Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 62: Chapter Fifty-Seven: Unexplained Behavior

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Gazing out my window I could see my various companions preparing for my birthday party. It would be without a doubt the largest and most extravagant event I’d ever attended. A fact that spawned a relentless horde of nervous butterflies in my stomach.

It made sense. After a year living in this world I’d somehow managed to worm my way deep into everyone’s hearts. Even Otrea who’d been salty with me when we first met now went out of her way to shower me in attention. I was after all the daughter of the only woman she’d ever truly loved. We were possibly also sisters now, but that was a can of worms I still refused to open.

“The only person who hasn’t arrived is Libelle,” I muttered to myself as I made my way out of the room. Otrea had taught me how to properly utilize the teleportation circle in her home, so I didn’t have to wait on anyone else. If I wanted to see what was keeping my dragon so long, I could just do it.

After all, I had time. Especially now that Mommy Laura had informed my companions of Earth’s penchant for surprise parties. Meaning that most of their preparations were being done inside the magical gazebo, hidden to my eyes. The twin catgirls Taji and Kuri standing guard outside to keep me from entering.

It was an effective strategy. Off all the girls Otrea had collected before me, Taji was the one I was most defenseless against. Her boundless energy and love of teasing kept me at bay. Making her one of the few girls in Otrea’s harem that I hadn’t yet wooed myself. Not that I wanted to.

Stepping into the manor’s teleportation circle I pushed my magic downward, into the circle itself. Once it’d consumed enough the circle began to glow and a moment later I was standing in Otrea’s study.

Making my way through the halls of Otrea’s caverns I quickly found Libelle and Karolina. They were not far from my bedroom, Karolina pressed onto the floor with Libelle’s clawed fingers wrapped around her neck.

To Karolina’s credit she was staring defiantly at my dragon, rather than wetting herself, which is what I would’ve done.

“What’s going on?” I asked as I approached them.

Libelle quickly released the little dwarf, her claws, wings, and tail all vanishing into thin air. “She’s been causing a ruckus Master. I was simply preventing her from bringing disorder to your things.”

“Uh huh, wel—“

“Give it back!” Karolina cut me off, glaring at me. “That scroll is special to me. I demand you return it.”

“I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about,” I glared back at Karolina. “But you’re not really in any position to be making demands.”

Karolina ground her teeth while her face flushed red. I prepared myself for a tantrum yet she simply closed her eyes and let her rage fade away.

“Did you need something from me Master?” Libelle asked, now ignoring the dwarf.

“Yeah. My party will be starting soon. I didn’t want you to miss it.”

“You desire my presence?” The corner of Libelle’s lips curled upward, as if she wanted to smile and yet hadn’t quite got there yet.

“Yeah. It wouldn’t feel right to leave you out.”

“Then I will return with you. What would you like done with this one?”

“Hmm,” I crouched down in front of Karolina and made eye contact with her. “I didn’t see any scrolls near where I found you, and I certainly didn’t take anything from you. If you’re civil I’ll do my best to help you find it. For now, however, we are throwing a party to celebrate my eighteenth birthday. Would you like to attend?”

Karolina stared at me almost as if I was some strange unknown creature. Finally she nodded, “It would be an honor.”

“An honor?” I grinned. “So you know who I am.”

I giggled as Karolina opened and closed her mouth like a fish gasping for breath before hanging her head. “Yes.”

“Well no need to look so defeated. It just means I get to skip my half of our introductions. So tell me, who are you?”

“I’m Lu-,” Karolina winced in pain holding her head with both hands.

“Are you okay?” I asked reaching for her.

“I’m fine,” Karolina replied slipping out of range of my hand. “Sorry. I am Karolina Woodwalker. I’m single, decent with a bow, and ugh… very fond of rabbits.”

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“What are you up to?” Libelle growled, grabbing Karolina by her collar.

“It’s okay Libelle. She’s still a bit sick, it makes sense for her to be a little scatterbrained right now.”

Libelle glared at Karolina before releasing her so quickly the poor dwarf had to struggle to keep her balance. I almost wanted to scold her for treating our guest so roughly, but I couldn’t help but agree with her. Karolina was acting awkward as heck.

The question was did Karolina’s awkwardness mean she was keeping something from us? Or was she simply that intimidated being in the presence of a demigoddess? I didn’t really have the time to find out.

“Alright then,” I said standing up and gazing at Libelle. “Perhaps we should find Karolina something better to wear than a loose shirt? I know some of Eskame’s dresses would fit her.”

“Forgive me Master but I believe her body is sufficiently covered by her current attire. Stressing about her appearance is just going to make you late.”

“It won’t take that long to get her dressed.”

Libelle frowned, narrowing her eyes at Karolina. A moment later the little dwarf’s shirt had vanished, replaced with a sleeveless black dress made up of shimmering dragon scales.

“I wasn’t aware you could do that for other people.”

“You never asked and I didn’t want to dress you without your permission.”

“Ah well,” I winked. “Next time, you’re doing me.”

“If that’s what you want,” Libelle replied her cheeks taking on a pinkish color.

Together the three of us returned to Otrea’s study, Libelle offering up the mana required to send us back to the manor.

“You didn’t…” Karolina gazed around the room wide-eyed. “You didn’t inscribe the runes. How?”

“Otrea’s circles are special,” I giggled. “No salt required. Unless you want to go to one of the main city circles. Even then, I wouldn’t be surprised if Otrea had secretly made that possible without runes as well.”

“Ah, the witch.”

“I guess there isn’t a culture in existence who hasn’t heard of her exploits,” I smiled right as Harriette appeared in the doorway.

“There you are Bernice,” Harriette commented. “We’re ready for you.”

“Guess we’re right on time then,” I stepped off the teleportation circle, turning around to tell Karolina to stay close. The dwarf was frozen where she stood, glaring at Harriette. Digging her nails into the palms of her hand so deep I could see droplets of blood forming.

“What the—“

Karolina opened her mouth to speak only to collapse to her knees, clutching her head and whimpering in pain. I whipped my head around to see if Harriette had done something only to see her staring in wonder at the dwarf. Her expression looking nearly as confused as I felt.

“Bernice, there appears to be something very wrong with that dwarf.”

“Yeah. I’m going to have to ask Otrea to take a look at her. It’s possible she’s suffering from something my divinity isn’t strong enough to fix.”

“Save it for after your party. I’ll keep an eye on her until then.”

“Thanks Harriette.”

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