Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 63: Chapter Fifty-Eight – Birthday Delights

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Chapter 58

The garden gazebo was perhaps one of the most magically imbued spaces that I’d ever set foot inside. When I first saw it with Adelita I found that it was massive in comparison to its outward appearance.

What looked hardly large enough for a group of six friends to sit inside of comfortably, expanded into a massive pagoda. Resplendent with decorative marble fountains, elaborate engravings, and nearly endless racks of wine. 

At the time the garden was still visible beyond the walls of the gazebo. Now all I could see was endless sky stretching out beyond us, as if the gazebo itself was floating on a cloud. 

Everything else had changed too. The fountains had their waters replaced with chocolate and the decorations had changed to match my tastes. To one side Mommy Laura was standing beside Rysa, smiling at me. In front of her was a massive beautiful espresso machine, identical in appearance to one you’d find on Earth.

How she’d pulled it off I didn’t know. I’d asked once why she never brought my favorite manga over for me only to have her tell me that the two worlds couldn’t exchange items. Like souls, otherworldly objects would eventually disintegrate. 

“Big Sis~!” Eskame shouted running across the room to wrap me in a tight hug. “Happy Birfday!” 

“Thank you,” I smiled petting Eskame’s hair. 

“Would you like your presents first?” Otrea asked strolling over to wear I stood, as I was unable to move with my tiny fox sister clinging to me. “Or food?” 

“We can do food first.”

“Ah…” As I spoke I noticed Adelita with her hands behind her back. She’d approached me just outside my line of sight but now she was frozen.

“Actually, how about presents first.” I smiled. 

Adelita breathed a sigh of relief before approaching me, “I made this for you Bernie.” In Adelita’s hands was a beautiful white and black spotted stuffed bunny.

“Wow,” I beamed taking the stuffed rabbit from her. “Thank you Adelita.” 

“You’re welcome, happy birthday.” 

“Seeing that blush I’d call you a lady killer Baby Bernie,” Mommy Laura laughed. “But this one is already dead, so I guess you get a pass. I’m sure you’re curious about what me and Rysa brought you.”

“Yeah… how?” 

“It’s all magic. For your purposes it’ll work just like the ones back home, but nothing inside is the same. It took me forever to find a craftsman skilled enough to make it a reality.” 

“Otrea couldn’t make it?” 

“She’s a bit busy don’t you think?” 

“Ah, I guess you’re right. Thank you, I’m delighted to have it.” 

“It’s one of a kind, so don’t let anybody touch it without the proper training. If you break it, it’s not like you can just call a repairman.” 

“Also,” Rysa stepped forward patting Eskame’s head before wrapping me in a hug of her own. “Your manga is in the library. Along with two new volumes you’ve yet to read.” 

“Wait, really?!  How?”  

“A bit of fate, some trickery, and conscripting a few artists who have been honestly wasting their talents. At that point all we needed to do was give them visions of the manga you like and make them believe it was their own original ideas.”

“So… somewhere there are artists making this world’s first manga, just so I could read the one I like?” 

“It won’t hurt anything. It’s not like manga can be used to win wars.”

“Still, wow.” 

“As much as I love how impressed you are Baby Bernie,” Mommy Laura ruffled my hair. “We would be a sorry excuse for gods if we couldn’t do at least this much.” 

“I guess that is true… though I asked you for my manga over a year ago and never got it, so I figured there was a divine rule getting in the way.” 

“We might’ve held onto it specifically to make your eighteenth birthday extra special,” Rysa chuckled. “Sorry Bernie.” 

“It’s okay,” I smiled hugging my mothers. “You achieved your goal, this is super special. I’d have never expected it.” 

“I have something for you too Bernie,” Eurycelia noted hesitantly before giving me a kiss on the cheek. “But I want to wait until tonight to give it to you, okay?” 

“Can I get a hint about what it is?” 

Eurycelia’s cheeks took on a bright red color and she turned away from me, “No.” 

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“Well before small-horns melts,” Kyra started, swapping places with Adelita. “Let’s eat!” 

“Did Otrea—” 

“Yes I did,” Otrea cut me off. “Kyra and Adelita can enjoy all the delights on offer tonight, without any side effects. I wouldn’t leave them out.” 

“Ah, thanks.”  I smiled at Otrea as Kyra led me to a table and began piling a plate full of various foods. 

“I think I’m going to gain weight after all this,” I joked as Eskame took the seat next to me, hugging me tight.

“Would a chubby Big Sis be even softer?” 

“I guess that is the primary benefit of weight gain,” I laughed. 

“Woah, den yes!  Eat all the foods Big Sis~!” 

“You run around so much I’m sure you’ll quickly burn off anything you gain tonight,” Kyra replied sitting on my free side, scooping up a forkful of cake. “Now then, say ah.” 

“I can feed myself,” I blushed. 

“I’m not taking no for an answer,” Kyra grinned pinching my side. As soon as I opened my mouth to squeal she stuffed it with the cake. “Tasty?”

“Very,” I answered holding a hand in front of my mouth. “It’d be even better if I didn’t almost choke on it.” 

“Should be more obedient next time,” Kyra smiled scooping up more cake. “Say ah.” 

This time I opened my mouth without contest, letting her feed me to her hearts content. 

I guess this is okay… on rare occasions. 


After spending the night eating, dancing, and dealing with everyone’s antics I happily trudged my way back to the manor. At some point Eurycelia had vanished, probably to collect whatever her present was. Or perhaps to wrap it, she seemed the type who hated cutting corners. 

Climbing the stairs to the third floor I made my way into my bedroom to find Eurycelia seated on the edge of my bed. She was dressed in one of the skimpiest sheer nightgowns I’d ever seen and blushing so deeply I feared she’d faint. 

“Euri, your present is…”

“Y-You said eighteen is the age of adulthood in your culture right?” Eurycelia asked her voice breaking. “Since we’ve been together for almost a year now… I figured it was time that we…” 

“Euri,” I sat down on the bed beside Eurycelia and wrapped and arm around her. “Umm… I’m very tempted, but only if it’s something you want too. I’m in no rush.” 

“I want it!” Eurycelia twisted and pushed me down on the bed so she could straddle my stomach. “It’s just… I don’t know what to do. This is my first time.” 

“Mine too. I guess, we could start slow and see where it goes?”


“But before I start undressing I should probably go ask Kyra to keep an eye on Eskame, this isn’t something I want my little sister interrupting.” 

“She’s already taking care of her, Kyra has known all along that this was my plan.” 

“Really?” I raised an eyebrow, “I figured she would fight you over who got to be with me first.” 

“She did… We played a game to decide who got you first, and I won.” 

“You beat Kyra at a game?! What did you play? I can’t beat her at anything unless she takes it easy on me.” 

“Bernie… we can talk about that later,” Eurycelia leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on my lips. “For now, how about we get you a bit more comfortable?” 

“Ah,” I felt my own cheeks heating as Eurycelia fumbled with my shirt. “If you’d get off of me I could do it myself.” 

“I should let you,” Eurycelia pondered, “but I don’t want to. I want to do it.”

“Well… umm, in that case, carry on.” 


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