Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 83: Chapter Seventy-Five – Back to Normal

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I regaled Harriette, Mommy Laura, and Otrea on our adventure over cups of coffee, doing my best to not miss a single detail. Once I was done with them, the alternate world Otrea, Libelle and Lauren returned home, with Lauren promising to bring Neige and Lucetta over soon. 

With Rysa promising to take care of anything troublesome that remained I returned to the manor and hunted down Eskame, Libelle, Adelita and Eurycelia, giving each of them the absolute tightest bear hug I could manage. 

“Did something bad happen, Bernice?” Adelita asked as I pulled her into my bedroom. 

“A lot of things happened, and I’m very glad to be home. But I’ll tell you and Euri the story tomorrow, right now I’m exhausted and I refuse to sleep alone.” 

I pushed my pink-haired undead girlfriend onto my bed and curled up beside her, happily snuggling against her body despite its lack of warmth.

“You know, Adelita, I heard from Euri that she beat Kyra at a game to see who could bed me first. Were you uninterested in such things?”

Adelita smiled and nuzzled me. “I was fine with Kyra having you first, so that I could observe and learn from the experience. I don’t want to be unsatisfying and make you hate me.” 

“I’d never hate you Adelita,” I leaned forward and pressed a kiss against Adelita’s lips. “And, if you’re feeling up to it, I’ve missed you a lot.” 

“Up… to it?” 

“Adult things.” 

Grabbing the blanket Adelita covered her face in embarrassment, leaving only her eyes uncovered so that she could look at me. “Umm… right now?” 

“If you’re feeling up to it.” 

“Umm… I-I want to, please allow me to make love to you Bernice.” 

Giggling I crawled atop of Adelita and slowly pulled the blankets away. “If you don’t mind, since I’m the experienced one now, I’ll take the lead. Just let me know if anything feels off, or if you don’t like something, okay?” 


After spending the night with Adelita, I awoke feeling happy and refreshed. Rolling over I gave Kyra, who’d taken over their shared body a kiss on the forehead. At first I’d planned to get dressed, kiss everyone, and make my way to my cafe, but a very jealous Kyra wouldn’t allow it. So I instead spent my morning doing what I’d done the night before, but with Krya this time. 

“Satisfied?” I giggled as I got out of bed, coated in sweat and smelling like sex. 

“Yes,” Kyra nodded and gazed at me with a dopey grin. “You came home with the aura of a carnivore.” 

“Even bunnies will hunt if deprived of food for long enough,” I giggled. “And I’ve spent far too long deprived of all the romantic hugs and kisses I need to survive.” 

“What will you do now?” 

“Kiss Euri, tell Libelle I love her, kiss her, ask her to be my girlfriend, then make my way to the cafe.” 

“You want to date your dragon?” 

“Yeah, I think I do,” I smiled and winked at Kyra. “She’s made up for all the bad things she did, and I’ve spent a bit of time with a past version of her so I think it’s time.” 

“As long as you’re happy I’m all for it, but I’m a little sad to know I have more competition for your attention.” 

“Well, there’s also Neige who you haven’t met yet. She’s a snow elf, she was a bit bristly when we met but I think she’ll be down for kissing me now.” 

“You’re just trying to make me jealous.” 

“Not at all. Wanna join me in the bath?” 

“Of course.” 

Kyra and I made our way to the large bathing pool beneath the manor where we were quickly joined by Euri and Eskame who leapt into the pool to hug me. 

“Big Sis! Euri said you needed cuddles!” 

“I always need cuddles from my adorable little sister,” I giggled petting her head. “You don’t know how much I’ve missed you.” 

“You missed me?” 

“I did. I went somewhere far away where time moves differently than it does here. Even if you think you just saw me a couple days ago, for me it feels like a really long time has passed since I saw you. Just hugging you yesterday wasn’t enough to refill my Eskame cuddle meter!” 

“Everyone but Libelle is here,” Euri noted kissing me on the temple before sinking into the water beside me. “Think you could tell us what happened?” 

“Sure.” I repeating the story as I’d told it the day before, paraphrasing some parts that I didn’t want Eskame to hear. 

“That sounds like a lot,” Euri noted snuggling up next to me. “I’m glad to have you back.” 

“Why didn’t you speak with the past version of me?” Kyra asked cuddling up to my other side. “I should’ve been around two hundred years ago.” 

“You and Adelita stayed cooped up in your bedroom most of the time I was at Otrea’s manor. I was a bit worried about bothering you, especially knowing how skittish Adelita was when we first met.” 

“I think we’d have both fallen in love with you all over again. You’re special Bernie, you can’t help but draw people to you.” 

“When do we get to meet Harriette’s improved younger sister?” Euri asked with a giggle. 

“She should be coming over soon, Lauren said he’d bring her.” 

“Harriette has a little sister too?!” Eskame beamed. “I can’t wait to meet her! And show her all my stuffed animals!” 

“She’d love that, I’m sure you and Lucetta will be the best of friends once you meet.” 


Once we’d finished with our bathtime cuddle session, Kyra and I dressed and headed for the cafe. Libelle it seemed was already there, as Otrea had informed her I’d want to see the place as soon as possible. 

