Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 82: Chapter Seventy-Four – Dueling Swords

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With a wave of her hand, the blond Rysa summoned a flaming sword, while my Rysa did the same. The two of them glared at one another, as the pedestrians around us fled to escape the brewing battle. 

Charging forward the blond Rysa swung her sword wide only to meet Rysa’s blade. With a powerful swing Rysa easily overpowered her counterpart and sent her flying backward through the air.

Landing far behind Deezer the blond Rysa began to charge while Rysa did the same, both of them focused entirely on the other. Once they reached Deezer they swung their blades again, and missed. Both swords sliced through Deezer’s body as he let out a surprised yelp. 

“Sorry Deezer,” The blond Rysa grinned looking down at the injured god of time. “It’s time we removed you from our pantheon.” 

“You… why can’t I…” 

“Oh how unfortunate would it be if you couldn’t rewind time and heal yourself anymore,” Lauren chucked slipping past the onlookers. “We’ve been planning this for a while Deezer. Unbeknownst to you, I’ve been weaving quite the web of misfortune for you to fall into, not that you could’ve possibly noticed. I’m pretty good at deceiving people after all. Now then Corrynthia dear, would you please relieve this old gasbag of his powers?” 

“Of course,” Corrynthia replied appearing from behind Lauren. “Though… perhaps you could hide this part of the process? I don’t want anyone to see something so gruesome.” 

“Ah,” Lauren snapped his fingers causing Deezer, Corrynthia, and himself all vanish. A few minutes later Corrynthia and Lauren reappeared while Deezer was nowhere to be found. 

“Looks like we didn’t have to waste our time teaching you time magic,” Rysa smiled, walking over to pat Corrynthia on the shoulder. “Congratulations, Goddess of Time.” 

“That went over better than we expected,” Lauren chuckled. “I seriously thought he’d have an ace up his sleeve.” 

“He had no way to know the two of you were working with us,” Rysa said before turning to gaze wistfully at me. “I just wish he chose a different day to do this. I was having so much fun.” 

“Umm… Mommy,” I toddled over to Rysa and the others. “If you would like… one more day wouldn’t hurt.” 

“You sure?” 


“You heard her Lauren,” Rysa gazed at Lauren with upturned eyes. “Put an extra day on the clock please.” 

“As you wish,” Lauren chuckled before poking me on the forehead. “The three of you continue to enjoy your time, we’ll take care of things here. As it just so happens, Forgetfulness was one of Deezer’s domains, so if you don’t mind Corrynthia, think you could take care of the crowd?” 

“I’m not sure if I can do it without practice.” 

“Come now, you’re a primordial, these things come naturally to us. So get with the memory deleting.” 

“I’ll do my best.” 

“Thank you,” Rysa smiled and picked me up before walking to wear Lucetta was standing, her skin paler than it’d ever been, her body still shivering in fear. “Come on Lucetta, it’s safe now,” Rysa said holding out her hand for the frightened girl to take. 

“Is he… really dead?” Lucetta asked gazing back at the square where Corrynthia had already begun to work her newly acquired powers. 

“Yes. It is impossible to take a primordial’s domain without killing them. There is no chance that Deezer survived. Though we still have to do battle with the one from our world, though even he should be easy to handle. Now that Corrynthia has the same powers as Deezer, she can counter his healing while we eliminate him.” 

“I thought we needed Libelle to kill him?” I asked tilting my head. 

“I thought we would too, but Lauren has been weaving quite the web of misfortune over the last week, and probably longer. His powers are quite impressive when given time to fully ensnare a target.” 

“Who will be god of time in our world after Corrynthia helps us kill Deezer there?” 

“We were going to give Otrea the position, but I’ve started to think better of it. Perhaps we will simply kill Deezer without granting his domain to anyone.”

“What about Otrea and Mommy Laura? Deezer erased their memories, don’t we need his time powers to save them?” 

“Even if she’s not our world’s goddess of time, Corrynthia should be able to save them. Our world is so similar to this one that she should find her powers as potent as they are here. I certainly haven’t noticed much degradation in what I am capable of doing.” 

“Can you leave me here until he’s gone,” Lucetta asked. “I don’t ever want to see that man again.” 

“Of course Lucetta, we will eliminate Deezer as quickly as possible and then bring you home when it is all over.” 

After Deezer’s failed attack the festival lost a bit of its luster. Deciding it would be just as fun to spend some quite family time together, Rysa, Lucetta, and I returned to Otrea’s manor, where I spent the following day being subjected to a variety of excessively embarrassing activities. From bath time, to an impromptu dress up show in front of everyone, I took a significant amount of mental damage just to make Rysa happy. 

“One more hour,” I groaned looking at the star-lit sky outside. “One more hour and I’ll be an adult again.” 

“Come on sweetie,” Rysa lifted me into her arms. “It’s past your bedtime. Since you’ve been such a good girl I’ll let you sleep with mommy tonight okay?” 

“I sleep with you all the time, Mommy.” 

Rysa giggled. “True, but pretend like it is a reward. It won’t be long till all of this is just a memory, I don’t want to waste a single second of it.” 


Laying me down in bed, Rysa laid down beside me and pulled me against her chest. “Goodnight Bernie.” 

“Night Mommy.” 

I awoke early the next morning to find myself lying naked in bed next to Rysa. Without Lauren’s magic facilitating the change, when I shifted back into my adult body the children’s clothes I’d been wearing didn’t change with me, instead they were shredded. 

