Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 77: Chapter Seventy – Triumphant Reunion

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Though they’d taken off a day before us, Libelle and I quickly overtook Neige and Gloria in the sky. I had Libelle slow down so that I could wave to Neige and let her know I was alright, then we flew on ahead. Compared to Gloria, Libelle’s speed was unreal. She flew through the air fast enough to blur the ground below, allowing us to return to Otrea’s manor before nightfall the same day we departed. 

“You found Libelle again?” Rysa asked with an exasperated chuckle as Libelle and I stepped inside. 

“She was a lot scarier to fight without Eskame and Otrea around.”

“You had to fight her?” 

“She nearly died after falling out of the sky,” Libelle recalled, gazing uncomfortably at Rysa. “I learned we were bound to one another then.” 

“Well, it’s good to see you again, Libelle. Though this does make two times you’ve attempted to kill my daughter. Next time you try I’ll erase you from this and every other reality.” 

“Er… Understood.” 

“Mommy Rysa is a Primordial goddess, oh and Otrea’s maid Corrynthia is a goddess too… so you’ll just have to get used to being in the presence of the divine.” 

“I may have told you this before,” Libelle spoke to me while gazing at Rysa. “But the primordials are untouchable as far as we dragons are concerned. Our creator was one of them, and we have long been forbidden from using our powers against them.” 

“Is there some magic that compels you to spare me?” Rysa asked stepping close to Libelle. 

“It’s more of the principal. Killing the companions of our creator would draw his ire.” 

“But if say… a primordial goddess were to ask you to kill a primordial god, could you do it?” 

“Is there someone worth breaking our taboo among you?” 

“Do you really think that Libelle could make a difference against Deezer?” I asked Rysa as a contemplative smile appeared on her lips. 

“She is a godslayer. I didn’t think much of it before, but her power could’ve tipped the scales if we’d called upon it the last time Deezer crossed us. If Corrynthia can disrupt Deezer’s time magic, Libelle may stand a chance at killing him.” 

“It doesn’t sound like you’re all that certain.” 

“Legends speak of the dragons being created as the antithesis of the gods, a failsafe to protect the primordial’s creations,” Otrea noted stepping into the room. “Forgive me for eavesdropping, but you weren’t exactly keeping your voices down.” 

“Er… that’s fine, what makes them the antithesis of the gods?” 

“Desecration,” Rysa replied, nodding to herself. “The dragons are living, breathing, embodiments of desecration. It may not be possible for Libelle to kill one of us on our own, but if she were to sink her claws into a primordial’s body it would poison them. That alone could weaken and disrupt Deezer, enough to give us the edge.” 

“Then… all we’re waiting for now is you to teach Corrynthia time magic?” 

“Yes. It’ll be some time before she is ready.” 

“While you’re waiting,” Otrea placed a hand on my shoulder. “We can still complete one of the objectives you had after coming here.”

“Er, which is?” 

“I was able to set up a meeting between you and the Princess. It seems she was quite interested in speaking with you too, given all that you said in her presence. If it’s not too soon, I could take you to the castle tomorrow.” 

My heart began to beat heavy enough that I feared it would escape the confines of my chest. Finally the time had come for me to meet my birth mother, and have a real conversation with her. Better yet, I had coffee for her to try! “Tomorrow is perfect, I can’t wait!” 

The rest of the day passed by slowly as I anticipated the meeting between myself and the past incarnation of my birth mother. I had inherited her eyes and hair color, so I felt somewhat confident that she’d believe me when I said I was her daughter. Though the fact that I was no longer human did complicate things somewhat. 

After spending the night in a buzzy sleepless state of excitement, Corrynthia came to tell me Otrea was ready to leave, after breakfast of course. I ate quickly before allowing Corrynthia and Rysa to dress me in a frilly gown they said was appropriate castle attire. Then Otrea led me to her carriage which had sadly not been magically turned into a camper car yet, not that we needed such a thing. 

“I knew your reputation was bad,” I whispered to Otrea as we walked past the castle guards. “But I didn’t expect to see the guards shivering in their boots.” 

“It is believed that I could destroy the entire kingdom overnight if I decided to,” Otrea chuckled. “Which is false. The kingdom is quite large, it would take me at least two days to ensure all of it became a smoldering ruin.” 

“I don’t believe they’d feel any better to know it would take one extra day.” 

“If it bothers them so much, they should train. My power is not unique, anyone could gain it if they put in the proper amount of effort.”

“Guess that’s true.” 

“The Princess should be waiting in one of the conference rooms upstairs, did you remember to bring your coffee?” 

“Yes,” I tapped the messenger bag I had slung over my shoulder. “I’ve got everything I need to produce some coffee for you and Ellione.” 

“I can hardly wait.” 

Otrea guided me into a conference room that was smaller than I’d anticipated it to be. Here, two couches and a handful of plush chairs intimately surrounded a round wooden table. More surprising than the size of the room however, was the fact that Ellione was already here. She’d situated herself in one of the chairs furthest from the door, without a single guard or maid in sight. 

