Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 78: Chapter Seventy-One – Altering the World 

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“So you’re attempting to train a goddess in time magic so that she can overwhelm the Primordial god of time and restart your world?” Ellione asked gazing at me as if she expected me to say everything was one elaborate joke. 

“That’s it, basically.” 

“You… have a lot of troublesome things in your future it seems,” Ellione said sagely as she took another sip of the coffee I’d prepared for her. 

“There may be a way to accelerate your plans,” Otrea noted as she too sipped on her coffee. “Your mother hypothesized that new versions of the primordials were created to tend to this world, so they’re not the same.”


“So we know that Laura and Rysa are our allies, and now we have a second Rysa and another Laura. Perhaps you could rope them into your schemes. Plus, we know what Deezer was so upset about. We could use that to lure this world’s version of Deezer out of the heavens and then force his cooperation.” 

“Er… how?” 

“Because in your memories Deezer said something about you changing the world. This was what he was attempting to do something about, so all you need to do, Bernice, is change the world.” 

“I don’t really feel like I changed much last time though. All I did was find coffee and start work on opening a cafe.” 

“Really?” Otrea chuckled. “Did no one learn that you were a Demigoddess? That alone is pretty potent information, it would shake up the entire religious community. After all, the Primordials don’t take oracles, let alone have children. Oracles and Demigods are the product of lesser deities. Your mere existence is world altering.” 

“So I need to go on a big publicity campaign announcing that I’m a demigoddess? That sounds… awkward.” 

“Of course not,” Otrea grinned. “You have the Princess on your side, use her.  I’m sure your dear birth mother would be delighted to provide you the weight of her station to ensure word spreads quickly.” 

“My father would be ecstatic to announce that the world’s only Primordial Demigoddess has taken residence in our kingdom,” Ellione chimed in. “Though perhaps you should focus on getting our versions of your adoptive mothers on board first. We don’t want to accidentally antagonize them, and end up with more adversaries than planned.” 

“Agreed… though I don’t exactly know how to get ahold of them right now.” 

“You could get down on your hands and knees, in the middle of a rainstorm, and sing our favorite hymns in reverse,” a juvenile male voice giggled from behind me. “Or you know… just ask. Miss Demigoddess.” 

Quickly turning in my seat I laid eyes on a young man with silver hair that appeared to reflect light like gemstones. “W-Who are you?” 

“I am the god of alcohol, parties, trickery, and luck, Laurmonja, you can call me Lauren if you like. Though… I did listen to your entire explanation, if you’d rather call me Mommy Laura you can. Doesn’t bother me a bit.” 


“How long have I known of your existence? From the start. I guess you could say I was quite lucky to be idling away my time, my mind free to wander as far and free as possible. It wasn’t that hard to feel a little seed of power, identical to myself, wandering around the world. And to see Rysa with red hair, as if that were some grand disguise, simply priceless. I have not stopped laughing at the two of you.” 

“If you’ve been watching, I could’ve really used your help when Libelle nearly killed me…” 

“Desecrated ground sweetie. I was in motion, but I couldn’t simply appear over your shoulder in a place like that. By the time I got near the dragon had already realized her mistake, so I wasn’t needed.” 

“What about… this world’s Rysa?” 

“She’s aware of you,” Lauren smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder. “But she’s afraid of making a bad impression, as you should’ve expected out of a coward like her.” 

“So… are the two of you dating… in this world?” 

“I’ve been trying,” Lauren winked. “But for some reason she just won’t say yes.” 

“Er… she hasn’t told you the reason?” 

“Nope, she just shuns my advances, it’s really quite heartbreaking. Especially knowing that we have a child. Or… would’ve had a child. Your existence is quite confusing.” 

“Yeah… it’s been incredibly hard to explain.” 

“Well Rysa and I are aware, and you have our help. Once you lure Deezer out, we’ll help you crush him.” 

“Thank you… Er… are you sure Mommy Laura is still okay? You’re kind of a Dad right now.” 

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“If you’d prefer to call me Daddy Lauren that works too.” 

“Er… no,” I shook my head as my face heated. “Earth people ruined the word Daddy, you can be Dad… or Father Lauren, though that sounds really formal.” 

“We’re not on Earth sweetie, I think Daddy is a fine form of address.” 

“Please… no.” 

“Fine fine, have it your way. Just call me Dad.” 

“Thanks… Dad. Umm… Ellione,” I turned to see the Princess gazing at us as pale as a ghost. “Are you okay?”

“I don’t know,” Ellione admitted. “I… accepted you were adopted by gods but I really didn’t expect I would have one just randomly show up in the castle, and I’ve had no time to prepare my heart. Umm… I didn’t pay attention in church, what do I do? Should I bow? Grovel?” 

“Oh it’s customary to give the materialized deity a deep sensual kiss,” Lauren answered snarkily, licking his lips. “I’ve moistened myself for you Princess, please don’t keep me waiting.”

“That’s a joke!” I shouted as Ellione reluctantly got to her feet, “That is, one-hundred percent a joke.” 

“Aww… Bernice, why must you ruin your father’s fun?” 

“Why don’t you go pop in on my Rysa and say hello? Maybe she can tell you why your Rysa isn’t up to dating you.” 

“Don’t you need me to stay here, to protect you?” 

“Deezer isn’t going to do anything yet, so… we’re good. Right, Princess, we’re good?” 

“I’ll take good care of her Lord Lauren. She’ll have the most comfortable bedroom in the entire castle all to herself, and I’ll escort her back to Lady Otrea’s manor as soon as Father has made her identity public.”

“That’s a problem,” Lauren said waving a finger back and forth. “My poor daughter has only just met her birth mother officially and you’re not going to let her share your room? This may be the last time she gets to see you, since she’ll be returning to her world once we’ve finished. Can’t she have one or two nights cuddled up at your side?” 

“I… don’t see a problem with that.” 

“You really don’t have to,” I noted, gazing at the floor sheepishly. “We did only just meet, and you’re not exactly the same Ellione who gave birth to me, so you have even less—“ 

“It’s fine, Bernice,” Ellione smiled and placed her hand on my cheek. “I’d love to have you stay in my room. After all, as a Princess there are so few people that I can speak so freely to. So even if it’s too awkward for us to stay together as mother and daughter, we can be together as friends. I’m sure there are many more things you’ve yet to tell me about your life, and I’d love to hear them.” 

“Well then,” Otrea placed a hand on my shoulder, “I’ll be returning to my manor. I am looking forward to the King’s announcement, I’m sure the rest of the Council of Sorcery will be in an uproar. I’ll do my best to keep them away from you, no promises though.” 

“Just knowing that you tried is good enough for me.” 

“Well, I intend to try. Good luck Bernice, It’s been a pleasure Princess, and… you’re coming with me right?” 

Lauren raised an eyebrow at Otrea, “Why would you think that?” 

“To meet with the Rysa that’s presently staying in my manor?” 

“Oh right, exciting. Lead the way won’t you?” 

“Your… Mother… isn’t like that usually, is she?” 

“She’s a little less openly psychotic if that’s what you mean, though she’s still quite the trickster. Sometimes her antics go far enough that, I have to remind myself that she raised me and punching her isn’t okay.”

“To even imagine punching a primordial god…” 

“As a primordial demigoddess I think I’m allowed.” 


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