Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 68: Chapter Sixty-Two: Precursor’s Shadow

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Walking through the gates of Lorepashe I couldn’t help but gawk at a city both familiar and foreign. As the capital city of Ciriczar many of its most important districts had received their outlines centuries ago, yet the facades were far from the same. 

This was extremely evident as we neared Otrea’s manor, located in a district the nobles had abandoned in our time. Here all the manors were well-kept and decorated with the ornaments of ancient wealth. 

“This isn’t before Otrea moved here is it?” I mumbled to Rysa as we approached the manor I’d come to know as my home. 

“Only one way to find out,” Rysa sighed taking the lead as we walked up the few steps to reach the front door. There Rysa raised her fist before hesitating inches from the wood. 

“What’s wrong?” 

“I just need a second to think about what we’re going to say.”

“Are we not able to just tell her everything?” 

“How do we even begin to do that?” 

“Hmm,” My mind wandered back to my first meeting with Otrea, when she’d dangled me upside down inside her Spider carriage. Even though I was stronger than I was then, my power was still dwarfed by her. 

Rysa would be able to pacify Otrea if things took a sour turn, but probably not before the two of them leveled the entire district. I could understand why a god of law and order wouldn’t want to accidentally bring about such an outcome. 

“Umm… excuse me,” A hesitant voice called from behind us as we deliberated. 

Turning I found a young woman in a beautiful silver and green dress standing behind us. She wore a rather plain-looking grey cloak to hide her face but as close as we were it did little to hide her from me.

As I took in her bright strawberry-blond hair and amethyst-colored eyes my jaw fell open. “Princess… Ellione?” 

“Ah,” Ellione sprung forward and covered my mouth with her hand. “Please don’t say my name so loudly. I gave my guards the slip to come here, they’ve been trying to keep me from meeting with Councilwoman Ladnier.” 

Rysa’s eyes widened as she looked between Ellione and me. Before she could say anything the doors to Otrea’s manor were opened by a woman who appeared near-ethereal.

“Excuse me, but do the three of you have business with Lady Otrea?” 

“Yes,” Ellione replied with a smile before sending me a look that seemed to scream ‘keep quiet’. 

“Not common for three women to all seek me out at the same time, on the same day,” Otrea purred from behind the ethereal woman. “Perhaps you could negotiate among yourselves who’ll spend the day with me? Even I don’t have the confidence to bed the three of you at the same time.” 

“Bed?” Ellione blinked… “Wait, that’s not…” 

“We’re from the future!” I blurted out, as Otrea turned to walk further into the manor. “I’m Bernice Edelberg, you and I met centuries after you were banished from the kingdom for killing Princess Ellione.” 

“She kills me?” Ellione murmured gazing fearfully at Otrea’s back. 

“As if I’d ever,” Otrea turned narrowing her eyes and stalking forward enraged. “I am a lot of things but a regicidal murderer is not one of them.”

“It was a false charge,” I continued trying desperately to stand my ground. “You taught her [Ether Magic] and helped her break the veil between worlds. Sending her to a world called Earth.” 

Ellione’s eyes widened in disbelief as she stared at me. 

“And why would I do that?” 

“I don’t know, why would you? Perhaps you can ask her, she happens to be the woman standing right here.” 

“Princess?” Otrea gazed at Ellione in confusion. 

“H-Hello Councilwoman.” 

“Corrynthia,” Otrea turned to gaze tiredly at her spectral servant. “Please take Princess Ellione and our other guest to the library, I want to speak with the bunny-eared woman alone.” 

“As you wish,” Corrynthia bowed. “Princess, Milady, I ask that you’d do me the honor of guiding you to our library.” 

“Bernice…” Rysa gazed at me in concern. 

“It’s okay Mommy Rysa,” I winked. “If we want Otrea’s support, this is the best way to get it.” 

“I’ll leave it to you then,” Rysa gave me a quick hug and then followed Corrynthia to the library. 

“Now then, you said your name was Bernice?” Otrea raised an eyebrow at me. “Follow me, I’ll take you somewhere we can talk in private.” 

“Of course,” I smiled falling into step behind Otrea. “You know, this is already going better than the first time you and I met each other.” 

“How so?” 

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“Well you wrapped me in spiderwebs, dangled me upside down, and threatened to kill me, before basically forcing me to join your harem.” 

“And why would I do that?” 

“I’d destroyed a few of your materialized spirits, without knowing any better.” 

“I don’t believe I keep any spirits around weak enough for a girl of your level to kill.” 

“Not now maybe, but you do in the future. Well… in our version of the future.” 

Opening a plain wooden door Otrea guided me into a small room with a bed, desk, and dresser. “This is a servant’s bedroom,” Otrea noted before waving her hand toward the bed. “Please sit down there.” 


“How long ago did you come here from the future?” Otrea asked pulling a chair over so she could sit directly in front of me. 

“A few hours. Thanks to Rysa we made short work of the trip here.” 

“And who is Rysa?” 

“The short girl with the red twin tails, she’s one of my adoptive mothers.” 

“Right… I’m not going to lie, this conversation is giving me quite the headache.”

“I figured you’d prefer us to be as direct with you as possible.” 

“This is better than the normal noble mind games,” Otrea shook her head. “Alright, Bernice are you aware of the spell [Mind Reading]?” 


“I’m going to cast it on you.” 

“Ah, thank you. That’ll save me a lot of time.” 

Raising an eyebrow at me Otrea chuckled, “Most people don’t say thank you when they’re told their minds are about to be invaded.” 

“I need your help, and seeing what I’ve seen will hopefully prove to you that I’m worth helping.” 

“This is going to hurt,” Otrea warned as she placed her hand on my forehead. As soon as she made contact I felt myself heating up as if I’d just gotten a terrible fever, and then a splitting pain set in. 

My brain felt as if it was being electrocuted and melting at the same time. Little flashes appeared at the corner of my vision, the system warning me about what was happening. Right when I thought I couldn’t possibly take anymore Otrea pulled her hand away and I collapsed onto the bed. 

“A little warning that I was about to view my own death would’ve been appreciated.” 

“You’re the great witch Otrea Ladnier,” I wheezed attempting to sit up and failing. “I highly doubt that was the end of you. We just didn’t have time to wait for your failsafe to activate.” 

“You have an extremely high opinion of me if you think I can survive a god’s assault.”

“You’ve outwitted the gods before.”

"Even I am amazed by my future self hearing such things. I'll help you, but first, let me see the princess home."

“Ah, before... we go back to our time, I would like a chance to speak with her. Ellione is my biological mother, but she died when I was so young I hardly have any memories of her." 

Otrea gazed at me with her mouth agape before pinching the bridge of her nose. “I think I need a drink. Stay here until you recover your strength, Corrynthia will be by to check on you soon, we’ll move you to a nicer bedroom then. As for the princess, I'll try to arrange something.” 

“Thanks,” I smiled weakly. “Before you go though, can you take this from me? We still need to make a body for her.” 

Taking Karolina’s soul from me Otrea gazed at the little orb for a moment before sighing. “I’ve never created a homunculus for another person.”

“So it’s impossible?” 

“No, nothing is impossible. If my future self could do it, then I too can do it in time. I’ll attempt to speed along my research on the topic, now rest. You’ll make yourself sick if you don’t take it easy after having mind-reading magic used on you.” 

“Ah right, goodnight Otrea.” 

Otrea hesitated at the doorway, “Goodnight Bernice.” 

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