“I am pleased to meet you again, Bernice the time traveler.” 

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“Likewise,” I did a shallow curtsy before taking a seat on one of the couches beside Otrea. “I have so many things I want to speak with you about that, I don’t know where to start.” 

“At the beginning perhaps?” Ellione smiled. “I’ve cleared my schedule for today, so that you would have my full attention.” 

“Well,” I stated with a nervous giggle. “If we’re starting at my beginning, then you’re my mother.” 


“Yeah. You made it back to Earth after securing Otrea’s help. There you met my father and had me. Sadly, umm… you died when I was very young and so I don’t have many memories of you. I was adopted by one of the Primordial goddess of this world, or well the parallel future version of this world. She’s the reason I’m a bunnygirl and not a human, if you were wondering how that happened.”

“That’s…” Ellione studied me for a moment before sighing and slumping back in her chair. “That explains why you have the amethyst-colored eyes the royal family prizes so much. I thought it was just coincidence when we first met, but it makes more sense knowing you inherited it. So… how did… how did I die?” 

“Earth’s reality rejected you. It unraveled your soul.” 

“That’s…” Ellione held a hand over her heart and gazed down at the floor. “I still have memories of Earth, I can’t believe it would reject me.” 

“I was very young when it happened, all I can tell you is what my adoptive mothers have said.” 

“So the gods of this world, they went and brought you back here?” 

“Not initially. The goddess Laurmonja, whom I’ve been calling Aunt Laura and now Mommy Laura my whole life, moved to Earth and took care of me there. Apparently, I was too close when your soul unraveled and my own soul was damaged. Mommy Laura gave me a bit of her divinity to save my life, and I lived on Earth until just before my seventeenth birthday. At that point I had to come here, because the divinity that remade my soul was foreign to Earth and I was at risk.” 

“Laurmonja… the goddess of trickery, to think she would save my future child.” 

“Umm… Princess.” 

“You can just call me Ellione if you like. Umm… we’re practically the same age now, so I’d rather you not call me mom.” 

“Ellione… may I ask why you wanted to return to Earth so badly?” 

“I died very young,” Ellione frowned and began to nervously rub one of her thumbs with the other. “We were at war, the whole world was, and I guess I just got unlucky. I was outside when the air raid sirens went off, and I never made it home. Next thing I knew, I was a baby again, gazing up at one of my wet nurses. I guess… I hoped my mother had survived, I wanted to go back and find her. So that we could be a family again.” 

“What country were you from?” 

“The United Kingdom, why do you ask?” 

“I was born in the United States, almost sixty years after the end of World War Two. Which means the world you returned to was nothing like the world you left.” 

“Then my mother…” 

“Had probably already lived a full life.” 

“I considered the possibility,” Ellione said somberly as a single tear rolled down her cheek. “I knew that just because I didn’t feel any time between my death and rebirth that it didn’t mean time hadn’t passed. Still… to know that I failed. No, even worse, that I died and left my family behind a second time. It’s… I’m sorry I need a minute.” 

Ellione covered her face with her hands and turned away from us so that we wouldn’t see her cry. Standing up from my chair I walked over to her and began to gently rub her back. “If you hadn’t tried to go back, I wouldn’t be here right now. The decision the parallel future you made is why I’m alive, and so… I really appreciate it. But, she’s already made her move, and you don’t have to. You can stay here, with me, and Otrea. I mean, I know it hasn’t happened yet but apparently she got the hots for you before you left the first time, and was willing to completely change her ways to be with you.” 

“Bernice!” Otrea stood up. “You failed to tell me about this.” 

“Because I was just going to let it happen naturally.” 

Turning in her chair Ellione wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her face in my belly. “If I don’t go… you’ll still be alive?” 

“Yeah… my future is something of a parallel world to this one, so you don’t have to follow the same timeline. Besides if you go back to Earth now, you’ll be going back to the Earth that I left. Since it isn’t affected by all of our world-bending shenanigans apparently.” 

“Then… I’ll stay, here. Though I don’t know about having a relationship with Lady Otrea, I’m far too weak for the kind of activities rumors state she is into.” 

“Oh, I’m sure her heart will grow softer for you if you give her the chance.” 


“What? Just because you don’t have feelings for her now, doesn’t mean you won’t ever have feelings for her. I know what my version of you said, Ellione was her one true love.” 

“Just make your coffee before I tear off that puff tail of yours.” 

“Ah, right!” I grinned and gave Ellione a soft pet on the top of her head. “Before I left Earth I became a pretty gifted Barista, and I brought everything I need to treat you today. Mind releasing me so I can make you the best coffee of your life?” 

“Coffee?” Ellione released me and gazed up at my face, confusion evident in her puffy reddened eyes. “I don’t think… I’ve ever had that.” 

“Even better. Get ready to have your mind blown… figuratively of course.” 

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