Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 9: Chapter Nine – I Happen to Enjoy Studying

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After we returned to my bedroom I set to work reading through the Dragon Tongue books Harriette had acquired. After all, I could already use [Fire Magic] so the fruits of my labor would be useful quite quickly.

As I studied I realized that Dragon Tongue was similar to Latin on Earth. Nobody really spoke the language, and most considered it dead. Even Scaleborn like Harriette spoke the Common Tongue as their primary language. The only use Dragon Tongue had was magic, where it reigned supreme.

Anyone who refused to learn Dragon Tongue would never truly succeed in magic. The books I was given had many theories as to why this was, however nobody knew the answer definitively. I guess it was one of many questions I had for Fred if they ever let me talk to them without randomly reacting to things I thought and said.

“I’m guessing I don’t really need to learn how to speak this huh?”

“No. The second tome is actually far more useful than the first. It has different spells listed and what tier the author thinks is minimum for them. All you need is to memorize the spell, knowing the meaning is pointless. All you need to understand is what effect casting it will cause.”

“But if I learn how to speak Dragon Tongue won’t I be able to make up new spells on the fly? Wouldn’t that be more useful?”

“Not really. New untested magic could have wildly unexpected effects, you could drain your magic completely and leave yourself comatose. I only brought the book if you wanted to cross-reference it with the spellbook. Your curiosity is nearly boundless so I prepared for it.”

“That’s really sweet of you.”

“Isn’t that what big sisters are for?”

My jaw dropped as I stared at Harriette for a bit. “You’re really trying to be my big sister?”

“It’s what you wanted. Besides I’ve decided a sister roleplay could be fun. All of my siblings are older than me, so having a younger sister sounds like fun.”

Ah… my heart hurts a little bit.

“It’s just roleplay then, huh?” I couldn’t keep the heartbreak out of my voice. Though I didn’t quite understand why her words hurt me so much.

Come on, don’t get attached, Bernie. This is the same girl who choked you for looking at her funny.

“For now,” Harriette giggled, petting my head. “I’m sure the longer we spend together the more real our relationship will become. After all much like an older sibling I’m responsible for teaching you and protecting you from danger.”

“Will you only be teaching and protecting me?”

“I don’t know. The only family I saw in your memories was the woman you called ‘Aunt Laura’. I don’t really know how older sibling act in your world, and I’m sure my siblings are a poor example of mine. My older sister did attempt to murder me after all.”

“Ah… I don’t really know what they’re like either, outside of stories that is. I never had siblings, and I can only vaguely recall my parents. Whenever I try to think about them… my heart aches, and I can’t bear it.”

“Then perhaps we could start with you giving me instructions on how older siblings in your stories acted. Is there anything I could do right now to feel more like an older sister to you?”

“Maybe… you could start by sleeping with me?”

After getting a taste of being the little spoon with Otrea, I really wanted to try it out with Harriette. After all she was far kinder to me, so I expected it would be even more enjoyable.

“You’re a little young for such activities aren’t you?” Harriette’s cheeks turned a deep red and she averted her gaze.

Oh… she really misunderstood me!

“Not like that!” I quickly shouted waving my hands wildly. “I meant cuddling me, like Otrea did last night. Holding me close to you and falling asleep in the same bed.”

“I guess we could do that,” Harriette answered turning to face me. Her cheeks retaining their new tomato-like hue.

“Otrea wouldn’t get mad?”

“I doubt it. She’d probably just see it as proof you’ll never leave this place. I’m never leaving her side, and if you grow attached to me, you probably won’t either.”

“I guess that’s understandable,” I said grabbing the spellbook and flipping through it. “Is there a place I can practice this stuff?”

“The forest. If you’d like I’ll go prepare a late breakfast for you and then we can go train. We need to go out there and look around for some coffee trees anyway.”

“Sounds wonderful!”

Breakfast was a mixture of sweet berries and carrots. As much as I hated to be the stereotypical carrot-loving bunnygirl, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Once I finished eating Harriette grabbed my plate and dropped a small leather coin-purse into my lap. “Go ahead and put your books in there while I clean up.”

“Umm, Harriette?” I held up the tiny coin-purse. “I’ve never seen a book small enough to fit inside this thing. How do you expect me to shove these thick monsters inside?”

Ah… My new ‘Big Sister’ is insane.

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Harriette sighed. “The bag is enchanted with [Space Magic], it can hold nearly as much volume as a large backpack. Don’t worry about the bag’s opening being too small either. Once you try to put something inside it’ll just slip in. Understand?”

“Understood.” I replied gazing mesmerized at the little leather coin-purse. “How many of these do you have? Can I keep this one?”

“I believe there are five such magic bags in Lady Otrea’s possession. I’m simply borrowing this one from her so I do not have the authority to give it to you. If you truly want one perhaps you could ask Lady Otrea during your next cuddle session.”

“There is going to be a next cuddle session?”

“Why wouldn’t there be? Your ears are soft and your body is small, two qualities that make you very cuddle-able. Now put your books away and I’ll be right back.”

“I wonder how short I actually am,” I mumbled to myself as I stuffed books into the magic coin-purse.

On Earth I’d been a very respectable five-foot-six-inches tall. There were still lots of people taller than me, but there were still shorties who I got to tower over.

Here it seemed every woman I met was at least a head taller than me, and I kept getting called short. I didn’t really feel like I’d grown shorter. Was everyone in this world just taller?

“Are you ready Bernice?” Harriette asked appearing in the doorway.

“Yes!” I replied padding after her as the two of us made our way outside.

Honestly walking the caverns with Harriette was always quite reassuring. Her glowing horns were just bright enough that I could actually make out parts of the tunnel. Far better than traveling with Otrea who just dragged me along in the darkness.

“Hey, Harriette.”

“Yes, Bernice?”

“How tall are you?”

“I am just over six wands tall. Why do you ask?”

Ah… wands? That doesn’t help me in the slightest.

“Why are people measured in wands?”

“Consistency. For reasons the scholars are still debating, only a single length of wand is ever functional. So no matter who makes it, no matter what materials they use, all functional wands will be the exact same length as all other functional wands.”

“How tall would I be in wands?”

“Five wands? Perhaps five and a quarter wands.” 

I guess if I ever figure out how long a wand is I can translate that to something I actually understand.

“Alright, this should be a good place.” Harriette noted after coming to a stop beside a small stream. “Pull out your spellbook and launch a [Pyrobolt] at those rocks over there.”


“Should be one of the first spells for beginners listed in the book.”

Flipping through the spellbook I finally stumbled upon the spell Harriette was referring to. After spending a little bit of time mumbling the spell to myself, and getting Harriette to clarify some pronunciation, I was ready.

Pointing the palm of my hand towards the rocks I chanted the spell. “[Pyrobolt]!”

As soon as my chant completed a torch-sized flame flickered to life and curled into an arrow-like shape. Then it launched itself towards the rocks exploding into a small ring of fire upon impact.

Wow… this is so much better than my tiny lighter flame!

“I did it!” I squealed bouncing up and down.

“I really really did it!” Unable to contain my excitement I pounced Harriette and hugged her tightly. “I did real magic and it wasn’t a teeny tiny little thing. Thank you so much!”

“You’re welcome Bernice.” Harriette chuckled, petting my head. “How about we keep practicing till you have that one memorized?”



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