelsall, my own personal permanent undead. Since she’s following Bernice around, that means I performed the Ritual of Transference, didn’t I? Seems like I’ve given her all of my rare things. Did I ever figure out how to free the infant personality within her?”

“You,” Harriette collapsed to one knee. “You really are Lady Otrea.”

“Yes. But not the one you swore your oath to. So stand up. Let us talk like old friends. Tell me what has become of the current me. I’m curious to know why my spell malfunctioned. If she’s not dead, then I shouldn’t be here.”

Harriette looked uncomfortable but began to recall how Otrea had ended up as Eskame. A tale she had to continuously stop so the ‘Old Otrea’ could stop laughing and compose herself. Finally, once the tale had been told, Otrea asked if she could see Eskame.

“Oh, I am quite adorable.”

“That you are. Though, without your memories, you are a far clingier child than I believed you would be. You’re practically Bernice’s shadow when you are not asleep.”

“Ah,” Otrea gazed down at Eskame with a warm knowing smile. “Well I hate to circumvent the punishment of a god, but I think I’ll take my future self’s memories as my own.”

“But what about—”

“Otrea?” Otrea waved her hand as if it was no issue. “With only the exception of what I’ve experienced between waking up and now, I am no different than she was years ago. Once I completely integrate her memories with mine, I’ll be the sole Otrea Ladnier. And this little fox can remain in the care of Bernice. Sometimes it’s better to start over.”

“But her soul.”

“Was shattered into two pieces as part of the [Clone] spell. My spirit is not artificial, but a perfect half of the vessel that began as Otrea Ladnier.”

“That’s impossible.”

“Normally it is. For centuries I even agreed. Souls are singular entities. Perfect vessels that unravel when damaged. But souls continue to grow as our level does. Once your soul bypasses level one-hundred and fifty. It has twice the ethereal volume as that of an infant. It was at that point I began to think my spell was feasible.”

“What if you’d been wrong? What if you’d died?”

“Harriette, have you ever loved someone so much that you feel as if life is only worth living when they are around? Did you love me like that? If I killed the little fox without retrieving my future self’s memories, would your heart shatter? I had someone like that. And once she was gone, the repercussions of failure didn’t matter so much anymore.”

“Lady Otrea, I—”

“Don’t,” Otrea wiped a tear from her eyes. “No pity. I answered your question. For me that pain happened only a few weeks ago. For my future self, it’s been centuries. Once I have her memories, I know this pain will dull. You’ll lose nothing. I’ll be the Otrea you remember, and Bernice gets to keep the little fox. Yet another relic I’ll have entrusted to her.”

“A relic?”

“Half of the soul of the great Otrea Ladnier,” Otrea smiled. “It may not be a tangible thing, but it is far rarer than Dragon Crystals and Phoenix Tears. Now then, it’s going to take me some time to properly integrate these memories into myself. So I’m going to need to curse you, Harriette. Just a little something to slow everyone down and buy me some time.”

“I am oathbound to you. If you want me to stay silent you simply have to say so.”

“Hmm… The curse will make it difficult to compel you to share who took my memories with magic. I’ll allow you to share that they were taken. At least that way they’ll know this little fox is free of me. She can be her own person. I hope Bernice will give her all the love and care she could ever desire.”

“Hopefully they won’t worry about it too much,” Otrea continued. “But if they do, by the time they find me, I’ll be finished. I shouldn’t need more than a week to do what is needed. After that, I have no idea how I’ll act. My future self may have changed dramatically from the person I am today. Maybe she’ll seek you out. Or maybe she’ll vanish. I don’t know. But I’m excited to find out.”


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