As quietly as I could I slipped from bed and dressed myself in some of my clothes that’d been left on the nightstand. Proof that Rysa, or someone else, had known what would happen and had simply decided not to tell me. 

“Morning already?” Rysa yawned and turned to look at me. “Back to being my bunny Bernie again sweetie?” 

“Yeah, I’m all grown up.” 

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“Think you could let me make you a child again, every so often? Assuming Laura will use her powers on my behalf.” 

“Not a chance.” 

“Aww,” Rysa pouted. “But you were so cute!” 

“Being that cute took years off my life, I’d rather not sacrifice any more.” 

“You’ve got ten thousand years ahead of you, assuming you don’t ascend to godhood first. You could lose a few, it wouldn’t matter.” 

“It matters to me!” 

“Alright, I understand. Well, go have the servants make you breakfast, I need to check on Corrynthia and see how she is handling Deezer’s power. If she feels comfortable with it, I’d like to return home tonight.” 

“Home,” I felt myself smile at the thought of it. We’d finally acquired the power we needed to go home. I was going to be able to see everyone again. To them it would be as if no time at all had passed, but for me, I felt as if I’d spent far too long away from them. “Everyone will probably be so confused when I break down in tears at the sight of them. I miss them all so much.” 

“Me too honey,” Rysa smiled. “It’s only a matter of time now, everything happened faster than we could’ve ever hoped.” 

“Umm… Mommy Rysa, did you expect you’d have to kill this world’s Deezer? I guess I kind of thought he’d be willing to negotiate, to aid us if we left and never returned.” 

“I believed it was a possibility, and I believe things are better this way. Deezer’s desire for history to remain stuck in this one place, without any further advancements would bring about a great many undesirable consequences. Mortals have a right to evolve, to discover new things, to create new technologies, to worship new gods, it is not our place to stifle innovation and change.”

“Right, I guess he was against more than just there being a primordial demigoddess.”

“Go get yourself some food.” 

“Yes Mommy.” I did my best lispy toddler voice before leaving the room and heading downstairs. 

It ended up taking two more days for everyone to get ready, but once we were finished we assembled our team of Deezer destroyers. Surprisingly we had another god join our group in the form of Lauren, who said he simply couldn’t leave a job unfinished. 

Using a massively intricate divine ritual we tore open the fabric of reality and slipped into our own world, right as Mommy Laura collapsed to the ground. 

“How are there more of you,” Deezer growled as Otrea sent a bolt of lighting straight through his forehead. 

To ensure Deezer’s demise, Libelle lunged past me, sinking her claws into his throat. As the god of time’s body fell limp, Libelle stood and gazed back at me, smiling like a puppy looking to be praised. 

Gazing at the collapsed god of time, I turned back to Rysa in confusion. “Is that it? Really?!” 

“With Corrynthia here to counter his time-manipulation for healing, yeah. Deezer’s dead. A bit anticlimactic isn’t it?” 

“A bit?!” 

“Now then Corrynthia, please help Laura and our Otrea to regain their memories.” 

“Of course,” Corrynthia nodded before moving over to where Mommy Laura was laying and pressing her index finger to her forehead. 

A moment later, Mommy Laura opened her eyes and looked up at us. “Good work,” she congratulated us with a pained laugh. 

Corrynthia moved to touch Otrea next only to look back at us in horror. “She’s… not breathing.” 

“So… I did die,” Otrea said walking forward to gaze down at her fallen alternate self. “After everything Bernice said about you, about your ability to cheat death, you really let her down this time.” 

“Can’t you give me a few seconds to work my magic?” Otrea’s voice echoed throughout the room as a damaged bookshelf pulled away to reveal a hidden chamber. From there a short, young, black-haired woman strolled into the study with a self-assured smile on her face. “It’s hardly been a few minutes since I was nearly relieved of my every thought and memory. Even a failsafe takes time.” 

“Otrea?!” I gazed at the woman in confusion. “You don’t look anything like yourself.”

“Yes well, sometimes you need a failsafe that doesn’t immediately inform your enemies that you are you.”


“Well, when I created Eskame’s body I moved my soul into it via magic. It was efficient of course, but it required me to be in contact with her body. This left me with the thought, what if I could craft something of a teleportation circle within my own chest, though instead of transporting me, it would transport my soul. It weakened me a bit to keep it constantly active, but ultimately it worked. Right before Deezer could erase me, I simply discarded that shell, and teleported my soul into one I had awaiting it.” 

Alternate Otrea began laughing as she listened to hear counterpart talking. “I am bested. I still have a lot of work to do if I want to catch up with you.” 

“A few hundred years I’d wager,” Otrea said looking over us with confusion. “Corrynthia… and a younger version of me, did you travel to the past Bernice?” 

“Something like that.”

“Mind telling me all about it?” 

“Before that,” Harriette looked around the room. “What happened to Karolina’s soul… “ 

“It’s a long story, but she’s alive and well, she goes by Lucetta now too. We’ll be bringing her home once we clear up everything here.” 

“As long as she’s alive.” 

I smiled and nodded at Harriette before turning back to the black-haired Otrea. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to make everyone some coffee, this is a long story, so you’re gonna need it.” 

“That’s fine, but hurry. Curiosity is making me impatient.” 

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