Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 69: Chapter Sixty-Three – A Divine Discovery

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Otrea must have gone as far back in my memories as she possibly could without melting my brain. Unlike when Harriette had used the [Mind Reading] spell on me, where I recovered fairly quickly, I was down for the count for what felt like hours. 

When Corrynthia came for me later in the evening I was still incapable of standing on my own. Without a single complaint, the spectral woman knelt down and lifted me into her arms, carrying me like a princess up the stairs. 

For someone kind, beautiful, and ageless like Corrynthia to have been in Otrea’s life, I wondered why I’d never met her. Had something happened to sour their relationship before I came along? Two hundred years was a long time for things to change, still, I wanted to know. Sadly there wasn’t anyone around who could tell me.

I was placed in one of the bedrooms for Otrea’s live-in mistresses, which were all vacant except for the one Kyra and Adelita lived in. Neither of them were mentioned by name but when Corrynthia warned me that an undead woman lived in the manor I knew it had to be them. 

“Do you require any refreshments?” Corrynthia asked me as she pulled a nightgown out of a nearby dresser. 

“I’m a little hungry,” I replied with a blush. 

“I will get you something from the kitchen then, before that may I change your clothes? What you’re wearing must be dreadfully uncomfortable.”

“Uh… Sure.” 

With the skilled hands of someone who’d served a noble mistress for decades, Corrynthia pealed away my clothing and then dressed me in a nightgown. Collecting the discarded clothes Corrynthia slipped out of the room without another word. 

“Seems like you’re getting the VIP treatment here Bernice,” Rysa strolled into the room, smiling warmly at me. 

“It’s certainly going better than last time. Otrea is willing to help us, but we still need a plan.” 

“I’ll figure something out,” Rysa smiled before slipping into bed beside me. She’d already changed into a light lavender nightgown, though hers was a size too big for her body.  

“You said we’d practically created a new world right?” I asked Rysa who’d snuggled close to me. “What does this mean for this version of Ellione.”

“If she learns [Ether Magic] and breaks the veil between worlds she will show up on Earth a few weeks after you and Laura left. Earth is part of a self-contained world, it is unaffected by what has happened here. Your father is already dead, she won’t meet him, which means her future child won’t be you.” 

“But she’ll still die.”

“Yes, unless she is warned about the effect of shifting worlds on a soul, and devises a countermeasure. Though I wonder if Ellione could even use magic once she reached Earth. It’s possible she realized it wasn’t the place she remembered and tried desperately to return here, only to find herself unable to use the magic to do so.”

“That’s extremely depressing.” 

“You could stop her.”

“This version of her, but our version of Ellione is still dead. Even if my memories of her are vague I still… I want to think that my birth mother was happy with her choice.” 

“Right,” Rysa gently patted the top of my head. “I’m sorry Bernice, it was not kind to share such thoughts with you. I’m sure she had a very happy and fulfilled life. She had you after all, and she loved you so much she lured a goddess over just to protect you.” 

“What do you think is happening in our world?”

“No clue, I’d assume it is frozen in place, until time can reconnect with it. That said with Deezer caught within the effect, it may be impossible. At least until we do something to jumpstart the process.” 

“Won’t we need someone who can use time magic to do that? I don’t think Otrea ever spoke of such magic being possible for us.” 

“It’s not something a mortal can muster the power to use, but a god could.”

“Which means you?” 

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“No,” Rysa giggled. “My domains are set in stone, I could never grasp time, but you know there are gods beyond us primordials right? They are lesser gods without defined domains, many of them are little more than horrific creatures devoid of anything resembling a personality. They hunger for the powers of the primordials and constantly assault our dominions in the heavens to consume us.” 

“So we’re going to try and capture some cthulian nightmare to restart time?” 

“I said many of them are monsters, not all of them. Some are as intelligent and cunning as we are, if not more so. If we could sway one of those gods over to our side, we could use them to restart time.” 

“Did you have one in mind?”

“Yes, though I only just became aware of her.”

“You can’t mean…” 

“Otrea’s maid Corrynthia is unmistakably a lesser god.” 

“Why would she be here? Otrea seemed surprised to hear her future self dared to tussle with a god.”

“Otrea is capable of a great many things, identifying divinity may not be one of them. It is highly possible she believes Corrynthia is simply a powerful spirit. That said, Corrynthia should know without question that I’m a primordial and that you’re a demigoddess. If we linger here long it is possible she’ll approach us on her own.”  

“Do you think she’ll try to hurt us?” 

“I doubt it,” Rysa smiled. “If she was the violent sort I doubt she’d be here masquerading as a maid. I just hope she’s open to collaborating with us. If she’s a pacifist we may be incapable of securing her support.” 

A gentle knock at the door drew my attention, “come in.” 

“I asked one of our chefs to make a variety of items, feel free to leave anything you dislike,” Corrynthia noted pushing a cart laden with food into the room. 

Lifting a pitcher off the cart Corrynthia poured me a glass of fruit juice, sitting it on the end table beside me. “Lady Rysa, a separate bedroom has been prepared for you.” 

“I appreciate that, but I want to stay here with my daughter. We hardly have time to cuddle most days, I want to get in as much filial skintimacy as possible.” 

“As you wish.” 

“Umm Corrynthia,” I said lifting the glass of juice. “How long have you and Otrea known one another?” 

“I have served Lady Otrea for nearly six-hundred years.” 

“Six-hundred?!  How old was she when the two of you met?” 

“I believe she was forty-five, though I may be a few years off.” 

“Wow, so she was extremely young when the two of you met, by comparison at least. What was she like back then?” 

“It’s been so long I can hardly remember. I believe her breasts were far smaller back then.” 

“Wait,” I giggled. “Otrea used magic to make her boobs bigger?” 

“Yes, I believe she did.” 

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