Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 70: Chapter Sixty-Four: A Chance Encounter 

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Over the next couple of days Otrea stayed locked away, refusing to meet with me. Corrynthia on the other hand served us dutifully as Otrea’s maid, but never once identified herself as a god. Forcing me and Rysa to play our hand. 

“Corrynthia,” I started as the spectral woman laid our lunch before us. “May we speak with you about something?” 

“What do you need Lady Bernice?” 

“Umm… you’re a goddess right?” 

Though I was the one who asked the question, Corrynthia’s gaze fell on Rysa. “I am no threat to you.” 

“We aren’t asking out of self-preservation,” Rysa smiled wryly. “We need you, a god who has not yet obtained a domain. Only with your power can we restart time in our own world.” 

Corrynthia sighed, “Unlike my mistress, I have not seen your memories so forgive me for being a bit confused. If Lady Otrea wishes to help you, then you have my aid as well.” 

“How did a god come to serve a mortal?” I asked, curious about the genesis of Corrynthia and Otrea’s relationship. 

“Forgive me, I may have misinformed you of a few things previously,” Corrynthia said gazing at the staircase as if Otrea could come down at any moment. 

“You asked how long Lady Otrea and I have known one another, and I said she was around the age of forty-five when we first met. That is only half true. She was around the age of forty-five when she and I had our first conversation with one another. I however have been watching over her since the day she was born. I am actually a friend of her father.” 

“Her father?” 

“Lord Scanlyn Ladnier. Though Lady Otrea is known as the first mortal to ever master [Ether Magic], that is only due to her father’s efforts in the field. He worked tirelessly to unravel the secrets of [Ether Magic] and eventually completed a spell that would allow him to summon a lesser god, me.” 

“Sadly he died a few years later,” Corrynthia continued. “Attempting to utilize the spell [Seraph’s Wrath], the ultimate expression of [Ether Magic]’s combat potential. After his death I returned to the heavens but I never forgot him, nor his daughter. When I saw her carefully unraveling her father’s notes, following him down the path that led to his destruction, I couldn’t stay away.” 

“[Seraph’s Wrath], I’ve seen Otrea, the future Otrea from our world, use that spell twice. Is it slowly killing her?” 

“Though the spell damages its caster, it is not damage that could not heal over time. Assuming she can survive the spell’s activation and is given the time to rest and recover afterward, I believe there is no risk to her life.” 

“Well that answers a lot of questions about your relationship,” Rysa smiled. “But knowing all this doesn’t get us any closer to restarting our own time and defeating Deezer.” 

“Your enemy is Zaserdizar?” 

“Yeah,” I replied picking at my food. “His power over time is cheat-level. No matter how much we wound him, it seems like he’s able to recover.” 

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“We need another time god to nullify his powers,” Rysa noted. “Which means, how are your time powers Corrynthia?” 

“I’ve never attempted to use such magic.” 

“Right,” Rysa sighed. “Well, at least you can learn.” 

“How long will it take for her to grow powerful enough to help us?” 

“Years, decades maybe.” 

“Ah, that…” I was stunned. I’d been ready to spend a few months in this world, but the idea that we would be spending years here felt like a bucket of ice water had been dropped on my head. “What about our souls, won’t we die if we spend too long outside of our real world?” 

“Neither of us is mortal Bernice. It’ll put more of a burden on you than it will on me, but I am not afraid that either of us will be consumed by this world’s reality. Especially not, since it is a copy of our own, just set at an earlier time.” 

“Still…decades without Mommy Laura, without Euri, or Adelita, or Kyra…”

“I’ll figure something out Bernice. Right now you are powerless to do anything. Just be a good girl and try to find ways to enjoy yourself here. You know where the coffee beans grow right? Why not go collect a few and introduce this world’s people to coffee.” 

“There is a dragon there Mommy Rysa, and she’s not pledged loyalty to me in this world.” 

“Take Otrea with you.” 

“She’s currently building a homunculus body for Karolina.” 

“Alright, maybe the coffee thing is off the table.” 

“Yeah,” I replied with a sardonic smile. “Don’t worry mom, I’ll find something to do with my time. If nothing else I could spend my days improving my alchemy skills.” 

“Sounds like a marvelous plan, now let’s eat before our food gets much colder.” 

After lunch, Rysa continued to speak with Corrynthia, while I slipped out of the manor. At my current level, I was powerful enough that normal people didn’t pose much of a threat to me. 


Name: Bernice Edelberg
Race: Divine Rabbit
Age: 18
Alias(es): Bernie the Bunny Barista, Primordial Child
Class:  Alchemist [lvl. 11]; Elementalist [lvl. 12]
Strength:  4 (F+ Rank)
Agility:  6 (E Rank)
Anima (magic):  11 (E+ Rank)
Intelligence:   10 (D Rank)
Perception:   5 (E Rank)
Divinity:  3 (F+ Rank)
Necromancy  Tier 2 (F Rank)
Alchemy: Infuse  Tier 6 (E Rank)
Alchemy: Synthesize  Tier 5 (E Rank)
Alchemy: Transmute  Tier 4 (F+ rank)
Analyze:  Tier 2 (F Rank)
Divine Magic:  Tier 2 (F Rank)
Fire Magic:  Tier 5 (E Rank)
Water Magic:  Tier 1 (F Rank)
Coffee Making:  Tier 16 (B Rank)
Common Tongue:   Tier -- (Rankless)
Divine Talents:  
Bestow Blessing  Tier 1
Cause Misfortune  Tier 2
Incite Emotion  Tier 0
Entangle Fate  Tier 0

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