Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 7: Chapter Seven – Collared

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Otrea was waiting for us when we returned to her caverns.

“Did you find what you needed?”

“Not yet Milady,” Harriette replied with an elegant curtsy, which I tried to mimic. “Bernice and I will have to go further afield to obtain the ingredients she requires.”

“Very well, she did say it may take some time.” Otrea giggled softly. “Now if you don’t mind Harriette, I would like to take the bunny off your hands for a bit. I have some things I’d like to do with her in my chambers.”

Oh no.

My entire body shook as I imagined what the sadist had in mind for me. I was too young for this. Save me Fred!

“She is yours to do with as you please.” Harriette curtsied again before slipping behind me and pushing me forward.

“Delightful.” Otrea chanted a quick spell, pointing at my neck. Spiderwebs shot forward from her finger, wrapping around my neck like a collar.

Once I’d been properly collared Otrea attached a length of spider thread to it as a leash. Then whistling to herself she turned and tugged me forward into the caverns.

Given how comfortable she seemed in the pitch-black cavern hallways it was surprising how well-lit Otrea’s room was. Almost as surprising was just how cutesy everything was.

From her plush bed with a poofy pink comforter. To the dozen plush toys littering the room. If this was all you saw you’d be forgiven for thinking Otrea was a normal girl. Of course, I knew better. I knew Otrea was a psychopathic sadist, and I was not happy she was looking at me like her favorite snack.


“Huh?” Did I hear her correctly?

“I said strip. Is the word unfamiliar to you? I would like you to remove all your clothing.”

“M-may I ask why?”

Aunt Laura… I think your niece is about to graduate to adulthood.

“You’ve been playing in the forest all day and you’re dirty. I have little use for you when you’re dirty.” Otrea sighed before an extremely large pair of scissors materialized in her hand. “Now strip, or I’ll shred all your clothing and you’ll spend the rest of your days naked.”

“Yes, ma’am!” Never before in my life had I ever undressed so quickly. At this point I was so nervous I’d lose clothing privileges I couldn’t even begin to feel embarrassed.

“Good bunny. Leave your clothing there, the children will gather them. Now follow me.”

I obediently followed Otrea into an adjacent room. Inside was a massive hot spring bath. I was mesmerized by the steaming water. I’d seen hot springs in anime and manga before, but I’d never been in one myself. I kept staring at the water until a massive bucket of the stuff was dumped over my head.

I shrieked and shook myself while looking for where the surprise shower had come from. At first I’d thought it was Otrea, however, I quickly realized another woman had joined us.

“Who are you?” I asked the woman. She was beautiful, blond-haired, and cat-eared. A real live nekomimi, tail and all. Standing with a bucket in hand without a stitch of clothing to keep her modest.

“Taji!” The catgirl replied laughing. Her eyes glowed for a moment. “You’re Lady Otrea’s newest addition huh? It’s nice to meet you Bernice!”

Newest addition? Are all the women here part of this Sadist’s harem?

“You’re here to clean her Taji, now stop playing and guide her into the bath.” Otrea chastised the cat while slipping free of the last stitch of her clothing.

“As you wish!” Taji sing-songed before grabbing my hand and pulling me into the delightfully warm water.

“Won’t the water get dirty?”

“The bath is enchanted to clean itself,” Otrea replied slipping into the water behind us. Sinking down until only her head was above water. “If it were not I’d never allow filth like you to bathe with me.”

“Ah… sorry for being filthy.”

“It’s ok, I’ll get you clean in no time.” Taji giggled before attacking me with a soap-covered cloth.

“Hey wait… No, don’t touch me there… I can clean it myself.”

“Now, now, be a good girl and stay still!”

“No! Not the ears!!!”

By the time Taji was done cleaning me I was a sobbing puddle in the corner of the bath. My poor ears felt so heavy and soaked and my nerves were way over-stimulated. 

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Gently brushing one of my ears with a finger I couldn’t help but wonder if my flower had bloomed. As soon as Taji learned they were sensitive she kept attacking them until I was a squealing, shivering mess.

I don’t know if she’d have ever stopped messing with them if Otrea hadn’t grown tired of my screams. It was only her ordering Taji to stop that caused the teasing to cease.

I swear they’re all sadists. How can I endure this for five years? Even two days has already been too much for me!

“Bernice, you’ve sulked long enough. Dry yourself off and meet me in my bedroom.”

“Y-Yes ma’am.”

Pulling myself up out of the water I grabbed a towel off a nearby shelf and dried myself as best I could. A task made infinitely harder thanks to my ears being massive water sponges.

Once I felt dry enough to be presentable I made my way back to Otrea’s bedroom where the sadist awaited me, goth lolita outfit in hand. “Now put this on.”

I gazed at the outfit Otrea was holding and then I glanced towards her chest which was easily double my own. “Will it fit?” I asked tilting my head in confusion.

“I had this one made according to your measurements, I know it will fit.”

“How did you get those…” I certainly didn’t remember anyone coming to measure me.

“I had Harriette take them while you slept. Now put the outfit on or I’ll dangle you from the ceiling by your toes.” 

Harriette you traitor!!

Hesitantly I took the outfit which consisted of an overly-frilled black and green mini-dress, with lace gloves and knee socked. Then under Otrea’s observant eye I got dressed, earning a smile of approval from my new employer.

“You look adorable.”

“T-thank you, Lady Otrea.” Even if she is a sadist, I can’t help but blush when a pretty girl compliments me.

“Now one last thing.” Otrea stepped forward and snapped her fingers, causing the spiderweb collar to disintegrate. In its place, she fastened a black lace collar around my neck. “Perfect.”

“None of the other girls have a collar.” Before I could stop myself the words spilled out of my mouth. I knew better than to question Otrea, she could do whatever she wanted. If she wanted me to wear a collar I’d wear a collar. Questioning her would only bring misery.

“Would you feel more comfortable if I collared them?” Otrea smiled mirthfully. “I believed it would look cute on you, and it does.”

“Thank you ma’am.”

“Don’t mention it, besides as long as you wear that collar I’ll be able to find you. Consider it a little insurance to make sure you always return home safely. You and Harriette will be traveling quite far to obtain this espresso I imagine, and my sphere of protection does not extend endlessly. Soon you will travel to dangerous parts of the forest, where it is possible some nasty creature might attempt to snatch you away from me.”

I guess… she can be sweet when she tries.

“Now,” Otrea sat down on her bed and beckoned me over. “I’m going to cuddle you.”


Cuddle me? This sadist? Is she just buttering me up so I’ll let down my guard?

“Do not look so confused, you are the smallest of those who serve me and therefore are the perfect doll to cuddle. Or would you rather I wrap you up in spiderweb first? Perhaps you cannot enjoy it if you are not constricted?”

“Understood!” I quickly strolled over to Otrea and plopped myself down in her lap.

“That’s a good bunny. Now I have been quite curious about something.”


“I wonder if you like this?” Otrea leaned forward and sunk her teeth into my ear.


I’m certain that even the people on Earth heard my screams. 


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