“Libelle,” I grinned as soon as I saw her standing behind the bar, gazing pensively at my new espresso machine. “I’ve got so many things I want to talk to you about.” 

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For the third time, I retold the story of what’d happened to me, but this time I finished by taking Libelle by the hand and pulling her into a tight hug. “So, now that you know how long these last couple of days have been for me, it hopefully won’t sound so strange. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and, Libelle, would you be my girlfriend?” 

“Girlfriend… Master?” Libelle nearly choked, her face turning as red as her scales. 

“Is that a no?” 

Libelle gazed pensively at me, “I don’t think I would be a very good girlfriend, Master. I’ve never loved a mortal before, I’m not sure how to do it.” 

“Hmm, could you crouch down for me?” 

“Like this?” Libelle asked lowering her self. 

“Yes, like that.” Slowly weaving my hands through her hair I leaned forward and planted a kiss on Libelle’s forehead. “We can start with little bits of affection like this, and then work our way up from there. Sound like a plan?” 

“If this is what you want,” Libelle bashfully turned away from me. “I’m willing to be your girlfriend, Master.” 

“Wonderful,” Smiling I gave Libelle a few more forehead kisses before I released her, afraid she’d boil alive with how heated her face had become. Stepping away from her I moved along the bar, lightly brushing my fingers over the whole thing. “It’s finished, we can start serving coffee to the people of Lorepashe now.” 

It took me another two weeks before I was finally able to have my cafe’s grand opening. The hardest part of course, was coming up with a name for the place, I’d had a few candidates in the past but none of them seemed fitting now. Deciding to use Libelle for inspiration as my wonderful girlfriend and shift supervisor, I decided to name it ‘The Dragon’s Roost”. 

Libelle of course balked at the name, informing me that dragons were not birds, and they certainly did not roost. Due to her push back I changed it to ‘The Dragon’s Roastery’ which was both more coffee centric and invoked the image of our coffee beans being roasted to perfection with Libelle’s fire breath. 

“Congratulations on the grand opening!” Euri grinned, cradling a bottle of wine while Mommy Laura and Rysa brought a cake. 

“Thank you,” I smiled at them from behind the bar, turning to my recruited baristas, “Think you’ll be okay if I step into the back for a minute?” 


“Take your time Boss!” 

The grand opening had brought a lot of interested parties, but we weren’t swamped yet. The people of Lorepashe had never had coffee before, so many of them didn’t know they needed it yet. I assumed once people got hooked on it any future locations I opened would be swarmed from the beginning, I’d have to prepare my staff for that. 

“You decided to keep the red hair?” I asked Rysa and I guided them to a table in the backroom. 

“Yeah. I’m not fond of changing my avatar too frequently, I figured since I had it I’d keep it.” 

“You look good with it Mommy Rysa, that leaves Otrea as the only non-ginger in our family.” 

“For now,” Mommy Laura laughed, cutting up the cake so we all had a slice. “She’s kept the black hair so far, I’m sure she’d make it red if you asked her.” 

“I might, I’m still trying to convince her to come work a few shifts in the cafe. Has she traveled to the other world to meet with Ellione yet?” 

“Not yet, I actually think she’s frightened that Ellione will reject her.” 

“All the power in the world and too afraid to meet the woman who stole her heart, poor Otrea.” 

“Perhaps she’s afraid of getting in the way of her alternate self?” 

“Hmm, that Otrea didn’t seem too interested in romancing Ellione. I think I may have accidentally broken something when I told them she was destined to fall in love with her.” 

“All the more reason for our Otrea to stake her claim.” 

“I hope she does soon, before Ellione falls in love with someone else. But, besides all that, I thought you couldn’t leave the manor Euri? Isn’t the Council of Sorcery calling for your arrest?” 

“I took care of that,” Rysa smiled. “It was nothing a few threats of divine wrath couldn’t fix.” 

“My little coward is becoming such a tyrant,” Mommy Laura chuckled. “You’re a bad influence Baby Bernie.” 

“I didn’t do anything!” 

“You didn’t? I heard you allowed my counterpart to turn you into quite an adorable little girl. Rysa was over the moon that she got to cuddle with you in toddler form.” 

“Aww,” Euri pouted. “I wish I could’ve seen it.” 


“Well now Baby Bernie, we can’t disappoint your future wife, can we?” With a snap of her finger Mommy Laura transformed me into a little kid, too small for my hands to even reach the tabletop while sitting in my chair. 

“Turn me back!” 

“Hmm… let me see, I think a week will do. How’s that Euri, one whole week with the babiest Baby Bernie, would that make you happy?” 

“I’d love that. I’m sure Eskame would too, she’s been so heartbroken after Lucetta started avoiding her.” 

“Euri, you traitor! I have a cafe to run, you can’t do this to me.” 

“Oh don’t worry Baby Bernie, I’ll stick around to make sure your cafe runs just fine. After all, you learned everything you know about coffee from me.” 

“I learned everything I know about coffee from YouTube, you were always running away!” 

“Aww someone’s a cranky little girl isn’t she? Perhaps you should take her home Euri, I think Baby Bernie needs a nap.” 

“I swear you’ll regret this!” I shouted at Mommy Laura as Euri lifted me from my chair and began to carry me out of the backroom. 

[Book 2 End - Next chapter will be Book 2’s Epilogue]

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