Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 61: Chapter Fifty-Six – Celebrations

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Thanks to a teleportation circle within Otrea’s manor in Lorepashe, we could come and go as we pleased. All without the city officials ever knowing whether we were home or not. Something that became increasingly important now that there was a warrant out for Eurycelia’s arrest.

Apparently the Council of Sorcery decided that her resignation was somehow proof she’d been corrupted by Otrea. They’d wasted no time starting up their propaganda mill of lies that Eurycelia was an ‘accomplice of the exiled witch’.

Even more infuriating was the fact that, while I was most definitely an accomplice of Otrea’s, they didn’t say anything about me. It showed just how politically motivated their actions were. Probably hoping they could extract some kind of deal out of me in exchange for ‘pardoning Eurycelia’.

If only they knew I had a dragon. Actually, that was a good idea. I made a mental note to take Libelle with me and pay the council a little visit. After my birthday party of course. I wanted Eurycelia to be a cute maid in my new cafe, and I couldn’t have that if they kept trying to arrest her.

“We have a little free time,” Kyra noted after we arrived in the manor’s basement. “Would you like to go see the cafe?”


“Wait!” Eurycelia pouted. “Can’t we just hang out in the study and cuddle. The cafe isn’t even finished yet.”

Wrapping my arms around Eurycelia I brushed a few curly strands of green hair behind her ear. Then I leaned forward and gave her a passionate kiss. Not letting up until I needed a break to catch my breath. “Soon we won’t have to leave you behind Euri. But I have to check up on the cafe, make sure the craftsmen are building it properly. Stay here and look after Eskame for me okay?”

“Fine,” Eurycelia nodded. Turning away from me to kneel before the sleepy little foxgirl behind her.

“Be a good girl for Euri, okay Eskame?” I smiled.

Eskame nodded her head sleepily before collapsing against Eurycelia. Nuzzling her face into her shoulder.


“Sure thing Kyra, lead the way.”

Taking my hand in hers Kyra led me up the stairs to the manor’s ground floor, and then out the front door. Stopping for a moment to kick the mountain of letters and bound rolls of parchment out of our way.

“A lot of nobles might get pretty salty seeing you mistreating their letters like that Kyra.”

“It is better than seeing you waste your days away agonizing over how to reply to them. They’re all worthless compared to you and Master Otrea. They have nothing to offer. I have games we could be playing instead.”

“Ah that’s it then,” I giggled. “You’re just jealous I actually tried to read the letters I received instead of playing games with you.”

“Games are more important.”

Loosely grabbing Kyra’s pink ponytail I sauntered up beside her and planted a gentle kiss on her cheek. “We’ll have all the time in the world for games soon.” I purred.

It was true, once the cafe was completed I had little left on the list of goals I wanted to accomplish. I’d carefully trained Libelle in as many styles of coffee as I could think of, anointing her with the illustrious title of ‘Shift Lead’. She would train all the new recruits we brought on.

Which was important, because while I wanted my girlfriends to serve as proto-waitresses when I was around. I didn’t actually want them to be full-time employees of my establishment. We were after all, far too wealthy to worry about working for anything more than idle fun.

To ensure my future baristas weren’t noble agents in disguise I’d contacted one of the healers I’d trained, Monte. He’d seemed genuinely thankful that I’d taken the time to teach him and his sister how to properly handle allergic reactions. I used this to extract a small favor from him.

I wanted peasants. At least two dozen young men and women who were either down on their luck. Or simply struggling to make it in a society that heavily valued magical talent. They would be my workforce, and I would shower them in gold. After all, it wasn’t like I needed to turn a profit. I just really loved coffee.

Perhaps I could offer Karolina a job. She seemed pretty down on her luck. I mused as Kyra and I strolled through the capital.

Both of us trying desperately to pretend like we hadn’t noticed the armed men who’d begun to follow us at a distance.

“They’re going to get hurt if they get any closer,” Kyra mumbled to me, tightening her grip on my hand.

“They’re just voyeurs. Watching every move I make. Taking notes to send back to their masters. I’ll grumble to mommy Rysa about them later. After all, it’s her fault they all know about me. She could’ve ordered everybody to keep their mouths shut, but nope, totally forgot.”

“You’re becoming as brutal as Laura,” Rysa’s telepathic pout came the moment I finished speaking. “You know I would never intentionally cause you trouble.”

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“I know,” I grinned. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t make a big deal out of it anyways. I’m a full-grown adult as of tomorrow, I need to be a bit more rebellious.”

Also if it bothers you, you could stop eavesdropping on everything I say and do.

“It’s always odd to hear you speaking with your mothers out loud. Especially since I can hear your side of the conversation, but no theirs.”

I winked at Kyra, “It’s a perk of having a pair of gods as parents. It’s also kind of creepy, you know, there are times you don’t want them to be watching. But they probably are.”

“It’s creepy for us too!” Rysa declared. “Nobody wants to watch their daughter masturbate! I can assure you we look away!”

“Oh? I seem to remember Mommy Laura saying that she was witness to my every breath whether she liked it or not.”

“That may have been true when your divinity was sealed, but not now. You are not so tightly bound to us that we cannot ignore you. The only reason we’re watching so frequently is to protect you. Need I remind you that you nearly became dragon food a few months ago.”

“This is what… the five-hundredth time you’ve mentioned it?” I rolled my eyes.

“Bernie, we’re here.” Kyra announced. Pulling my attention away from the conversation I was having with Rysa and onto the building in front of me.

My future cafe was a three-story stone structure that’d once served as an inn and tavern. The previous owner had been so deep in debt to a rather sadistic noble house that he offered it to me if I cleared his debt. Which was good enough for me.

I paid the debt and made a big show of the fact the inn now belonged to me. Just to ensure they didn’t try to mess with me in the future. Then collected my keys and promptly shut the whole place down for remodeling.

Since actual profit wasn’t an objective of mine I decided we wouldn't offer inn services any longer. Instead, my new baristas could use the now vacant rooms for themselves. The last thing I wanted was to find that my employees were homeless and struggling to find a place to stay.

As such I didn’t really worry about remodeling the second or third floors. Focusing my hired craftsmen’s attention entirely on the first. The place had already been rather upscale but I wanted a unique charm unlike anything that existed in this world. Or at least this country.

The walls of my new cafe were painted a dark maroon, accented with silver streaks. The tavern’s circular tables had been discarded for square ones. Made of ebony-like wood with black metal accents.

The bar was the same. Gone was the low bar where customers would sit and drink away their troubles. Replaced with a high ebony wood bar.

The only customer-touched places at my bar was where they would order, and where they would pick up their drink at the end. Of course those who were dining in could simply take a seat. One of my waitresses would bring their drinks and food out to them.

We’d also kept the fireplace, and I always got excited when I looked at it. I had no use for a fireplace, as magic to warm a room was quicker and easier than lighting a fire was. But it added a nice ambiance that I appreciated.

At this point, we were just waiting on the craftsmen to finish up with the kitchen area. Installing all the magical cooking tools that I’d requested Otrea produce. As I planned to introduce doughnuts, chocolate chip cookies, and waffles, to go along with our coffee.

It was a bit of a stretch to say I was introducing doughnuts and cookies. As this world had very similar counterparts to both of them. But I figured it sounded good from a marketing standpoint.

“Oh! Lady Bernice!” A tall burly man called out before bowing to me. “We’ve nearly finished. Just a few more tweaks before she’s ready for opening day.”

“Thank you Harshad,” I smiled. “Don’t let me impede your work. I’m simply too excited to stay away.”

“Aye Milady,” Harshad chuckled. “After that, vanilla lah-tey you shared with us everyone has been desperate to see this place built. So that we can return your coin to you and buy ourselves some more.”

“I’ll give you and your men a discount on their first cup,” I winked. “As a special service for your hard work.”

“You’re too kind Lady Bernice.” Harshad bowed. “If Atoardena and Tarleikada’s dance blesses me and my wife with another daughter. I swear that we will name her after you.”

“I’m honored,” I replied scratching at my cheek. Part of me wanted to try and talk him out of naming his future child after me. While the other part feared it would be really disrespectful and insulting to do so. So I remained quiet and prayed Harshad’s next child would be born male.


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